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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/29/18 in Posts

  1. About 4 months ago I made a thread sharing some random stats about the game. I figured I would make an update and add some stuff. Politics & War currently has 7187 members, an increase of 98 members since last time. The nation breakdown by city count, and the increases/decreases from last time: The nation breakdown by continent, and the increases/decreases from last time: Other misc stats, and the increases/decreases from last time: Top alliance per city count: Excludes applicants and vacation mode members, and alliances under the top 55.. Alliances by most Global wars participated in. There has been 10 Global Wars: World War Alpha · Marionette War · Great VE War · Proxy War · Oktoberfest · 168 Day War ·NPO's First Time ♥ · Silent War · Papers, Please · The Trail of Tiers Red italics denotes alliances who have disbanded/merged/rebranded, alliances that have rebranded or merged are counted as separate entries when applicable.
    11 points
  2. Band of the Hawk This is the official notice that the alliance formally known as the Nuclear Legion has re-branded and formed the Band of the Hawk. Thank you for your time. (I like short and sweet statements.)
    8 points
  3. OMG this is ground breaking! The spheres of Orbis are going to change sooooo much! This will fundamentally redefine the game! If I got 1 cent for every micro treaty, I would be rich af rn.
    5 points
  4. I was rebranding before it was cool.
    4 points
  5. >Gets raided, can't defend >batphones other alliances for protection >protection not retroactive >quits I stand by my original assessment, you are spineless and a weak leader.
    3 points
  6. Due to circumstances, Guinness is officially disbanded. On behalf of Guinness, Beans and I would like to thank everyone who stood behind us. You know who you are! To many to name, sorry! That is all!
    2 points
  7. I look forward to you announcing the Spanish Cat, and then disbanding it.
    2 points
  8. For a second I thought it was another Lordaeron announcement...what a shame.
    2 points
  9. Sooner or later Max will get in control of your AA, eventually sabotage it, leave, come back, and then rebrand it. Congrats though on cutting the first couple steps out.
    2 points
  10. Why are you whining than, just roll them and get on with it
    2 points
  11. Well, one could say I'm a bit late to do this. Although it never required. But I'm doing it anyway. Hello everyone, I'm the head of FA for Northern Realms, which about a week ago decided to rename to The Imperium of Man. Fully embracing our Warhammer 40k spirit and ideals. We are currently a protectorate of The Knights Radiant and, aside from removing about a dozen or two leeches that wouldn't even grow beyond 5 cities despite all the grant money you could want for low-costing cities being shaken at them, the only REAL thing we may be known for currently is indirectly starting The Compass War after responding to a raid on one of our active members from NSR with a full-scale counter-attack. Which, apparently, caused Major alliances to accelerate their own plans to hit NSR which appeared to cause the Compass War to trigger early. Let's face it, it was gonna happen. We just made it happen sooner by accident. So, praise our God Emperor and all that. You can call me a religious skeptic so it's a little ironic, in a way. Awkward and probably strange introductions aside, we do continue to look to grow both our own alliance and our friendly connections with the community. As friendly as you can get when every major is armed with enough nukes to send Orbis into a mini-ice age and then some. If you can wait the oh-so many hours it takes to launch a single nuclear device. If you're looking to drop by in our Discord, feel free to do so. Just obey the rules when you arrive, failure to do so may result in immediate execution by the Inquisition or a very upset and strongly worded letter. Whichever reaches you first. But hey, stick around, we play some video games like Rainbow Six Siege and Warframe as two examples. So yeah, that's about it. Protectorate, accidentally started a war that got us on the PaW wiki as NR, we have a discord, play games, etc. Thus I will now leave you a picture of some of our fine marines patrolling the Imperium to keep the people safe: Now if you wanted to know about me. That's another unnecessary and unimportant because I don't matter enough in Orbis story.
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. how many fails is that now? try, try again i suppose....
    1 point
  14. Look how far they've fallen since... So much for their once glorious 5 million score.
    1 point
  15. This whole thread is just a real poke to the scrote.
    1 point
  16. Too soon? Gotta learn to laugh at humanity...the only other option is depression and no one has time for that noise.
    1 point
  17. Re-branding, changing alliances, creating and destroying and remaking...yeah I know.
    1 point
  18. Is this a coup or something or are you just really bad at transitioning into power?
    1 point
  19. come back when you have something relevant to say so never
    1 point
  20. I think Americans, and people in general, are just starting to see the slippery slope has no end point. First, it was acceptance for Bisexuals and Homosexuals which I think most people find reasonable. Then, it is acceptance for Trans, which is on a lot shakier ground. Now, it is acceptance for grown men pretending to be little girls. People claiming to not even be human with the whole -kin nonsense. People claiming you can be a girl at 2pm and a boy at 3. There's even a push for accepting pedophilia on the basis of it being just another orientation. Mainstreaming robot love won't be too far behind with the explosion of the sex robot industry. Where is the end point? On top of this, you have people from the LGBwhatever crowd attempting to control the language, and stifling freedom of speech. They scary part is people believe their drivel and are passing laws taking rights away in the name of "social justice" and "respect". Of course one could argue that those saying the above are just from a vocal minority; they don't represent the movement. Which, of course, makes sense. However, my follow up would be "where's the disavowal?", considering no one in the movement is attempting to shout these people down. The above, added with things like pride parades and the general fear most have when discussing any of these issues publicly, turns people off. These stats aren't surprising.
    1 point
  21. Oh yes the controversial LGBQVXYTRKBZ152%$#MCDONALDS
    1 point
  22. Thank you so much for the informative update Kastor, I was dying to know what was going on.
    1 point
  23. Welcome and good luck
    1 point
  24. We were originally Then kastor left and we changed Identity Crises Stage And today we announce the new alliance But in all seriousness we believe its time to go back to our roots. I personally started here when we were Lordaeron fell in love with the community as many others have. While some of the old timers have left, we have always been a place where people can come back to and call home once again. Lordaeron stands proud to this day.
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. I think you mistyped your title. I'm almost certain it was meant to be Frederick is pathetic.
    1 point
  27. why am i speaking for both parties?
    1 point
  28. You know whats more pathetic? Crying on the forum about other people being pathetic You dont see Arrgh sobbing on the OWF every time someone counters us xD
    1 point
  29. Keegoz, your first and last mistake in this thread was responding to Clarke. Let him wear his tin foil hat.
    1 point
  30. Who doesn't like to think of kastor as their pet snail? I certainly do. J'aime Kastor, le petit escargot.
    1 point
  31. *Invites KT to roll BC in a 2v1* *gets mad when BC and KT 2v1 AO*
    1 point
  32. + 701,416.28 (superSEKRIT treaties)
    1 point
  33. TKR 283,903.03 Pantheon 194,538.84 TCW 176,612.23 Imperium of Man 35,543.94 Purple Flower Garden 4,704.18 Wigglytuffs Guild 3,281.50 ???
    1 point
  34. this whole inquisition thing sure has brought along loads of incest treaties How all of these IQ treaties would look in real life: Person1 in IQ family - "we're going to marry [Person2 in IQ]" Person3 in IQ - "go ahead, we're marrying them soon too" Person4 in IQ - "word, we need to make sure we're married to as many of our siblings as possible. Long live IQ!"
    1 point
  35. One MDoAP is so 2017, setting new trends here, good job guys
    1 point
  36. This is incorrect. There are at least nine players before this post who have expressed varying degrees of skepticism or opposition to the idea. Several of them have quite a few more than six or seven cities, and several of them are older players. I've quoted them below for reference. Rather than making ad hominem attacks on @Psweet, I'd suggest you address the substance of his posts. None of his arguments have been framed as a defense of his legacy or material interest in private banking; rather, they've been constructive critiques of a proposal that is explicitly based on reducing risk and inter-player interaction. If you don't want to take it from @Psweet, take it from @Sketchy or @Dr Rush or any of the other players posting critiques based on the balance effects of this proposal. Your responses have still largely failed to explain how this would positively affect the game balance: Why is reducing inter-player interaction a good thing? What, exactly, is wrong with incentivizing players to rely on alliances, banks, or one another for liquid cash? Inflation is a persistent and growing problem in the game. The whole point of the resource update was partially counteract the effects of inflation. Telling us that the extra cash created will total only tens of millions of dollars a day doesn't address the facts that: 1) Inflation is a compounding, long-term problem (tens of millions of dollars today that are reinvested become even more cash tomorrow). 2) Creating a world bank would induce a greater supply of lendable money and thus of interest payments to players and alliances (therefore, ceteris parabus, increasing inflation). 3) Income that is totally divorced from material production in-game (e.g. buying infrastructure or producing resources) is an inherently troublesome proposition both in the sense that makes the game less immersive (the reason lending or borrowing money is lucrative in real life is the capacity to invest it in productive activity) and in the sense that it risks inflation. (If investing, directly or indirectly, in infrastructure or resources is more lucrative than investing in the world bank it will be preferable; if not, then you've created an asset with artificially high returns, which in turn drives inflation even higher than it already is.) In short, this is a deeply flawed proposal that should not be implemented.
    1 point
  37. I figured I'd link my previous posts about the API, and then include some extra stuff below. Other notes: All API pages should have the header media type of "application/json" All date/times should be in the format "1990-12-31T23:00:00Z". Dates are fine as "1990-12-31" Date Founded for Alliances API should be called "founded" (this seems to be standard), not "founddate" Alliance API is missing Date Founded Versioning: Should accept the HTTP Header "X-PNWAPI-Version" (or similar), which should just contain a simple version number, eg "1.9.0". If there is no header, it defaults to the latest version. Authentication: Should accept the HTTP Header "Authorization", which should contain "Bearer: <api_key>", eg "Bearer: 6ecf12cc109d9a". If there is no header, it should return the json "{error: "Not Authorised"}" or similar (this allows you to rate limit all API requests then). Result Filtering: Allow the results to be filtered, example "api/nations/?filter=id:lte:1000" (all nations with a nation id less than or equal to 1000) Field Selection: Allow the fields to be altered from the default, example "api/nations/?fields=id,name,leader,alliance_id" Of course, these can be both combined into "api/nations/?fields=id,name,leader,alliance_id&filter=id:lte:1000" Alternate suggestion for API endpoints (as opposed to my above posts). Might be overkill. api/orbis/ - current game information { orbis_date: <date>, //eg 1990-12-31 server_time: <date/time> //eg 1990-12-31T23:00:00Z season: <string>, //one of summer/autumn/winter/spring radiation: { global: <decimal>, africa: <decimal>, ... } } api/orbis/nations/ - all nations, default to the fields listed in my above post api/orbis/nations/<nation_id>/ - specific lookup for a nation api/orbis/nations/<nation_id>/cities/ - all cities for a nation api/orbis/nations/<nation_id>/cities/<city_id>/ api/orbis/cities/<city_id>/ - specific lookup of a city api/orbis/nations/<nation_id>/cities/<city_id>/improvements/ api/orbis/cities/<city_id>/improvements/ - all improvements for a city api/orbis/nations/<nation_id>/improvements/ - all improvements for a nation (to save having to loop through the above API endpoint api/orbis/nations/<nation_id>/military/ - military information and stats for the nation { soldiers: 1000, ... stats: { soldiers: { casualties: 200, killed: 500 }, ... } } api/orbis/nations/<nation_id>/projects/ - project information for the nation api/orbis/nations/<nation_id>/wars/ - list all wars for a particular nation api/orbis/alliances/ - all alliances, default to the fields listed in my above post api/orbis/alliances/<alliance_id>/ - specific lookup of an alliance api/orbis/alliances/<alliance_id>/members/ - list of all nations in the alliance (as per api/orbis/nations/ defaults), including those on vacation and leaders/heirs/officers, excluding applicants api/orbis/alliances/<alliance_id>/leaders/ api/orbis/alliances/<alliance_id>/heirs/ api/orbis/alliances/<alliance_id>/officers/ - list all nations with only the specific roles api/orbis/alliances/<alliance_id>/applicants/ - list of all nations who are applicants to the alliance api/orbis/alliances/<alliance_id>/members/resources/ - list the resources of an alliance's members { { id: <integer>, //nation_id coal: <decimal>, ... money: <decimal> }, ... } api/orbis/alliances/<alliance_id>/applicants/resources/ - list the resources of an alliance's applicants api/orbis/alliances/<alliance_id>/bank/ - list of all bank records - use filters to restrict to just tax records api/orbis/alliances/<alliance_id>/bank/resources/ - list the resources stored in the alliance's bank { coal: <decimal>, ... money: <decimal> } api/orbis/alliances/<alliance_id>/wars/ - list of wars for the alliance api/orbis/market/ - summary of market information for all resources api/orbis/market/<resource_name>/ - summary of market information for a specific resource api/orbis/market/<resource_name>/buy_offers/ - all buy offers currently available api/orbis/market/<resource_name>/sell_offers/ - all buy offers currently available api/orbis/treaties/ api/orbis/treaties/<alliance_id>/
    1 point
  38. Just build up and raid everyone else
    1 point
  39. -1 points
  40. -1 points
  41. you boys trying to sabotage my bank was very sweet guys, thank you so much for the attention. I love you too https://pastebin.com/2sXeu9ur
    -1 points
  42. It's not called whining, it's called mocking retard. Our retaliation happened in game and we're giving them a hell of a fight considering they needed a plethora of alliances to bail them out.
    -1 points
  43. Kynlo fell off his horse. Gorge has assumed the throne! Long live the (boy) king!
    -1 points
  44. Merge any aa from the top 10 into any other aa from the top 10. Literally any of them. Maybe then they'd feel big enough to do something. Disband KT because useless and icky. Roll everybody.
    -1 points
  45. GPC fought in at least 1-2 wars
    -1 points
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