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Sweeeeet Ronny D

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Everything posted by Sweeeeet Ronny D

  1. It looks like the revenue page is not properly showing the correct amount of food produced in antartica. From my understanding, antartica has no seasons, and only produces 50% food. It looks like the game is working correctly because i definitely did not make over 100k food over the last day. But the revenue page needs to be updated to properly reflect that.
  2. You guys have any idea what time it is? we are old, and we want to go to bed... but NOOOOO we gotta stay up now and do some half assed counter at 1130pm. Its called elder abuse, and i wont forget this Sing...
  3. By sacrifice for each other, they mean almost 20% of them go into vacation mode during a war.
  4. Looks like someone is just out here farming likes. I see you Adrienne, making two DOW posts.
  5. Wait, I was promised we were hitting Eclipse. Rose is not Eclipse.
  6. seeing as you are in vacamode right now, i will leave that research up to you, good news is we have the forums which you seem to be active in, which has years worth of data for you to take a look at.
  7. Ok i did a little research and it looks like you are correct, that is the weirdest shit i have ever seen. Learn something new everyday.
  8. Pretty sure Buck is British, as he adds u to the word color. I think this topic is a bit ridiculous, but i have no skin in this fight so don't let me interrupt. Well shit, now i am going to interrupt. The color bloc name is a proper noun, so it should be capitalized, and yes its obviously a !@#$ joke. In terms of being offensive tho, I would think the Faps White Cream is significantly more offensive than Bigger Blacker Knights, which from the looks of it as already been changed.
  9. yes. Just for reference, to improve my econ/military by 1.88 percent, I will be spending just under 6 billion in a month or two.
  10. I hope you guys post your final fund raising numbers, I would really be interested in how much you guys made in your game wide extortion attempt. To your credit this is ingenious.
  11. If you really want to gauge Cam success, I would look at total damage done, rather than net. I would expect them to win net, they have less members with less infra, hitting an unprepared foe. They should have a strong net after the first few days. Cam's victory condition is doing maximum damage.
  12. I don't get it, why not just lose the arggh voting thing on purpose, let them fill your slots with nukers, use that as an excuse to militarize, then attack Rose so it would be harder for them to counter, and you still have all your offensive slots open.
  13. You should also drop the food requirement, alot of if not all of the treats are net negative, due to the high cost of 750 food per city.
  14. Please feel free to trick or treat my nation, its fun! https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=1334
  15. Maybe the Condo? or the Townhouse? Atleast with those, you have someone else to take care of the property. But if you do go with the apartment, when you go to war your warcry could be "The Rent is DUE!" Which honestly would probably strike fear into the hearts of many of the poors that play this game, who cannot afford the dream of owning a house.
  16. I agree with this, but coming from a Rose member is not a good look. I may be old, but I remember you doing this exact thing to us.
  17. You should make the updeclare and down declare range equal. Us poor upper tier nations cant even defend ourselves against all that want to strike at us....
  18. big numbers are fun. Big navy brings big numbers. Plus that is what warchests are for.
  19. Navy kills infra, lots of infra, that is its job.
  20. Nice to see my little alliance made it out of the toddler years intact, and is currently at the fun age of 8, in a few years its going to hit its teen years, and never want to talk to me again.
  21. Wind farms only power 250 infra if i remember correctly, so 2 will only power 500 infra and you have 520. If you have more infra than what your power will provide, your city wont have power. You need to make another power plant of any kind.
  22. To hit an alliance that soon after they just got out of a war is a scumbag move. You are in a leadership position, take your scumbaggery and own it. Just like mass messaging a recruitment message to an alliance you are at war with and beating is a scumbag move by that dude from TI.
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