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Official Nominations for the 2018 PnW Awards


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Hi Everyone, the official nomination period for this years Politics and War Awards is now open. Please read the guidelines below before entering your nominations. There have been a few changed categories and rules since last year.


Please Keep your nominations to one player, post or alliance per category. Any dual submissions will not be collected.

Please refrain from submitting more than one set of nominations. If a player double posts, their first post only will be accepted. If you wish to remove your nominations and change them- edit your original post.

If you wish to skip a category, please enter [none chosen] into the category to signify to the event team that you have no nomination for that category.

Self Nominations will be accepted this year, you can nominate yourself or your alliance as you see fit.

Re-branded Alliances will not qualify as rookie alliances, and nominations for them as 'best rookie alliance' will be ignored. We also will only accept players/alliances based on their entry into 2018. Anyone who was here in 2017 or alliance that was formed in 2017 will not be accepted.

Nominations- please stick to the format provided below




Alliance of the Year:

Most Powerful Alliance:

Best Military:

Best Rookie Alliance:

Best Flag:

Best War Flag:

Most Active Alliance:

Most Honourable Alliance:

Most Improved Alliance:

Best Diplomatic Team:

Best Economic System:

Best Recruiting Staff:

Best Propaganda Staff:

Best Alliance Growth:

Best Forums:

Alliance Most Likely to Succeed in 2019:

Most Immoral Alliance:

Most Controversial Alliance:

Best Alliance for New Players:

Most Missed Alliance for 2018:

Best Re-started/Re-branded alliance of 2018:




Player of the Year:

Most Powerful Player:

Best Alliance Leader:

Most Controversial Player:

Most Dynamic Player:

Best Player Sig:

Best Player Avatar:

Best OOC Poster:

Best IC Poster:

Nicest Player:

Funniest Player:

Most Active Player:

Player Most Likely to Achieve Greatness in 2019:

Best New Addition to the Community:




Best Wall of Text: (provide a link)

Best P&W Forum Topic: (provide a link)

Biggest Controversy:

Funniest Event:

Most Entertaining Discord Channel(Please don't include Slack):

Best Treaty Announcement: (provide a link)

Best Declaration of War: (provide a link)

Biggest Meme:

Largest E-Peen:

Best Villain:

Most Hated Poster:

Most Missed Player (Player that has gone inactive/quit):




Worst Alliance of the Year:

Worst Military of the Year:

Worst Diplomatic Move:

Most Inactive Large Alliance:

Alliance Most Likely to Fail in 2019:

Worst Player of the Year:

Worst Princess of the Year:

Worst Alliance Leader of the Year:

Worst Treaty of the Year: (provide a link)

Worst Forum Poster:

Worst Nation Setup:

Worst Fighters of the Year (must have fought in 2018?

Alliance Most Likely to get Rolled in 2019:


Remember- Nominations are open from now until January 5th. Any nominations posted after we have collected them will not be taken into account.

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Best War Flag: Acadia

Worst Player of the Year: TheNG

Worst Alliance Leader of the Year: TheNG

Alliance Most Likely to get Rolled in 2019: Acadia

Once voting starts, remember to vote for me for Worst Alliance Leader. I've had a great year of disappointing people and not living up to my potential, so a vote for me is a vote well cast!

Edited by TheNG Rising
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"They say the secret to success is being at the right place at the right time. But since you never know when the right time is going to be, I figure the trick is to find the right place and just hang around!"

<Kastor> He left and my !@#$ nation is !@#$ed up. And the Finance guy refuses to help. He just writes his !@#$ plays.

<Kastor> And laughs and shit.

<Kastor> And gives out !@#$ huge loans to Arthur James, that !@#$ bastard.

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Best Rookie Alliance: Camelot

Alliance Most Likely to Succeed in 2019: Camelot

Most Immoral Alliance: Camelot

Most Controversial Alliance: Camelot

Best Re-started/Re-branded alliance of 2018: TEst


Most Controversial Player: Akuryo

Most Dynamic Player: Shifty


Best P&W Forum Topic: https://forum.politicsandwar.com/index.php?/topic/24249-war-stats-knightfall/

Biggest Controversy: Thalmor-Queen Jane

Funniest Event: Pantheon Bank Heist and semi-coup

Best Declaration of War: https://forum.politicsandwar.com/index.php?/topic/24108-cos-guardian-mndoap-cos-political-manifesto/


Worst Alliance of the Year: Pantheon

Worst Military of the Year: Electric Space

Worst Diplomatic Move: TRF declaring war on KT

Most Inactive Large Alliance: Blood Stone Legion

Alliance Most Likely to Fail in 2019: Argos

Alliance Most Likely to get Rolled in 2019:  Camelot

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Nominations- please stick to the format provided below




 Alliance of the Year: The Syndicate

Most Powerful Alliance: The Black Knights

Best Military: Rose

Best Rookie Alliance: Afrika Korps

Best Flag: Afrika Korps

Best War Flag: Afrika Korps

Most Active Alliance: Knights Templar

Most Honourable Alliance: The Syndicate

Most Improved Alliance: Afrika Korps

Best Diplomatic Team: The Syndicate

Best Economic System: Afrika Korps

Best Recruiting Staff: Arrgh

Best Propaganda Staff: Black Knights

Best Alliance Growth: Afrika Korps

Best Forums: Shifty

Alliance Most Likely to Succeed in 2019: Afrika Korps

Most Immoral Alliance: Camelot

Most Controversial Alliance: Afrika Korps

Best Alliance for New Players: Arrgh

Most Missed Alliance for 2018: -

Best Re-started/Re-branded alliance of 2018: TEst




Player of the Year: Shifty

Most Powerful Player: Partisan

Best Alliance Leader: Don

Most Controversial Player: Akyuro

Most Dynamic Player: Partisan

Best Player Sig: -

Best Player Avatar: Lycus

Best OOC Poster: 

Best IC Poster:

Nicest Player: Skae

Funniest Player: Furpeeko

Most Active Player: Shifty

Player Most Likely to Achieve Greatness in 2019: Shifty

Best New Addition to the Community: me




Best Wall of Text: (provide a link) -

Best P&W Forum Topic: (provide a link) -

Biggest Controversy: Queen and Thalmor

Funniest Event: Triggered sjws for the Afrika Korps DOE.

Most Entertaining Discord Channel(Please don't include Slack): -

Best Treaty Announcement: (provide a link)-

Best Declaration of War: (provide a link)-

Biggest Meme:-

Largest E-Peen:

Best Villain: Akyuro

Most Hated Poster: -

Most Missed Player (Player that has gone inactive/quit): -




Worst Alliance of the Year: The Commonwealth

Worst Military of the Year: The Commonwealth

Worst Diplomatic Move: -

Most Inactive Large Alliance: -

Alliance Most Likely to Fail in 2019: I would say tCW but they already failed. So I'm going to take a long shot and say TEst because they have lost 8 members. 

Worst Player of the Year: -

Worst Princess of the Year: Kastor

Worst Alliance Leader of the Year: Camelots leader, who thinks he actually can cvm a lot.

Worst Treaty of the Year: (provide a link)-

Worst Forum Poster: -

Worst Nation Setup: -

Worst Fighters of the Year (must have fought in 2018? The Commonwealth

Alliance Most Likely to get Rolled in 2019: Pantheon

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Alliance of the Year: Black Knights

Most Powerful Alliance: Black Knights

Best Military: Black Knights

Best Rookie Alliance: Camalot 

Best Flag: Hmmm Bad Company 

Most Active Alliance: Black Knights

Most Honorable Alliance: NPO

Most Improved Alliance: T$ (Came out of that paperless inactivity bs) 

Best Economic System: NPO

Best Recruiting Staff: TKR

Best Propaganda Staff: Black Knights

Best Alliance Growth: TRF

Alliance Most Likely to Succeed in 2019: Black Knights

Most Immoral Alliance: TKR

Most Controversial Alliance: TKR

Best Alliance for New Players: Black Knights

Most Missed Alliance for 2018: Lordaeron 



Player of the Year: Roq

Most Powerful Player: Pre

Best Alliance Leader: Leo 

Most Dynamic Player: Gorge 

Best IC Poster: Ripper 

Nicest Player: Keshav 

Funniest Player: No one in pnw is funny 

Most Active Player: Roq

Player Most Likely to Achieve Greatness in 2019: Seeker




Worst Alliance of the Year: Panth

Worst Military of the Year: TCW

Most Inactive Large Alliance: TCW

Alliance Most Likely to Fail in 2019: TCW

Worst Princess of the Year: Kastor

Worst Fighters of the Year (must have fought in 2018): TCW

Alliance Most Likely to get Rolled in 2019: Everyone



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1 hour ago, Kastor said:



Most Powerful Alliance: The Knights Radiant

Best Military: Black Knights

Best Rookie Alliance: Rough Riders 

Best Flag: The Isle

Best War Flag: Rough Riders

Most Active Alliance: The Isle

Most Improved Alliance: Pantheon

Best Diplomatic Team: Bad Company

Best Economic System: The Isle

Alliance Most Likely to Succeed in 2019: Animation Domination



Best Alliance Leader: Uncle Tom

Most Controversial Player: Cynic

Most Dynamic Player: Dynamic

Best OOC Poster: Shifty

Best IC Poster: Partisan

Nicest Player: Hannah

Funniest Player: Max



Worst Diplomatic Move: BC dropping vanguard mid war

Most Inactive Large Alliance: Pantheon

Worst Player of the Year: Kastor

Worst Princess of the Year: Kastor

Worst Nation Setup: RedPhx




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Alliance of the Year: Rose

Most Powerful Alliance: BK

Best Military: BK

Best Rookie Alliance: United Hoods

Best Flag: Camelot

Best War Flag:

Most Active Alliance: TGH

Most Honourable Alliance: TEST

Most Improved Alliance: TCW

Best Diplomatic Team: BK

Best Economic System: BK

Best Recruiting Staff: NPO

Best Propaganda Staff: BC

Best Alliance Growth: Empyrea

Best Forums:  BC

Alliance Most Likely to Succeed in 2019: Egyptian Empire (thanks for reasoning with us)

Most Immoral Alliance: GOB

Most Controversial Alliance: GOB

Best Alliance for New Players: NPO

Most Missed Alliance for 2018: Roz Wei

Best Re-started/Re-branded alliance of 2018: Empyrea 




Player of the Year: Roz

Most Powerful Player: Thanos

Best Alliance Leader: 

Most Controversial Player: Sweet Ronny D

Most Dynamic Player: 

Best Player Sig: 

Best Player Avatar: Balish

Best OOC Poster:

Nicest Player: 

Funniest Player: Charlie Traveler 

Most Active Player:  Ripper

Player Most Likely to Achieve Greatness in 2019: Zevfer

Best New Addition to the Community: Kevanovia




Best Wall of Text: (provide a link)

Best P&W Forum Topic: (provide a link) 

Biggest Controversy: IQ's surrender terms for TKR

Funniest Event: 

Most Entertaining Discord Channel(Please don't include Slack):

Best Treaty Announcement: (provide a link)

Best Declaration of War: (provide a link)

Biggest Meme: Shifty

Largest E-Peen: Sweet Ronny D

Best Villain: Leo the Great

Most Hated Poster: Noctis

Most Missed Player (Player that has gone inactive/quit): Roz




Worst Alliance of the Year: GOB

Worst Military of the Year: TKR

Worst Diplomatic Move: GOB acting like they don't got treaties

Most Inactive Large Alliance:  Order of the White Rose

Alliance Most Likely to Fail in 2019:  Paradox

Worst Player of the Year: Sweet Ronny D

Worst Princess of the Year: Gorge 

Worst Alliance Leader of the Year: Filip (Empyrea)

Worst Treaty of the Year: (provide a link) 

Worst Forum Poster: Citrus


Worst Nation setup: 


Worst Fighters of the Year (must have fought in 2018?: So, probs TTW

Alliance Most Likely to get Rolled in 2019: BC

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Listen to J Kell's Album:



About The Author

 An early member of Roz Wei in 2015, J Kell went on to stay within the paperless world of Empyrea before signing with Soup Kitchen while scoring a record deal in 2019. J Kell went on to release multiple Orbis Top 40 hits. In 2020, J Kell took a break from Orbis. He's back.

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Alliance of the Year: The Knights Radiant

Most Powerful Alliance: The Knights Radiant

Best Military: The Knights Radiant

Best Rookie Alliance: /

Best Flag: Rose

Best War Flag: CoS

Most Active Alliance: The Knights Radiant

Most Honourable Alliance: The Knights Radiant

Most Improved Alliance: /

Best Diplomatic Team: The Golden Horde

Best Economic System: The Knights Radiant

Best Recruiting Staff: The Knights Radiant

Best Propaganda Staff: TGH/KT, the sphere in general.

Best Alliance Growth: The Knights Radiant

Best Forums: The Knights Radiant

Alliance Most Likely to Succeed in 2019: Knights Templar

Most Immoral Alliance: Black Knights

Most Controversial Alliance: The Revolutionary Front

Best Alliance for New Players: The Knights Radiant

Most Missed Alliance for 2018: /

Best Re-started/Re-branded alliance of 2018: /




Player of the Year: Buorhann

Most Powerful Player: Roquentin

Best Alliance Leader: Nizam Adrienne

Most Controversial Player: Queen M

Most Dynamic Player: Dynamic :^)

Best Player Sig: Thalmor

Best Player Avatar: Shifty

Best OOC Poster: Shifty

Best IC Poster: Zeebrus

Nicest Player: Zeebrus

Funniest Player: Shifty

Most Active Player: Sphinx

Player Most Likely to Achieve Greatness in 2019: Charlie Traveler

Best New Addition to the Community: Kevanovia




Best Wall of Text: Partisan in general lmao

Best P&W Forum Topic: /

Biggest Controversy: Queen M OOC drama

Funniest Event: Great Job Show

Most Entertaining Discord Channel(Please don't include Slack): KT discord for sure

Best Treaty Announcement: /

Best Declaration of War: KT/TGH vanguard bloc dec. I can't be assed providing links, you know what I mean.

Biggest Meme: Roqbots

Largest E-Peen: Theodosius :^)

Best Villain: Roquentin

Most Hated Poster: Element

Most Missed Player (Player that has gone inactive/quit): /




Worst Alliance of the Year: Pantheon

Worst Military of the Year: Pantheon

Worst Diplomatic Move: Kayser

Most Inactive Large Alliance: The Syndicate

Alliance Most Likely to Fail in 2019: The Syndicate

Worst Player of the Year: Queen M

Worst Princess of the Year: ??

Worst Alliance Leader of the Year: Tiber

Worst Treaty of the Year: TCW - TRF treaty

Worst Forum Poster: Element lmao

Worst Nation Setup: Madden

Worst Fighters of the Year (must have fought in 2018): /

Alliance Most Likely to get Rolled in 2019: The Fighting Pacifists 

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Alliance of the Year: TGH

Most Powerful Alliance: BK

Best Military: KT

Best Rookie Alliance: Camelot

Best Flag: Rose

Best War Flag:

Most Active Alliance

Most Honourable Alliance:

Most Improved Alliance: t$

Best Diplomatic Team: TGH

Best Economic System: Afrika Korps

Best Recruiting Staff: Arrgh

Best Propaganda Staff: TGH/KT

Best Alliance Growth: TGH

Best Forums:

Alliance Most Likely to Succeed in 2019: KT

Most Immoral Alliance:

Most Controversial Alliance: TRF

Best Alliance for New Players: TGH

Most Missed Alliance for 2018:

Best Re-started/Re-branded alliance of 2018: Brotherhood of the Clouds




Player of the Year: Buorhann

Most Powerful Player: Thanos

Best Alliance Leader: Buorhann

Most Controversial Player: Cynic

Most Dynamic Player: Dynamic

Best Player Sig:

Best Player Avatar:

Best OOC Poster: Shifty

Best IC Poster: Partisan

Nicest Player: TheNG

Funniest Player: TheNG

Most Active Player: 

Player Most Likely to Achieve Greatness in 2019: 

Best New Addition to the Community:




Best Wall of Text: (provide a link)

Best P&W Forum Topic: (provide a link)

Biggest Controversy: TRFs OOC bs

Funniest Event: Terminal Jest vs IQ

Most Entertaining Discord Channel(Please don't include Slack):

Best Treaty Announcement: (provide a link)

Best Declaration of War: (provide a link)

Biggest Meme: 

Largest E-Peen:

Best Villain:

Most Hated Poster: Noctis

Most Missed Player (Player that has gone inactive/quit): Roz




Worst Alliance of the Year: Pantheon

Worst Military of the Year: Pantheon

Worst Diplomatic Move: TRF/TCW treaty

Most Inactive Large Alliance: UPN

Alliance Most Likely to Fail in 2019: UPN

Worst Player of the Year: Queen M

Worst Princess of the Year: Kastor

Worst Alliance Leader of the Year: 

Worst Treaty of the Year: (provide a link)

Worst Forum Poster: Inst

Worst Nation Setup: Madden

Worst Fighters of the Year: Pantheon

Alliance Most Likely to get Rolled in 2019: Literally everyone lol

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Alliance of the Year: BK

Most Powerful Alliance: tS

Best Military: BK

Best Rookie Alliance: N/A

Best Flag: NPO's Robbie Rotten Flag

Best War Flag: NPO's war flag 

Most Active Alliance: N/A

Most Honourable Alliance: Polaris

Most Improved Alliance: SK

Best Diplomatic Team: Acadia

Best Economic System: NPO

Best Recruiting Staff: N/A

Best Propaganda Staff: Acadia

Best Alliance Growth: NPO

Best Forums: NPO

Alliance Most Likely to Succeed in 2019: Polaris

Most Immoral Alliance: NPO

Most Controversial Alliance: NPO

Best Alliance for New Players: NPO

Most Missed Alliance for 2018: N/A 

Best Re-started/Re-branded alliance of 2018: N/A




Player of the Year: Roq

Most Powerful Player: Prefontaine 

Best Alliance Leader: Seeker

Most Controversial Player: Cynic

Most Dynamic Player: Cynic

Best Player Sig: N/A

Best Player Avatar: N/A

Best OOC Poster: N/A

Best IC Poster: N/A

Nicest Player: Abbas

Funniest Player: Auctor

Most Active Player: Roquentin

Player Most Likely to Achieve Greatness in 2019: Roq

Best New Addition to the Community: N/A




Best Wall of Text: (provide a link) N/A 

Best P&W Forum Topic: (provide a link) N/A 

Biggest Controversy: KT-TRF Bounty 

Funniest Event: TFP's blitz during AC 

Most Entertaining Discord Channel(Please don't include Slack): NPO Public for all kpop needs! 

Best Treaty Announcement: (provide a link) N/A

Best Declaration of War: (provide a link) N/A

Biggest Meme: The Pigeon

Largest E-Peen: The NG

Best Villain: Roquentin

Most Hated Poster: N/A

Most Missed Player (Player that has gone inactive/quit): N/A




Worst Alliance of the Year: TCW

Worst Military of the Year: TCW

Worst Diplomatic Move: TKR rolling KT/TGH

Most Inactive Large Alliance: TFP

Alliance Most Likely to Fail in 2019: TCW

Worst Player of the Year: N/A

Worst Princess of the Year: Gorge 

Worst Alliance Leader of the Year: The NG

Worst Treaty of the Year: (provide a link) N/A

Worst Forum Poster:

Worst Nation Setup:

Worst Fighters of the Year (must have fought in 2018): TCW

Alliance Most Likely to get Rolled in 2019: NPO

Edited by Shadowthrone
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Alliance of the Year: United Hoods

Most Powerful Alliance: Black Knights

Best Military: Black Knights

 Best Rookie Alliance: United Hoods

Best Flag: Empyrea

Best War Flag:

Most Active Alliance: Black Knights

Most Honourable Alliance: The Foundation

Most Improved Alliance: Camelot

Best Diplomatic Team: The Federation

Best Economic System: Capitalism 

Best Recruiting Staff: Animation Domination 

Best Propaganda Staff: Camelot

Best Alliance Growth: Camelot

Alliance Most Likely to Succeed in 2019: Ming Empire

Most Immoral Alliance: Camelot

Most Controversial Alliance: Ragnarok

Most Missed Alliance for 2018: Zodiac

Best Re-started/Re-branded alliance of 2018: Golden Phoenix Coalition (all of them)




Player of the Year: Shifty

Most Powerful Player:  

Best Alliance Leader: Trajan

Most Controversial Player: MinesomeMC

Best Player Sig: MinesomeMC

Best Player Avatar: DustyDart

Nicest Player: Epimetheus

Funniest Player: Shifty



Biggest Meme: Arrgh!

Best Villain: Sean Anthony

Most Hated Poster: Element

Most Missed Player (Player that has gone inactive/quit): Dobby




Worst Alliance of the Year:  Eastern States of America

Worst Diplomatic Move: Ragnarok supports ESA coup

Alliance Most Likely to Fail in 2019: Argos

Worst Player of the Year: Sean Anthony

Worst Alliance Leader of the Year: Sean Anthony

Alliance Most Likely to get Rolled in 2019: Camelot

Edited by MinesomeMC
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Alliance of the Year: TGH

Most Powerful Alliance: BK

Best Military: TGH

Best Rookie Alliance: 

Best Flag: CoS 

Best War Flag: BK (start of Knightfall) 

Most Active Alliance: BK

Most Honourable Alliance: TKR

Most Improved Alliance: 

Best Diplomatic Team: TGH

Best Economic System: BK

Best Recruiting Staff: TKR

Best Propaganda Staff: TGH/KT

Best Alliance Growth: Empyrea

Best Forums:

Alliance Most Likely to Succeed in 2019: Camelot

Most Immoral Alliance:

Most Controversial Alliance:

Best Alliance for New Players: TKR

Most Missed Alliance for 2018: lordaeron 

Best Re-started: TEst

/Re-branded alliance of 2018: Empyrea




Player of the Year: Hippo

Most Powerful Player: pre

Best Alliance Leader: idk

Most Controversial Player:

Most Dynamic Player:

Best Player Sig:

Best Player Avatar:

Best OOC Poster:

Best IC Poster:

Nicest Player:

Funniest Player:

Most Active Player: Dynamic

Player Most Likely to Achieve Greatness in 2019:

Best New Addition to the Community:




Best Wall of Text: (provide a link)

Best P&W Forum Topic: (provide a link)

Biggest Controversy:

Funniest Event: Polaris' bank getting looted

Most Entertaining Discord Channel(Please don't include Slack):

Best Treaty Announcement: (provide a link) 


Best Declaration of War: (provide a link) 


Biggest Meme:

Largest E-Peen:

Best Villain: lordship (rw point of view)

Most Hated Poster: Inst

Most Missed Player (Player that has gone inactive/quit): Rozalia




Worst Alliance of the Year: Polaris

Worst Military of the Year: TCW

Worst Diplomatic Move: TKR war on tgh/kt

Most Inactive Large Alliance: tC

Alliance Most Likely to Fail in 2019:

Worst Player of the Year:

Worst Princess of the Year: Kastor

Worst Alliance Leader of the Year: theng

Worst Treaty of the Year: (provide a link)

Worst Forum Poster: Inst

Worst Nation Setup:

Worst Fighters of the Year (must have fought in 2018?? TCW

Alliance Most Likely to get Rolled in 2019: Camelot

Edited by FilipS

aka Filip, The Royalist or Tremor

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Alliance of the Year: (N/A) - All were terrible

Most Powerful Alliance: New Pacific Order

Best Military: Oblivion

Best Rookie Alliance: The Golden Horde

Best Flag: Church of Spaceology

Best War Flag: Acadia

Most Active Alliance: Knights Templar

Most Honourable Alliance: Lordship

Most Improved Alliance: N/A - All still terrible 

Best Economic System: Not Sketchy's (he is a commie)

Best Forums: lmao forums are shit @Micchan

Alliance Most Likely to Succeed in 2019: Church of Spaceology 

Most Immoral Alliance: The Golden Horde

Most Controversial Alliance: The Revolutionary Front

Best Alliance for New Players: The Knights Radiant

Most Missed Alliance for 2018: The Commonwealth 

Best Re-started/Re-branded alliance of 2018: Terminus Est




Player of the Year: Buorkhann Buorkhann Buorkhann Buorkhann Buorkhann!

Most Powerful Player: Roq

Best Alliance Leader: N/A - literally no one has the qualities of a true leader

Most Controversial Player: Queen M

Most Dynamic Player: Dynamic

Best OOC Poster: Rickky

Funniest Player: Hodor




Worst Alliance of the Year: Pantheon

Worst Military of the Year: Pantheon

Worst Diplomatic Move: TCW not cutting TKR back in March when I suggested they do so (insert I told you so remark here)

Most Inactive Large Alliance: New Pacific Order

Alliance Most Likely to Fail in 2019: Rose

Worst Princess of the Year: Kastor

Worst Forum Poster: Whoever that guy was that TGH mass down-voted

Worst Fighters of the Year (must have fought in 2018?? The Pantheon group of The Commonwealth

Alliance Most Likely to get Rolled in 2019: New Pacific Order (hehehe welcome to the #1 alliance reality baby) 

Edited by Justin076

Chief Financial Officer of The Syndicate

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On 12/20/2018 at 11:50 PM, Kastor said:



Alliance of the Year: Black Knights

Most Powerful Alliance: New Pacific Order

Best Military: The Knights Radiant

Best Rookie Alliance: The Golden Horde

Best Flag: Aurora

Best War Flag: Church of Spaceology

Most Active Alliance: The Knights Radiant

Most Honourable Alliance: Guardian

Most Improved Alliance: N/A

Best Diplomatic Team: The Golden Horde

Best Economic System: New Pacific Order

Best Recruiting Staff: Arrgh

Best Propaganda Staff: The Golden Horde

Best Alliance Growth: New Pacific Order

Best Forums: The Knights Radiant

Alliance Most Likely to Succeed in 2019: The Golden Horde

Most Immoral Alliance: Black Knights

Most Controversial Alliance: Guardians of the Galaxy

Best Alliance for New Players: Bad Company

Most Missed Alliance for 2018: ?‍♂️ 

Best Re-started/Re-branded alliance of 2018: TEst




Player of the Year: Beerhoe

Most Powerful Player: Partisan

Best Alliance Leader: Adrienne

Most Controversial Player: Gorge

Most Dynamic Player: Dynamic

Best Player Sig: N/A

Best Player Avatar: Shifty

Best IC Poster: Partisan

Nicest Player: abbas

Funniest Player: Manthrax

Most Active Player: Kiloist

Player Most Likely to Achieve Greatness in 2019: Charlie Travelor

Best New Addition to the Community: Pika




Best Wall of Text: 

Best P&W Forum Topic: 


Biggest Controversy: BC Bank Extravaganza 

Funniest Event: Great Job! show

Most Entertaining Discord Channel(Please don't include Slack): Orbis Weekly/Great Job!

Best Treaty Announcement: Kilo’s Hand Drawn Treatiss

Biggest Meme: Beerhoe

Largest E-Peen: Prefontaine

Best Villain: Roquentin

Most Hated Poster: Gorge

Most Missed Player (Player that has gone inactive/quit): Partisan




Worst Alliance of the Year: Polaris

Worst Military of the Year: Pantheon

Worst Diplomatic Move: TKR Hitting TGH/KT

Most Inactive Large Alliance: The Fighting Pacifists

Alliance Most Likely to Fail in 2019: The Commonwealth

Worst Player of the Year: Noctis

Worst Princess of the Year: Kastor

Worst Alliance Leader of the Year: Sean Anthony

Worst Forum Poster: Noctis

Worst Fighters of the Year: Pantheon

Alliance Most Likely to get Rolled in 2019: The Fighting Pacifists



Edited by Kevanovia
After careful deliberation, Dynamic is the most Dynamic


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Alliance of the Year: BK

Most Powerful Alliance: BK

Best Rookie Alliance: United Hoods

Most Active Alliance: BC

Most Honourable Alliance: TKR

Most Improved Alliance: United Hoods

Best Diplomatic Team: CoS

Best Economic System: TKR

Best Recruiting Staff: TKR

Best Propaganda Staff: BK

Best Alliance Growth: NPO

Best Forums: TKR

Alliance Most Likely to Succeed in 2019: Empyrea

Most Immoral Alliance: TGH (Crazy bastards <3)

Most Controversial Alliance: TRF

Best Re-started/Re-branded alliance of 2018:TEst




Player of the Year: Ripper

Most Powerful Player: Ripper

Best Alliance Leader: Buorhann

Most Controversial Player: Akuyro

Most Dynamic Player: Dynamic who else

Best OOC Poster: Shifty

Best IC Poster: Shiho

Nicest Player: Purplemoon

Funniest Player: Shifty

Most Active Player: Micchan




Best P&W Forum Topic: topic/24355-global-war-peace-terms-discussion/

Biggest Controversy: Cynic/BC

Funniest Event: Seph losing power and Grumpy getting their bank looted

Most Entertaining Discord Channel(Please don't include Slack): The Commonwealth

Biggest Meme: Micro Politics

Best Villain: Akuryo

Most Hated Poster: Noctis




Worst Alliance of the Year: TFP

Worst Military of the Year: TFP (They do f*** all) Quichwe ❤️

Most Inactive Large Alliance: Spanish Armada (They count right?)

Alliance Most Likely to Fail in 2019: TFP

Worst Player of the Year: Noctis

Worst Princess of the Year: Kastor

Worst Alliance Leader of the Year: Queen M

Worst Forum Poster: Noctis

Worst Nation Setup: Madden

Worst Fighters of the Year: TFP

Alliance Most Likely to get Rolled in 2019: TFP

Edited by Sphinx
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