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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/10/19 in Posts

  1. Article I. Defensive Activation We stand together Article II. Offensive Activation You will never stand alone Article III. Termination & Withdrawal Blood in, Blood out Tl:dr; YAkSoCa Bloc - Yakuza, Afrika Korps, Solar Knights & Carthago form a bloc
    9 points
  2. Is this another "Vanguard" situation? Where you "formalize" a bloc but still hide behind major alliances?
    9 points
  3. If you're not gonna rely on BK for support, then why not drop them? You're trying to have the best of both worlds but at the end of the day, you're connected to a much larger web with more pulling power. To think that you can somehow overcome this is just naive to say the least. You either don't rely on BK (and therefore you should cut them to prove it) or you do. Actions speak louder than words and currently as it stands, your ally has a commitment to defend BK and vice versa.
    8 points
  4. The best nation ever, Fra........ ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss maim... kill... jest. Greetings, Friends! The nation of Fraggle rock has been hard at work developing new technology. The space program was put on hold to make room for reincarnation programmes! Bigger. Better. Thicker. Armed with bigger missiles. The nation of Fraggle rock presents its new parent nation: Exodas! That's right. The fraggle is a snake now. The snake is a fraggle now. Muppets rule the universe. On to important business. The Golden Horde still holds Partifraggles old name. AND I SWEAR TO GOD YOU WILL GIVE IT BACK YOU BRAINDEAD HIPPO WORSHIPPING WASTES OF AIR. Ahem... What I meant to say, was that you have 30 minutes to give up the name Partisan, or there will be war. To the bunker!
    6 points
  5. It was my impression that this is a repeat offender, in regards to both attitude and targeted player. Surely a higher punishment than a nation strike is warranted when we can conclude from the history of these two players that this wasn't a random that went too far, but a declaration but an act of malicious intent?
    6 points
  6. You sign about 15 protectorates, I'm sure you can live without 5 of them allying you. Heck most pros don't ally their protector and actively take an independent start once they get on their feet. KT was a Pantheon protectorate, t$ was a Rose protectorate etc. I'd say were more successful because of it. This new bloc is going to live in your shadow and ultimately not much has changed, despite their attempts to convince us otherwise.
    5 points
  7. Adrienne is an evil witch. She turned me into a newt!
    4 points
  8. 4 points
  9. So does this mean that IF we get sick of BK and their dank memes, we can have a war, and Call it the Sandwich Press War!! ? Well at least I'd find it amusing...
    4 points
  10. Already happened last night but this time was worse, needs minutes to do a single action, after 4 tries finally did the ground attack, didn't buyed air before the update, fortify didn't worked, etc.
    3 points
  11. Thanks to the people showing the flag I made some love! Also, politically & diplomatically, change doesn't happen overnight. The Citadel, like every other bloc on Orbis has goals in mind, and you'll have to sit back and watch the show. To think that a member of x,y, or z alliance trolling us on the OWF is somehow going to get us to make a drastic decision that would affect all four of us negatively is amateur hour. This step was a long time coming for anyone with even a slight awareness of foreign affairs, and we now have more options available to us in the future for how to continue the growth and prosperity of our bloc/sphere.
    3 points
  12. How would you determine if an alliance is hostile to another? The treaty web works because treaties are an in-game mechanic alliances themselves do not have an in-game hostility mechanic beyond the war activity of their members
    3 points
  13. All I could think of was Liverpool, "You'll Never Walk Alone" Best of luck guys love the logo!
    3 points
  14. So when do you all drop BK/BK is made a member and drops TCW and all the other plebs it has? Until you do, you're just a BK puppet. If BK joins but keeps its other treaties, now you're just a second fiddle to The Covenant. @Buorhann When can we expect the The True The Citadel to announce it's existence.
    3 points
  15. You seem really angry, perhaps we should do private counseling?
    2 points
  16. Maim. Kill. Jest. Ssssssssssssssssssssssssss$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Greetings, friends! This is Partifraggle from the greatest jest of exorock. We are sad to see that the hippo and his horde have refused to do the right thing and hand the snake his name. This will not stand! The great nation of exorock has begun cruise missile proliferation in preparation of rough times ahead. Donations from the community are always welcome. The great nation of exorock does not discriminate among donors. All are equally loved. Muppet researchers have worked round the clock to identify those things most precious to the hippo. We will strike where it hurts! Maim. Kill. Snek. Maim. Kill. Jest. The tank weeaboo whales burn. Give up the name or the whales get it, TGH. Check. Your move. Fraggisan out!
    2 points
  17. ...No, you don't have "more options"; you're still under BK's influence at best, and under their thrall at worst. Tying more alliances indirectly towards BK is less "steps towards independence" so much as "adding to BK's satellite alliance bulk", unless there's actual steps towards... y'know, independence. It doesn't add options, since your options remain "be BK satellite" or "start breaking off of BK". Feel free to continue to sit in BK's sphere all day long, it's no particular skin off my nose; but unless and until you can show that you're willing to say "no" to them on any substantive matter then you haven't really taken any steps towards anything but adding to BKsphere's already excessive bulk of satellites. Now, would cutting ties to BK be something negative? If done in a vacuum, perhaps, and if done with some naive expectation of safety and security certainly, but challenge is how we grow as alliances, as blocs, and as individuals. Break ties with BK, declare support of Chaos bloc against the evil menace of KETOG, or bandwagon against Chaos if you want (though I sincerely don't recommend that), maybe hit Rosesphere just because they're harboring Akuryo. All of these will be challenging (well, not the bandwagon against chaos option), which will tighten your coordination, prove your agency as an independent bloc, shake out anyone uncommitted to advancing your political causes as opposed to BK's or their own pixelhugging, and generally earn respect. Respect which can be achieved in no other way. Your growth and prosperity cannot be measured in cities and nations alone, but in how well they are used, how efficient and how dedicated each of them is and how independent they are of influence from anyone else, be that KETOG or Chaos or Rose or BK or SyndisPO or anybody. And until you've shown SOME of that, what growth have you actually accomplished? And why should anyone offer you respect?
    2 points
  18. So let's start. First of all, I don't know why you all are criticizing Empyrea so badly because some low gov member decided to troll, but I appreciate that having our attention means so much to you. When have we ever run to someone for help? I perfectly remember that when Camelot and BK were hitting us a few months ago for a reason we didn't see to be valid, we didn't activate our MDP's but instead dealt with it on our own. I seem to recall that a few weeks ago when you came up with reasons to counter us for some protectorate bullshit of yours, I had BK knock on my door a few days later, so you might want to re consider about who runs. As a matter of fact, Akuryo has achieved a decent number of stuff. Do what exactly? I know people will shout at me for saying this, but take a deep breath when you get so triggered over nothing so you can avoid misspelling like above. I don't know if people think of Oblivion first, or if you just said that to try to argue back but I don't really care to argue about this. So now let's see what moves we made: https://politicsandwar.fandom.com/wiki/NPO's_First_Time_♥ https://politicsandwar.fandom.com/wiki/Chaos_War - Started a war at a number disadvantage in the low and mid tier, which is where most of Empyrea's members are knowing we would get rolled down there. https://politicsandwar.fandom.com/wiki/Knightfall https://politicsandwar.fandom.com/wiki/Ayyslamic_Crusade https://politicsandwar.fandom.com/wiki/Apophis - Hit an alliance that's currently in this bloc at the risk of individual war with Vanguard. https://politicsandwar.fandom.com/wiki/Camelot_Empyrea_War - Didn't call our allies in when it went badly. https://politicsandwar.fandom.com/wiki/Celestial_Invasion_of_Duat - Made a move when the rest of the game was doing nothing. https://politicsandwar.fandom.com/wiki/Food_Hoarding_Investigation https://politicsandwar.fandom.com/wiki/Teutonic_War - Made a move when the rest of the game was doing nothing. https://politicsandwar.fandom.com/wiki/Royal_Rumble - Hit alliances knowing that we would get hit back by multiple alliances that were bigger than us. Congratulations to all involved in this bloc. You haven't done much so far, but I hope you use this as an opportunity.
    2 points
  19. The nomenclature used in the past escapes me at the moment, but there have been player-made ''war webs" to display who was fighting whom in global-level wars. Personally, I don't find them particularly useful, but there have been times in which "sub-fronts" were being waged in which alliances from Side A would not be attacking all alliances from Side B due to whatever reasons. Insofar as the in-game treaty web is concerned, the ability to propose treaties and have them reflected automatically in-game is a new (and good) addition, but one that came after the manual addition of treaties on a similar platform. At the time, alliances would request that their treaties be added/removed from the web once signing/dissolution of ties occurred. If you mean 'hostility' in the political/social sense of the word, as opposed to a state of open warfare, while publicly declaring who you dislike/hold hostile intent towards can be 'interesting', it's also moronic as far as FA is concerned outside some very special circumstances. I'm all in favor of making information like this accessible to new players more readily, but sometimes it is better that new players get involved with the community and 'read the subtext' as opposed to get such information handed to them. Having said that, a 'war web' isn't a terrible idea, and if @Alex thinks it is one that should be implemented, I'd be all for it.
    2 points
  20. Wait we can crucify Sphinx? That could be quite fun where do I sign up? ?
    2 points
  21. They're not making any pull. Aside from trying to make BK leave Camelot, because we all know none of you like Camelot. Wow. Big play. You sure showed us. Meanwhile, you're not cut from TC, because you're tied to BK, who is about as strong numbers wise as all of you combined and is run far better. You're basically the 3rd iteration of Vanguard, either to BK, or to TC, don't matter which. What a pull, such glorious changes! Try again with your attitude next time. What have you or that blob ACTUALLY ACHIEVED? Oh, i see,you signed more treaties with each other, decided to create some new bloc for people to remember. Uh, well done, i guess? Bravo? You're just a periphery to The Covenant's entirely intentional consolidation. You're not taking any risks, you're not achieving, you're not doing anything. If somebody smacks you up the head there's a pretty straightforward line to get half the game on your side without ever really leaping spheres because you all overlap. They're the one taking the risk. They're the ones without half the game being some measure of 6 degrees of separation away. They're not the ones hiding behind BK and its big bad buddies while claiming to be 'making pulls'. You can talk about what they're actually achieving, the 'moves' you're making when you amount to more than literally another Vanguard. Thanks for playing, better luck next time.
    2 points
  22. 2 points
  23. The whole bloc is tied to BK, right? So just give them that weird blue spot.
    2 points
  24. Over time there has been several occasions the idea of adding space based projects or improvements and so on to the game. Sheepy stated he wanted to add somewhere around a dozen projects to the game so this is an attempt to add what others have pitched to the game to what Sheepy is currently looking to add. Mind you This project is more of a gateway project to the other projects. There are 3 projects that may be rolled out with this project, with more possible down the road which is why this project does little by itself and is a gateway project. Space Program Cost: Cash: $40,000,000 Uranium: 20,000 Oil: 20,000 Iron: 10,000 Gasoline: 5,000 Steel: 1,000 Aluminum: 1,000 Effect: Grants access to space based projects Additional Effect: Increases income per turn by $100,000 (1.2M per day)
    1 point
  25. Just like the Alliance Treaty Web, shouldn't there also be an Alliance Hostility Web?
    1 point
  26. Hi, I wondering if my proposed idea is plausible or not For every 50 Infra, 0.05 steel and aluminium is consumed per turn. Likewise 0.05 gas and munition is consumed for every 250 tanks, 18 aircraft and 5 ships each per turn. Hopefully, this will keep constant demand for refined products instead of just for warchest and stockpiling to sell later. Thank you.
    1 point
  27. kids, don't do drug or you'll end up like this.
    1 point
  28. Then the game needs some change to avoid having everything at the update because yesterday I started buying units 10 minutes before the update and I finished doing the attacks 20 minutes after the update, I will try to think if I can come up with a nice idea
    1 point
  29. Too much work. Plus with raiding it'd seem as though Arrgh was warring everyone.
    1 point
  30. @Thanos It's no different to how Vanguard was treated. Everyone told them to cut their ties with IQ to prove themselves as anything more than the "IQ periphery after school club", because let's be honest, that's exactly what they were. They weren't going to make any major moves without consulting Daddy IQ because they were reliant on those ties and that support. The same is true here, as said, BK alone is as powerful numbers wise as all of Citadel, but is also run better. They're not going to make any particularly big moves without of course, talking to Daddy BK, because if someone hits back there's a pretty high chance they're going need BK to win it. Considering this, i fail to see the difference between Citadel and Vanguard. Different names and faces, but the same thing nonetheless. I like the idea of a bloc consisting of minor alliances, rather than spheres/blocs being required to cluster around at least one major power, but for that to work, they need to drop the major power. Or include them and cut out of the unnecessary weight outside the bloc. I've already stated a Citadel with BK would be far from some obnoxious consolidated blob that everyone associates BK as always being part of. Then you get to join the real fun, yelling at The Covenant for being vile heretics and demanding they be burned at the stake! Nothing makes my day quite like DMing Sphinx and telling him that the Holy Church of Dynamism will one day crucify him.
    1 point
  31. Hey y'all! We will be hosting a shit-post channel for the war for everyone to have fun in and we will be tracking the war events right there.
    1 point
  32. What have you done except get accused of multis, claim to win Keno big 3 times, and then act like you're hot shit? Gee when i lay it out like that, you sound almost like a poser, while i'm at least trying, eh? Now please, take my lesson about not playing the relevancy game. My raphseet isn't very well suited to it and you whole lot have even less than that, so let's stop pretending there's weight to throw around.
    1 point
  33. Stealing pantheons bank, Rosey Song would give me credit for being the very last of TEst to fall to the overwhelming upper tier supremacy of Guardian and GoB on Knightfall, Polaris would thank me for teaching them not to treat skilled fighters like children after I beiged three of them while ZMd with conventional units, and just recently I did what people who build websites like NPOs stats had been unable to for weeks and found evidence of the largest exploit in game history after 14 hours of documentation. I tell this to people Everytime. Don't play this stupid bullshit relevancy game. You're a nobody, a 'humble member' by your own admission. Merely by having led an alliance at all and done anything above abject failure have I, and anyone for whom that is true (such as epi) have we surpassed you. Talk shit to me again when you can run an entire alliance by yourself for months, until then you've not earned your arrogance. And don't forget, AK started with what, a dozen experienced players? I started with me and a 3 city noob, you got it easy pal. Hell, you yourself didn't even do anything. Honestly my biggest problem with AK is really idiots like you who think I have some other personal problem with AK. There's only... Two, now of you I have any issue with, and I infact get along quite well with Skae and Odin. Its your fault, literally.
    1 point
  34. It looks like the attack overwrote the income from the trade. I credited your nation with the missing $1,169,124. I'll see if I can fix the code so that this can't happen again in the future.
    1 point
  35. Max has the right idea here. E: For clarity, the blue is actually a placeholder for when we add a fifth member and ruin the entire treaty web. ?
    1 point
  36. Cost: Cash: $20,000,000 Uranium: 5,000 Gasoline: 10,000 Steel: 20,000 Aluminum: 20,000 Effect: When decommissioning tanks, aircraft, naval ships, missiles, and nukes, 100% of the resources are refunded instead of 75%. Prefontaine's satellite threads got me thinking about projects, so I quickly looked through the game and brainstormed some. This idea is the result of that. I think Next Generation Smelters (NGS) does a few things. First, I think it incentivizes conflict as decommissioning before, during, and after a war is less expensive. Secondly, I think it will increase the demand for the resources used, similar to what the two new projects did (or were suppose to do). I also think this project strikes a balance between being useful, but not being broken. The cost might need to be tweaked though (I'm thinking maybe it should be higher). Like ITC and CCE, this project is an investment. It takes time for it to pay for itself. Similar to Iron Dome or VDS, it also will pay for itself quicker the more wars you fight.
    1 point
  37. Totally Not that's why you like c.ocks because of the ''Cumalot'' that you get there ?
    1 point
  38. If you're Shifty, you can do w/e you want. City 16 tier bound BK-Hype Squad str0nk
    1 point
  39. Too far; your suggestion goes much too far to overcorrect the issue. While it is true that improvement destruction is less and less of a concern as nations grow, that's hardly a reason to rebalance improvement destruction across all tiers. Maybe the idea could be refined to a higher chance of destroying improvements based on how many "extra" improvements the target has, that is to say how many improvements they have above their improvement slot cap?
    1 point
  40. So what if I just cried a little bit. That little fox is so heroic ?
    1 point
  41. This is literally what 95% of Orbis thinks about you and what you have to say.
    1 point
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