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Mayor last won the day on July 5

Mayor had the most liked content!

About Mayor

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    A free and independent Armenia

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  • Discord Name: Mayor#2240

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Exalted Member

Exalted Member (7/8)




Community Answers

  1. Oblivion is an inactive alliance and had been dead for years.
  2. Almost 10 years of world policing. Congratulations!
  3. Your bud tried to extort 450m from me for some spying, after Hatebi nuked/raided me, and then 3 of you guys attacked me since I refused to pay up. I can't believe you would actually game report over this stuff.
  4. Congrats on the 1000 nukes launched, that's dedication
  5. I think having a 1000 infra requirement would nerf the turret strategy too much, maybe a 700 infra requirement (to keep their score up for counters) would be a better compromise. More ways to destroy improvements would help a lot probably as well. As others have stated having more ways to fight back with conventional military would be the most fun for the game imho and people who want to nuke turret can keep doing what they want to. Maybe a spy attack that can destroy improvements? Then there would be a way to fight back against these low tier / high improvement raiders. And no reason for an infra requirement then.
  6. I can vouch for Kastor being a great government member in Roz Wei, he was brimming with passion and was super productive. In Rose though for the most part he was a useless inactive who got raided a bunch... Also I have to laugh at the people complaining about bullying. Like this is tame imho. You gotta troll alliances in their goodbye or birthday threads, getting a page 1 post telling them good-riddance or to disband, and pointing out their pathetic war record to really drive those downvotes. Also I hate to say it but TI has mostly met my (low) expectations. I don't know why people are so surprised; there are other alliances that probably deserve more criticism for their terrible decisions and lackluster FA that led to this war.
  7. You are spiraling. Just lie down for a few minutes Nacho.
  8. Bad form to delete posts and entirely change their context. For the record, I am not responsible for you getting beiged since you decided to VM. Arrgh is responsible for nuking you as well. They nuked and raided me earlier also. 650m of damages I won't get back. Original post here was: "Lol, sure Mayor." For anyone interested. Make a new post Nacho if you have something new to say; rather than replace old stuff and try to insinuate I support whatever new garbage you put in.
  9. 28 total posts in the forum yet half of them in this single thread, years played in the game, calling everyone around you basement dwellers, psychopaths, monkeys, making fun of peoples moms, boasting of physical strength... I could go on. These paint a different story. You got triggered hard bud. I'm sorry this happened to you. (Really am, since it was my fault... partially)
  10. Sam/Arrgh already took your advice to heart.
  11. Fair enough but if anyone hits me I will not just roll over and accept it. You have a bunch of 60 spy guys in Arrgh I can't even reach, if you instead of hitting me you assassinated my spies that would have been the end of it. And even then I didn't target many of Arrghs arcane 60's until way later so you could have easily retaliated in kind. For some reason you think it is okay for me to be nuked and I can do nothing about that but me spying you guys is a bridge too far. Lets be real here, you attacked as soon as you had evidence of me spying, not because of what was acceptable retaliation and also 1 or 2 spy ops isn't sufficient for me anyways. If anyone hits me for literally any reason I will respond militarily if possible. Your demand of 450m for spying proves to me your intent was to try and get an easy war or some money; and that just didn't work out this time for you guys. I might have even paid if your demand was 50m but of course you thought you could get away with hurting my nation so your rep demand was outrageous and obviously unacceptable. Anyways as you said you have your issues with Rose and I will leave that there as you have asked but don't try and pretend this was an "illegal" war or something. I decide the consequences for attacking the glorious nation of Calondia and my Oblivion allies, not Arrgh. Rose decides what they want to do and so on. Arrgh decides for themselves as well. Every action that has happened is perfectly legitimate. I have always liked Arrgh and defended Arrgh many times, worked with Arrgh mercs, during the early days I made sure Arrgh always had allies in Roz Wei or Rose as well; it is too bad this escalated so much. I'd say maybe we can finally work this out but I have a feeling Buck is going to try and keep this cycle going.. at least for now.
  12. Explain to me how what you are doing right now is literally any different from what I did earlier? Your hitting Rose members because Rose FA made a decision to hit your people? I was spying Arrgh members because an Arrgh admiral made a decision to nuke me. Arrgh attacked Oblivion first. So you are still incorrect anyways. I can't counter Hatebi militarily so I spied, you could have spied back but you massively escalated and 3x hit me with attrition wars after demanding 450m and then you got slapped by Rose for it. Get over it.
  13. Stop trying to twist the facts. Arrgh attacked first with Hatebi nuke on me. And then you countered for a measly spy op in revenge. Everything that happened to Arrgh since is completely self inflicted.
  14. You need to do some serious formatting work. I recommend making a template or something so you can just drop the data into it.
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