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Sir Scarfalot

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Sir Scarfalot last won the day on March 21 2021

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  • Member Title
    Rocket Raider

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location:
    At my computer
  • Interests
  • Leader Name
    Sir Scarfalot
  • Nation Name
  • Nation ID
  • Alliance Name
    Department of Opposition

Contact Methods

  • Discord Name: Sir Scarfalot #7619

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Sir Scarfalot's Achievements

Legendary Member

Legendary Member (8/8)



  1. Well done and congratulations ❤️
  2. Ideally don't double the money cost, but otherwise this should be a good adjustment
  3. For some reason, the timer doesn't show up after I watch the ad and I have to manually refresh the page; is that intended behavior?
  4. Creating an alliance requires a very clear vision of what you want from it. I made a one-man alliance and it worked out for quite a long time, but that was only because I had the power of fortification and a goal of hitting salty people with missiles. If you want to make an alliance, then power to you, but these days you need the capacity to offshore resources and cash, discord for bots and coordination, and enough of an internal culture that you can survive nuke turrets and poaching. Right now your "Teutonic Knights" has exactly zero of those things except a basic discord, so fix that please before you start recruiting and giving new players a misrepresentation of how the game can really work.
  5. Two nukes built per day means two targets can be nuked using two separate wars, since each war gets its own MAPs. Go learn how to war And again, if each nuke does one full day's income worth of damage then that completely nullifies the targets' growth, at virtually zero cost to the attacker. And your counter argument is literally that one simply shouldn't have infra so it can't be nuked? Mate, you can't claim that turretting is underpowered when by your own arguments it demonstrably isn't. I'm not saying it's OP, but you're certainly making a good case that it is.
  6. If you can do a day's worth of income in damage twice per day, you do see how much that actually is, right? If each nuke does a full day’s worth of damage, then a turret alliance can shut down the growth of an alliance that’s twice their size. That’s no small amount of damage.
  7. Well, what would you suggest? That people not lose against a higher number of opponents? How would that happen under literally any mechanics? Like some kind of inverse ninja law bonus that causes plane damage to scale with how many wars you've declared? ...actually... You either win or you don't, and if you don't you toss nukes and missiles. This is not a bad thing, but it hasn't been re-balanced to account for the higher number of cities players have built in the years since NPOLT, so all we really need is a few adjustments to the numbers. That's the way I see it.
  8. Ultimately, how one plays this game depends on how much one is willing to invest in it in terms of time and effort. I remember back when I first joined, I was a grunt in BoC as part of an effort by the players of Worlds at War to infiltrate P&W. We got into a big war, and despite BoC apparently losing I managed to snag a few kills and ended up profiting more that way than I had in my entire farming career to that point. Then I quit since I figured out a way to break Worlds at War and wasn't having so much fun here. I rejoined the game after a couple years as part of a >Bloc alliance, and realized how powerful fortification could be (this was back when it added resistance). My alliance crumpled like paper after foolishly stealing a major alliances' bank, so I went solo and raided like nuts to buy myself the almighty MLP. Then I went crazy, launching my daily missile at everyone without a care in the world. So much salt was mined, y'all don't even know 🙃 Point is, doing that still took time and effort as well as the mathematical skill to theorize the strat. Fortification bombing went away and turretting took its place, but it still takes time, effort, and math. Politics is no different really, it just takes time, effort, and interpersonal skills. A new player cannot, and should not, be able to get ahead of someone that's invested time, effort, and skill in getting where they are. And they shouldn't be expected to; rather it is on their leadership to provide the opportunities to have fun and excel. Of course, that does mean that we should try and stay away from one-day wars followed by months of game-wide NAPs
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