I'm going to just to mention something in reference in the original post and ignore the previous arguments since I'm too lazy to read over Corps's arguing since I find drama and pointless arguments annoying. I prefer to keep the game feeling somewhat casual and impersonal rather than heated and serious.
Please take into account that none of the people in these logs are members of Weebunism other than Sloth.
As for my personal beliefs, I personally believe that sensitive jokes and humor should only be made among friends and not in public places, such as our general chat. At the time of the incident, I was offline, however Sloth was on, so Sloth probably should have moderated it, however at the time it wasn't a big concern to those online as the conversation strayed from the sensitive topic soon afterwards.
Regarding the rules channel, it came to our attention that people have likely not noticed that we have had rules in our #intro channel, so in order for visibility, we copied them into their own channel.