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Jacob Knox

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Jacob Knox last won the day on July 19

Jacob Knox had the most liked content!

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Leader Name
    Jacob Knox
  • Nation Name
    Federation of Knox
  • Nation ID
  • Alliance Name
    Event Horizon

Contact Methods

  • Skype
  • Discord Name: epicdude203

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Jacob Knox's Achievements

Exalted Member

Exalted Member (7/8)

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  1. Ah crap, Minesome got hacked! sees image Nope, that's Minesome alright.
  2. Without formally speaking on behalf of my alliance, Event Horizon, or acting as a representative thereof, I would like to congratulate both signatories on their newfound relationship and look forward to seeing what this blossoming relationship brings to Orbis. Best wishes to Weaponized Assault Penguins and The Sword Coast.
  3. I'm "gone" for a month and this happens? 💀 It was nice working with everyone, and I look forward to seeing where we're sailing next. ♥️
  4. That's whack. Not an Official Message from EVH Department of Foreign Affairs
  5. Nice birthday, MILF. To many more, friends!
  6. "Joined July 17, 2014" Idk bro they must be telling some truth 💀
  7. I've found that @Alex can have occasional times of inactivity, so this might be one. He'll definitely look into it when he's back (especially now that I've mentioned him).
  8. Each continent can only produce specific resources. If you do not see a bauxite mine, that means your current continent doesn't have bauxite. I forget the exact table of what each continent has, but it's somewhere.
  9. Breaking the rules on the test server isa well know and common occurrence. Administration doesn't really care much so long as it's not during a tournament or whatever.
  10. Must.. resist.. urge.. to join neo-Clock 😩
  11. Happy birthday, bruhs! To many more!
  12. Nazism is fascism, but not all fascism is Nazism. Nazism is specifically banned due to the creator's (Alex) views on what Germany did in WW2 and whatnot. If we went banning everything that has ever been associated with a bad regime, then we'd ban everything.
  13. Congratulations on 5 years, UL!
  14. You know you can just not comment.
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