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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/07/19 in Posts

  1. https://politicsandwar.com/alliance/id=5942 https://politicsandwar.com/index.php?id=23&keyword=&cat=none&ob=score&od=DESC&backpage=<<&maximum=50&minimum=0 GPWC officially has taken the #1 spot with over 1000 members. The next closest group has less than 200 members. This is the official post to "commemorate" the loss of the #1 spot as an attainable position for any other alliance. With the highest member score being ~1700 (aside from auctor), they have nowhere to go but up. I think the record for highest alliance score is TKR in Knightfall with almost 500k? So they still have 200k to go but they've been growing at roughly 125k score per month so we'll see that done by new years. Congrats to GPWC for breaking records.
    4 points
  2. This thread is a compilation of Quality of Life suggestions from the Game Suggestions subforum mixed with a few of my own from conversations had with fellow players. Feel free to suggest additional ones here in this thread and I can add them to the list. Nothing suggested here should be a massive change to the game (so nothing that would alter game mechanics, for example, no matter how minor) but rather small changes that would make life a little easier for general members and/or gov. Alliance Pages and Management Remove VM nations from alliance stats. Makes the alliance stats a more realistic representation of the alliance as it currently is. Give the ability to sort member/applicant lists by "Last Online". Allow for alliance leaders to add/remove flags from their in-game drop down list. Remove fields from alliance info pages that aren't changed from their default values (e.g. if an alliance's forum link points to https://politicsandwar.com/forums/) Add a PW wiki page field to alliance info pages. Allow for alliances to add in an alliance/community religion. Allow for a bloc treaty type with multiple alliances. Give the ability to leave a "Declare War" warning to applicants like can be done with members. Make a checkbox to remove expired wars in alliance wars. Allow alliance officers to moderate in-game alliance announcements (i.e. lock announcement threads, delete individual posts, etc). Add a drop down to the input box for alliance member changes, to make it easier to input their leader/nation names. Add an info box to the alliance "Join" screen to allow alliances to input/edit information for applicants. Show default tax rates on the alliance "Join" screen and remove or reduce the two day seniority requirement before collecting taxes. Allow alliances to give in-game awards to their members. Allow alliances to view what trade bloc name members have voted for (also suggested here). Have a "history" page on the alliance page to view alliance score history breakdown and growth over time. Alliance Bank Management Allow for alliance tax brackets to be changed in bulk (allow for multiple members to be added to a bracket at once). Allow for alliance leadership to set tax brackets for an arbitrary range of city counts. Instead of "All 20 city nations" allow for the input of a range like "All nations with 15-20 cities". Fix the top line of the WC/bank pages to allow the headers to still be read as you scroll down. On the alliance bank page, show the total income over the last turn/day to the alliance bank. Bonus points if it shows you the last few turns/days for comparison Double bonus points if there's one of those fancy graphs that show how your income has varied over time. Show the current per turn/day value of a tax rate on a given nation when you're selecting a tax bracket for them, will help make educated decisions regarding the impact a particular tax bracket might have on members. Split up the resource tax rate by individual resource instead of having it put collectively (also suggested here). Allow alliances to embargo other alliances (but give members the option to opt out of them). Allow for more than 50 results/page to be shown on the bank activity page. Be able to sort and/or search alliance bank activity (also suggested here). Add raw resources to the warchest view on the control panel in-game (already viewable in the bank api). Allow for the "$" and commas to be ignored when inputting values and/or allow for k,m,b to be used to send cash/resources (i.e. 1m instead of 1000000 to send 1 million food). (Also applies to resources/trading) Replace color based tax exemptions with activity based tax exemptions. Create a "Select All" button to autofill bank contents into the withdrawal fields for easy offshoring. Allow alliances to have a drop down of custom transaction notes. Remove applicants/former members from tax bracket lists (bug). Allow officers to search to find out what tax bracket a member is on. Add a bank withdrawal confirmation screen (see post here for examples). War Screens and Battle Simulators Add military units for both you and your opponents to the war screen so that you don't need to have endless tabs open to decide in what order to attack opponents or to compare your military against theirs. Add average infra/city to the declaration page as this information helps players decide between war types. After moving off beige, default to alliance color rather than gray (save gray for inactive nations rather than active fighters). Add a confirmation screen/checkbox before offering/accepting peace. Similarly to the copy spy results option that was just added, create a "copy attack results" option for standard war attacks as well for ease of coordination. For the battle simulator, don't automatically refresh the options in between runs. It makes it difficult for people to run multiple simulations in a row to get an average. Instead, maybe include a "reset" button so people can decide when they want to clear it. In the war screen changes; an option to simulate ground/air/naval could also be given. Say a check box above the dropdown which says Simulate. This would simulate an attack with your current military versus the opponents current military without manually typing everything in. Increase character limit for war declaration messages. Add a confirmation screen/checkbox before purchasing military. On the war attack page, update max units destroyed figures based on the number of units to be sent out field. Also, add in fields for amount of gas/munitions used with that selected number of units. Add icons for ID/VDS to the active wars screen. Make it easier to tell if you're not able to declare war on someone before you hit declare war. Add units killed from spies to totals on war info pages (or, alternatively, to unit kills on the nation page). Allow nations to set a custom default message. Make the war damage tables more intuitive (see post here for examples). Simplify buying/selling military units: When buying or selling military units, provide a screen showing how many barracks/factories/hangars/drydocks you'll need averaged per city to support whatever amount you're attempting to buy or sell to. Or provide an option to buy or sell to X barracks/factories/hangars/drydocks per city. So if you're coming off a war, have an option where you can sell down tanks to whatever will leave you with 3 factories per city worth of tanks, instead of leaving the player to do the math. Use the @ feature to more easily buy/sell down military to the preferred level Make war results clearer on alliance war pages by showing the result of the participating alliance member (see post here for example). Infrastructure, Land, and Improvements For the bulk import feature, have the default be to all cities but give the option to select which cities to import to. Cities may have differing infra levels/improvement slots, especially during war, or people may want different builds for different cities - but still across multiple cities - so allowing them to choose which cities the import applies to would make things easier (suggested here, here, and here as well). For the "expected daily profit per improvement" line on resource improvements, it appears that after buying/stacking improvements for the bonus, it factors that bonus into the "expected daily profit" figure and inflates it as compared to the other possible improvements. This makes it hard to compare and see if another resource may be better. Allow for improvement numbers to be typed in and submitted instead of or in addition to using the +/- buttons on the city improvement pages (also suggested here). Allow for nations to toggle between a wartime build and a peacetime build they set up. Resources and Trading Allow alliance leadership with bank perms to buy and sell from the market directly instead of having to transfer money/resources to their nation first (also suggested here). Allow nations to trade resources (i.e. steel for aluminum) with and send cash offers to one another. Allow for the site to be able to read commas (and currency symbols) when inputting values (nation score, money, resource amounts, etc). Unstack the trading graphs here in order to more easily visualize trends of individual resources over time. Instead of having the average prices scroll on the market page, keep them static. Allow for a confirmation screen/checkbox on the market before purchasing open trade offers. Allow for the usage of the @ feature when depositing to the alliance bank or making trades. Increase trading limit to 10m. Add "Date Accepted" to the sorting filters (separate from "Date Offered") and set it to the default for "My Offers". Move "Current Top Offers" on the "Create Offer" screen to the left of the form, "Sell Offers" top, "Buy Offers below (dropped below for a mobile) and by default it be displayed. Allow players to set timers on embargos. Give an option to "hide embargoed offers". On the "Create Offer" page, show how much of the selected resource you have, to make things easier on mobile players. Only show trade pop-up if posting more than 1 stdev from average PPU. An alternative suggestion can be found here. Re-separate alliance and global trade markets and remove captcha from alliance trade markets (also suggested here). Alternatively, allow in settings to combine or separate these markets. Restrict it so that you cannot place offers (in a resource) more than the amount of resources you have. If a seller/buyer no longer has the required funds to back a trade, remove it from the trade page. Merge functionality of the buy/sell page into the create offer page (read post here for more explanation). Site Navigation and Alliance/Nation Search Pages Be able to search nations in multiple alliances. (I'd personally suggest an alphabetized drop down menu here instead with the ability to select multiple options rather than having players type in alliance names.) Show for how many more turns/days a nation is in beige for on the nation search list. Allow for bounties to be sorted. Separate the treasure/color bloc pages from the leaderboards to make them easier to get to. Turn the current color bloc names in the Color Trade Bloc Leaderboard into links to each color bloc voting page Turn the number of nations column in the Color Trade Bloc Leaderboard into a series of links to all nations on each color (e.g. the number of nations on olive should link here). Put a link to the game graphs and the stat tracker on the navigation bar (and fix the stat tracker). Allow for a search by discord handle. Allow players to filter alliances by GDP. Categorize/organize projects on the Projects page. Individual Nations Allow for players to set a signature for their in-game messages. Allow for different types of embargoes: baseball, market buy, and market sell. Show custom images on internal pages. Allow for the ability to sort in-game messages. Allow players to delete ads from their account page. Add the option to deposit resources in another alliance bank, like you can your own. Add in new government types (suggestion 1, suggestion 2, suggestion 3). Reduce the cost of resetting city/project timers in accordance with the amount of time left on the timer (i.e. the timer is for 120 turns, reduce by 1 credit every time the timer drops by 30 turns). Make a transaction ledger for alliance history and/or allow for a manual input of alliance seniority with leadership approval. Expand nation factbooks. Additional suggestions here. Show pre-tax net revenue. Remove base score from the nation score formula. Add expected profit for factories like we have for mines. Nation Pages/Stats Add a PW wiki page field to nation info pages. Allow nations to see a list of their current commendations/denouncements. Double the National Motto character limit (and allow characters with accent marks). Give option in settings to hide custom nation descriptions by default. Alternatively, have a "Hide nation description" button on all nation pages that people can toggle on/off (also suggested here). A variation of this was previously implemented but is broken and in need of a suitable fix. Add Militarization Level to nation pages. Highlight unpowered cities in red so they can be quickly identified. Nation stats additions: Number of people killed in nuclear strikes Total Damage Nukes/missiles blocked Notifications System (Read post here) Group unread notifications of the same type and date. Separate the date and time into separate columns (add another column for time). Change the date format to day and month name instead, e.g. "14 April". Change the time format to 24 hour time, e.g. "23:44" instead of "11:44 pm". Remove the superfluous explanation field at the top of the notification page to reclaim more vertical space. The general format of grouped notifications would consist of 3 columns; date, time, description. The initial description for grouped notifications should contain appropriate links on the keywords embargoed, trade, war, aided, and achievements. Some changes to the way notifications are formatted (see post). Unread grouped notifications are ordered by their last event notification time. Notifications Create a notification for when wars expire. Allow for an alert when you run out of a resource you use for production/upkeep. Notify players when their tax bracket is changed. Get a notification when an enemy's blockade/superiority is removed. Create a page to show results of espionage operations. Add the note accompanying alliance bank transfers to the notification when receiving funds. Also, clean up the notification message to remove resource sent values of 0. Allow players to toggle/filter notification categories based on what's important to them. When you get a notification for a pending trade, include a link to accept/reject it. Baseball Allow for maxing out player stats with a new button or input a number into quickly to specify an upgrade number. Allow for a custom stadium image(/jersey) same as the already existent custom team logo, as a VIP feature. Auto-hide the blow-by-blow table that shows how the game went. Allow for an option to keep baseball player names static so they don't reset on retirement. API & keys Add treasures to the Nation API. Add treaties to the API (Also here). Add nation militarization level to the Nation(s) API. Don't require payment/credits to change API key. Allow people to transfer API calls to others instead of sharing API keys. Miscellaneous/General Ease Remove notifications number from sidebar when looking at the notifications page instead of after. Move notifications/messages to the top bar. Send an automated email to players with nations emerging from vacation mode after an extended period of time. Make usage of Nation vs Leader name consistent. Make resource order consistent. Language change to turn change message. Allow for the treaty web to be expanded upon request past the Top 50 (suggestion 1, suggestion 2, suggestion 3, suggestion 4). Provide a notification if a country you're warring against gets deleted. Allow bounties to be filtered. Give a 2FA log in option. Randomize default color bloc option for new/unaffiliated nations. Add conversions to real time behind the number of turns (see post here for examples). People within the Admin Alliance shouldn't be counted towards the leaderboards. Link forum accounts dynamically with nation ID to minimize the issue of mismatched nation/leader names. Introduce a transparent theme (see post here for example). Separate out memorialized nations of PnW players who have passed from VM nations. Completed Suggestions To be sorted: Last updated 1/15/2023
    3 points
  3. i have risen for bumpy goodness in my skimming of the suggestion board to find this thread... i saw a bunch of repeat suggestions that we had already compiled within this thread see u in a month or four @Alex rawr
    3 points
  4. https://politicsandwar.com/alliances/ Gay space communist party ?
    2 points
  5. Are functioning logic skills required in Ancapistan? Evidence points to No, but lets find out!
    2 points
  6. Airbags are not required in ancapistan, you just use your strong hands.
    2 points
  7. >Creates a topic in Orbis Central that links to an alliance ad that he posted himself Obviously the rest of us need to steal this 300 IQ strat
    2 points
  8. Current situation: Whenever you are attacked by air, combat automatically occurs. If you are severely outnumbered the plane loss is extremely lopsided. And this situation makes it very easy for someone to keep air supremacy through air attacks that wipe out any of your buys. Planes also have the longest build up time which makes them the hardest to build back up once outnumbered. Proposal: Allow you to put your planes in a "no defense" mode in a war. In that mode, your units don't contest the battle and neither the attacker nor defender take plane casualties. Changing to or from "No defense mode" costs 1 MAP. If the attacker targets planes, the additional planes killed by that targeting are still killed. So they can still attack your planes to keep you from building more, but it's slower and takes more MAPS/resources/resistance than it does currently. Reasons: - Makes planes slightly less OP by making it easier for someone to climb back towards contesting air battles again. - Creates more space for building back up to make more wars contested and interesting. - Gives people more options to make wars more dynamic.
    1 point
  9. Kept you waiting, huh? Welcome! Soldiers, XOs, and Rulers of Nations above the United States! We are the Ancap Dogs! An alliance without allegiance to any one nation! An alliance meant to service those who need it, and those who can afford it! I wish to bring the reality of a long-lasting PMC to this beloved game of ours. We're all Ancaps. A shining light to our brothers on orbis. Alliance Affairs and such can be done at our Discord server: https://discord.gg/hJjr3wP Orbis is a big place... Not that I would know though. I still haven't been there yet.
    1 point
  10. This is a most generous offer. Your "specialists" are certainly helping us handle the bloat.
    1 point
  11. 2010 called, it wanted its' bill reduction joke back.
    1 point
  12. Like anyone has ever really cared about the #1 spot
    1 point
  13. In the "find nations in your war range" ability to select only nations from certain alliances or exclude nations from certain alliances Also should be automatic that nations from your alliance don't show up Button to hide custom description of other player nations Show military units at the top of the page Something like this
    1 point
  14. wait is this a threat butts are you threatening me
    1 point
  15. So how do you feel about espresso mugs and airbags? I care about my coffee safety, do you?
    1 point
  16. Treasure Island peaked at 462k. TKR peaked at 469k. NPO peaked at 401k. UPN peaked at 207k and T$ peaked at 309k @Buorhann
    1 point
  17. Just another thousand nations for Alex's next mandatory consolidation into Rose.
    1 point
  18. I think we were slightly below Treasure Island at its peak. I think @Nizam Adrienne discussed this with Thrax around that time.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Happy birthday! Y'all are great brothers-(and @Mhearl's sister)-in-arms. Rose has had a great history in those 5 years and hopefully an even brighter future in the next 5. - Cooper and Sam
    1 point
  21. This creates more problems than it solves™
    1 point
  22. Anarcho-Capitalism is an oxymoron. I prefer the term "corporate feudalism."
    1 point
  23. I am starting a petition to give relief to our dear friend Keshav. This war has dragged on for months and months and he deserves a break. Therefore I am suggesting we create a "Keshavbot". I believe with just a few lines of code we can have Keshav's OWF posts fully automated by 2020! Here is an example: if anybody { 'mentions NPO'}; then keshav ('brings up TKR from 3 years ago') if keshav = { 'has no argument' } then keshav posts = ( 'passive aggressive emoji' )
    1 point
  24. Since you're clearly that miserable with your life that you had nothing better to do with time than to dig through and go all the way back to my posts from 2015 including this one here I have decided that I will post something at least once a day for you to down vote. So here you go, down vote me. Hoping to reach minus 100,000 before my birthday next week. Go go go go, make it happen!
    1 point
  25. ??? You never cease to amaze me.
    1 point
  26. goons is a very left wing alliance, so this checks out.
    1 point
  27. When the major combatants have been fighting for over 4 months and TS can't handle even one
    1 point
  28. WE ArnT ThE bAD GuYS A quick after note: I'd like to thank our allies and congratulate them on fighting so long! We know what we are fighting for!
    1 point
  29. It's obviously a joke, Mr. Do Not Fear Jazz.... Obviously Minesome is being facetious. Nobody would ever willingly go to war with Goons. No man has ever been at war with Goons and won. It would be suicidal to even conjure up thoughts against Goons.
    1 point
  30. A protectorate after they've established peace is a valid CB? lol what
    1 point
  31. OP, come to GOONS discord about a protectorate. Since getting raided for coal is dumb.
    1 point
  32. Inspired by the peace talks thread... ?
    1 point
  33. I’ve often wondered and been frustrated with the limited structure. Another level is definitely needed.
    1 point
  34. In case someone wants gov level with bank access & one which doesn't; with neither being able to coup them whenever they feel like it. So would make mergers and such easier with more gov levels; since you need to place a lot of trust in someone to make them a heir. Although since so many people use the ability of heirs to coup in order to rob alliances banks and such; he'll probably never really improve the heir feature. So can have 2 different levels of gov which don't have all the leader permissions just by promoting themselves.
    1 point
  35. Would be nice to be able to individually assign bank perms or not to folks too.
    1 point
  36. Suggestion: Don't do them.
    1 point
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