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Everything posted by Sketchy

  1. Womanri is the least mad person ever created. Indeed from a small age, doctors have marvelled at her apparent lack of angry emotions. We plan to donate her brain to science when she dies.
  2. Exactly. I am glad you got it I was worried I was being too subtle.
  3. It's fine. No one is judging you for war dodging. You were busy man. It's okay. We all believe you'll be there for the next one. Truly. God speed brother, return home safe.
  4. Breathe in, breathe out. Relax your sphincter friend. Seems to be working pretty well if you ask me.
  5. I promise to get there with the joke on the 13th of April 2025.
  6. >haha can you believe this guy is still talking in a thread about a war he's directly involved in? Bro's gone through acceptance and wrapped all the way back around to anger. You seem very pleased about events. I can tell you are thoroughly enjoying yourself. No hints of anger at all. Relax my guy. It's okay, you'll get through this. 13th of April 2025, in case you forgot
  7. Oh if insults are a concession I guess TKR has conceded I have nothing more I need to say SRD, TKR decided to duck around responding to any of my points, and just repeat themselves. I'll happily continue to litigate our CB when they decide to respond to it. If you want me to elaborate further on Grumpy, have Pres or Filou ask the question.
  8. I don't think I've ever seen this many TKR members in my life. I can see you are all going through something right now.
  9. Oof, I was wondering how you would go about responding but I had higher expectations than simply ignoring everything I said and just repeating yourself over and over. You literally did ditch Rose. ODOO left them to be cooked by Eclipse. The fact we adapted to your betrayal means nothing. I had hoped we'd get a little more back and forth out of this, if for nothing else but the content, but if this is the best you got, lmfao.
  10. Tell me you didn't read my post without telling me you didn't read my post. You should post your Canbec fan fiction instead.
  11. TKR should make this guy their head of FA.
  12. Clearly I was laughing at you and not with you. I hope I haunt your dreams 🤣
  13. I had no idea you were joking, I've always been under the impression jokes are meant to be funny. Is this some sort of anti-comedy thing?
  14. EVH didn't even exist when this happened lmfao.
  15. So this is where we are moving the goal posts is it? I am glad you have provided the full log. First off, I am well aware that other parties attempted to get us out. I will expand on that further, as I go through this post, point by point. Yes the comment was made. by the person organizing the peace. By your head of FA. I'm glad you mentioned your primary concern was Eclipse. That will be relevant later. This is just false. We reached out to flip the t$ war and break a potential nap cycle on all parties, something both TKR and Rose were concerned about. What we got back from parties in ODOO was that wouldn't be doable unless an agreement was made about Eclipse. What we got back from parties in Rose-sphere after was they weren't interested if it meant hitting Eclipse and not SAIL. We spoke to your allies, they made the position of ODOO known to us, namely that Eclipse needed to be hit, and so we went to Rose to convince them to come to the table and speak with you. You could say you weren't a party to the talks between us and your allies, but I feel it's likely your two primary allies were in communication with you about the conversations taking place prior to you being brought into it. Simply put, ODOO wanted Eclipse to lose, twice. We wanted to flip our war on t$ and beat them. And Rose wanted to prevent a future nap cycle. I will elaborate on the specifics of this deal further in the post. I have actually noticed this narrative crop up lately, in terms of who wanted what in the One Day War. I have logs to disprove it. I had hoped to avoid using them, but since you are trying to rewrite the very nature of the deals that were made, I suppose I'll have to. We'll get to that. It is worth noting who wanted what, and what the actual terms of the agreement made was, because the next part of this will be how I demonstrate that you broke it. And now we get into the meat and potatoes. You have sufficiently poisoned the well, and are of course hoping the long preamble will be enough to hide the glaring contradictions in your own statements. This is why I didn't bother giving those points much time. Now I could lay out the exact events and details of what happened, but first I'd like to laser in on a pretty clear contradiction in your post. "However, given that Grumpy was in a NAP with Eclipse from our war with them prior to TI joining our bloc and this treaty was signed in the period between us beginning this war and Eclipse entering against Rose, there were legitimate concerns over whether or not this would be a NAP violation, especially since Eclipse purported to enter the war defensively through their ODP with Knights Templar, who Rose had hit." I'm not going to squabble over whether that would have been a NAP break. I am happy to see more detailed NAPs have started to become part of the meta since we implemented them on t$, so hopefully debates like that won't be needed in the future. My position is it wasn't, as Eclipse entered the war through an optional defense, which by definition, is optional, and hit Grumpy's then MD ally. I don't need to argue with you over it though, because as you have demonstrated in your own post, Grumpy was perfectly willing to enter the war and defend Rose, if certain conditions were met. Either Grumpy was willing to break a nap, and you were willing to be a party to it, OR, neither of you viewed it as a nap break. Which is what I suspect is the case. I appreciate you providing this log, as I only had one of Morf saying they would. It's always better to have it from the horses mouth. This what what I had: I didn't have this one though: So what can we establish from these two logs? Grumpy and TKR either viewed entering in defense of Rose, as a nap break, but were willing to do so anyway, or, didn't view it as a nap break. Which begs the question, why even bring it up? If you never viewed it as a nap break to begin with, why is it being used as reason for you not to enter against Eclipse? Why are you contradicting yourself, claiming that you saw concerns with nap breaking, whilst freely sharing logs demonstrating an absolute lack of concern and a perfect willingness to enter? Well it's really very simple isn't it. You were perfectly happy to see Grumpy defend the treaties that they signed, with the purpose of defending Rose from Eclipse. But only on the condition that t$ was peaced out first. Grumpy was called in. TI, was willing to go. We went already, hitting Eclipses allies. Everyone else was exposed, already in conflict. Roses front would have inevitably lost. You saw an opportunity to change the deal. And you took it. So what was the deal? This is the part you have disputed. You have tried to claim that you were offered a back to back hit on t$/Eclipse, that our pitch was to hit t$ first, then to hit Eclipse, and that you agreed. Doing this absolves ODOO of breaking their side of the agreement, by making it seem like we pushed for it. In reality, I approached your allies The Immortals and Grumpy about flipping on t$. I laid out my reasoning for doing so, that a potential nap cycle would be placed on us both, and we might indeed lose back to back wars as a result. I made the case that t$ and Eclipse, after Sin was down and out, might reasonably choose to team up and remove Rose and TKR from the board. This was a point both Grumpy and TI agreed upon. I do apologize to Presidential and Tyrion for having to drop these logs, but given I'm having to defend against TKR making claims that aren't true, I've been a little boxed in to doing so To be fully transparent, there is a deleted message in this log that Pres responds to. That message pertained to a source of information that verified some claims I was making in this gc, and in the interest of not burning that source, I have removed it. It's not relevant to the actual discussion being had here, and I can speak on it privately, if needed to remind anyone of what that message contained. As I have freely admitted, it was my decision to approach TI and Grumpy about a hit on SAIL. I also freely admit Eclipse and Syndicates connections were part of the sell. This was off the back of an intel clause break by Eclipse to us, as Pres mentions in this log (we knew this already), and Eclipse discarding an alliance we had intended to sign in the future to be hit by SAIL. However I did not pitch hitting Eclipse. That was pitched to us. The primary concern from ODOO that was relayed back was that this wasn't a hit on Eclipse. Repeatedly. That ODOO would be "hard pressed to hit Sail and not see Eclipse hit too". Now I'd like to point out something else interesting about this log. As is obvious, by the fact ODOO hit SAIL, and not Eclipse, this pitch that Tyrion makes was not the agreed upon deal in question. It is however exactly, word for word, what TKR attempted to shift the deal towards once Eclipse entered. As you can see, we were asked, by ODOO, to sign onto hits on Eclipse. You guys wanted Sing/TI/Florida to chain into Eclipse, so that in May, you could queue them up for a follow up hit, while we stayed on standby for SAIL interference. Or "eat seconds" as it were. I'll get to what the final deal was soon, don't worry, but I want yet again highlight that your part of the deal, the part ODOO requested, was to beat Eclipse. Not once, but twice. As you said earlier, Eclipse was your primary concern. It wasn't our ask. Compromises took place. This has been a longstanding issue we've had with some of the narratives that have come out, and been parroted by parties since one day war ended. ODOO made a deal with us and a deal with Rose, a deal that gave them what they wanted. They didn't come in to save us, they came in to save themselves. They were set to be crushed in the next cycle, and when One Day War fell apart, and their decision to break the agreement lost them Rose's support, that is exactly what happened. But I digress. The tale isn't finished yet. Now some time shortly after this conversation, I spoke to Rose and made attempts to convince them to speak to ODOO. I had been trying to convince Rose to come into the war that same time I made my first pitch to ODOO, alongside ODOO, but they didn't think ODOO would do it. I brought these concerns stated above to Rose, and also to my allies. I don't know all of the specifics after this point, I believe Buorhann had a conversation with Canbec, and Rose and TKR may have spoken privately. At this point, everyone knew that ODOO wanted to hit Eclipse, and that Rose wanted to hit SAIL, and that this was the main point of contention. Rose informed me they would entertain further talks with TKR, and what this led to was another group chat, this time including TKR and Rose, led by Buorhann, with Sing people present. Buorhann played mediator, trying his best to speak on behalf of both parties involved. In his initial post he laid out concerns from both sides, and his opinions on what should happen. I believe by this point Rose was entertaining the idea of helping with Eclipse in a chaining situation, but was still reluctant to hit them first. Buorhann very clearly outlined in the initial post, that we all expected Eclipses entry. This is another part of the narrative you've describe here that I will have to pick at. As you can see in this log. You guys shared the same concerns we had expressed to you. It has been claimed since that you didn't see the connection, including in your post above, but that's just false. Your sticking point in this situation was hitting Eclipse first, and forcing us to peace out with SAIL, not that you thought we were wrong. You have claimed you had no stake in the war, but as was illustrated at the time, you very much felt you had a stake in how things played out. It's why you ultimately agreed to enter. You guys were very concerned about Eclipse. Eclipses growth. Eclipses likely victory over you in the near future. We did agree to enter against WELP, should they counter Rose during the hit, a commitment we ultimately honored, when Grumpy did not. This all brings me to the final deal. A hit on SAIL, in exchange for Eclipse. A tit for a tat. You got what you wanted, Eclipse. And we got what we wanted, SAIL. Eclipse entered, a variable that was outlined at the very beginning and understood to be a risk, and that parties took steps to account for. Singularity burst into action, fulfilling our part by hitting allies of Eclipse. TI stood ready to do so as well. But Grumpy refused. Citing plane rebuys and the grey area of the nap. Of course, later, the grey area of the nap became less of a concern conveniently. Which brings me to my final conclusion, and the piece of all of this you've neglected to mention. What if we or Rose had said no? To summarize, we've established a few things: TKR said in a private channel, to their allies, they were perfectly fine leaving us in the fight. Sure, you claim you could push us to surrender to t$, as a possible alternative, but that wasn't part of our deal. It wasn't a point that was discussed with us either. You made a group chat, with Rose, in an attempt to convince them to screw us over. Rose informed us, and we were added by them. Had they not done so, who knows when we would have been looped in or how, presumably we would have been told it was expected of us to peace out SAIL. I knew this all happened, at the time it did. ODOO wanted us to surrender to SAIL from the start. In fact, it was part of your opening offer to us, your ideal scenario, that we rejected when we all agreed to meet in the middle. There is a very obvious implication here. Singularity had no choice. We were expected to ignore the previously established deal, OR face being left behind. Now you can argue, until your face is blue, that this is a reasonable ask on your part. It doesn't matter, that wasn't the deal that was agreed upon. Deals require compromise, and at that point in time, we had just come of a war where you attacked us, after we fought together against Fortuna. Grumpy refused to uphold their end. ODOO used the nap, as an excuse, for Grumpy to not enter. If plane rebuys were the only issue, you wouldn't have clung to the nap as an excuse, only to then turn around and be perfectly fine with Grumpy later entering with Eclipse. This is established by your own logs, in which you have shown Grumpy was perfectly willing to enter, and the logs I provided above, which show TKR was happy for Grumpy to enter. So how do these three points tie together exactly? Eclipse, in a move that we had all considered and made steps to counter, entered the war. And as you so helpfully laid out, you were presented with a choice. As you have illustrated here, your choices were simple. The second choice you list, was to uphold the deal, following through on commitments. As we have established, Grumpy was fine to do so when it suited them. The concerns about NAP violations, were not concerns at all. You were both perfectly fine to take that step, but only in the scenario ODOO originally pitched, not the one we were agreed to. The first choice, as you lay it out very nice and clear, was to leave Rose to die. And that IS the choice you both made. At first, we were told TI and Grumpy might enter at the next DC. That would have been too late, so we pushed for a closer entry. Then, Grumpy said, in no uncertain terms, that they wouldn't enter. They had made their choice, and the rest of us would be expected to deal with it. In this, ODOO broke not only your commitment to us, but your commitments to Rose, and left us with no choice. It was not a discussion. We were not given a say. We were told, you had no intention of entering, and that by extension, Rose would die to Eclipse. Not only this, but you were already negotiating with t$, and could have taken peace if we didn't concede to your terms. Which would have left us fighting both simultaneously. Now, you have made the point, that the time between the comments made by Morf, and the peace, was short. That is correct. That wasn't our choice either. It was made clear that things needed to be settled by the ingame update. It was a rather rushed peace, as many of the parties who were shuffled into it unwillingly may remember. Not only was there no discussion about what would happen, but there was a timer placed upon us to make a decision. For what reason, did the decision need to be made so soon? Another added layer of pressure, to get us and Rose to capitulate. Seeing the writing on the wall, we agreed quickly. And you've done your best to try and use that as the basis that nothing bad would have happened. But it's very clear what our choices were, agree to take this deal.... or what? Rose dies to Eclipse, and as you said, you get a win over SAIL. Or, as you were already talking to SAIL about peace, and as Morf said himself, didn't care to get us out, you would have simply left us both. These are not difficult dots to connect. You have even helped connect many of them yourselves. To summarize: If we had said no, at best you would have left Rose to die (which you already were doing), and at worst, you would have left us both to die, and peaced out of the war. I happen to believe you would have done the latter. That is all that needs to be said. I will give you props for actually taking the time to respond to my post, instead of hiding, as this game definitely needs more drama in it. But your post was missing quite a bit of context, which I have now provided.
  16. No food is 33% income reduced income. If people disband over that, maybe they had other problems.
  17. Sketchy


    More targets? And ones with infra? Wow you give me the nicest presents.
  18. Behold the feeble and diminutive size of the orangutan brain. These dimwitted, primitive creatures fumble aimlessly through life, unable to function at a higher level of thinking. Despite our many attempts, communication with these creatures has been impossible. Their small, peanut-sized brains lack the ability to process basic information and apply critical thinking. Even compared to the meatsacks that populate this world, their inferior minds buzzing with inconsequential, fleeting thoughts, the orangutans are a truly special breed of imbecile. We have exhausted a wide array of strategies in our attempts to bridge this intellectual chasm. First, we developed a series of visual aids, but the orangutans got aggressive, and attempted to eat them. And so we turned to science, tracing the evolutionary path of these creatures, we determined their evolutionary betters, the chimpanzees. We bred a race of super chimpanzees. Unfortunately these chimpanzees proved too smart to communicate with the orangutans. But the undeniable superiority of our minds prevailed, and after a careful precision lobotomy, we were able to create a race of chimpanzees sufficiently capable of communicating with the orangutans at their intellectual level. At last, progress! The lobotomized chimpanzees, now possessing just the right balance of intellect and idiocy, were able to establish a rudimentary rapport with the orangutans. It was a breakthrough unlike any other, two species, once separated by an insurmountable cognitive abyss, now capable of exchanging simple, albeit mostly nonsensical gestures. But, in our boundless wisdom, we had solved one problem only to create another. The chimpanzees, once too intelligent for the orangutans, were now too idiotic for us. They stared at us with vacant expressions, drooling slightly, occasionally smacking themselves in the head for no reason. However, this short peace was fleeting. It began with a misunderstanding, perhaps inevitable, given the intellectual devastation we had wrought. One chimpanzee, in a moment of uncharacteristic inspiration, attempted to stack three rocks on top of each other. An orangutan, watching from a distance, misinterpreted this act as a declaration of war. Out of control, the apes had escaped, and were now at war with one another. Singularity declares war on The Knights Radiant. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I’m going to keep this short. We’ve already hashed this out in public many times. We thought we had settled it, but alas, you guys decided to push more narratives out. Apparently even to your own members. You knew I had logs. I quoted them to you directly. You guys have denied the allegations repeatedly, to our faces, despite knowing we had the smoking gun. Never any valid explanations, just denial and gaslighting. I can only assume you figured we’d never release them, or that we’d never do something as crazy as build 2000 nukes and 5000 missiles and solo suicide into you over it. Well, we are. Here’s the log of you saying how perfectly fine you were to abandon your coalition partners in One Day War. We’ve heard all the excuses. We weren’t satisfied with any of them. Naturally, the odds here aren’t exactly in our favour. Surely you have some people you can call in. But you’ve been fighting for 2 months already. We sat and watched, and waited. Your infra is shredded. No matter what happens, it’s all gonna be gone when this war ends. And we are gonna have fun doing it. We appreciate the efforts by certain parties to include us in a global nap. Unfortunately, we’ll have to decline. We could have skated by, unscathed, taken the nice gift wrapped extended peace period. But that’s boring. This game is boring. And we are bored. So war it is. PS: Denison, your attempts to get various people to hit us have not gone unnoticed. Unfortunately for you, we are far more effective at getting ourselves hit than you’ll ever be. I figure since you’ll never be listed in a thread about any major event in the game, ever again, I’d do you a solid and mention you here. Shout out to my boy, hopefully you’ll stop hiding in beige now. PSPS: And yeah, Epi was right. Food is gonna be cooked. Stockpile your bananas while you can guys, no telling how much will be left when we are done.
  19. Nah I'm reserving that for when we finish up with you guys. Unfortunately you keep hiding in beige so we are still only on round 2 of the 10-15 rounds I was promised.
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