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TheNG last won the day on October 9 2019

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About TheNG


  • Member Title
    I'm Free

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    Not Telling
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    The Terapin Federation
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  • Discord Name: TheNG#9155

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Community Answers

  1. When you're on the frontier, in the vanguard, leading the way, life is never easy. The first brave Acadians were among the few to stride across the newly born world, and make it their own. They excelled, dominated, left an indelible mark on history for all time. All know who we are, and what we have done, what great works have been wrought. No man, no nation, no army could defeat them. Unfortunately, some enemies lurking in the deep woods are far more than mere men. Strikingly absent from the "report" cobbled together by the crook calling himself our admin are details. Details of how he maliciously manipulated the facts and game rules, and treated NPO like dirt while lying to their faces. This was not even his first offense, no, but merely the bloody crescendo of a vicious campaign to drive them out of the mess this world has become. We have seen this, and more in our time here. NPO are not those first dauntless few, they are not our oldest friends and allies, yet they were among those few who supported Acadia at our lowest moments when friends were in short supply. When news of this betrayal reached us, the Colonial Council gathered, and reached one conclusion. The great work must be abandoned, we cannot go on. We cannot in good faith continue to enable the toxicity, cheating, and worse that has doomed so many today. Change will come to Acadia, beautiful and deadly in all its many forms. Many of us will be embarking on the next ship away from here, to boldly go on a new adventure wherever the winds will take us. Some of us will remain to keep the lights on, and my final request is that we be left alone to sort out our business. Our discord will remain open forever for all Acadians and allies to gather and share a few moments together. Acadia endures, good luck to you all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ On a personal note, I've spent a fair chunk of my life here with you all, met a lot of people, and had a lot of wild times - good and bad. I'll always treasure that, if nothing else about this mess. Been thinking about it for a while, so now is as good a time as ever. Far too many people to thank for making it worth sticking around, and PnW doesn't deserve such a fine community. I'll be around here to finish up some things and then on Discord if you know where to find me. Always remember why you're here, and leave some breadcrumbs out if you have the time. - TheNG
  2. TheNG


    New players: *Join the game, an objectively good thing.* Also new players: *Happen to align with NPO* Col A Players: The sheer, abject terror Col A players experience at the thought of new players joining the game and not kowtowing to them never fails to amuse. Just say you'd rather they'd all delete, it'd be more honest. That said, I do quite like the sound of the NPO Manga Trading Conspiracy, it'll join other classics like the NPO Steel Conspiracy, the NPO Stats Conspirac(ies), the NPO Bots and Baseball Conspiracy, the list goes on.
  3. In the words of under's own (ironically deleted) RoH; "Destroy them all, Sheepy will recognize his own"
  4. TheNG

    War slot filling

    As the accused once again, I can confirm that there was zero coordination with BK involved in that particular war. https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=71842&display=war You'll note that while there was one active war against a BK nation at the time I attacked, Magnicia also had three active wars against nations belonging to New Pacific Order and aNiMaLz, which is a subsidiary of GOONS I believe. NPO in particular requested that I attack that nation, and I coordinated with them and the additional GotG nation to make good the attack. At no point was BK involved, and any "relief" to the attacked BK nation was purely incidental. The continual lying, exaggerations and false reporting done here by a number of players is extremely distressing, particularly when a much larger volume of similar wars (between North Point, The Syndicate, and Rose among others) are concurrently taking place, and the same players "calling out" mine and Acadia's wars are seemingly unconcerned or even directly taking part in their own wars. If I am cheating, then so are all of you.
  5. tl;dr: James goes full Scarfalot, doesn't even read the thread or realize that Farksphere is not in fact BK before reporting it anyway. Hey mods, I think warnings for false reporting are in order for this disgusting attempts at censorship by Coalition A.
  6. TheNG

    War slot filling

    This has been explained already in previous threads, but thanks to the actions of our other allies TCW, Acadia and Black Knights have ended up at war, as the DoW several days ago should be more than evidence of. In addition, since you mention our treaty with GoG, it is non-chaining and isn't particularly relevant in this case. It's amusing that you're saying I'm not fighting back when I've made a number of attacks against all three nations and will continue to do so until they're defeated. Just because I'm not running continual airstrikes doesn't mean these wars aren't real. It should be obvious, but I'd rather my valuable infra not be blown up, by them or anyone else, and particularly by beiges. While I obviously have no idea what strategy the BK nations are using, it appears they're doing naval attacks to take advantage of the fact I can't really build much navy without it being destroyed by them or the other wars I'm in. You'd have to ask them. Besides, using navy in wars is hardly a sign of slot filling, otherwise you might need to ban Arrgh and one-ship attacks too. Deliberately misrepresented reporting by a VM nation with an axe to grind is hardly a firm basis to make judgements off of, I would say!
  7. TheNG

    Slot Filling

    I'll repost some of my response from the other thread where these wars were reported, as the alliance leader of the nation in question with some knowledge of these wars at least from Acadia's end. I obviously can't speak for BK here. In this case, although my DoW thread was erroneously removed, a state of war does exist between BK and Acadia and we have no ingame treaties (nor have we for more than a year).In addition, both sides have actively made attacks, the BK members are blockading my member and annoyingly preventing resupply, while my member has made several ground attacks to secure ground control and gain money from the nations attacking him. He's running dreadfully low on resources due to the blockade, and likely didn't use munitions when making the ground attack, combined with a bad roll. It looks like both sides are trying to win the war to me, and are actively fighting and doing damage to one another. In addition, there's only been time for a few attacks. I eagerly await Alex's decision here, but it's fairly cut and dried to any non-biased and malicious individuals. And of course, if you were just making this report out of spite in the knowledge that the wars would be upheld and simply intending to try and use moderation as a weapon, I must say that would be very unfortunate. Just because BK and Acadia are also at war with you doesn't mean that we can't all be civil members of the PnW community...
  8. TheNG

    Slot Filling

    I'll repost some of my response from the other thread where these wars were reported, as the alliance leader of the nation in question with some knowledge of these wars at least from Acadia's end. I obviously can't speak for BK here. In this case, although my DoW thread was erroneously removed, a state of war does exist between BK and Acadia and we have no ingame treaties (nor have we for more than a year).In addition, both sides have actively made attacks, the BK members are blockading my member and annoyingly preventing resupply, while my member has made several ground attacks to secure ground control and gain money from the nations attacking him. He's running dreadfully low on resources due to the blockade, and likely didn't use munitions when making the ground attack, combined with a bad roll. It looks like both sides are trying to win the war to me, and are actively fighting and doing damage to one another. In addition, there's only been time for a few attacks. I eagerly await Alex's decision here, but it's fairly cut and dried to any non-biased and malicious individuals. And of course, if you were just making this report out of spite in the knowledge that the wars would be upheld and simply intending to try and use moderation as a weapon, I must say that would be very unfortunate. Just because BK and Acadia are also at war with you doesn't mean that we can't all be civil members of the PnW community...
  9. TheNG

    Slot filling

    While I am not one of the accused, I am an alliance leader of the nation attacked. As has been pointed out here and here and in multiple other threads by Coalition A members defending alleged slot filling, one does not necessarily need to do air attacks in a war to win it.. In this case, although my DoW thread was erroneously removed, a state of war does exist between BK and Acadia and we have no ingame treaties (now have we for more than a year).In addition, both sides have actively made attacks, the BK members are blockading my member and annoyingly preventing resupply, while my member has made several ground attacks to secure ground control and gain money from the nations attacking him. It looks like both sides are trying to win the war to me. If these wars are slot filling, then it would almost be the logical conclusion would be that all the NP wars attacking Col A members with the dec reasons of "free beige" are also "slot filling". Huh, how about that? I eagerly await Alex's decision here, but it's fairly cut and dried to any non-biased and malicious individuals. And of course, if you were just making this report out of spite in the knowledge that the wars would be upheld and simply intending to try and use moderation as a weapon, I must say that would be very unfortunate. Just because BK and Acadia are also at war with you doesn't mean that we can't all be civil members of the PnW community...
  10. Coalition A justifying their slotfilling be like:
  11. Shut up shut up shut up! You will not keep my award from me!
  12. No it hasn't. If you take a walk through the raw logs, you'll find plenty of OOC convos and RL information from myself and others posted in a private channel. Archknox has posted only IC excerpts, which is fine, but in no way excuses the fact that a bunch of people are apparently fine with spreading around unscrubbed logs with personal details in them as long as they also have Roq saying mean things about KETOG and Chaos. Thanks though, I hope a few weeks of shitting on IQ is worth this.
  13. Oh boy, I sure am glad to see RL info and OOC convos from me and others posted on the forums for everyone to read. Couldn't even be bothered to edit that out, eh? Glad to see that Gorge's "convictions" about ruining the game for people don't apply to him. Thanks a bunch.
  14. I made it in five minutes after Leo posted the link to this lol
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