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His Holy Decagon

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His Holy Decagon last won the day on December 18 2023

His Holy Decagon had the most liked content!


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    His Holy Decagon
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  • Discord Name: TeaFive#1715

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  1. Resist all you'd like- the outcome will still be the same (Keep up the morale though, it's refreshing to see tbh)
  2. I enjoyed the time we shared while I was a Design Team member- congrats on advancing past PnW!
  3. This is a suggested answer to a problem that doesn't actually exist. Please, can we not focus on the one or two instances where a person does something and the butt hurt people that think the entire games mechanics needs to be changed to fix it? Jesus, what a waste of everyone's time.
  4. Mkay buddy- I’ll enjoy this extra NAP, I do know that.
  5. I wasn’t sure how to emphasize “this NAP” and have it be interpreted as “this event” while also quoting Lancelot- I don’t know if that clarifies what I meant any better
  6. Well, I think the point is that we aren’t talking about the same thing and you probably just aren’t privy to the details- I don’t think they wanted to be a part of this NAP.
  7. “It’s completely false, and we said it a bunch- that means it’s true” I also corrected your last point for you.
  8. Hi guys, glad to be nap buddies yet again
  9. Do others actually expect people to be dumb enough to do a direct trade when bank to bank exists? (In this specific scenario) That alone was a good indicator that this wasn’t some grand plan on TFP’s end. I guess this showcases paranoia more than anything else
  10. This will be quite a memorable war, one way or another, and for the most ironic of reasons
  11. It absolutely is the way for Alliances and other entities to enter a war formally. Honestly, I thought this was fun to read- don't get discouraged over this at all, and welcome to PnW! Also, did you know it's always a good time to consider donating your hard earned money to Alex?
  12. Have you tried showing your support by buying the Black Friday bundle? It provides all of us with the amazing chance to show Alex how supportive we are of his tireless work throughout the year. This might be right up your alley! If you missed it, don't worry- there will be a second one before New Years, I believe
  13. Just wanted to pop in and say that the screenshot of you dropping racial slurs is sloppy at best and I'd hope you're better than that, to talk that way. Have some manners and keep your racism in your head- with what other dust is blowing around in there.
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