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James II

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James II last won the day on August 13 2024

James II had the most liked content!



  • Member Title
    Pontifex Atomicus

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Leader Name
    James II
  • Nation Name
  • Nation ID
  • Alliance Name
    Church Of Atom

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James II's Achievements

Exalted Member

Exalted Member (7/8)



  1. I think the edit you did with the post, is what you actually do in your head. What a sad reality.
  2. Why does every Rose-Sing sphere DoW look like a website from the 90s?
  3. You should create a sphere and enforce these things.
  4. Let's be civil friends! No need to be haughty.
  5. The Church strongly condemns the killing of civilians. But have fun with the combatants!
  6. Good luck, and for Atom's sake please mind the civilians!
  7. From The Office Of His Holiness We have seen the community grow, and the people in it. Many come and go as their lives call for it, some slip into inactivity, and others take on a smaller role. These evolutions in our lives should be celebrated. Usually, alliances have someone to replace those who get busy or grow bored with the game. Being a non-mass recruit alliance, Church of Atom does not have this luxury. So, it is with both a joyous and sorrowful heart that this chapter now comes to an end. Most of us have grown far too busy, and this has been due for some time. We would like to thank our allies, former allies, enemies and the community at large for the time we’ve spent here. Whether we fought against or with you, your presence here is appreciated. Even to those we never worked with and were always at odds with. We wish everyone here the very best and hope nothing but good things for you (Both in-game and out.) Event Horizon has agreed to protect us while our members gain their bearings. SAIL was given notice some time ago. His Holiness Pontifex Emeritus, James II His Holiness Pontifex Atomicus, RandomNoobster All the Cardinals. tldr; CoA is disbanding, Event Horizon Is protecting during this time, We love everyone here and wish you all the very best!
  8. What are you talking about? You can't help but ally TKR and hit Aurora can you. Ironic
  9. Why would they feel wrong? Who is telling them they did anything wrong? Camelot paid off your debts and I'll hazard a guess improved quality of life for your alliance. You essentially stole from them then jumped ship as soon as things got hairy. The public is laughing at you, not Camelot. In fact, Camelot has probably earned a -little- respect from people for how they handled your insolence. At least from me anyway.
  10. get wrecked @xDragox Let's be nice to new people, we lose too many! Did you freeze his assets before or after he left? With someone at 6 cities we would have taken the time to explain why it was a bad idea to make a large withdrawal during wartime. We've never had anyone insist they should receive it still. It's all about that respekt. Can't expect a 30 day old nation to have the same knowledge as a 10 year old nation, or even 6 month. That's still baby nation territory.
  11. Sexism isn't surprising coming from you.
  12. I don't blame you. Even when you look up, all you see is our boot.
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