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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/10/19 in all areas

  1. 28 points
  2. I wanted to add another level to government with leader,heir,officers,(the new one) many of alliances have leader heir high gov low gov I used the black knights government as an example under their archduke would be the new government position
    21 points
  3. @TheNG' These words people threw around - humans, monsters, heroes, villains - to Leohann Kabbaz it was all just a matter of semantics. Someone could call themselves a hero and still walk around memeing dozens. Someone else could be labeled a villain for trying to stop them. Plenty of humans were monstrous, and plenty of monsters knew how to play at being human. The time of semantics was at an end, Leohann Kabbaz knew. He had risen- a spiritual union between the edgiest rival factions. The ultimate fusion of wit. He was the Alpha. The endgame. Leohann Kabbaz' gaze rested on the figurine in front of him. A meek, distorted silhouette reeking of expired jokes; more vinegar than salt. Pitiful. This champion was but the artefact of an eon long past. And like his heritage, he too would soon be lost in the abyss of archived memes. Leohann smiled. "Ah you think shitposts are your ally? You merely adopted the meme. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the forum until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding! I am the great shitposter. There must be no other. Anyone who even thinks about deserting this mission will be memed up into 198 pieces. Those memes will be repeated until what is left can be used only to paint 9gag. Whoever takes one grain of salt or one drop of tears… more than his ration, will be moderated for 155 years. If I, LeoHann Kabbaz, want the birds to drop dead from their memes… then the birds will drop dead from their memes. I am the wrath of admin. The forums I pass will see me and tremble. But whoever follows me and this trainwreck, will win untold upvotes. But whoever deserts…" A faint sigh escapes Leohann Kabbaz. His eyes shift up and a grimace contorts his face; eyes twinkling with the purity devoid of any restraint only a madman could posess. "Do you want to know why I use Photoshop? Paint is too quick. You can’t savor all the… little emotions. In… you see, in their last memes, people show you who they really are. So in a way, I know your friends better than you ever did. Would you like to know which of them were not funny?" The pigeon just stared out into the waves. Leohann Kabbaz considered shoving him over the railing. Sure, he was hundreds of years old, but could he swim?
    19 points
  4. Who among us had not been challenged and seen in that moment their chance? A single opportunity, burning bright as the Sun, amongst the meaningless drudgery of their lives in which they can step up and make a difference. Change the world, improve their meagre lot and that of those around them. Many let this chance slip by, unable or worse unwilling to grasp it and dedicate their full strength to seeing it through. But what of those who do, those dauntless few who know it is their time and seize the moment, striding forward to claim their destiny no matter what awaits? When the moment comes, the awful truth burns them to the core: They never had a chance at all The universe does not care for the lives and struggles of insignificant insects, and neither do the greatest of its inhabitants - those who weave with the fabric of humor and snuff out forums with but a thought. Perhaps you will learn this lesson when so many have not, and when your moment, your chance, your opportunity comes, will you take it? I hope not.
    14 points
  5. Free advice? Akuryo is still sitting on 1980 planes. While Rebekkah might have GC, with 0 planes, her entire nation is basically a target for the grind. I'd suggest you don't count your chickens before they hatch.
    13 points
  6. Sometimes the greatest things can begin as beautiful accidents. Take this afternoon for instance. R&R was just going for a walk, when they fell down the stairs right into the BK slave pits. After taking stock of the new labor, it was decided this is not a rollable offense. Thenceforth, Coalition and B and R&R are proud to announce they have signed a Non-Aggression Pact. The length of this NAP shall be the remainder of the present war plus six months. Let the celebrations commence, and please check your downvotes at the door. Thank you for your cooperation!
    9 points
  7. Same on the resources part. People already forget all the time to check their shit before this, making it something that's not constantly staring you in the face just means I have to spend even more time double and triple checking people, including myself. Rest is fine tho, I'd say replace resources with a trade button to go straight to market.
    6 points
  8. Would be nice to be able to individually assign bank perms or not to folks too.
    6 points
  9. 6 points
  10. People have been asking for this for a long time. There's a good reason for it, for example i make low gov as officers. I'd like my econ head to have a low gov, however, because he's econ, he'd need bank access to do his job. Creating an offshore to protect against a full robbery is easy, since low gov is still a starter job even if only more experienced players would be given this opportunity anyway. The problem is that only high gov (heir) and leader have bank access. If i make them as an heir, now i risk getting couped. I can't simply give the permissions to officer, as as i've stated low gov econ has a higher entry bar, and i dont want to give bank access to people who may well be total noobs that wanted to learn and help IA. I could demote them all so they are just members ingame, but now they can't do their jobs, which include interviewing and accepting applicants, dealing with inactives, or making announcements. However if a 4th gov position is added i can now have myself, the 2ic if/when i choose one, the high gov with the low gov econ in there (since that level wouldn't be able to coup) and then everyone else in low gov, and everyone able to perform their jobs without me risking a coup, Alternatively take one of the good things from CN and make it possible to assign certain permissions to certain people, as this also fixes the problem.
    6 points
  11. you forgot to start the topic with "Greetings. Friends!"
    5 points
  12. CNGOONS 1s downfall was merely that no one in a position of power wanted to continue on, and by the time there were people who wanted to the damage had been done. That being said, this GOONS group has a mix of both CN1, CN2, and EVE GOONS to name a few. This group of gov within GOONS should rightfully scare the lot of you as we have some of the most competent browser GOONS ever put together. To anyone who thinks we're going to get bored and quit, you're living within a hope because GOONS won't be going anywhere without racking up a nice set of wins before we disappear.
    5 points
  13. Your track record is rock solid. I think it’s more pity than people getting upset. The only way you’re going to piss people off is the same way people get pissed off at someone that doesn’t know how to tie their shoes. Right now your shoe laces are incredibly long and flopping all over the place. It looks extremely messy. You might be able to walk more effectively if you bought some Velcro-strap shoes. Personally, I wouldn’t get the light-up ones as that would bring more attention that you don’t know how to tie your shoes and have to wear Velcro shoes. Godspeed.
    5 points
  14. don't worry. ur 18k tanks and 280 ships with only 80 planes is looking quite ripe for the taking. Its coming. Just keep taking care of those free stats for me
    5 points
  15. Make the blue one orange. I want the colors to clash and give me a +10 buff to angering people. ?
    4 points
  16. I mean I'd totally rock these shoes, and hope anyone wanting new shoes buy them tbh. What can go wrong?
    4 points
  17. Hello, it’s Lone here, (Head of Military in the UA). We’re not going to pay you because of defamation and the fact that you saying that we surrendered instead of us agreeing mutual peace, but you guys decided to attack without reason in which we countered (which is fair and reasonable, we don’t have to pay rep fees) after getting couped you guys have the guts to try force us to pay, plus it’ll look like we’re aiding your useless alliance ?, (refer to this link:) If you decide to choose military action against us, we have multiple alliances backing us up and ready to go. Again, we will not pay your non-existent alliance, especially since we are not at all obligated to pay you, even if it was still in existence.
    4 points
  18. i logged in just to downvote this edit: inb4 gets downvoted by a salty godfather
    4 points
  19. Imagine thinking Bounties mean anything. It's cute.
    4 points
  20. I agree that they don't have to be, yet somehow they always are
    4 points
  21. Disappointed. Not enough HS in that picture....cause HS is treatied to RnR not t$. 0/10 meme please try again.
    4 points
  22. Are we Coalition B or Memesphere? This pigeon however knows the Art of the Deal inside and out and we are seeing the results right here. This is the type of dynamic politics Orbis has been craving.
    4 points
  23. Just to clarify and restate, the justification, at least for Chaos, was that the then-three-times-our-size BK sphere was going to slam us on our rebuild post Surf's Up. We had solid reasoning for believing that prior to this current war happening and we've had it confirmed since by several sources since. Our motivation in this war was not "glory" or an easy win but for protection and self-preservation. You can call BK sphere the worse fighters (although I'm sure they wouldn't appreciate you saying that) but it matters little how good the other fighters are when they're making an offensive 3 to 1 attack on a beaten down sphere. We (Chaos) knew it wasn't something we could do by ourselves in the state we were in or the numbers we had and therefore, it seemed a dumb idea not to take people up on their offers when they were presented to us. Following the start of the war, I was very forthcoming with your ally in t$ about our goals when they asked and tried to make it clear this coalition was a temporary partnership that we had no interest in rekindling once the war had ended, even following the hit on Guardian/Grumpy. I did all that because I believed t$ when they said they wouldn't be extending past Guardian/Grumpy and so I responded in kind by trying to provide your sphere both in that discussion and publicly on the OWF with reassurance we wouldn't be escalating things and ammunition to use against me should I go back on my word. So yes, with all that in mind, I think you continually dismissing it as a move made purely for an easy win (which is insane considering the state we started the war in)/saying we were just going for a gang bang on BK sphere, claiming we intending to escalate the fight to you, and stating that we are buddy buddy with just about everyone, including your own allies, showcases one of the following: You're completely ignorant on our FA, goals, and motivators and default to thinking the absolute worst case scenario of us in every situation because you don't trust us You have a terrible network of sources and/or are easily led/riled up You're purposefully ignoring and/or manipulating the facts in favor of your own narrative and goals Or some combination thereof, which is probably the most likely. And, you know what, fair enough on the first thing. I mean, you've made it obvious you don't trust us and you and your gov have made no sincere attempts to talk to us at all in the last year so of course you don't understand us. The lack of communication combined with the statements you've made in regards to how you believe we operate and what our goals are both during and preceding this war makes it all the more apparent that you don't get it. But considering just how incredibly off-kilter your claims have consistently been, I'm inclined to believe the latter two play a more significant role in how you approach FA than you care to admit publicly.
    3 points
  24. An easy mistake to make! That arrow is actually pointing to my incredibly stylish jeans, woven from the finest guinea-pig fur of a thousand GPWC nations, and which are perfect to wear during a fulfilling day of granting minor miracles on the forums and transforming infrastructure into war stats! It is interesting that your mind went to my wang, but worry not. It is only natural to be so impressed, when gazing upon a superior lifeform!
    3 points
  25. This will be used as a CB by NPO 6 months from now So uh it really looks like you have an arrow pointing to your wang that says "Kid-tested, Roquentin approved"
    3 points
  26. Lmao why are you jealous that someone just got lucky? Would you say the same if you were the one who won $25bn from Keno. There's no reason to remove Keno or Dice from the game just because a little plebian is jealous he wasn't lucky enough to score a few extra bucks on a game of chance.
    3 points
  27. Theodosius posted this earlier on the pnw-discord, which i think would be nice; having the resources visible but keeping the new buttons which i think make the menu way easier to access than previously on mobile.
    3 points
  28. all of this is a car accident i want to stop looking at but i cant seem to take my eyes off of also imagine deadass referring to someone in this game as “our most noble Queen” i CANNOT
    3 points
  29. But how am I supposed to coup @Nizam Adrienne with this? ELI5
    3 points
  30. Brought this up a few weeks ago with my proposal. This just cements community sentiment on the subject @Alex
    3 points
  31. North Point, in behalf of Astra, would like to parrot this sentiment. Her alliance is bankrupt and she's almost completely out of warchest. I'm gonna gain so much weight from this feast.
    3 points
  32. Im still waiting for all your counters you promised
    3 points
  33. personally im still somewhat confused
    3 points
  34. Dear, The Godfather Please stop pinging all of us in discord, thank you very much! Sincerely, Literally all of Orbis. P.S We don’t like your meme.
    3 points
  35. I can see you managed to entirely miss the point of what was said and go on an irrelevant rant. Well done!
    3 points
  36. Congrats? Though I thought R&R had a one way non aggression pact with everyone..
    3 points
  37. I'd like the abilty to create positions and set powers for positions tbh, maybe have a set max of 5 but diffrent tiering of gov is critical and allows it to be manageable to both micros and macro alliances.
    3 points
  38. I've been seeing ads for stuff like World of Tanks. I think Google curates the ads to show you what it thinks you want
    3 points
  39. Just because someone got incredibly lucky doesn't mean it should be removed entirely.
    2 points
  40. We all know this was really just about increasing Alex's ad revenue. The timing changes make us look at the ads longer rather than just click past them. Well done Alex. Well done.
    2 points
  41. 2 points
  42. "We were all at peace with the name" man not even your own robots were all at peace with it don't even try to sell that bullshit.
    2 points
  43. The Afrika Korps and the game-side issues with the Strea incident are something that should be handled by @Alex. The issue with saying Afrika Korps is beyond the pale is people have tolerated references to Rommel/rommel based nation names and clean wehrmacht "he didn't like hitler" for as long as the browser games have been around and the name had to be cleared with him to begin with. Collectively, we all were at peace with the name before and the only thing that has changed since the last war is they're allied to BK now. I had significant issues with the Hyperborea theme since it was just another way to finesse it in an edgey way but I was pretty open about it before and when I joined the coalition later on. "good riddance". It would be a positive development if Alex were to take a less inconsistent line with standards for naming stuff but you haven't instituted a pristine moral standard yourself based on your own beliefs. With the equivocation of AK to Nova is there was demonstrable spending of the money by Nova Riata en masse while it was allied to your bloc. I thought it was TKR funding them or something, but we can notice no such abnormal growth with AK.
    2 points
  44. Why did you have to apply every possible different type of restriction at the same time? Limiting it to 1000 should have been enough, but the 5 second and 2 second timers make that 1000 extremely painful to do, and was totally unnecessary in addition to it.
    2 points
  45. So... let me see if I've got this right. "Anime Nazis" are now worse than "Nazi Nazis", since the latter are your best buddies. You heard it here folks, straight from the man himself! Make sure not to leave your uniform behind when you leave VM Thrax! Honk Honk!
    2 points
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