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Alex last won the day on February 7

Alex had the most liked content!

About Alex


  • Member Title
    Game Creator

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  • Discord Name: Alex_PW#4970

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Community Answers

  1. I'm sure it's just the test server not configured correctly
  2. I do not believe that "Blacker" is inherently bad nor racist, and I also do not believe that title-case capitalization indicates racism either.
  3. Did they happen in the game, on Discord, or here on the forum?
  4. Where did these communications occur?
  5. We're reviewing this, and I've turned it into an in-game report for all the mods to look at. Thanks!
  6. The issue is the alliance is using broken image links, and they need to correct their alliance description. So it's not an issue on your end, it's an issue with how they set up their description.
  7. I've created an in-game report for the moderators to review, thank you.
  8. A reminder that this is a no-discussion forum. Topic locked.
  9. Thanks - we won't delete the bounty, but we'll delete the reason and issue a warning.
  10. I'll issue a warning - thanks for letting us know!
  11. Can you take a screenshot of the Edit page after you hit save?
  12. Thanks - I issued moderation points. He'll find himself quickly banned if he keeps it up.
  13. Too many things were trying to happen at once, it retries a few times and ultimately throws an error if that happens.
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