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Shakyr last won the day on October 25 2020

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  • Member Title
    The Snowman

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  • Location:
    The Other Side of the Hill
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    The Lost Isles
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Community Answers

  1. I've never once said that war is bad. Also if you want to discuss politics, go post elsewhere. I want to improve the war system, so that it is not simply a month of nuke turreting, 3-4 times a year. Constructive feedback is always welcome.
  2. Nation Score only limits who you can declare war upon. It does not limit you from declaring even when you're not in a state to conduct war (zero military). It's to stop abuse and players able to exit and enter Beige at will, by selling all their military and "surrendering". It does not change the normal mechanics, where if you are actually defeated, you are sent to Beige. It was actually a part of my original point, that players do not seem to be using Beige to rebuild. They simply exit Beige with zero military and declare war again. It's the only tactic I've seen in global wars, so it's more "we got hit bad, we turret". I rarely see anyone double buy military, coordinate targets, etc from the opposing alliances. I farm during peace and war, ask my alliance. The inflated food market is the only thing I enjoy about global wars. The reason for my comment was more a jab at global radiation solely targeting food (but that's a discussion for another topic).
  3. See this is why I don't like posting in Game Suggestions and what will likely kill the game. If you can't post anything constructive, then don't post. You say it would kill all possible counters, then list every single possible counter that I am killing. The way things currently are with wars, it's not even worth trying to Beige cycle nations. Just pile up the Beige time and they'll be back attacking you within a week. No attempt to even rebuild military during their Beige time, it's just declare, throw a nuke or missile, get Beiged again and repeat. There is nothing fun about that, on either side of the war. Instead of just saying "No I don't like this", how about actually understanding where I'm coming from and coming up with alternate suggestions to better improve the game. The game already restricts down declares. It's actually smaller nations who have been given more freedom to declare war on larger nations. How would it destroy profitable raiding? Outline the gameplay and how it would be affected. Then maybe try to understand where I'm coming from and offer suggestions.
  4. Can we please change it so that nations cannot declare wars if they do not have a significant amount of miltiary units (Soldiers, Tanks, Ships, Navy). Preferably greater than 50%, as they should be able to rebuild that much during Beige Protection. Additionally, if they sell off all the above military units at any point during a war, that is taken to mean they have given up and victory is declared immediately for the other nation(s), preferably without sending them into Beige Protection. It seems counter to the entire war mechanic that nations can sit around in Beige, not using the time to actually rebuild their miltary, only to declare war again when they leave Beige and maybe have enough resources to fund a nuke or missile. The entire war mechanic has become a joke and gameplay is now just nuking other nations, while inflating the food market.
  5. The entire espionage system needs a rework, I've posted about it before over the years (and nothing has really changed). You lose spies too quickly to assassination, even 60 vs 60 spies, you should be losing maybe 5-6 at most. Espionage attacks do way too much damage. They should be limited to blowing up single improvements (and associated military units), not taking out thousands of military units. The "damage" of an espionage attack and the chance of success should scale with your number of spies, and with the number of their spies. If they only have 3 spies and you have 60, it should be near impossible for them to operate (and they should be instantly discovered and killed). In addition, any nation who has been hit by an espionage attack, should have an increasing defensive bonus for the rest of that day (elevated threat levels). After 3 attacks, any further attacks will 100% fail. Nations beige should be able to do sweet f all, not even gather intelligence. They can leave beige protection, if they want to trigger espionage attacks. They should also be protected while on beige. Exception to both above points, for nations they are currently at war with. The biggest thing that would fix the espionage system though is to make it a minigame of sorts. When you make an espionage attack, you have to choose how many spies to send out. Those spies are then "busy" until your military reset time and cannot be counted towards other espionage attacks or used to defend against epsionage attacks. This would help balance the espionage system, because if you send out 60 spies on a single espionage attack, you would be wide open to incoming espionage attacks. You also become unable to make any further esionage attacks for that day, as you have none left to send out. If that's too harsh, you could have them "return to rest" after the next turn instead and be active for defense only, until military reset.
  6. Just did a little bit of investigating and it looks like Sheepy has rounding on for the timezone offset. I tried setting my timezone offset to "0.5" in the background and sadly it got set to "1". Otherwise I would have written a little customisation script to handle it.
  7. Shakyr


    Please post in https://forum.politicsandwar.com/index.php?/forum/48-tech-support/ Or login to Discord and open a ticket. This is for Game Suggestions.
  8. I've been asking for years, to the point where I gave up. So I'm happy that someone else is posting about it. Sheepy actually posted in this one, yet nothing has been done in the past year and a half. This one has links to my previous topics.
  9. Additionally, anyone in Beige should not be able to conduct espionage operations.
  10. Something I coded for myself, because I regularly ran out of raw resources, but I thought might be useful. Basically each resource has a Good, Ok, Bad threshold (or is disabled) and is coloured appropriately. At a glance I tell what resources I need to buy now and what I might need to buy soon.
  11. Something I thought about posting a few years ago, but ongoing radiation should affect more than just Farms. All Raw Resource and Manufacturing Improvements should have reduced production. Background "pollution" should be raised for all nations. This will impact various things if they do not have Recycling Centers, etc to offset. This would provide some measure of impact to a nuke war, which the game currently lacks.
  12. Requested 8 years ago (though without the pretty graphics). I would love to see saved templates in the game.
  13. 2. Numbers as always, can change. The whole point was to make it a restriction per city. 1000/1500 infra is cheap, I wouldn't call it whale territory. 3-5. The whole point of this topic is to render nuke turrets unfeasible, or am I missing something? Also, no military means no miltary. If you're lucky enough to still have 1 soldier at turn change (or when you are attacked), you're totally fine. Actually I want to add to my previous list. 5. Amend this to being "instantly beiged on the next Immense Triumph after 12 turns". This would give them the chance to at least double buy and maybe stop the attacker getting IT. 6. If you sell off all your military, this counts as admitting defeat and you will be instantly beiged on the next Immense Triumph, with no counter from (5). Bonus damage will be applied as per (4).
  14. Wouldn't change a thing, except make it slower for them to build their stockpiles. They don't rely on buying nukes during the war, they just use massive stockpiles. Instead, consider all or some of the following: Remove nukes and missles from the Nation Strength calculations. Require at least 1000 infra per city to build missiles and 1500 infra per city, in order to build nukes. If you have no military (soldiers, tanks, navy), you cannot declare wars. If you have no military, you take extra infra damage, increased chance of destroying improvements, plus a chance to destroy missiles and nukes. If you have no military (or less than x%) for 12 turns (1 day), you are instantly beiged.
  15. Lower the odds, but I see no issues with the basic premise. There is a fundamental issue with the current war system, that you can have no military and still declare wars, fighting with nukes and missiles. I'd actually propose three changes: 1. Add the option airplanes to target nuke/missile silos. Does less infrastructure damage, with the chance to destroy a nuke or missile. 2. If a nation has no military, ground attacks have a small chance of finding and destroying a nuke or missile silo. 3. Add options to naval battles to target various things (infrastructure, etc).
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