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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/23/24 in all areas

  1. Trantor, 12 053 Galactic Era Hari Seldon looked at his calculations, and told himself: this can't be right. The galactic empire seems to be at the height of it's power, however, the psychohistorian Hari Seldon predicted that it's capital, trantor, would fall in the following 300 or so years. Following this would come 30 000 years of chaos and barbary before a new empire could rise, predicted once again thanks to his calculations, if we did nothing. But how could anyone do nothing in those conditions? As the empire could not be prevented to fall, Seldon decided to act in another way: reducing the interreign, also known as the period between the 2 empires. He decided to create The Foundation on planet Terminus, on the outskirts of the galaxy, to reduce the interreign to only 1000 years. The Western Republic and The Aequitas International decided to help him to the best of their capacity, sending 100k people total to create the colony. The starting goal is simple, collect all the scientific knowledge of the empire, and spread it through the galaxy through an encyclopedia, however, as time passed, it became clear that Seldon wanted these people to establish the empire themselves.... (with the help of a second foundation) TLDR the merger between Western Republic and The Aequitas International rebrands to The Foundation
    16 points
  2. I like the idea of all players belonging to the same alliance. Let's call this hypothetical alliance "Rose"
    13 points
  3. Hey guys, what if instead of having multiple small alliances that all fight and compete with each other, we just merged them all into one? Then players wouldn't have to worry about such silly little things as "politics" or "war" or "having fun" which im sure no proper Natsim player would ever care about. Infact, to make sure no other alliance could form, we should deliberately raid any new player till they quit, so that there poisonous ideas don't seep into the community. Going even further beyond this, i think that this new alliance should purely focus on getting as much score as possible as fast as possible, therefore the new alliance should have all of its members accounts managed by the alliance government, infact members shouldn't even be allowed to login to their accounts, as that may create unnecessary "fun" that any self respecting alliance wouldn't allow. In conclusion I truly believe that this proposal would make the game almost 50% as boring as the current NAP (Disclaimer, this is satire of the recent NAP expansion, also my apologies if this is in the wrong section)
    10 points
  4. Mkay buddy- I’ll enjoy this extra NAP, I do know that.
    5 points
  5. Spent the last 8 months working on this for you: www.KurdanaksPnWBoTForLeaderboards.ai.robot.system.program.net
    3 points
  6. 1. Spell check 2. Book or show?
    3 points
  7. Another space-ish themed alliance? It's so joever. Seriously, though, congrats on the rebrand and best of luck.
    3 points
  8. Bro you a regular member you don't know shit lmfao Go sit in a corner with Who Me and play some baseball
    3 points
  9. You accuse everyone else of not staying on topic, but whenever a response is posted, your go to is just “you clearly don’t know what you are talking about.” That may have worked against our veteran TKR members, some of whom are retired gov etc. But in this case, you didn’t even bother to check who you responded to… This is the FA high gov of The Immortals. Try a different dismissive argument since you clearly don’t want to actually engage with anyone’s conversation.
    2 points
  10. "Official" and "Serious" Announcement from El Gato After recent events have shown, it has been apparent that we have no interest in playing the game of Politics and War. So hereby El Gato proposes an Indefinite NAP so we can enjoy the new game of Politics &. We also ask all current and future NAP signatures to switch to 0/0/0/0 MMR as it is quite unnecessary in these peaceful times, we will do it after you guys do . This concludes this 'serious" announcement SIgned without consent, El GATO Pen-4s Home Rose Cart L $ell-outs Cyst
    2 points
  11. "Rescued" ODOO set terms and conditions on us for their entry that were undoubtedly beneficial to themselves. Their entry was self interest, a prid quo pro. By that point in the war, we had already taken all the damage we were going to take. Peace negotiations with SAIL and us would have taken place and been finished well before the extended war would have, had parties remained in the coalition instead of peacing out. We could have taken a long NAP and sat and allowed for things to play out without us. It would have been more beneficial for us to do so. We opted to make a deal that would prolong the conflict we had already been fighting for 2 months (preceding 2 months of fighting others) in order to make a move that would benefit all parties, That would have committed us to at least 5 months of straight war. The assertion that we were rescued from anything is laughable. I'm not going to expand on what your terms were, despite the various wild claims being made here, but the fact is, you guys had a deal on the table that worked for you, and that is why you helped. And then you walked away from the deal. And very abruptly. We all know how much of a mess that was. As far as us being "angry" goes, I hadn't really intended to get involved in this discussion much. But certain claims were made here that required addressing, and I think it's interesting you guys have chosen to single us out, given everyone else who signed onto the nap, including alliances you claim to have good relations with, and, all in all, we owe you the least here besides perhaps Eclipse. TKR immediately planned to attack us as soon as the Fortuna war in which we fought together was over. And they did, bringing in Syndicate. That put us under a NAP cycle, the same one that prompted their entry into our war later on. TKR made a deal that, as I said earlier, was beneficial to them, in order to bring themselves in, and then when things got too hairy for them, struck a different deal behind our backs, and attempted to exclude us from the process, which would have inevitably left us in the same war they are purported to have rescued us from lmfao. These are all claims I can easily support with evidence, if I have to. Despite all this, we have not gone after or targeted you directly, this entire time. We could have easily sought revenge on TKR/ODOO for your previous attacks on us, we could have easily sought to align with people attempting to hit you this cycle, and, with this nap in place, we could easily align with the current coalition against you. Instead, we have, more than once, attempted to work with you, and find mutual common ground and cut deals with you that would work to our mutual benefit. But past behaviour is a pretty good indicator for future behaviour, and TKR has proven time and time again, that collaboration with you ends poorly for us. Perhaps you'd prefer me to sit alongside you, whisper sweet nothings in your ear, and pretend like I wasn't one of the alliances who signed onto the NAP? Given who you guys have chosen as the target of your ire here, it feels to me that you'd rather hear comfortable lies than brutal honesty.
    2 points
  12. A love letter to my pixels: Dear pixels, I love you so very much. You fill me with joy as I watch your numbers increase. Every day I look at you and wish to hold you dearer than a squirrel holds nuts in its mouth. I want to shelter you from the world. So that nobody can ever hurt you. Keep you safe and watch you grow happily with no cares in the world. So I have signed a NAP, hoping I can give to you the same peace you give me every night as I lay in bed thinking about you. Now you will be safe. So rest easy. I know I will. Love, Least boring pnw player P.S. I always did love GPA
    2 points
  13. This isn't how nuke rouging works and sustaining 2 nukes buying per day whilst having 50/10 improvements would be rather difficult. Loading yourself up with resources sounds a little silly unless you want to give away loot. I'm sure people will use this to stack nukes but they can ultimately be spied away. Colour blocs are being reworked entirely atm. This is a stop-gap fix for the time being.
    2 points
  14. It's funny you say that you aren't mad when that comment prompted your WoT. I can't say I find your complaining about us entering the war on our terms something worth responding too. Or your quip about not being rescued even though you guys were still asking us to enter. Or your whining about being at war for so long when you engaged in that infra shaving campaign of your own free will. Thats on you. You don't get to pull that out of a bag as a retort. The rest of your post is basically just you crapping on TKR and wanting to rehash your entire relationship with them it seems. They can deal with that nonsense if they want too. But maybe some have singled you guys out because you sure are doing a lot of talking about it. As for past behaviors, do be careful not to throw stones from your glass house.
    1 point
  15. Hi guys, Its been a while i logged in. So many changes happened here. I forgot everything and everything looks like new to me. All my memories of my frnds and alliances lost in time. Sorry to my frnds in Valinor, i left without any trace. Thinking just roam around for a bit till i learn about new updates. Just dropped here to say 'Hi'
    1 point
  16. I've escalated this to a Discord support ticket #7522 so that it doesn't get missed. Thanks!
    1 point
  17. 1. i have limited screen time, so i had to write this really quickly, and i had 20 seconds left when i posted so sorry for any typing mistakes 2. Book, and don't think anyone in our gov saw the show but i might be wrong actually was extremely simple lmao i just asked him he said ok
    1 point
  18. Yep, that checks out.
    1 point
  19. They wouldn't let us have the GPA in peace, so I'm shooting for a global perma-NAP as the next best thing.
    1 point
  20. Buorhann I love how you are so against this because it stops you from being able to keep bullying people and being an *ss to anyone you want to without big consequences as the game decided to all cuddle up together. I agree with the color blocs buff not really being necessary unless the system gets completely reworked; but for pirates who had just gotten a bunch of debuffs over the last years, this comes as a much-needed help. As the game is growing and inflating like crazy in times of ever-loving peace, pirates are falling behind, and they cannot produce as much money as someone just farming and farming so it doesnt really encourage people to go pirating for growth. Furthermore, unironically pirates are what is keeping the game active, the only time people get any action whatsoever is by countering pirates or warring with them. If not for us, the game would literally not have a single war being declared a day. SO YES, they care about the future of the game, as the pirate community are the only ones doing anything. Nuke turreting is definitely quite powerfull and all, but if you were just a little competent it's not that difficult to fight off, to properly pull off nuke turreting continuously requires competent players, and if you had competent players warring the pirates it wouldn't be that hard to stop. Sorry, that not everyone wants to just farm and not do anything at all. Also, you can't talk about “extorting” at this point of the game. Macros are extorting more than anyone, we are just giving you a bit of your own sauce.
    1 point
  21. We did nott want to be party to any NAP, this one that got executed or any other NAP. We never proposed one, we never presented one, we never suggested one, we never discussed one. Wherever you keep sourcing this information is not a first-hand account, I can assure you. As you all keep politely telling us privately, nobody is actually excited by NAPs, they are boring.
    1 point
  22. I was TKR high gov for two years so I’m all set with the lessons, as much as I appreciate them. I apologize for not giving you my bio before daring to speak to you. Heavens only know the embarrassment you must have felt having to speak to a “regular member”
    1 point
  23. Thanks for the advice, bud. I think my reading comprehension is just fine though. Let me know if you need me to quote reply the many comments arguing that TKR was trying to join the NAP. Or since you seem to not know how to scroll back to see prior comments on the thread, I can help you with that too.
    1 point
  24. You guys signed a 4 month NAP following a 3.5 month NAP. As far as I know, that’s an unprecedented move, and, at best, is an extremely boring attempt to avoid having to fight wars. You then spent half of this thread claiming TKR is only mad because we were trying to get in on the deal. A claim that has been completely debunked as a lie. But you’re still trying to spin this in your favor. This was a lame and pathetic move. Just own it and say you did it for your own self interests and move on. Stop trying to justify it.
    1 point
  25. TKR smell bad Adrienne has poo on head Benfro stink of fish
    1 point
  26. As we reach a milestone and reflect upon 365 days from inception to its present evolution, The High Table wishes to extend a toast to all. Join us in celebrating and uniting all peoples of Orbis from the lonely one-nation nano, to the 200-nation mega-macro, to the tax farms that have perished, and the micro dreams that are yet to become a reality. Raise your glass of our finest Red Wine — Glory to The High Table! And may John Wick have mercy on those nations receiving personalized invitations from our devout members to join them in celebration.
    1 point
  27. Better late than never I suppose.
    1 point
  28. To be fair, literally any game is better than PnW. PnW is more of a Discord community game.
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. It's been a few hours now. I've given it serious thought and consideration after reading this. I've really found my soul as I searched for meaning. And I've come to realize that this is still the dumbest pile of dog dung I've ever seen in this game. Come on Vein. I know you have a brain somewhere. Find it.
    1 point
  31. Finally someone who knows where to post a recruitment thread.
    1 point
  32. I would also want a 7 month NAP if I had to fight us for 12 hours.
    1 point
  33. A NAP bloc seems like the kind of thing that you try to sleep off and forget about rather than post publicly.
    1 point
  34. Pathetic. This extended nap is simply pathetic.
    1 point
  35. I really don't think it matters how expensive it is. People will save up for it. You'd be surprised how willing and able people are to nuke turret.
    1 point
  36. "Why, yes, I inject my IRL religion into this game."
    1 point
  37. Just build your nation with Alum, Fuel, Ammo, and Uranium mines. Jack it all up since there's no real Improvement destruction in the game. Build all the nuke/missile projects. Go crazy. Color bonus and Daily income bonus (Plus the income protection you have that keeps them from being looted) plus the self sufficient improvement resources, and you can build nukes/missiles without worry about being blockaded. You can have 50/10 Improvement slots of self-sufficiency to do this because the Infra Cap means jack shit. Then just go to town hitting all the whales and nations out there. Fresh built nukes/missiles are protected from being spied on. Just check in once a day, "Oh I got 12 MAPs? Nuke." Go back to doing other things because no matter what your target does, they can't stop you. Sure they can fast beige you with 5 Naval/3 Ground attacks, but they're eating at least 1 nuke and 2 missiles in that time frame. If they mess up, that's 2 nukes + whatever missiles. If they don't beige you, well, you just beiged them and loot the hell out of them. And if you get beiged, that's more bonus income and the ability to resupply yourself if needed. Lather, rinse, repeat. This balance/game design team is stupid. "But the projects are expensive" - Please... Anybody can get those within weeks, if not days. "What's your solution to this, Hippo?" Well, one solution is that any improvements over infra level cap should have increased destruction chances. Don't jack up the color bonus and inflate MORE free income into the game. That's beyond stupidity. Remove the spy protection from nukes and missiles or remove these projects in the game. Could also lower the income protection limit that can't be looted. All of these ideas people will hate, but they're necessary to maintain a balance.
    1 point
  38. This is fricking stupid. Increasing color bonus, bringing in projects that further help the nuke raiding meta without any kind of consequences or balancing to those builds, etc. Do you guys even think about the future of this game?
    1 point
  39. Hello, I will go on record and state the original poster received a warning for this post. Alliance Affairs is a higher-moderation area where we will enforce a slightly higher standard regarding the spam rule. One word posts, single-image posts, or off-topic posts should not be here. Thank you.
    1 point
  40. You received a warning for posting "This is garbage, you're all idiots" in Prefontaine's thread regarding decorum in the Game Suggestions subforum. Alliance Affairs and Game Suggestions are more tightly moderated than other areas, but that was a warn-able post anywhere. For future reference, if you wish to appeal warnings I'd highly suggest doing so in the Appeals subforums not in Orbis Central. This isn't the place to discuss moderator activity or actions, but I do apologize for being a little less active lately. Here I am making up for it :)
    1 point
  41. Bruh. How coincidental that I literally noted the other day that this mod hadn't been on the Forums in ages then he miraculously pops on and does this. 😂
    1 point
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