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Kevanovia last won the day on July 24

Kevanovia had the most liked content!


  • Member Title
    Great Job! Host

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  • Leader Name
    Charlie Traveler
  • Nation Name
    Hot Soup
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  • Discord Name: Kevanovia

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  1. What about UPN? ….actually wait, your point is still valid
  2. That is certainly a better answer than I expected. The follow-up question would be; at what point does ‘potential’ turn into delusion?
  3. It appears your alliance is over two years old. Earnest question: If you’re not able to be in a position to take care of your AA without a prot after two years, why not just join the AA protecting you?
  4. That’s what I get for doing it on my phone. Is this better?
  5. Tonight is the night of our debut episode of Tuesdays With Alex! Join us as we dive into the world of PnW with @Alex where we will explore the overall status of the game, various update ideas/roadmaps & more! Join us on our discord for the interview @ 9PM EST: https://discord.gg/aNg9DnzqWG
  6. It’s probably more like this
  7. Cheers fellas! Looking forward to what year #3 brings ya!
  8. Lol tbf the redirect on MLB talk is a favorite pastime
  9. You wanna come on a VC show with Kastor and hash it out? I’m guessing he’s referring to comments like: 2018, back when @Tugger was getting his first whiskers. Damn. Eumir, you should lead t$ - it would make Orbis so much more enjoyable
  10. Amen. TI can use this as fuel, grudges can be made, plots unfold. Beautiful.
  11. Well said regarding LT, Lefty. It has long been the case that TI is a terrible alliance with a solid leader. LT is underrated and one of my favs. With that said, they can still be a good community while being a terrible PnW AA. They are a large group in the game and have been very vocal with their critiques in the past. (As all AA’s should be, makes the game more spicy) I think it’s fair game to point out their shortcomings as they have attempted to do to other AA’s in the past.
  12. Oblivion has done nothing wrong. Ever. @Ockey5 is the saint we need, not the one we deserve.
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