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Ivan Ivanov

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  • Member Title
    Guardian of the Game Suggestions

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    Game Suggestions
  • Interests
    Communism, Capitalism, Nazism; pretty much anything ending in -ism.
  • Leader Name
    Ivan Ivanov
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  • Alliance Name
    Electric Space

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  • Discord Name: ♥ Scorponist Stalin ♥#0702

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  1. I have been awoken. APPROVED. I now go back to sleep.
  2. Best Game Suggestion and Best Game Suggestions member. Not that that’s me, though, but I’ve seen some good ones.
  3. I do not understand a single thing about the politics of this game. I’m a simple man. Game Suggestions is where it’s at.


    what the fricc is going on right now someone explain

    1. ArcKnox


      -KETOGG (KT, Empyrea, TGH, Oblivion, Guardian, Grumpy) gets blue balls from the peace and hits Chaos bloc because it's the only thing not attached to a gigantic web of chaining defense treaties

      -TCW gets war plans leaked where it plans to roll Chaos and ask t$/NPO to roll KETOGG

      -KETOGG and Chaos end their war and declare on the participants in the leaked Chaos war plans

      -Half the game gets called in by aforementioned web of chaining defense treaties

      -The Syndicate (and unnamed affiliates *cough* NPO *cough*) declares war on Grumpy and Guardian and states its intent to keep the war contained to those alliances and only those alliances if KETOGG/Chaos does. There are differing interpretations as to whether this was or was not in support of BK sphere, and various shades of gray in between.

      -NPO declares on TKR

      -t$ withdraws from the war

      -YOU ARE HERE-

    2. Ivan Ivanov

      Ivan Ivanov

      So basically, A attacks B. Plans of C to attack A and B get leaked, so A and B team up to attack C together?

    3. Thalmor


      Yes. But add in D attacking A and B to help C even though C and D aren't suppose to be working together anymore.

  4. This. I don’t think this suggestion needs further discussion.
  5. I’ve stated it before, but one thing we definitely need with cities is the ability to buy infra to a certain point. e.g I’ve got 1874.43 infra, and I put into the box “2000”. The game would then buy 125.57 infra. It’d be very easy to repair after wars. Perhaps you could also bulk buy infra in all cities to a certain level?
  6. Wait. IIRC an old glitch in iOS Minecraft allowed you to duplicate items by getting two players to grab them from a chest at the same time. History repeats itself?
  7. Approved. Nothing to debate here.
  8. Hi, I’m back, what’d I miss?

  9. As in game mandated and supported blocs? That doesn’t sound that bad. They’d form like an alliance, except without a bank or something similar.
  10. Pirate Island Times: infinity +1 more reliable
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