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Adrienne last won the day on July 2

Adrienne had the most liked content!

About Adrienne


  • Member Title
    Harbinger of the Apocalypse

Profile Information

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  • Alliance Name
    The Knights Radiant

Contact Methods

  • Discord Name: Adrienne#1306

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7555 profile views

Adrienne's Achievements

Exalted Member

Exalted Member (7/8)



  1. Inconceivable! Looking forward to working with you all!
  2. Ben and Adri showing off their A+ dance moves To our friends, foes, and people that sorta maybe tolerate us, It's our 9th birthday! As our birthday comes to a close, I've been reflecting on the last year, which has been nothing short of eventful. We've been a part of 4 wars, merged with our good friends in Bourbon Street, grew up to over 200 members, and reached the benchmarks of 5,000 total cities and 1,000,000 score. Though we've had our trials as well, we've undoubtedly accomplished much this year, and I couldn't possibly be prouder of our successes. I'd like to thank our allies, both present and past, for their friendship and support. But most of all, I'd like to thank my gov and members and the incredible community we've built together. Throughout the years, our alliance has proven itself to be one of camaraderie, persistence, and fortitude. I'm grateful to have seen my alliance grow and flourish, throughout all the highs and lows we've seen, and to be a part of this amazingly strong, friendly, and tight-knit community. I'm looking forward to seeing what our 10th year brings us. Always the next step, Radiants! o7, Adri
  3. Villaaaaaaaage 😭 But for real, thank you for all you’ve done. Watched how much work you've put in the last few years - you’ve done so much for the community. Enjoy the break, you've more than earned it. Good luck with work and school!
  4. I'd settle for having the search feature back, tbh
  5. I would be exceedingly impressed if you broke overall negative net with your membership size. (But yeah, you'd have to measure per capita really and break it that way, but no one much analyzes things that way publicly, except perhaps hidude. Shame. I enjoy those sorts of comparison stats.)
  6. Eh, don't worry. You'd have to have a lot more members for that to happen 😜
  7. A lot of cranky folks here. Did you get waken up in the middle of your NAP? It's really easy to criticize from the sidelines when you're not in the the thick of it. Appreciate your concern for our ally, but just go back to enjoying building to 4k infra or whatever it is you fine folks are doing.
  8. Let me get past the chaos of the first couple days here, and I'll see what I can do
  9. You have many posts to upvote. And I have many friends :3
  10. You gotta earn it, friend. I don't fold at a whim.
  11. We did, though lol. We worked on the The House one together.
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