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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/30/18 in all areas

  1. How does a 21 day old nation get gov? Rofl Oh it's Pantheon.
    8 points
  2. Yeah, I guess we’ll get that. Might as well also get how each week brings a new inactive/VM/eventual removal from TGH. A lot of folks with irl issues all in a short period of time ?... Pointing out Sargun is Sargun without somehow knowing Sargun is one of my homeboys *is* actually pathetic. This is why: A. log dumps that reveal 2 TKR noobs not knowing who I am and Sargun being himself. Any of these folks TKR leadership? No? K ✅ B. an attempt to cause smoke between TRF and TKR, somehow completely ignorant that SGM/TRF was founded by former TKR (including Sargun ffs) and that, shocker, we’re all still pretty friendly ✅ C. log dumps are, generally, just tacky and poor form. Dumps that have no bite? Even more egregious ✅ Literally everyone knows the best way to turn me against my allies is to butter me up in Discord DMs. All it takes is a bit of psychological strategy and finesse, which has never been your alliance’s strong suit. In any case, still keeping my peepers peeled for the good shit. Hope you all have a great weekend!
    6 points
  3. Just when you thought Pantheon couldn’t appear more noobish. Seriously though, rename yourself. You’re not Pantheon, your a joke of your former alliance which was effectively a joke of GPA for most of its existence. I feel bad bad for any allies you still might have who are going to get dragged into some inevitable, pointless war because of your incompetence.
    6 points
  4. NSR had good ties with Pantheon Seems like you've mistakenly decided dropping those ties was a good idea.
    6 points
  5. No, not really. After Fist came back, some newbies that were pretty young made it into gov fairly quickly. Additionally, making an Alliance Affairs post over something as irrelevant as this is a common rookie mistake. So, no, I doubt this is a re-roll.
    4 points
  6. Can confirm. Queen M is total trash. I met that bish and she straight crazy yo. @Sargun take a knife and fork and eat this ??
    4 points
  7. Meanwhile your first 3 counters were shit. Let me translate it into Pantheon Language for you: The greatest counters you've ever seen, it's true *TM*.
    3 points
  8. He can only VM for 2 weeks minimal, otherwise it'd be less than that. (He has to go away for a week due to his job, plus his pixels are already burned) But since we're throwing shade, let's add something. (Yes it's two different screenshots of the same conversation that was put together, hence the quality difference) I'd be less worried about individuals who have fought for over 600+ turns and is in VM for 2 weeks, than people who have actively talked about their allies in poor light.
    3 points
  9. id like to report you for spamming
    3 points
  10. I honestly don't know what's worse, the use of anti-semitic imagery, the fact that being an edgelord is your only personally trait, or the you missed the way better pun, Jew-hann.
    3 points
  11. What Shifty said is not incorrect. For most of the time before Fist came back to Pantheon, there was a treaty between the NSR and Pantheon. I think that was even one of the few treaties NSR ever had. So claiming today that there were never good relations between both alliances seems weird.
    2 points
  12. Reported for copyright infringement Guillotine them
    2 points
  13. I’ve been waiting for something juicy, too. I guess all we’re gonna get is logs of Sargun telling everyone what he tells me directly and often. At least he’s consistent, no matter the audience ?? Good try, though.
    2 points
  14. Huge difference of circumstances here. Ivan actually fought. First, we’re well aware of who is losing who, member wise. TKR dropped from 167 down to 148. TRF went from 46 to 34. And that’s during a war in which your side had advantages (and still do). Just for example. Has TGH lost members? Yep. We lost about as much as you folks have on the down side of the war. >literally everyone knows >psychological strategy and finesse >not your alliances strong suit Is this your attempt to get us to talk to you privately? >inre: Logs You two are putting a bit too much thought into that post. I literally stated the point I was making in that post. Nothing more, nothing less. Last thing I’d want to do is separate TRF/TKR.
    1 point
  15. Obviously Sargun has never met a French woman, let alone slept with one
    1 point
  16. this seems like a Bad Announcement as far as pr goes But I just wish I had people salty enough to make really bad 9-point posts @ me
    1 point
  17. Which one is the eggplant?
    1 point
  18. https://forum.politicsandwar.com/index.php?/topic/22556-the-wise-build-bridges-while-the-foolish-build-barriers/&tab=comments#comment-360279 https://forum.politicsandwar.com/index.php?/topic/22510-ideal-alliance/&tab=comments#comment-359629 I literally talked shit about Stratagem (the predecessor to TRF) and Queen M's leadership, publicly, while actually *in that alliance*. This is the dumbest possible attempt to throw shade I've ever seen. You're married, sorry. Hit me up if that ever changes. ? Mate, if you're going to go into VM during a war, regardless of reason, don't try to brag about yourself in the process. Nobody knows or cares about your personal life, only what you do in-game and say on the boards. It's bad form.
    1 point
  19. Why are the titles Chaos themed but the alliance doesn't have a Chaos name? Actually going to read up a bit on this. Grats.
    1 point
  20. Oh quit the drama, please. During the war against IQ, your alliance publicly called out Featherine and Eva-Beatrice from Polaris for being in VM despite one of them being in hospital iirc. If you go to VM during a war, then you have to expect to get shittalked even if the reason behind it might be valid. And since Sargun definitely wasn't able to know why you went into VM, this was just another case of typical war banter. So, again, quit being so melodramatic. It's ridiculous.
    1 point
  21. So you're saying that working hard to get food on the plate and support 3 family members is less important than a game? Thanks for showing me how messed up your priorities are. Appreciate it.
    1 point
  22. i would say its clearly a re-roll wouldn't you think ?
    1 point
  23. The tutorial's instructions are to buy a coal mine or an oil well. It wants you buy those first before the power plants. Both are located under the "resources" tab in the city manager. I can see how the wording can be a bit confusing though. Have fun!
    1 point
  24. do you only offer games for tips or do you also have game trading? i don't tip nor do i accept tips, i play homes and aways usually at a 1 home to ~5+ away ratio. if you want a tip, then my tip is after playing me at home host a home and you'll get my aways, because i clear all the games before i host another, and if i don't get a match on my home in around 20 seconds i go back to aways unless im doing other stuff if you keep catching me at home and i don't catch you in my aways then ill send you a challenge game.
    1 point
  25. vvv only deadbeat drakes does in on the bars.
    1 point
  26. soundtrack to what, having an illegitimate son with a porn star and abandoning him? smh
    1 point
  27. Grats on the merger and re branding. In honor of roz have a wwe gif
    1 point
  28. He is very rude. and bypassed the in-game profanity detector
    1 point
  29. At the end of the day it’s where you can run the most efficient economy which is determined by your game play tbh. At lower tiers, especially when our game style is dictated by externalities like constantly building for war and the like, having larger numbers it’s more efficient to run a command economy. At upper tiers I can’t really comment since I’ve never faced the conditions with a high tier nation. That being said, anyone who argues that 100/100 somehow fails to provide for individual excellence or stems growth isn’t really looking at the whole picture outside of subjective preferences
    1 point
  30. Exactly what I'm talking about guys. There is many uses for it. Kinda helps with bookkeeping in a way.
    1 point
  31. Image Type: Alliance Flag Image Link: Nation ID: Alliance ID (for alliance flags only): 4901
    1 point
  32. Congrats! Friends of our friends ect
    1 point
  33. Where is the deport button around here?
    1 point
  34. Apologies in advance. As a sidenote, while loading all these to copy paste the links here, I noticed the "https" ones I had to reload and the "http" ones I didn't. Could that be the issue - https vs http? Image Type: Alliance Flags Peace Flag: https://i.imgur.com/AbwI4mj.png War Flag: https://i.imgur.com/4kBnDv5.png Christmas Flag: https://i.imgur.com/vuHOxg2.gif Lordship Pride Flag: https://i.imgur.com/Da708Qm.jpg Capitalist Flag: https://i.imgur.com/5t3BY0B_d.jpg Forum Fighters Flag: https://i.imgur.com/CdvXmAZ.jpg Edgedancers Flag: https://i.imgur.com/53k4V5S.png Skybreakers Flag: https://i.imgur.com/D5kvPgk.png Stonewards Flag: https://i.imgur.com/rRSva9Q.png Truthwatchers Flag: https://i.imgur.com/d9Hr2m7.png Willshapers Flag: http://i.imgur.com/yTti5uF.png Windrunners Flag: https://i.imgur.com/7XJI9fu.png Voidbringers Flag: https://i.imgur.com/Jmxs4mt.png Alliance ID: 1584 Image Type: Alliance Banner Image Link: https://i.imgur.com/pnzBNu0.gif Alliance ID: 1584 Image Type: Nation Flag Image Link: https://i.imgur.com/KraxEG4.png Nation ID: 61253 Image Type: Nation Background Image Link: https://i.imgur.com/UColTpy.jpg Nation ID: 61253 EDIT: I tried changing all our in-game stuff on our alliance page to "http" instead of "https" and that looks to have done the trick.
    1 point
  35. Uh oh, @Buorhann, we're being too nice now ? Better put Rickky in charge of FA again so we can keep yelling at each other.
    1 point
  36. I think many don't realize the importance of taxes, however some alliances (such as the Island) pull it off by using other methods for generating money, I applause those alliances and if D1 can manage that too, I commend them. I personally don't agree with the detachment, but I also have no ill-will to the alliance D1, as a whole, just sad to see some didn't see the vision the rest of OP did. However, I wish you guys a safe and prosperous journey moving forward!
    1 point
  37. This war has been magical.
    1 point
  38. Well she took my dog, and she took my truck, and she took food from my plate, She took my heart, and she took my soul, and she took my city eight Workin twenty five hours ain't enough I guess, found her in my buddy's pants But some Fraggle funds, by the grace of God, might give me another chance
    1 point
  39. https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=2820 What do I win?
    1 point
  40. Honestly, I simultaneously see Alpha's point and can't understand their saltiness.
    1 point
  41. Thanks to @Thalmor for the inspiration
    1 point
  42. Shoutout to @Arthur Pendragon for making this for me.
    1 point
  43. Decreasing the timer is good. The revenue boost is a better alternative to decreasing city costs. However I still doesn't see how this helps with retention. The retention issue is because people don't join alliances or if they do, they don't join established ones with programs and institutions in place to help them grow. Increase the cost to make an alliance and/or suggest they join established alliances upon joining the game. By established, I mean ones that aren't micros and have established governments.
    1 point
  44. Are the bulk of the reports of "forum abuse" being handled via discord? And are the people being reported on involved prior to warns being issued? I ask this because it seems like the issues with moderation are a lack of transparency and a shoot first, ask later policy of warnings. Getting with shifty beforehand and asking for context could've avoided this whole situation.
    1 point
  45. And this is the exact problem with the moderation of this forum. Your personal subjective interpretation of a post should not be what dictates whether it does or does not break the rules. Whether or not you "get the joke" is completely irrelevant, what are you the humor police?
    1 point
  46. Also you can skip step 3, charters are for tryhards. Total dictatorship is the only true way.
    1 point
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