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hidude45454 last won the day on July 7

hidude45454 had the most liked content!


  • Member Title
    Shitposter Extraordinaire

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  • Leader Name
  • Nation Name
    Western Union
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hidude45454's Achievements

Exalted Member

Exalted Member (7/8)



  1. Let's be honest, we all want to forget that war
  2. Bro is a professional hater and honestly I support it
  3. Singularity/Cataclysm try not to put "Clock" in every single announcement challenge (difficulty: IMPOSSIBLE)
  4. Wow how did you know my nickname in high school
  5. It is SO JOEVER for PnW Congrats on escaping the matrix o7
  6. Downvoters are people who don't want TI to realize so they can loot them in a future war
  7. Congrats on losing this years awards!
  8. This somehow manages to hurt my eyes, be incorrect, advertise a terrible alliance, and insult the original power rankings all at the same time congratulations PS what's ligma
  9. Updated 5/23/24 ~7:00 AM GMT: Military Strength: Military Strength Comparison Graph (Based on Totals): Military Strength Comparison Graph (Based on Averages): Summary: With the start of round 2 wars, WELP is already starting to vastly pull back the C51+ tier. Combined with pulling ahead a wider spy lead... it's joever...
  10. Updated 5/21/24 ~7:00 PM GMT: Military Strength: Military Strength Comparison Graph (Based on Totals): Military Strength Comparison Graph (Based on Averages): Summary: WELP continue to gain in all tiers, including making gains in the C51+ tier. With the entry of new alliances and continued concentrated efforts in the spy war, WELP have also opened up a wider lead in the spy war. For C15+, WELP have 97 nations above 45+ spies, while this number is only 28 on House's side.
  11. Can the drones also have a Target Hospitals option
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