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Sketchy last won the day on July 4

Sketchy had the most liked content!

About Sketchy


  • Member Title
    All My Enemies Got Clapped

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  • Discord Name: Sketchy

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  1. Singularity officially declares it's indifference to this particular development. After much consideration we have no public comments on these particular events. We have investigated the specific circumstances involved in the above post, and have decided further investigation is not required. Roberts am I doing this right?
  2. Next Class is Thursday, I'll get you in. Sounds like you guys could use some lessons. Thanks @Kurdanak, see you at the christmas party.
  3. @Eumirbago Don't worry bro I'll edge you this time
  4. @Eumirbagobout to clap some cheeks
  5. The temptation to put "Xmas 2024" in that timeline was great, I will not lie.
  6. Don't worry bro we are changing it for you. Beige is prime real estate.
  7. Well no, if you turn back the clock you'd be turning it counter clockwise smh.
  8. Seaweed Bloc strikes fear in the hearts of men.
  9. I: Non Aggression All parties agree to abstain from engaging in or endorsing any form of political, military, or espionage activities against their partners. II: Mutual Defence All parties commit to coordinating efforts and providing defence to each other against foreign attacks. III: Optional Offence All parties maintain the right to participate in offensive actions against other alliances at their discretion. IV: Intelligence All parties agree to share relevant intelligence concerning their economic, political, and military interests to each other. V: Cancellation All parties agree to give 72 hour notice before cancelling the treaty. All prior clauses are still in effect during this period. Signed for Singularity Prime Intelligence: Sketchy, Anri Neural Network: Abaddon, Keegoz Assimilation Directive: Tartarus Signed for Eclipse Commander: Vein MA Specialist: Pascal Tech Specialist: Putmir Signed for Weebunism General Secretary: Empiur Deputy General Secretary: Baam Signed for Dark Brotherhood Listener: Arima, Chezstick Keeper: ToxicPepper Speaker of Deception: Big Mac
  10. Well you have a future career in FA with a complete bs answer like that at least.
  11. I like the flag, although, I feel like you should have done it without putting the name of the alliance in it. That's never a good idea.
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