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BettaChecka last won the day on August 9

BettaChecka had the most liked content!

1 Follower

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  • Gender
  • Location:
    Manchester United Kingdom
  • Leader Name
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    Betta Empire
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Contact Methods

  • Discord Name: .betta.

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  1. I wanted to go till November...
  2. Seems a new contestant has entered the race to become the new T$ FA head! And his direct competitor Firwof is endorsing him!!!!
  3. I do believe you have mistaken the PFP of the Fr*nch scum to that of Veins
  4. In the same vein they need to stop doing it first
  5. You underestimate the average EVH member's enjoyment for losing wars, the more dogpile the more fun they can be lol
  6. Here's to another year of We Are !@#$ Aurora, Christmas "Parties" and Fun times!
  7. Off beige? Nah, I didn't think so either
  8. Why am I allied to the Fr*nch again........
  9. If you class "fine" as that of a 3 year old who speaks German, sure
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