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(DoW) SWAMP. RES. 101


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1 hour ago, Alexio15 said:





Declaring that a state of war exists between The Commonwealth, Terminus Est, and     protectorates thereof, with The Immortals, The Fighting Pacifists, Farkistan, The Ampersand, The Lost Empire, The Federation, collectively known as the Swamp, and making provision to prosecute the same. Declaring that this’ll be fun. We’ll stay up late, swapping manly war stories, and when it’s over… We’re making waffles.


Resolved by the Representatives of The Swamp in Orbis assembled,
We hooffed unt we poooffed unt we… signed a Declaration of War notice:


Casus Belli (pronounced Kaz’s Belly)


This war is like onions, there are layers:

1) tCW and TEst having nations and micro alliances hit our bloc by proxy wars throughout the NAP. What are you doing in our swamp?

2) Denying ghosting by proxies. This is the part where you run away!


3) Once upon a time, tCW attacking and dragging alliances back into the last war, after initially fighting on their side. Sometimes, things are more than they appear.

The Swamp has had war thrust upon us and formally declares military action against The Commonwealth, Terminus Est, and protectorates thereof who engage; and, will bring the conflict to a successful resolution. Hey! We're no one's messenger boy, alright? We’re the delivery boys.


Passed by The Swamp Representatives,

August 20, 2020





So you declared war on all protectorates of Terminus Est and The Commonwealth. This also means that Swamp recognizes a state of war with Taith. Cool!

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15 minutes ago, Polar Bear ArcticExplorer said:

So you declared war on all protectorates of Terminus Est and The Commonwealth. This also means that Swamp recognizes a state of war with Taith. Cool!

Why would anyone go through the effort of recognizing whoever she is?

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49 minutes ago, Polar Bear ArcticExplorer said:

So you declared war on all protectorates of Terminus Est and The Commonwealth. This also means that Swamp recognizes a state of war with Taith. Cool!

We declared on protecs that engage. Dont engage.

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49 minutes ago, Polar Bear ArcticExplorer said:

So you declared war on all protectorates of Terminus Est and The Commonwealth. This also means that Swamp recognizes a state of war with Taith. Cool!

You know it's funny cause GPWC never surrendered so...free loot yay!

:nyan:The Volleyball :nyan: 



..one, two, Jimmy's coming for you...

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2 minutes ago, James II said:

The meme quality and quantity in this thread is disappointing.

There's not really much to say. No big gotcha moment, and no salt coming the other way (full credit to the other coalition for that), so we're probably just going to see a lot of Ooh Rah until one of those other things change.

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The way treaties are tied, Rose-sphere will most likely aid Common-sphere & Quack might be left alone.

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 I personally voice my own thought processes based on own desires of informational curiosity as well love for discussion based on questions & statements I made rather just trusting info like a collective hivemind

Onlookers whom hop aboard the brainless bandwagon refusing inter-articulation based on assumed feelings, go give yo balls a tug ya tit fugger         

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14 minutes ago, Avakael said:

That number would be quite short, both TFP and TI have more than 83 offensive wars at this point.

I meant doesn't CoTL have like what almost 160? It's some stupid big number I know that much.

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5 hours ago, Zygon said:




Watch it people, Quack be coming for you. 



I wish Swamp, Hedge and tCW all the best of luck. Just don't become the very thing you sought to destroy the last war.


Now what are you doing browsing the forums? Get back to burning pixels.

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Peace in our time

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5 hours ago, KindaEpicMoah said:

Finally! My one dream, to watch people fight, has come true!

 I know right? Feels like it's been forever since I wasn't involved in the first round of a war.

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