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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/02/19 in Posts

  1. The Syndicate Legal Team would like to inform you that use of any images depicting wealthy, monocle-clad, tophat-wielding, consolidators of capital is a breach of our trademark and politely asks that you cease and desist, as while we do not wish to pursue legal intervention we are prepared to take this to civil claims court if necessary.
    10 points
  2. A Valid CB ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Preamble We, the Undersigned, henceforth known as Chaos (Bloc), declare our intent to cooperate together in our mission to bring chaos to Orbis. Our ultimate purpose is to make the game fun for our members and to keep things interesting here in Orbis. We aim to be a bloc that does not strive for complete dominance in the game in any sense (tier-wise, economically, militarily, politically, etc.). Ultimate cultural victory is excluded from this rule. We are open to working with different groups and helping out others looking to bring a little extra excitement into Orbis. If you are looking for partners in a war, trying to shake things up yourself, or want to 1v1 one of us, feel free to contact us. Article I: The Actual Treaty All members come together as friends and shall make no hostile act against one another. It is agreed to handle any issues between them in private. Members agree to aid each other in all conflicts in which a fellow member alliance is defending, except in cases where the member alliance declines help, in which case they are kindly requested to stay the #%$& out. This aid includes, but is not limited to, information, military assistance, financial assistance, moral and lumbar support. Article II: The Lunatics The Lunatics is a council consisting of the leader and one senior representative from each member alliance. Their responsibility is to oversee the day-to-day operations of Chaos. Article III: Membership Joining the bloc is invitation only and as such, petitions to join will not be considered. Any alliance invited to join must receive a unanimous vote of confidence from The Lunatics. If the invited alliance accepts, they may not have outside ties other than one protectorate/MDP partner who is also not connected to the treaty web. Any additional outside treaties will be at the discretion of The Lunatics. Should a member alliance wish to temporarily “exit” the bloc for the purpose of things like 1v1 fights, they may do so. Should any member alliance wish to permanently withdraw from the bloc, they may do so at any time with 72 hours notice to The Lunatics. /s/ The Lunatics Ripper (CoS), Vexz’s Puppet Spaceman Thrax (CoS), God’s Detergent Adrienne (SK), Vexz’s Multi Schirminator (SK), Faceless Econ Guy Charlie Traveler (Soup), Mr. Clean Kevanovia (Soup), Soggy Pantaloons Squeegee (TKR), Sad Meat Clover (TKR), Everything Ruiner Opening Initiatives: Making an effort to assist former Nerdsphere alliances against unsporting attacks from political detractors for one month while they sculpt their pectoral topiary Figuring out why kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch Couping Niz before she is able to organize an effective resistance Commencing Operation “Greg's Metropolis” and “The Mexican-Canadian Truce” whilst doing a Great Job!
    8 points
  3. Dirty, filthy propaganda. How dare you lie like this? NPO does not use tanks.
    6 points
  4. Where are all of them secret paperless tie signatures tho
    5 points
  5. We're allying SK? I wasn't told of this!
    5 points
  6. we are taking this as an opportunity to cancel our cuck allies and hereby give them the 69 hour notice. this is totally not what it looks like We also announce a new super sekret paperless bloc. Arrgh and Empyrea sign a compulsory hostilities pact pact effective immediately. Article 1: Not sure what that means but we agree Both parties agree to disagree on each decision. Article 2: Cancellation No cancelling of any sort, ever /s/ The !@#$got Royalist /s/ James the cu.nt /s/ ugly blue that's bear /s/ KDragon /s/ boyce the not great
    4 points
  7. You forgot the Forum Fighters
    4 points
  8. Today is a sad day in The Gloden Horde We are unfortunately dropping our treaty with T$ We know this treaty was only signed yesterday But we must move on we did love T$ as they were a very good ally We wish them luck in the future (tbh T$ sucked) The Great Khan: Buorhann The Beklare-Bek: Sketchy Khan of War: Shiho Nishizumi Khan of Finance: Sketchy Khan of Diplomacy: Hodor Khan of Discipline: Partisan
    3 points
  9. https://politicsandwar.com//alliance/id=4149 We won! Thank you all for your support!
    3 points
  10. I couldn't think of any polball comics, so I went into the future to try and steal some one else's polball memes, but all I could find is this war propaganda for the future global war named, "Chaos Blitzkrieg on Communism."
    3 points
  11. More Ripper comics please
    3 points
  12. A P&W comic by Ripper? This bloc was already worth it.
    3 points
  13. I have no idea who any of these people are.
    3 points
  14. Shifty coming in here with a live, on the spot performance of how to conduct FA. Our lead role today goes to Thomas and with a supporting cast of allies. We present to you, Springtime for Shifty: A Dank Romp with Afrika Korps and BoC. You're probably all wondering how it got this, let's rewind: And that folks is how you cycle back and worth like an elliptical.
    2 points
  15. 2 points
  16. Thank you for your support! We made it! https://politicsandwar.com//alliance/id=4149 I am a leader, Critters will be second in command for supporting me and because of how much I love Evil Bo. Thrax will stay as my personal advisor about madness and to solve baby madness riddle how it happened. Ripper will become mine chauffeur to practise raiding. I will teach him how to drive and kill people at the same time. Seb of course for his sins will be locked in cubbhole with pencil, calculator and tons of financial papers. But tbh I am proud I made him let his madness out, staying alone in cramped room should make it even better. Rest who won't kneel before me will be terminated very soon. Supreme Madness Maia ❤️
    2 points
  17. FADE IN: EXT. HIGH ATOP THE JUNGLE TREES - MORNING During a sloth givernment meeting, the attendees talk excitedly about the support they received. Their leader stands in the center of a circle of sloths. This is CEL SLOTH. CEL SLOTH: Gee golly, I hope nothing bad happens. A sloth sighs, life experience evident in his ancient, creaking voice. WISE SLOTH is one of few who the givernment holds in high regard. WISE SLOTH: Those who wish for peace should prepare for war. ALL: (Together) Yes, O Wise One. SLEEPING SLOTH: (O.S.) Did y’all hear that? Two energetic but confused sloths pause in their celebrations and turn to face SLEEPING SLOTH, a once-sharp sloth whose mind has been worn down by regular drug use, as she ambles into view. SOVIET SLOTH, COMMUNIST SLOTH: What noise, Sleeping Sloth? BAGEL SLOTH: (O.S.) It is Maia; she requests our assistance. The Tyrant Ripper is oppressing her kind. All of the sloths turn to Cel Sloth in the center, each contributing to a cacophony of slow-talking but angered voices. COMMUNIST SLOTH: We should help Maia. However, Ripper is our friend and has only treated us with kindness. What say the givernment? SOVIET SLOTH: ¡VIVA LA REVOLUCIÓN! CEL SLOTH: (Calmly; to Bagel Sloth, O.S.) Let Maia know the Sloth Army will come to her aid. The sloth givernment each nod—some grimly, others enthusiastically, still others nervously—and exit. CUT TO: A few pieces of parchment are clutched tightly in Cel Sloth’s claws as he leads a legion of determined sloths across the dust-strewn galactic battlefield. We ZOOM IN to the parchments. CAMERA PANS DOWN SLOWLY. ZOOM OUT to the marching sloths, noting their weapons of choice. Bagel Sloth carries a butter knife; a pawful of needles for Drug Sloth. Soviet Sloth has casually slung a hammer and sickle over his shoulder. Buzzing Sloth polishes her honey jars as Fox Sloth sharpens his claws. CUT TO: TITLE: LA REVOLUCIÓN BEGINS /s/ Smofftopia Redarmy, Soviet Sloth Smith, Cel Sloth Q, High Sloth Betu, Drug Sloth Zeebrus, Buzzing Sloth Ame, Sleeping Sloth Illen, Fox Sloth Paul, Wise Sloth Bezzers, Bagel Sloth Scout, Communist Sloth Yui, Purple Sloth TL;DR: We give Ripper our 72 minutes’ notice of cancellation and advance notice that Smofftopia will slot Ripper Loyalists upon the passing of those 73 minutes. Hide yo kids Seb
    2 points
  18. Unexpectedly disappointing, I'm sold.
    2 points
  19. Damn it, you really had me fooled! Legit thought it was real for a long time.
    2 points
  20. Wrong flag for CoS. This flag will be official one.
    2 points
  21. Just because it's your opinion getting disliked, doesn't mean everyone's ganging up on you. You're opinion could just be rubbish. You can't really complain about people not wanting an honest discussion when you're against people not liking what you have to say. I'll give you some honesty. Your first post in this thread greatly missed the purpose of this thread. Your point about investments taking time refers to nation building. Infra takes x amount of days to yield a positive net profit, sure. But you're always growing when you're not fighting so thus you've always got profit to to maximize thus you should never fight according to your logic. Then you pivot towards alliances having long term agreements, which is more directed at treaty longevity, which is on point for this thread. Long term treaties don't net you much of anything honestly. Is a 3 year treaty more likely to burn their pixels for you over a 2 week treaty? Depends on who you ask. You can always find different allies, so that mentality that you need to keep a treaty for an exceedingly long time is extremely flawed. Wasn't Knightsfall NPOs first true victory in a war? It happened by working with people you don't normally work with. IE New treaties, even though it was a simple 1-war agreement. Your second post I'm not going to break down because that's more of a you v Sketchy thing, and your standpoint, as Buorhann briefly commented on simply highlights the ideological differences between you two. I will say if you don't understand the point war in these games, that probably is why you're missing the point of this thread.
    2 points
  22. Hey thanks y'all - I didn't act alone, I had my merry band of hypers pushing the agenda of the prank with me and wouldn't be able to achieve next-level greatness without the help of @Alex everyone was a great part of the team - and y'all were good sports about it. I do recognize, with most of you who enjoyed the theme, that we should have an updated UI - however - it should not be as heavy looking as the one I created. With no offense to Alex, because I totally enjoy Alex - he's always been a nice person to me, updates that he usually posts are slightly hated/disliked by a lot of people. We obviously learn how to use the update to our advantages, but the idea behind the UI that I created was to make it imperfect. I generally become a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to graphics & certain aspects of this design I legit had to just hit save and take a deep breath. This isn't how PW should look - close - but I could design something a lot more lighter & have the dark/light theme look to it. I'm sure Alex can do some simple tweaks and work to create something a bit more modern. I just wanted the idea to be believable, hence no mechanic updates and just something out of the ordinary. The fact that none of y'all put April fools & "red street" instead of "red road' on the screenie def surprised me. Again tho, thanks, thanks for being good sports about the joke!
    2 points
  23. Guess I'll have to leak those incriminating screen shots I have of you that kept you from leaking TEst based plans.
    2 points
  24. Noted! Could you please forward the official mailing address of your legal team? As a founding ex-board member of the Syndicate who helped design much of your existing branding, I will be happy to collect my royalties.
    2 points
  25. I know this April Fools but at some point this gets kinda old.
    2 points
  26. I miss the old Guilo, straight from the go Guilo, The dank troll Guilo, gettin rolled Guilo, I hate the new Guilo, the April Fools Guilo, The uncool Guilo, still a spaz in the forums Guilo, I miss the Young Guilo, the heckin hung Guilo, I gotta say, at the time I'd like to meet Guilo, See, you invented Guilo, it wasn't any Guilos, and now I look and look around and there's so many Guilos, I used to love Guilo, I used to love Guilo, I even shared the God Emperor memes, I thought I was Guilo, What if Guilo made a song about Guilo Called it "we're restarting Avansies" man, that'd be so Guilo, That's all it was Guilo, we still love Guilo, And I love you like Guilo loves Guilo
    2 points
  27. As the true leader of CoS and TKR (erm... SK), I approve.
    2 points
  28. Then props to Mad Max because that design is impressive.
    2 points
  29. It was all @Mad Max, I really just facilitated the joke. In all seriousness, redesigning the site is on my to-do list and a higher priority, but until June I won't be working on the game full-time and it's on the backburner until at least then.
    2 points
  30. Because nothing says dynamic like 3 year old grudges amirite lol
    2 points
  31. Hello friends of Orbis! I'm a relatively new player with a 46 day old nation. I've done a lot since starting but haven't been active on the forums so I guess now is the time. Currently in Nova Riata working in Econ. I have a small graphics business (Valkyrie Marketing) that has helped me jumpstart my nation. Not sure how much I will post on forums but will lurk for sure.
    1 point
  32. We fight for freedom and for better tomorrow! Thank you for all of you supporting us with fighting with Ripper's tyranny! https://politicsandwar.com/alliance/id=4149 Support us! Send money, guns, munitions, food especially soups! Anything to crush our enemy! https://politicsandwar.com//alliance/id=5424 Time to end Ripper's tyranny! First we will take down all monuments! Then we will go to burn Ripper's palace! Viva La Revolucion!
    1 point
  33. It was a dark night in the frigid North. The clouds from the coming storm blocked any moonlight from seeping in through the window and in the distance, thunder swelled. Squeegee laid in bed, huddled up under his multitude of fur blankets, as the wind howled outside. There was a flash of lightning and a clap of thunder and Squeegee woke with a start. He looked around his room, convinced he heard something moving in the shadows. Panicked, his gaze shot around the thick cut stone room. Was someone there or was it just a figment of his imagination? Another flash of lightning lit the room up once again, illuminating a figure standing at the edge of his bed. Squeegee froze. In front of him stood the Lost Wit, a former King’s Wit everyone assumed dead after she disappeared during a journey for self-discovery. A faint glow seemed to emanate from her. Squeegee reached for his sword, alarmed at the sudden intrusion. “Put your sword away,” Wit chastised. “I have not come to trifle with foolish behaviors.” She strode towards the window. As Squeegee rose to his feet to follow her, his head buzzed with questions. “Why have you returned now, Wit?” Squeegee asked, finally settling on one as he drew level with her. “Time is short and there is something you must see if the impending disaster is to be averted. You alone have the opportunity to prevent the destruction of all you can see. The true desolation is coming; Chaos awaits for its rebirth into this world,” Wit replied, her tone solemn. “Where is it that you require me to go?” Squeegee said, skeptical. “Oh, not far,” Wit said with a smirk. “In fact, you’re right where you need to be.” A deafening clap of thunder shook the castle and piercing light burned through the window. Squeegee watched as the stone roof peeled off into a thousand pieces before drifting upwards out of sight and the walls fell away to the side, to be slowly absorbed into a white sea of nothingness. As the North faded away, another scene soon took its place and Squeegee found himself in a field, alone. Wit was nowhere to be found. Squeegee could see the lights of a small village ahead, no more than a dozen houses all tightly packed together, smoke rising from their chimneys. Realizing this may be his best chance to figure out where he was, Squeegee set off towards civilization. He effortlessly jogged across the rolling fields and quickly found himself nearing the outskirts of the village. From here the plan was simple: establish his location, find out what had happened, and get something to eat. Once he reached the entrance to the village, Squeegee paused and looked around. He noticed one of the houses was noticeably larger than the rest and therefore appeared to be the most logical choice to knock at. Approaching the door, he reached out slowly and knocked softly, as the hour was late and he didn’t want to anger the inhabitants. After a few tantalising seconds, the door opened to reveal a man dressed in a rough shirt with muddied trousers and heavy boots. “Welcome, traveller, what can we do for you tonight?” he inquired. “I was hoping you might be able to tell me where I am. You see, I rather abruptly ended up here and I’m not exactly sure where ‘here’ is,” Squeegee explained sheepishly. “Well, you’re in the village of Cosham presently, about a week’s travel from the King’s castle in the North,” the villager said. “Why don’t you come inside and sit with us? The soup is hot and there’s plenty to go around.” “Sure…” Squeegee said, trailing off as a guttural, feral noise began emanating from outside the village. He took a step back to see where the sound was coming from. Down the street, huge seventeen foot tall monsters were streaming into the village. They were massive, round, furry creatures with huge front teeth. Squeegee watched as one of them reached down and devoured someone clean off the street. Villagers gathered with swords and spears and torches to try and fend them off but nothing seemed able to penetrate their skin. “Roqbots,” the man whispered. Squeegee looked at him. “Do you get them a lot here?” “More often than I’d like,” he replied. The villager gestured to a gap between two houses across the road and signaled that Squeegee should follow immediately. As they waited for a break in the droves of Roqbots streaming into the village before making their dash to cover the villager reached gingerly into his pocket and produced a small pouch. “Take this, I have a feeling that when the time comes you will be able to make better use of them than I,” the villager whispered as he handed the pouch over. Inside the pouch lay a handful of the largest gemstones Squeegee had ever seen, illuminated with a glow akin to pure moonlight. Looking at the gemstones further, Squeegee recalled the tales that the Lost Wit had told him about soldiers who could fly and conjure weapons from air. Just tales, he had told himself. The gap they had been waiting for presented itself, a quick glance between them confirmed that this was their one opportunity. They bolted from their hiding place, keeping low to avoid being spotted. Just as they reached the gap, a feral cry came from behind them. A Roqbot vaulted over the house and began to close in on them. Its shadow cut a truly imposing shape against the light of the houses and the moon. Forced into a corner with no way to escape, Squeegee stepped forwards, shoving the villager behind him in a futile attempt to protect him. The Roqbot lurched forwards, its claws slicing effortlessly through Squeegee’s left arm, nearly severing it from his body. With no other options remaining, Squeegee resolved to charge the beast in the hopes that the villager who had been so kind to him might have time to escape. As he charged, his body felt weightless. Puzzled, Squeegee glanced down at his hands and feet to see a glow emanating from them. Similarly, the wound on his arm had begun to heal at a remarkable rate. ‘Could it be that the tales of stormlight were actually true?’ he pondered as he pressed forward with renewed vigor. Instinctively, he threw his body into the creature with a motion and force he could never have dreamed of. The Roqbot recoiled, giving him time to once again throw his body into its chest. With a deafening crunch, his shoulder slammed into the creature, crushing its bones. The creature fell, its lifeless corpse laying at his feet, twitching as its blood drained into the ground around him. The village scene slowly melted away and Squeegee found himself in his room once again, hands still glowing faintly. He looked up to see Wit standing there again. “Well?” she asked, expectant. Squeegee looked down at his still glowing hands and replied, “I can see they were more than just stories after all.” Tl;dr Squeegee has been Stormlightened and pledges his life to following the ideals of Knights Radiant. As such, Seven Kingdoms will be known as The Knights Radiant from here on out and all copies of G.R.R. novels have been lost in a mysterious wildfire explosion.
    1 point
  34. The war cycle doesn't actually affect NPO's growth in quite the way seemingly being described. If anything, longer peaces makes the emphasis saving larger war chests since we know that the war itself will have to be a knock down drag out affair to really reset the war cycle and give us time and space to invest.
    1 point
  35. I refuse to like this since Ripper refused to like Smith's and I magnum opus.
    1 point
  36. At long last a proper theme! Who had even heard of Game of Thrones anyway? Now I can look forward to our eponymous series actually being finished ?
    1 point
  37. What good Samaritans, fixing that poor man's build.
    1 point
  38. I thought it was real too - I didn't like it, but I thought it was real.
    1 point
  39. Smofftopia supports @Maia. For too long has the tyrant @Ripper try to control us. Just give me a couple of day to get down from this damn tree.
    1 point
  40. After I wipe the floor with your face, you will be getting me a new statue. Punk.
    1 point
  41. se·ri·ous /ˈsirēəs/ adjective adjective: serious 1. (of a subject, state, or activity) demanding careful consideration or application. "marriage is a serious matter" synonyms: important, significant, consequential, of consequence, momentous, of moment, key, grave, weighty, far-reaching, major; More antonyms: trivial, unimportant, superficial (of a person) solemn or thoughtful in character or manner. "her face grew serious" synonyms: solemn, earnest, grave, sober, somber, unsmiling, poker-faced, stern, grim, dour, humorless, stony-faced; More antonyms: lighthearted, cheerful, jovial (of thought or discussion) careful or profound. "we give serious consideration to safety recommendations" (of music, literature, or other art forms) requiring deep reflection and inviting a considered response. "he bridges the gap between serious and popular music" synonyms: intellectual, highbrow, heavyweight, deep, profound, literary, learned, scholarly, cultured; More antonyms: light, lowbrow, populist 2. acting or speaking sincerely and in earnest, rather than in a joking or halfhearted manner. "actors who are serious about their work" synonyms: in earnest, earnest, sincere, wholehearted, genuine, meaning what one says; More antonyms: uncommitted, halfhearted, flippant 3. significant or worrying because of possible danger or risk; not slight or negligible. "she escaped serious injury" synonyms: severe, grave, bad, critical, acute, alarming, worrying, grievous, dreadful, terrible, dire, extreme, dangerous, perilous, precarious; archaicparlous "four of the victims received serious injuries" antonyms: minor, negligible 4. INFORMAL substantial in terms of size, number, or quality. "he suddenly had serious money to spend" synonyms: considerable, sizeable, substantial, appreciable, significant; More antonyms: paltry, trifling Origin
    1 point
  42. What kind of massage are we talking here? You have my interests.
    1 point
  43. This is a change that doesn't make any difference for old player. Maybe new ones will be more likely to join with better graphics of the game. I would like to see updates from time to time which make game more dynamic. Maybe some events? I don't think whole problem about lack of dynamism of this game it's up to players... Alex should implement something which make us fight more often because of goal to achieve. Maybe some temprorary booster to get? Or maybe implement map to conquer? Anything which have real reason to fight rather than oh we bored we need fight(or oh we are not dynamic enough let's fight or just Pre will be angry at us if we won't fight). Not to say that it's only from alliances perspective because from a nation perspective it's even worse. Maybe small nations are ok but I have 20? cities and there is nothing to do except building new cities in peace time... maybe implement some tech tree or sth. Sorry for grammar mistakes.
    1 point
  44. Hey there, My name is Jordan and I recently joined the game, I am 21 from the UK and I enjoy playing video games.
    1 point
  45. Conquistador of Latin America: My nation first found the shores of the Caribbean, but now looks out over all of Central and South America. Beware for Conquistador has come to Orbis, and Latin America shall be his. I look forward to the wars and growth ahead!
    1 point
  46. Oh boy, I can feel this guy will not last.
    1 point
  47. So I wanna go ahead and preface this with; I understand the logic behind it, but it only works at face value. But the fact that one of the pillars of this game is restricted to me just because I have not reached a certain amount of playtime, is so beyond ridiculous that I can't help but wonder how it made it into the game in its current state. I figured the restrictions would be lifted once I was kicked out of Beige as a new player but I still have the restrictions on me, some people in Discord have been saying that it is around sixty days. Sixty? Really? Let's be real here, anyone who is gonna "immediately trade away all their money" would've done it within sixty days, I think we can all agree that someone who wants to trade away their money WILL find a way around the system. It is wild and downright absurd to have to wait sixty days in order just to use the full functionality of the market, fourteen sounds about right honestly, since that's when the training wheels come off and you are left to your own devices.
    1 point
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