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[DoW] Here we go again

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What a surprise, secret treaty with Oasis. Would have never thought Oasis/Cam (same thing) would use a secret treaty! They don't use multiple secret treaties, lie routinely, and only get involved in dogpiles! Not Oasis!

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Honestly not surprised Camelot would do this. I am surprised about Aurora though. Not because I have much hopes for them as an alliance, but having dealt with secret treaties in Duck Hunt would have thought they'd have more...sense? 


Guess you guys sold your souls to the devil signing Camelot. Good luck.

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19 minutes ago, Azazel said:

However, TKR & HM decided to team together to hit Rose, the more we discussed it, the more concerned and displeased we became, the consolidation of the upper tier can not be allowed.

Hi friend, we really have to stop meeting like this, but for your viewing pleasure:


I do hope this helps clear up your confusion about our consolidation of the upper tier. 

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You are the most pathetic bunch I've ever seen. Pure garbage.

Kudo's @Abbas Mehdiluv, you kept complaining about IQ and then throw every possible meatshield at us. 2 to 1 wasn't enough of an advantage? :) 

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This is pathetic, imagine trying to cover up secret treaties now.

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Hammer Councillor of The Lost Mines
Diety Emeritus of The Immortals, Patres Conscripti (President Emeritus) of the Independent Republic of Orange Nations, Lieutenant Emeritus of Black Skies, Imperator Emeritus of the Valyrian Freehold, Imperator Emeritus of the Divine Phoenix, Prefect Emeritus of Carthago, Regent Emeritus of the New Polar Order, Coal Duke (Imperator Emeritus) of The Coal Mines


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Ok my predicitons(or more likely my delusional) was right, first Oasis coming up to help Rose(I thought it's crazy idea to consider that but overall I was right lmao), Mystery now, ofc they splited up recently so they were very likely to help each other. So at this point I guess Syndisphere should come to help TKR.

Hey Syndisphere, wake up! It's your move now to reveal your secret treaties ;) 

Edited by Maia
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1 minute ago, Leopold von Habsburg said:

Are you still atoning Camelot?



Honestly disbanding would get them more respect than this. This is officially IQ 2.0, but at least IQ's blob was based on paper treaties.

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