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Canbec last won the day on April 19

Canbec had the most liked content!


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  • Leader Name
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  • Alliance Name
    The Knights Radiant

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  • Discord Name: canbec

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Advanced Member

Advanced Member (4/8)



  1. Happy birthday y'all! Your first year definitely did not go unnoticed. Looking forward to seeing what comes next!
  2. Congrats on two years, and here's to many more!
  3. I'd like to thank everyone who helped me whittle down my projectile stockpile! GG but let's try not to see each other again in 3 months, yeah?
  4. Thank you for all the hard work you've put into the game these past few years. It was always a pleasure exchanging ideas with you when I was on the design team. You will be sorely missed!
  5. Until we see a workable solution to the boring war mechanics that allows the losing side to actually rebuild and meaningfully damage the winning side instead of endlessly being sat on, I don't see why we should nerf the only way a zeroed fighter can still do damage.
  6. As always, it seems that no matter the topic you decide to discuss or bring up, all you're capable of handing out is ice cold takes. You'll forgive me if I don't take leadership advice from someone who's entire demeanor screams "I don't know what the **** I'm talking about". If you care to enlighten me as to all those supposed overtures you've made to TKR "over the previous years", I'm all ears. I'm quite curious seeing as our Discord DM history consists of exactly zero messages. Your fabulations will undoubtedly be most enthralling. In the interim, I commend you on finding the "Declare War" button, even if it took you two days to do so.
  7. Pretty rich coming from the alliance who threw a hissy fit because we pushed back when they wanted the initial NAP to be even longer than it ended up being.
  8. Don't be fooled. The people who specifically pushed for such a long NAP after the 1 day war are very much signatories to this extension.
  9. While it might not be high on his list of worst worst ideas, I assure you that letting myself get talked into it is certainly high up on mine.
  10. As opposed to your worst worst decision, which was agreeing to this NAP :troll:
  11. dw I'm hyper-caffeinated so I've still got a couple hours in me.
  12. While I can't speak to what both Rose and Grumpy were thinking there, I'm sure you're not seriously suggesting the rest of the game wouldn't immediately have taken issue with Grumpy breaking its NAP with Eclipse to honour a treaty signed minutes before Eclipse's blitz.
  13. Malcolm Gladwell posits with his 10,000-hour rule that the key to achieving true expertise in any skill is simply a matter of practicing, albeit in the correct way, for at least 10,000 hours. Well good news folks! There are 2,892 hours between now and the end of the war-less NAP. That gets you almost 30% of the way to mastering the skill of your choosing!
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