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Fulcrum last won the day on September 2 2024

Fulcrum had the most liked content!



  • Member Title
    TIME Magazine Person of the Year 2006

Profile Information

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  • Alliance Name
    The Knights Radiant

Contact Methods

  • Discord Name: thefulc

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Fulcrum's Achievements

Senior Member

Senior Member (5/8)



  1. gg everyone, had a fun time
  2. I think teal and lavender are pretty distinct, maybe magenta and tan instead of bronze and gold? Alternatively:
  3. Every status update is now some weird scam link :thonk:

  4. Should've left Camelot in the list and see if the masses wanted you to go after them twice
  5. Are you guys going trick or treating?

  6. This is for treaties that were actually signed, if you want to make a proposal then send it to their gov
  7. Just don't log in for a day if you want it to reset
  8. They are probably just in an opposite timezone from you. There's also no war slot filling here as judging from the war timelines they are attacking you pretty consistently
  9. I've been getting this error recently, are you getting this as well? IIRC Alex isn't actively fixing this though because the ad company hasn't fulfilled their end of the deal (paying)
  10. Pay you 50mil to get off your do-not-raid list? So 50mil to get raided by you? This is the worst deal ever
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