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  1. Love how extra spaces between AAs were added for the EVH coalition to try to make it look like less of a dogpile
    41 points
  2. What up my piggas? It was a good war yo.
    39 points
  3. The citizens of the Eternal Empire of Rose waited in the quiet evening, assembling in the vast plaza outside the grand palace. The time had come for a new leader to take the helm, following the retirement of Emperor Lucianus. The quiet rumblings of the crowd fell silent as the doors of the palace swung open. The era of Lucianus was drawing to a close, and a new chapter would soon begin. Through the grand doorway, Mike, the election chair, emerged and made his way to the podium. The air was thick with anticipation as he prepared to speak. “I have counted and verified every vote made, and I am pleased to announce the results of this election. The people of Rose have spoken, and their will is clear. Today, we usher in a new era of leadership. Rosians, I present to you your newly elected Emperor—Krameleon!” From the front of the crowd, the newly pronounced Emperor rose from where the candidates had been seated and made his way up the steps to the podium, acknowledging the crowd with expressions of gratitude along the way. Upon reaching the podium, he quietly thanked Mike before turning to face the assembled Rosians. “As I step forward today, humbled and honored, I stand before you as your newly elected Emperor. I, Krameleon, have been entrusted with the responsibility to lead Rose into its next chapter, and I promise to serve you with dedication, vision, and strength. Together, we will grow stronger, rise higher, and create a future worthy of our great alliance. Yet, I do not embark on this journey alone. Alongside me stands a team of exceptional leaders who are ready to guide Rose into this new era. My two High Justices, my left and right hand, Kurdanak and Diamond, will stand beside me to ensure that our path is just and our governance strong. Many familiar faces will return to the cabinet to ensure continuity and success in every aspect of our alliance, while a couple new faces come in to bring fresh ideas and energy to further our progress. At my side to assist me in leading our alliance is Jordan - Horizon Guard of Internal Affairs, Borga - Horizon Guard of Economic Affairs, Mateus - Horizon Guard of Technological Affairs, Odium - Horizon Guard of Military Affairs, and George - Horizon Guard of Foreign Affairs. Alongside them, a host of Knights, Captains, and Skytroopers come with to play key parts in building our future. Most importantly, however, is every single one of you. It is only with the support of every Rosian that Rose’s future can shine. Today marks the dawn of a new era for Rose. Under our banner, we will rise together—stronger, more united, and more determined than ever. Together, we will ensure that the Eternal Empire of Rose flourishes into tomorrow. Let us move forward, side by side, and reach for greatness.” New Rose Government: Emperor (Leader): Krameleon High Justice (2IC): Kurdanak High Justice (2IC): DiamondBlocker10 Horizon Guard of Internal Affairs (High Gov): Jordan Horizon Guard of Military Affairs (High Gov): Odium Horizon Guard of Foreign Affairs (High Gov): George Horizon Guard of Economic Affairs (High Gov): Borga Horizon Guard of Technological Affairs (High Gov): Mateus TL;DR - The Rose elections have concluded, and Krameleon has been elected the new Emperor (Leader) of Rose.
    35 points
  4. Singularity is undergoing some significant changes in leadership. Anri, my co-leader, is retiring from leadership. Anri has been with Singularity from its inception and has made an immeasurable contribution to what we are as an alliance. His military prowess during global wars is unmatched, and he has had a hand in overseeing every war we’ve been in since we’ve started. He is one of - if not the most underrated MA figures in this game, as there is no one else you’d rather be on your side in times of crisis or in the pressure room when everybody else is panicking. When shit hits the fan, he is the person you can rely on to carry the alliance. Through time, his competency in every aspect of the game mechanics and his ability to make the correct decisions under pressure has been proven time and time again. Aside from his IC contributions, Anri has had a calming presence on all of us and was sometimes what kept us together through trying times. He is truly a rare gem, an absolutely amazing person to hang out with and the best friend you could ever have. The impact he has had on our culture will last forever, as he has shaped what it means to be a part of and play in SIN. We thank him for everything he’s done for us whilst in Leadership, and we wish him a peaceful retirement as the first Prime Legacy of Singularity. In his place, we’ll be promoting Abaddon to co-leader, to help lead the alliance into the next stage. Abaddon has been a vital part of our internal management as a second in command, helping to manage our IA department, assist with Econ, and help manage our Milcom during war. Abaddon will be stepping up to continue assisting both internally, and now externally in the management of Singularity in the future. With Abaddon moving up to leadership, our current FA Head, Tartarus, will be taking his place as our new second in command. Tartarus has been a fundamental part of our FA, working as my counterpart to push forward the objectives of our alliance. He’ll continue to operate in this role, with additional authority. TLDR: Anri retires, Abaddon promoted to leadership, Tartarus becomes 2ic, and you are still a !@#$ for not reading the full post.
    34 points
  5. Cease and Desist Order from The House™️ From the law offices of Chip, Dice & Blitz, Attorneys at War Date: February 14, 2105 To: The "New" House Number 71, Alliance Rankings Lane, Page 2, Orbis Dear Imitators, We hope this letter finds you well (but not too well). After all, you're currently squatting on our turf, and we’re here to kindly ask you to pack up and leave. You see, The House™️ always wins — and that includes trademark disputes. It has come to our attention that you have launched an alliance under the highly esteemed, fiercely protected, and dare we say trademarked name: The House™️. While imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, we must regrettably inform you that our lawyers aren’t flattered, and they tend to play pretty aggressively both in and out of court. We are, of course, an understanding bloc. We get it: The House™️ is the kind of name you want to bet on, to root for, and maybe even aspire to be. But like any solid game of chance, you have to know when to fold. This, dear friends, is your cue. That said, as much as we enjoy a good legal showdown, we’d much rather handle this amicably. But if you're set on continuing this pathetic attempt at identity theft, know that we have quite a few aces up our sleeves. Thus, we kindly demand that you cease and desist from using the name The House™️ within the next 72 hours. Failure to do so will result in us taking further action, which may include, but shall not be limited to: Rebranding your alliance for you (we’re thinking The Shack has a nice ring to it); Sending our most grumpy representatives to your doorstep (and believe us, they know how to knock down a door); and Filing a formal complaint in the Court of Thalmoria — and be forewarned: we have an unfortunate abundance of lawyers among our high gov ranks. Such is our burden. Let’s not make this more dramatic than it needs to be. We both know that The House™️ always wins. Govern yourselves accordingly. Sincerely, The Actual, Original, Trademarked The House™️ MDP Bloc
    34 points
  6. Folks, if you said that we would still be alive eight years ago, we might not have believed you. After all, every day is a blessing at our age. But we are still kicking, and today marks Grumpy’s eighth anniversary. Some of you old farts probably heard the story of how Grumpy was founded. But the youngins might not know it, so listen up: Eight years ago today, an old geezer named Sweeeeet Ronny D thought to himself, “Oh man, taxes are the worst. Why am I paying taxes to go to nations that will just end up quitting in a few months when I know best how to spend my own money?” And with that, Grumpy Old Bastards came into existence. Over the past eight years, we have kicked everyone's butts and had our butts kicked. Grumpy would not be what it is today without the support of many alliances over the past eight years. Thank you to our former allies: Hogwarts, The Commonwealth, Error 404, Children of the Light, The Golden Horde, Oblivion, Guardian, The Knights Templar, Name Withheld, Black Knights, Mayhem, and The Immortals. Thank you to our current allies, The Knights Radiant and The Sword Coast, for your support. Also, I want to thank the many alliances that we’ve fought over the years because you guys have kept this game fun. Most importantly, Grumpy would not exist without all of the wonderful members that we've had over the past eight years. Thank you to our founding Grumpy members: Aenir, Korben, Goldie, and Ajax for taking a leap of faith with SRD. Thank you to our longstanding members: Sammy, Belisarius, Felandos, Senatorius, Inconnu, Tamer, Trevor, Boysun, Malinok, Sephiroth, AkAk, Rosen, Alex, Lightside, Brumle, Hillbilly, Boxcar Jim, M3, Eragon, Dark Lord, Alrea, Big Boy Tony, Levei, Forethought, Whiskerz, Vasir, and Wolfy for all of your contributions over the years. Thank you to rapmanej, Kieran, and Henrik for your contributions over the past year as new members. Thank you to all of our former members: Warhawk, Master, Don Juan, Jim Beam, Printer, Blackass, Seb, Hodor, El, Blink, Vice, Verlion, Shadows, Alexio, Evulfuson, Hamiltenor, and Namukara. I am especially grateful to Fi for his help over the two years. I am also thankful for SRD, who I’ve very much enjoyed playing this dumb nation sim with and who assembled this wonderful alliance that I am proud to lead. Here is to the next eight years!
    30 points
  7. It's so disappointing to see another 6-month NAP right after a 6.5-month one, for a war that was nothing except for a dogpile... And to think some of these alliances were sitting idle for almost a year.
    28 points
  8. 6 month nap, boring, absolutely shameful to see
    22 points
  9. Event Horizon, Knights Templar, Legion of Dawn, Blackwater, Vault-Tec, and Royal Alba Charter Company surrender to the combined forces of the Greatest Dogpile Ever™ & The Immortals 1. Surrender and 4 month NAP. The NAP will expire on February 1st, 00:00 UTC. 2. Signatories may defend direct non chaining Mutual Defense treaties with non signatories, against other signatories without breaching the nap. 3. Signatories may **not** defend chaining Mutual Defense treaties with non signatories, in which the party being defended is the aggressor. 4. Signatories may **not** defend Optional Defense treaties with non signatories, against signatories. 5. War termination: Peace will take effect as soon as the post is made on the forums. The forum post announcing peace will be made by a representative of the rose-sing coalition. Representatives of the EVH coalition will know what day and during which turn peace will take effect, but will not be informed on the exact time the forum post is made. Any wars declared prior to peace may be finished by beige, peace, or expiration. Any wars declared after peace must be peaced as soon as possible. 6. All alliances to return to their pre war colour. 7. EvilPiggyFooFoo will be known as “Pigga” for the duration of the NAP. 8. Xi will be known as “The Poo” for the duration of the NAP. 9. The War name is officially called “Espresso” List of Signatories Rose Singularity The Fighting Pacifists Guardian Antarctica Alliance Global Alliance & Treaty Organization The Golden Horde Name Withheld The High Table United Purple Nations United Ummah Black Knights Arkham Asylum SFR Yugoslavia Pokimans Mayhem United Socialist Nations Oblivion Unforgiven Legion Yarr Gallowglass Akatsuki Shadow Valley The Armed Peacekeepers The Immortals Event Horizon Knights Templar Legion of Dawn Blackwater Vault-Tec Royal Alba Charter Company Panem
    21 points
  10. Hello digital friends, It is with great sadness that I must share the news that one of our brothers in arms, known to us as Bunnet, has recently been diagnosed with terminal cancer. Of course, this announcement was a shock to the very core of our community, affecting his friends all over the world from both past and present alliances. Being a nurse, Bunnet has dedicated his years to caring and treating people, bringing comfort and healing to those in need. Bunnet embodies the very meaning of loyalty, standing by his friends and alliances through thick and thin as well as making personal sacrifices to not let his friends down. Bunnet demonstrates respect whenever needed, valuing true integrity over all. A Scotsman to the bone, he is concise and always honest, staying true to his words, which has made him such a trusted and respected lad by those who know him. Speaking from my own first hand experiences, he's the only person I've ever led with who refused a request that would result in unfairness to his opponents, he did this consistently over the many years we played together. Having said that, I'm thrilled to dive into the legendary career he’s built in Politics & War: Bunnet created his nation on November 30, 2016, starting in the formidable Syndicate and eventually finding his home at the triumphant Rose, having served with them since mid-2019. Bunnet proudly served in the following Great Wars for The Syndicate: Silent War Papers, Please The Trail of Tiers Knightfall Then proudly served in the following Great Wars for Rose: NPO's Last Time Duck Hunt Guns and Roses Rick's Last Roll The Fault in Our Stars Darkest Hour Dodge This Blue Balled Great War 32 (currently deployed) Bunnet's journey ahead is one we wish he didn't have to walk, and it will be one he will not walk alone. These are very difficult times for Bunnet and his family, so please, if you have interacted with him, joked with him, engaged in trash talk with him or been on the receiving end, led him or been led by him, fought alongside him or fought against him, or even if you haven't known him but want to show solidarity, any show of support will be greatly appreciated. Lastly, in honour of Bunnet, we're rallying the troops out of retirement to form an alliance to play a round of CN:TE, carrying forward his spirit of camaraderie, loyalty, and fair play. Anyone is welcome to join us as we embark on this challenge together, in tribute to our dear friend Bunnet. Please, join our discord if you are interested! - https://discord.gg/WzeBCChEPZ If you wish to follow his journey, you are invited to do so by following his Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/share/Eef8V2kH7ym1F2id/?mibextid=LQQJ4d Bunnet's nation link: https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=54283 Thank you for your time and support!
    19 points
  11. Syndicate, The Legion, and World Task Force surrender to the combined forces of the Greatest Dogpile Ever™ Terms and Conditions of the Non Aggression Pact The Non Aggression Pact will last until Friday March 28th 2025 00:00 UTC. The Golden Horde, The High Table, Antarctica Alliance, SFR Yugoslavia and Unforgiven Legion will sign a separate NAP, until January 25th, 2025 at 00:00 UTC, with the same terms. 99942 Apophis has abstained from the NAP. The NAP covers the following: No wars on members No raids on members No mass ghosting to hit coalition members No shell alliance hits No spy attacks will be carried out against the other coalition’s members No hiring of mercenaries or raiders to hit the opposing coalition signatories Signatories may defend direct non chaining Mutual Defense treaties with non signatories, against other signatories without breaching the nap. Signatories may not defend Optional Defense treaties with non signatories, against signatories. Signatories may not accept members that leave Signatory alliances to conduct attacks on other Signatory alliances into their alliance, nor protect them from retaliatory attacks through protectorates or extensions, for the duration of the nap. Additional Terms The war is to be named "Darkest Hour Deux" All alliances are to return to their pre war colour. Syndicate and Syndicate extensions must remain on green for the duration of the nap. Switching from green to for example: tank a rival colour, or to snipe treasures, will be considered a breach of the nap, and Syndicate will lose their nap protection. The above conditions also apply to The Enterprise, on lime. Syndicate and Syndicate members may not approach individual members of alliances in the Greatest Dogpile Ever™ coalition in order to purchase treasures. All treasure deals must be negotiated with the leadership of those alliances. Attempts to circumvent negotiation with leadership will be considered a breach of the nap, and Syndicate will lose their nap protection. Enterprise members may not raid the applicants or members of any Greatest Dogpile Ever™ coalition alliance. Diplomacy will be conducted for singular infractions but repeated infractions will be considered a breach of the nap, and Syndicate will lose their nap protection. Peace will take effect immediately as of this post. Any wars declared prior to peace may be finished by beige, peace, or expiration. Any wars declared after peace must be peaced as soon as possible. List of Signatories Rose Singularity The Fighting Pacifists Guardian Antarctica Alliance Global Alliance & Treaty Organization The Golden Horde Name Withheld The High Table United Purple Nations United Ummah Black Knights Arkham Asylum SFR Yugoslavia Pokimans Mayhem United Socialist Nations Oblivion Unforgiven Legion Yarr Gallowglass Akatsuki Shadow Valley The Armed Peacekeepers The Syndicate The Legion World Task Force The Enterprise The Foundation
    18 points
  12. The wrap up of the SyndiSphere Front of the Darkest Hour Deux War, a war that has exceeded $2 trillion in damages thus far, which is pretty devastating, and it reminded me of another war some 5 years ago, which cost its combatants some $2.5 trillion in damages back when a trillion really meant something. I of course speak of NPOLT, or as I like to call it, The 248 Day War (a call back to another war IRL called "The Hundred Years War"). The 248 Day War was unprecedented in the history of Orbis, and thank God, has never again been rivalled in length. Nor should it ever. For my part, as co-leader with Acadia, I can confidentially say that no one in leadership in any alliance entered the war thinking it would last that long. June became July, which became August, and then September. It just sort of happened. It felt like we were near an end by December, but the complex treaty proposal by one of the coalitions, delays in negotiations by the other (you have to show up to have talks after all), meant December came and went without peace. This not a full recounting of the war. That would take up too much space, and no one would read it. Nor will I address how it ended. Those of us who were around back then have their options on that subject. Instead, I'd like to apologize on behalf on myself, TheNG, and all the other alliance leaders back then to any players who might have quit during the conflict out of frustration with a war that would not end (and if you were in leadership back then and think you nothing to apologize for at all, respectively you're wrong). As I say, it was never anyone's intension from the start to drag things out as long as they went. In our own frustration and bitterness toward each other, I think we forgot that perma war burns people out, even as we were burning out ourselves. Further, I've heard some odd rumors about how Camelot somehow masterminded the whole war, or lead their coalition or whatever. At least someone thinks that is the case, based on a recent conversation I had with Epi. For the record, Camelot five years ago was a relatively minor player in the conflict. NPO, Black Knights, Guardians of the Galaxy, Acadia, and Polaris (or UPN or some others I could name) were either more powerful and/or influential. Anyone who says otherwise should really go look at the alliance stats back in 2019. Anyway, here's to war. Bloodied pixels, infra is transitional, nukes taste like chicken, and chicks did scars. I had fun in this most recent conflict, even as I found myself rather outnumbered. Over $3 billion in inflicted damage, 38 wars, 20 of them offensive, woot! So as you celebrate outright victory or whatever victory you might pull out of a desperate fight in Darkest Hour Deux, let's also remember the past, and not repeat mistakes of an ancient era. Keep it fun.
    16 points
  13. Silly Cat Alliance for Regional Harmony: a name that stirs mixed feelings—malice from some, respect from others. But for those who consider themselves to be a part of the silly-kind, this name represents… well, silliness. We were founded with the purpose of bringing action to the half-dead test server, which was ruled by a single alliance of boring old whales. We were extremely successful. War after war, we quickly forged our reputation as a group of silly warmongers, pirates and excellent fighters. Many joined our cause in spreading silly warfare, while others hid to stay under our silly radar. It was the beautiful beginning of a test server community. Then, there was a group of people who despised us in secret. They conspired against us and planned to put an end to our silliness, and, when exposed, resorted to shameless rule-breaking methods to accomplish their spiteful goal. Unfortunately for them, after almost a whole year of sillying, we're still standing, taller than ever. However, something felt missing. Having conquered the server of only 6-7 active alliances just didn't feel like much of an accomplishment. We had greater potential. We could achieve much more. Because "who cares about the test server", right? The main server is where it's at. Well then, We, the sillycats, declare our existence on the main server. We are an independent, raiding-focused alliance. We care not for the pixels. We are here to represent; we are here to dominate. Alliance: https://politicsandwar.com/alliance/id=13250 Discord: https://discord.gg/NqtjBcWHB5
    15 points
  14. The woman card hasn't yielded us any results, as Anri has failed to fulfill his simp quotas. He will now be replaced by a more masculine intelligence model.
    14 points
  15. Arrgh Halloween pumpkin. Took me 1 hour to get this one done, covered in pumpkin guts. It was worth it.
    13 points
  16. Doom Incorporated hereby declares the existence of the Orbis Branch Office! We are a 12 year old community that has begun it's Migration to the shores of Orbis. Time will tell if this new world will be as friendly to us as the previous one, however, our new friends over at The Golden Horde have agreed to facilitate our migration. CEO - DubyaTeeF COO - Pangui Shareholders - `Redacted` Director of Human Resources - Legate Johnson Director of Public Relations - Javier360 Director of Security - Pangui Director of Accounting - `Redacted` Director of Technology - `Redacted` We look forward towards entering the community!
    13 points
  17. Just received from ©RaCTE™®:
    12 points
  18. 12 points
  19. And when Orbis needed them most, they returned. TL;DR Thanks to CTOwned - Chaining Gymnastics Kim, SleepingNinja, and Denison raid an applicant of Dark Brotherhood's protectorate, Empire of the Romans. ToxicPepper gets butthurt and chains Gular, Libertas, WTF, Weeb, and GATO to counter some raiders they are capable of countering themselves. Instantly regrets it as it escalates from there. If you are somehow mentally incapable of following timestamps, read from left to right. Permission granted by he himself, ToxicPepper. (Entire negotiation logs) Retribution is here for a good time, not a long time. But if it ends up being a long time, I'm here for that too So grab your popcorn and follow along, else you be bored to inactivity by never ending NAPs. Anyone of a like mindset, and not insufferable, feel free to come along for some fun. Retribution - Discord
    11 points
  20. Deep in the forests of the Zaelfrost Valley comes a horrid screech, one known all too well. All movement ceased, and the earth began to crumble from below the creatures within. shadow, as solid as the night encompassed the Valley as the sun turned to black. Silence, quieter than the darkest moon closest to the farthest star. The Valley, fallen into depths below, is born anew. all dead may rise again, enlightened by the Shadow's hand. This is Shadow Valley, the lowest world below the lowest; darkest among all. Here the world prospers in Shadow, embraced by the love of the silky soil too low to grow lush, too late to grow at all. The Twilight hangs over the air as the Shadow's hand covers the sun still, none shall grow today, tomorrow, all may lay. Welcome to the ascension below, Shadow Valley. Here's our pretty sweet gov lineup ===== Leadership ===== Twiliska - Archaezale(ZophiaLe/Jony/Neo) Priests of the Shade - Eddie Santiago, Queen Aishaa The Umbra - BenjiChung44 ====== High Gov ====== Echomen of the Core - SirBeansTheIII Echomen of the Ash - HHx4xHH (HUGOOOOO), Avocado ====== Low Gov ======= Heralds of Chaos === Heralds of the Core - Simonia, Voidz, Heralds of the Expansion - fluffy_X3 Heralds of the Voice - Fay ==== Special Guests ==== The Ancient - CallMeKingos As Twiliska of Shadow Valley, I also would like to welcome Weebunism into our lives as our protectorate, may we have a wild ride! now, I have to give very sincere thank you's to the following people for uniting my community together in the first place with me: Hamer (Get rekt bozo) Thunder Tower... you idk ,thank ye. Firwolf (y'know, a genuine thank you, now win a war against me please) Rhys 💗 Deraj, HABIBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! An additional thanks goes out to TFP for protecting us while we made moves to get to where we are now, I love y'all and keep chugging! For our recent art update, I would like to thank Franz (of another game not PNW Franz, tho he chill too), Epicbeetle626, and Sorra Himguard for their contributions to our current alliance artwork. And on top of all of that.. We'd love to invite y'all into our chats: https://discord.gg/VNBZcqKn5n And if you need to speak to us for FA purposes, come on down to our FA server: https://discord.gg/nr5AEzvxwm Edit: YOoo fir, actually win a war to get the respect to downvote.
    11 points
  21. This is why no one can take you seriously. You wanted to leave the game so badly, so you got yourself banned, yet you're still active on the forums. 😂
    11 points
  22. TKR is drowning in lawyers. Our guys are gonna have a field day
    10 points
  23. We are hosting our 5th ever Pumpkin Decoration Contest, starting today! Here are the rules: To enter, you need to come up with some Politics & War related concept (game related, alliance related, nation related, player related, etc.) and carve it into a pumpkin. Or paint it on a pumpkin. Or paint it on a watermelon. Or build it in Minecraft. Or 3D print it. You have a broad creative license. Then, take a picture of your "pumpkin" and submit it here as a reply in this thread to enter the competition. You will have approximately 18 days to create and submit your entry. This thread will lock on October 31, and then we will have a period of voting from November 2 - November 8 where everyone will be able to vote on their favorite pumpkins. The winners will then be announced November 9. Prizes may take up to a week to distribute. All submitted works must be an original work of your human authorship, AI generated images will not be accepted, not even for participation awards. *We know some players, depending on their geographic locations IRL may not have access to pumpkins. For this reason, we are okay with submissions that are carvings into other fruits / vegetables (e.g. a watermelon, a turnip, whatever you might have access to.) Or you can make a digital pumpkin. The world is your oyster! Here are the prizes: Everyone who participates will be guaranteed a special Halloween 2024 achievement for their nation related to this event and $25,000,000 This year real carved fruits will be voted on separately and receive separate prizes, including an extra achievement just for submitting. To qualify in this category a real pumpkin (or appropriate stand-in) must be carved or otherwise decorated. 1st: 500M + Nation Award + Winner Achievement 2nd: 400M + Nation Award + Winner Achievement 3rd: 300M + Nation Award + Winner Achievement All: 100M + Achievement Other submission types such as drawings, models, minecraft builds, etc. Can still participate in the Artistic Representations category with the following prizes. 1st: 400M + Winner Achievement 2nd: 300M + Winner Achievement 3rd: 200M + Winner Achievement Additional prizes may be added depending on event participation! *Prizes are additive, eg the winner of the real fruit category will get the winning prize, the real pumpkin participation prize, and the general participation prize. Other Notes: We reserve the right to reject submissions not related to Politics and War. You can submit multiple photos in the thread, but you need to identify one primary photo that we will use for voting. We would also like to feature your creations on social media on our Politics and War accounts! If you do not want us to share your photo in this way, please just make a note of that when you post your submission. If you have any questions, feel free to ask here in this thread so that everyone can see the questions and answers. That's it! I hope you'll enjoy this fun little festive contest and giveaway. We are excited to see what you all can come up with!
    9 points
  24. Maybe the Condo? or the Townhouse? Atleast with those, you have someone else to take care of the property. But if you do go with the apartment, when you go to war your warcry could be "The Rent is DUE!" Which honestly would probably strike fear into the hearts of many of the poors that play this game, who cannot afford the dream of owning a house.
    9 points
  25. @Adrienne is Queen of The House... Expect a defamation lawsuit coming your way next. Gonna demolition that house of yours tomorrow
    9 points
  26. condolences to all involved
    9 points
  27. Heya. This is it, finally I am making a thread to complain about it. Captchas are becoming a constant obstacle for pretty much every action in the game—whether it's trading, declaring war, or doing spy ops. I've gotten to the point where, either because of my VPN or other causes, I trigger challenges basically 100% of the time now. These challenges can be tricky, too. I remember being stuck solving captcha after captcha in the past and not being given the green light. I know of a few others for whom this is a pain point also (hello @Xi Jinping!) Thankfully, the future is now. Introducing: Invisible Captcha v3. This version doesn’t rely on annoying challenge-based tests, but instead, it checks user behavior to ensure you're not a bot. It would save players from having to go through frustrating image puzzles for every little action. As a developer myself, I can tell you that implementing this isn't difficult. It’s a quick change, taking no more than a few minutes. I don’t think even the fabled Alex technical debt should be a blocker for this—it’s a straightforward change, and guess what, it's good for the user experience too! This isn't just about convenience anymore. The current captcha setup feels excessive, and frankly, I’m getting tired of training AI models for free every time I need to perform an action. An invisible captcha would keep the security measures in place but make them invisible to us—no more unnecessary interruptions.
    9 points
  28. We are never ever going to escape this dumb ass discussion are we 😭
    9 points
  29. Nice to see my little alliance made it out of the toddler years intact, and is currently at the fun age of 8, in a few years its going to hit its teen years, and never want to talk to me again.
    9 points
  30. Let's Creep it real! Nation Name: Kurotsome ID: 592092
    8 points
  31. 8 points
  32. Make this a Class Action. Their initials are TGH, which is already ours too.
    8 points
  33. This thread is to just throw out some ideas I have on potential warfare updates, they are light on detail because I don't want to go too in-depth with a proposal that is universally diskliked. These will be military themed mostly, as we've just completed a econ related update. I'll outline some of the issues I think the game is facing with each idea. Idea 1 This is a simple one, make naval warfare better. Blockades are 'okay' but ultimately a weak bonus to war given how costly ships are. So a couple of potential ideas, to fix this issue. Allow ships to kill both ground and air units, much like ground can kill air after multiple successful attacks, allow ships to do the same but to a lesser amount for both air/ground. Alternatively, give ships different attack types, like planes have and allow them to focus other units. Idea 2 The game needs more investment avenues, especially for players reaching the late game. The game needs to shift from cities being the only meaningful way to 'gain' a military edge (it also probably needs to be the same on the econ side but that's for another day). The idea is to allow players to research army modifiers making their units more powerful. You can upgrade each military area (navy, air, ground) to have an increased modifier Each investment would improve one area by 0.1% in effectiveness The upgrades would gradually increase in cost and would require resources/cash giving the game a new resources sink This idea is probably going to be tied into a naval buff, otherwise I cannot see many players buffing their navy. Idea 3 Probably my most controversial idea, and the least fleshed out, but basically the game needs more to potentially do other than war/farm. Raiding has always been a good way for players to do something, however the playstyle can be off-putting for some and it is difficult to balance war mechanics where raiding isn't either buffed too much or nerfed too hard. The idea is to make raiding its own thing, with its own units and the removal of it causing infra damage to your or the opposing nation. This would require some changes to warfare as well, essientially ending looting from wars (at least any resources from beiging someone). What this would look like, I'd probably need some feedback from the raiding community but it is probably the only way the game can feasibly balance both the war side and the raiding side of the game. It could also allow players to do more during wars, as you'd be able to potentially do raids on opponents as well as the normal wars. As I said, this is me basically spitballing. Feel free to let me know if you like any of the proposals or have any ideas that could perhaps improve upon them. If anything seems to take the communities interest then I'll chuck it to the design team to have a more detailed proposal later on.
    8 points
  34. Congrats on the retirement buddy @Anri
    8 points
  35. Death to Rose and Singularly for life.
    8 points
  36. Ship Changes Ships will shift from being inefficient infra destroyers to more battlefield control units. This ties in nicely with the blockade mechanic it already has. Ships also aren't efficient at killing other ships, so I have tweaked this a little as well. Costs have been reduced to make them somewhat more in-line with other units in the game. They will now have 4 attack options each one has different MAP costs: An attack to remove ground control (5 MAPs) An attack to remove air superiority (5 MAPs) An attack on infra (4 MAPs) A naval on naval attack that increase casualties on the enemies ships (4 MAPs) Increase the base naval casualties by 20%. Bombardment: Current Infrastructure Damages, 30% Reduced Naval Casualties (From new base rate) Naval Skirmish: 30% Reduced Infrastructure, 30% Increased Naval Casualities (From new base rate) Naval Ground Defense: 30% Reduced Infrastructure, 30% Reduced Naval Casualities. Removes Ground Control. Naval Air Defense: 30% Reduced Infrastructure, 30% Reduced Naval Casualities. Removes Air Control. The superiorities will only be removed if the battle is an immense triumph. An IT with any attack will still impose or break blockades. Ships will now have their operations cost reduced as well as to make their attacks more optimal. “Ships requires 1.5 Gasoline and 2.5 Munitions per Ship per battle” “Ships requires 1 Gasoline and 1.75 Munitions per Ship per battle.” Some explaining behind some of the decisions: Why increase MAP costs? The ability to break a superiority/control is significant. For example ground to kill planes requires it, and only kills on every successive successful attack. It therefore requires 6 MAPs. I was unsure whether to make the MAP cost 6 or 5 and went with the lesser value. I went with this because as many know, getting an IT in this game can be a little RNG and I do want people to be able to actually get use of these features without being worried about RNG ruining them. The instinctive call here will be to 'change the RNG', but I don't actually want ships to be the only focus of the next update and I want an actual new feature to be introduced next year so at a certain point I need to cut it somewhere. How do we know if this will be balanced? With this update I'd probably be relying on more testing on the test server. I'd probably even ask if you are unsure about the proposal to at least be willing to let us test it out and then give feedback which we can use to further tweak things. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update: I am going to quickly add a different idea, and see which seems to be more popular with people. Read below: Ship changes: Ships lean more into their current damage schtick. When you attack with ships you can target any city & an improvement type (same as missiles are). Ships have a 50% chance to destroy 2 improvements on each IT attack and 1 improvement for a PV/MS attack. If you take the tactician policy, this would go to 100% chance. One other note is that this update feeds into another (Military Research) which I will be also posting about in the near future. Ships need to be more relevant for that to really be balanced, so please keep that in mind. Please note, you need to engage in discussion for me to take your opinion. I am aware that certain people like to review bomb these threads, and just saying "I don't like this" or downvoting.
    8 points
  37. Supreme leader Jax told me to post here as well 😍
    8 points
  38. Not just me who thinks this is Dall-E AI generated, right? If this is actually your 3D render, I'd like to see some proof.
    7 points
  39. Hopefully this high effort pumpkin counts for the real pumpkin submission.
    7 points
  40. @Canbec time to lawyer up, gotta protect your trademark
    7 points
  41. Peace in our time...
    7 points
  42. In most wars it is net damage that is the most important metric. If there was infinite updeclare range any nation with 3 cities and the nuke project could nuke rogue whales and do infinite damage without taking any (since their nation is so small they won't even have anything to lose), which would lead to wars sucking even more.
    7 points
  43. the eagle left the nest unguarded, it seems
    7 points
  44. Who thought Camelot master minded that war? Lol
    6 points
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