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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/18/18 in all areas

  1. Hi there! im Blitz, former President of Azure Bank. for some of you who might have been following the bank lately, you guys might have noticed some shady stuff. former chairman Leox was fired. Or at least, thats what was said. lets look at this from behind the scenes. first off, Leox was constantly complaining about the lack of Sheets to record revenue and current worth of the bank and was requesting data to atleast make one. So was I. Sempre, the so called "founder" of the bank only game him the following data: 60k shares sold, 260 mil loaned out and 'rest in hand'. Leox was at the end, pissed. and finally spoke out. Sempre, got his ego touched. you probably guessed what happens next. Leox went forward to resign from his position. he was very respectful with his message not damaging the bank's reputation in any aspect. but as mentioned above, Sempre got his ego touched. and he proclaimed that Leox was fired and insulting him in the announcement. However, upon further questioning, he did delete the second announcement. well you might say, its the owner's liberty to do whatever he wants with his Board. but do you think its moral to do things as cheap as this?: and yes, he Shares were ripped away from him. and when confronted by my good friend and CEO of Orbis Bank, Robert. this was his reply: this might seem unprofessional and somewhat similar to what the Nazis did. However, this wasnt the first time this happened. MinesomeMC, the owner of PIT, (Who also helped share this issue) was also the victim of Sempre's madness. straight of, he is ripping shares off of people who speak against him. which implies, shareholders have no way to influence the direction of the bank. this, first off, makes your investment insecure. This could actually be qualified as gambling as you have no authority over the outcome. Most banks raise capital through shares. The profit that the bank makes is distributed on the basis on the % of total shares owned. as you might have guessed, the part of the profit that goes to the bank, depends on the % of shares owned by the bank. Sempre however, was ready to compromise the bank's profit for something that shall profit the bank in no aspect. how i got to know about this is as follows: Gosh! thats quite amazing isn't it? and finally now, im 'voted to step down' but given all this, do you think there should have been a vote? well, Azure is shady af. thats all i have to say. watch your investments. I loved this banking stuff. and you guessed it. yeah, im starting my own now. more info on that soon
    6 points
  2. I thought you were talking about that pigeon guy in Acadia
    6 points
  3. H-T Medical Corporation Analysis: 5 offensive war like that. Diagnosis: patient is in advanced stage of Pacifism. Has high Depression level. Treatment: use Antibiotic to kill disease and reduce Depression level to minimum.
    6 points
  4. He's the hero P&W deserves, but not the one it needs. For eons and eons but really just 580 days, we have waited. The day of reckoning has come, and I have decided to bid farewell to P&W. So this announces the deletion of my nation. GOT A BUCKET LIST BEFORE I GO LOL. MEME BUCKET LIST THEREFORE DECLARES ITS EXISTENCE.
    5 points
  5. Will Pantheon ever learn? This is Shifty, Rambling on, over the hills and far away, in the houses of the holy.
    5 points
  6. Take a couple shots of tequila and it might make more sense.
    4 points
  7. Sorry Shifty, but this is just too juicy to pass over. There were two Robert_Gero(s). One claimed to own both accounts and the other denied it. One spread false rumours the other got blamed. While they were both online at the same time. I noticed this weird phenomena and friended both, and added them to a Group Chat. There they encountered each other face to face and began to argue. The fake one (Robert_gero#6682) kept his act together for a very long time, but the true Robert defended his position well (Robert_gero#8112). Eventually after pressure the culprit revealed his identity as the infamous founder of Azure and Royal Union Bank, Sempre aka Antonious. Here are pictures of the conversation. https://imgur.com/a/lUGloKV (There is alot) Tl;DR [Sempre (Antonious) is pretending to be others to hurt their reputation]
    4 points
  8. That was a counter for our dear Pacifist friends. We could never make them go to war.
    4 points
  9. This settles it. If I ever get back into the Orbis finance scene, I'm starting a credit rating bureau. Also, never trust a bank that can't be assed to publish financials. There's no reason not to - Stratton Oakmont proved this for several years while in operation. No, the amount of cash you have on hand and the amount you have loaned out isn't super secret info that can lead to the fall of your bank.
    4 points
  10. Vanguard can't handle their own business, typical.
    4 points
  11. Typical millennials, always !@#$ing about free services they're being provided.
    3 points
  12. This "Credit Rating Bureau" indeed already exist, but it's still new. I can seek out a link to it for you if you want to try and help them out, and I believe it really only addresses clients, not the banks themselves. As for the transparency issue, Leviathan is in the process of fully reviewing our policies and business practices, so I'll be glad to take some feedback about the pro/con of increased transparency to propose the case to our board. So feel free to message me @Joel James and psweet As for Azure, we've had our clashes with pretty much every bank in Orbis when we first started, Azure being no exception, but I wish them the best in trying to rebuild their reputation from this, and extend my advice if sir Sempre would like to listen.
    3 points
  13. In the spirit of 2016, it's time to clap TPF. We need more slots for the glorious slaughter anyway.
    3 points
  14. You would figure The False Vanguard would solve their own problems. Who am I kidding, they are IQ anyways.
    3 points
  15. Hey maybe NPO can call this war "The Great Sock War" instead lmfao
    3 points
  16. Hey peeps, so apparently there's been a doppelganger of the man named Robert_gero. He's been causing trouble and trying to cause tension between alliances. I want y'all (Hey I did it right Buorhann) to be aware of this guy and be able to differentiate between the real one and the fake ass mark. Rober_gero's real Discord Tag and ID: Robert_gero#8112 or 262886035287965696 The fake ass kid (I dunno if I can be my black self and say the patented n---a word on the forums so) that's trynna start shit: 508047114962468875 Put this on your notes or screenshot it or something so you'll remember. Or bookmark this page. I don't care just do something. Be on the lookout and take second guesses, if any of this community can do that. Thanks, Creed Mallory
    2 points
  17. >the sad feel when we lose a shitposter
    2 points
  18. Look up Stratton Oakmont. They had public sheets that showed how much money was in the bank, who money was loaned to, how much was left to pay off in each loan, records of every transaction, and more. All publicly available, you didn't even have to be a shareholder. Psweet had decided to do this because he was fighting an uphill battle to make banks trustworthy on Orbis, and this would offer a level of transparency to clients and potential clients. I feel kind of bad for him. Shitheads like the one who runs Azure would take his hard work and squander it because they are thin-skinned losers. Years of hardwork down the drain.
    2 points
  19. This is a teir 69 pnw meme, it's too high for even me to understand
    2 points
  20. >DoE >Declares on TFP >Gets hit by CoS >Gets Rolled. wtf?
    2 points
  21. 2 points
  22. And all of this happened during the war... with the bank closed...
    2 points
  23. Wow I made it into the screenshots, and wow that's a lot of stuff against Azure. If you want a proper bank I'd say head over to Leviathan bank as we have very detailed logs for everything, or just wait and see what Blitz's up to. I'm sure whatever it is will be good and proper, here's to your endeavor' success!
    2 points
  24. Hey, this is Robert, CEO of Orbis Bank another mention after I had issues with him at Goldward Bank. After an argument shifted to the entrance. Sempre never gave me an apology and Goldward's CEO ended up apologizing on his behalf. Sempre damaged Goldward and I think he does not deserve a position there. Thank god he can't kick or ban people. Impreza even stated that his behaviour was not up to standards. Now also as my name is being impersonated. There is a high chance that one of them is Sempre. As there is now 2 copies of my account trolling, threating and fighting with other members of orbis.
    2 points
  25. What it says on the title. The surrendered nation would give away loot and lose infrastructure as usual. The winning nation would have no choice but to accept the surrender. The surrendered nation should probably be sent away to the beige bloc. As it is right now, not only you have to give away loot and lose infrastructure in the end; you also have to watch the enemy plundering small amounts of money and destroying your infrastructure for the lulz.
    1 point
  26. You both suck because i'm at 1.5bn net.
    1 point
  27. Dont say that Fist, I have the ones you sent me last week too! ❤️
    1 point
  28. It's doctored, it never happened XD Shifty!!!
    1 point
  29. Damage dealt in this war The Knights Radiant: $112,432,476,622 Damage dealt in the Trail of Tiers Entire EMC: $112,620,136,739 Woa!
    1 point
  30. Once I am done with retirement and break out of this mental asylum I will open a proper bank! I mean I already loan people money, might as well give it a fancy name.
    1 point
  31. The current shareholders are kinda screwed. They either stay on until their shares are confiscated, or they try to sell and have their shares confiscated. Even if neither of these two come to pass, there will be fewer outsiders willing to buy shares, leaving Smpre as the only one who would wish to buy the shares. And given how mature he is in the above screenshots, I have no illusions on him offering them a fair price. My advice? Approach his alliance and see if they are willing to put pressure on him. If not, find his nation and nuke it for every penny that he stole.
    1 point
  32. Holy mother of gravedigs...
    1 point
  33. The thing is I assume most people wouldn't accept a surrender. You win a lot more by constantly attacking someone weaker, looting small amounts of money.
    1 point
  34. A pointless addition imo. If you send them off beige, people will surrender ASAP to preserve most of their military and avoid unfavorable matchups, which would make it practically impossible to zero someone, ever. Thus, it'd be unbalanced. Since it'd be fundamentally broken for war, it can't beige. And if it doesn't send off to beige, there's literally no point in surrendering since it's damages you'll take sooner or later. All it achieves in an alliance war is that your slots will be freed up more often for your adversaries to re-slot.
    1 point
  35. Kudos to BK for actually pressing the right buttons this time.
    1 point
  36. He's probably getting confused with Bad Company. You know: The Bad The Company The Bloc.
    1 point
  37. This may be a bit nitpicky as far as in-game suggestions are concerned, but it would be helpful to have an adversary's activity status listed on the war page. This would allow us to verify the activity/inactivity of our opponents without needing to repeatedly visit their nation pages for status checks. Example:
    1 point
  38. There was a group of outcasts, frequently written off but never willing to give up. Forced into the shadows they planned their next move. After months of planning and preparation they were ready to step out on their own. This is the result of their work… This is The Underground. We welcome everyone to come and join us in celebrating our new venture. So please drop by our discord to say hello. We greatly appreciate Bad Company’s help and support thus far, and going forward and for giving us the opportunity to be the first to take on a venture protection agreement GOVERNMENT: The Shadow: RightHonorable Ghost of Internal Affairs: LeftBehind Ghost of Foreign Affairs: Alex Smith Ghost of Economics: Admiral Trench Ghost of Defense (acting): RightHonorable Link to Charter (https://docs.google.com/document/d/17r6jUQm1EvzSuH22lKKXF1rryjFzPk2zuLSc1n6FK08/edit?usp=drivesdk) Link to Discord (https://discord.gg/m7zzx9m) Link to Venture Protectorate Agreement (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AcQgSsb2Cm54x3Z8VNXlvBldjaggiSk8qXsxWN0qDg8/edit?usp=drivesdk)
    1 point
  39. Honestly, this is the only statement that matters.
    1 point
  40. Also, just one other point. This isn't even true. You could have fully militarised and hit their upper tier this time around since you have a legion of other alliances supporting you. You'd likely have had more fun and you'd have done better as a coalition too. Oh and the war would be shorter. You instead chose the option that best protected your bloc from damages, and let your upper tier support take all the damage instead. Pragmatic and in your self interests? Yes. Fun, fast and effective? Not so much.
    1 point
  41. I give it 2 weeks. Also the flag looks like 2010 era CN. Idk what Mad Max is smoking.
    1 point
  42. Checks their VM lists Yea... Gonna say that they are not having fun.
    1 point
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