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Fulcrum last won the day on September 2

Fulcrum had the most liked content!



  • Member Title
    TIME Magazine Person of the Year 2006

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  • Leader Name
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  • Alliance Name
    The Knights Radiant

Contact Methods

  • Discord Name: thefulc

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Fulcrum's Achievements

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Senior Member (5/8)



  1. Just don't log in for a day if you want it to reset
  2. They are probably just in an opposite timezone from you. There's also no war slot filling here as judging from the war timelines they are attacking you pretty consistently
  3. 3000 days


    1. Kurdanak
    2. Jesus Prime

      Jesus Prime

      And for 3000 more!

  4. I've been getting this error recently, are you getting this as well? IIRC Alex isn't actively fixing this though because the ad company hasn't fulfilled their end of the deal (paying)
  5. Pay you 50mil to get off your do-not-raid list? So 50mil to get raided by you? This is the worst deal ever
  6. As someone who used to make quite a lot of ads, I agree the 800x100 dimensions are very restrictive. I also agree that expanding it too much would limit gameplay and create a greater incentive for people to hide ads via their account page. I like the 800x200 proposal. Maybe we could also explore other blank spaces that could be used for player ads. For example, maybe the alliance recruitment page (https://politicsandwar.com/alliances/join/) could be altered to have more ads in the recruitment category. Having several different dimensions depending on space can be a way to get more creativity
  7. I came up with this idea as I thought about all the resources that disappear in globals. Just wanted to throw it out there to get some thoughts. Scrap is a resource that slowly piles up in your nation as you lose units in war. On its own, scrap is useless but can be sold on the market. Introduced alongside scrap is a new improvement (or project) which converts scrap to another resource such as steel or aluminum. This is determined at random at every turn. If this is too powerful, it could have a 50% of remaining as scrap and the other 50% that it becomes one of several resources. Players have the option to sell their scrap as is or convert it to other resources for their own use or profit. Advantages: - Previously, resources would disappear once units were destroyed. A minor recycling process may affect the trade dynamic - Creation of a new, scrap-based sub-economy for players who want to buy up scrap and sell back as resources - Blockaded nations now have a small chance of producing resources they may desperately need - Nations on 100/100 can still sell scrap or resources on the market for extra cash - Nations in smaller alliances that don’t fund post-war reconstruction could sell or convert their scrap to help recover on their own - Smaller nations that don’t raid may decide scrap is a better investment than farms. It will help them make more progress and enjoy the game more as a result, plus less complaints about radiation
  8. Nobody reads those posts anyway. Everyone relevant is too busy, you know, fighting the actual war
  9. You may need to edit this
  10. How about a two-year global followed by a 0.5 NAP?
  11. Not sure if "King" is the appropriate term for someone in charge of an anarchist clique, unless you're harking back to the Greek city-state theme
  12. These scam bots and gravediggers are making me accidentally upvote posts from years ago and I hate it
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