From The Office Of His Holiness
We have seen the community grow, and the people in it. Many come and go as their lives call for it, some slip into inactivity, and others take on a smaller role. These evolutions in our lives should be celebrated. Usually, alliances have someone to replace those who get busy or grow bored with the game. Being a non-mass recruit alliance, Church of Atom does not have this luxury. So, it is with both a joyous and sorrowful heart that this chapter now comes to an end. Most of us have grown far too busy, and this has been due for some time.
We would like to thank our allies, former allies, enemies and the community at large for the time we’ve spent here. Whether we fought against or with you, your presence here is appreciated. Even to those we never worked with and were always at odds with. We wish everyone here the very best and hope nothing but good things for you (Both in-game and out.)
Event Horizon has agreed to protect us while our members gain their bearings. SAIL was given notice some time ago.
His Holiness Pontifex Emeritus, James II
His Holiness Pontifex Atomicus, RandomNoobster
All the Cardinals.
tldr; CoA is disbanding, Event Horizon Is protecting during this time, We love everyone here and wish you all the very best!