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Alex last won the day on June 25

Alex had the most liked content!

About Alex


  • Member Title
    Game Creator

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  • Discord Name: Alex_PW#4970

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Legendary Member

Legendary Member (8/8)




Community Answers

  1. Looks like probably siblings; we'll continue to monitor.
  2. They're all gone now. Thanks!
  3. That's very kind of you, thank you!
  4. I would recommend asking any API questions here: https://discord.gg/q7a2YAGB
  5. I'll create a ticket in #support in our Discord server to have our devs look at this. Thanks!
  6. Alex


    Duplicate of Locking this thread
  7. I would recommend asking API questions here: https://discord.gg/q7a2YAGB
  8. I've created a Discord ticket to look into this. Thanks!
  9. Most likely your browser is not storing cookies/cache for the site. Can you try in a different browser and see if that helps?
  10. Cjfly

    Happy Birthday!!!!




  11. For a much faster response time, in-game reports do get checked daily, while I'm the only one that really checks things here and I've just been super busy lately.
  12. Ignore these folks. It looks like you used the Google Play Store, which is a legitimate way to purchase Credits, and they do cost more on there than via PayPal in the web version of the game because of the associated much higher fees Google charges. I am going to send you an in-game message, but this is a semi-frequent issue (not sure what causes it to only sometimes happen) and we can manually issue your Credit. In the future, for a faster response, please open a ticket in Discord via the #support channel
  13. Basically, the title. Double the cost (money and resources) for missiles and nukes, as well as require at least 1,000 infrastructure in your whole nation to build any new ones. This is a nerf to the nuke/missile turret (or griefing) strategy, while still making it possible (just more expensive - you have to buy at least 1K infra and spend more per missile/nuke) and would have minimal to no impact on regular players.
  14. A warning was issued and the war ended.
  15. In offensive attacks? Can you show a screenshot? Otherwise, as Jesus Prime said, if you don't have gas/munitions to operate your units they won't be used.
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