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Hi @Roland of Enroth! We're reviewing this, and I've also created an in-game report for the other moderators to check. Thank you!
It looks like the revenue page is not properly showing the correct amount of food produced in antartica. From my understanding, antartica has no seasons, and only produces 50% food. It looks like the game is working correctly because i definitely did not make over 100k food over the last day. But the revenue page needs to be updated to properly reflect that.
Corvidae changed their profile photo
Welcome to the fest friends!
Good to know. The new interface is growing on me. It's a big change, but a positive one. Kudos.
well rip all of ur infra as sing is famous for eating other infra but good luck
The Warmongers: Yeah, like we care, it's another war, let's do this! Meanwhile The Pixel Huggers: Oh no! There's a war, let's protect our infra by going into VM and being cowards!
You don't need food to build nukes or missiles. Food is optional.
I'm sure it's just the test server not configured correctly
eh Food is overrated
No food is 33% income reduced income. If people disband over that, maybe they had other problems.
In my defence... Well, no. I got nothing. 10 points to Hufflepuff.
Classic Order of the White Rose declaring late to only to join in on an obvious dogpile. I would say I expect better but I obviously don't. Keep decadent, decade old stagnant leadership and this is what you get sadly.
Not sure if it's a multi, if it's relatives or school-mates, but It's worth a gander: The nation to be looked at:
Apes strong together!!!! Food to the mooooooooon hedgies (tkr) btfo 💎🙌💎🙌
You looked like you could use the help 😉
More targets? And ones with infra? Wow you give me the nicest presents.
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the community members: the game is dying, too much players are leaving, we need to fix this issue! meanwhile the same community members: let's make a 4-5 months long nuclear winter that will make most of the low tier/small alliances starve and potentially quit the game/disband! :insane: (personal opinion)