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MinesomeMC last won the day on November 11 2023

MinesomeMC had the most liked content!


  • Member Title
    Water Revolutionist

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    San Marcos
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  • Discord Name: MinesomeMC#0001

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  1. Bring back lost ally Love Spell Text +15555555555 to Get Your Ex-Ally Back Permanently business spell magic wallet Marriage Spells: Who it’s for: Have you been allied for months, even years, but they just dropped you? The Powerful Orbis Ally Spells is for any Alliance dying for her ex-Ally to return. It can also be used even if you aren’t formerly allied but are feeling the pressure to get allied. What will happen: You’d better start looking for that perfect treaty! This spell may act so fast on them; they might just fly you to a Bloc next weekend to ally! So take them shopping for treaties, and call around for FA, you’ve got a treaty to plan! However, if you truly love this alliance, and can envision a long and happy treaty together, then don’t miss your chance to order this spell today Phone: +15555555555 Text or Call: +15555555555 Why are my spells so effective? Why choose me to invoke spirits, and cast spells on your behalf? I perform a variety of voodoo rituals that have been proven to work time and again, and that consistently channel powerful forces to change alliance's lives for the better…or in the case of curses, to cause extremely negative things to happen to the targeted alliance . I perform all the rituals myself, but unfortunately can only fulfil 3 spell requests each night, due to the intensity of the ritual, and the time spent personalizing it for each person. Chief Minesome Phone: +15555555555 Text or Call: +15555555555 or Contact me on Discord @MinesomeMC mods im just making fun of the scam spam
  2. No Comment Official Message from GATO Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  3. Nice try but SFR Yugoslavia disbanded 27 April 1992.
  4. We must not be in the same archeological site. I have never seen you before in my ten years here lol
  5. Does it come in pink?
  6. Full time + part time + school is crazy. I cant even handle my part time job
  7. Crazy to think that I was in a group chat for this alliance 7 years ago
  8. Bro started writing a poem at the end
  9. This doesn’t need a discussion? I thought this was common knowledge.
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