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Dear TKR- A Hogwarts message


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4 minutes ago, Partisan said:

It's a known fact that rose and TKR share a sphere with one another, and coordinate efforts. They are for all intends and purposes, allied.

I did say, "technically" :P

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5 minutes ago, Spectral said:

Let's be real. You can hit the Hogwarts alliance right now and you wouldn't really harm the alliance that much. Which is why I can't see either side doing anything.


I have to give props to Hogwarts for having the balls to try, and admit when they screwed up. Much respect.


At the end of the day, though, you've just made enemies with 2 spheres. I should technically hate you and shake my fist, but to be honest, I'm just intrigued. You may not have changed anything, but at least you added some flavor to the he's otherwise bland politics.

Yeah they got balls alright. Balls so big that when someone came knocking to respond to their shenanigans and plotting they ran off to hide in the nuke bloc. 


Biggest !@#$ing balls I’ve ever seen. 

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Chief Financial Officer of The Syndicate

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8 minutes ago, hidude45454 said:

OK, if you're so open to talking about this, I suppose you won't mind answering a few questions for me?


No problem at all.




This is entirely true. How have your actions so far proved that you're trying to change this?


I'd daresay we've taken more risk in attempting to do something -anything- than either side. That said, I believe this is more of an OOC/meta conversation.




OK, so basically both IQ and EMC both have a valid CB on you now. What's to stop one (or both) of them declaring war on you anyways?


UPN has a valid CB on us. Others might depending on how far you want to chain things. Does a chain 3 doors down on party X give party Y a valid CB? Philosophical debate i'd say. 

To your second point: Nothing is to stop them. Neither this post nor my actions are intended to stop them. Portraying it as such is silly. The post however, is intended to drag an issue that was being dodged slithered around (pun intended) into the open. It succeeded.



FYI alliances in both sides were prepared to counter, so nothing would have changed more or less.

Arrgh also told me that this was intended to start a global war, where one war would slowly spiral into a larger conflict as more alliances joined in. So is this not the case, or was that your intention?


I am aware of that. This is hindsight talk: Part of why they were prepared to counter, is because plans were leaked and both sides received ample opportunity to run their strategies through. The plan at the time revolved around surprise element. With that element gone, the plan lost its viability.

Arrgh has told you that what was intended to start a global one?


Didn't you yourself say that TKR initially started building up because they thought that you were declaring on them?

I said that TKR thought we were declaring on them rather than Sparta, yes. That proved to be untrue, no?

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