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SleepingNinja last won the day on July 12 2022

SleepingNinja had the most liked content!

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Leader Name
  • Nation Name
    Erebonia Empire
  • Nation ID
  • Alliance Name
    Event Horizon

Contact Methods

  • Discord Name: SleepingNinja#7724

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SleepingNinja's Achievements

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  1. I didn't promise you anything, if you want something from me you can hire me. Otherwise your currently not worth my time. ❀️
  2. Should have named it Darkest Hour Trois. I know, my war name is the most original name ever. There has never been another war name like it. Everyone will come back expecting Darkest Hour Mark 1 or Mark 2.. But there never will be one. That's how you hook a crowd folks.
  3. Funniest Event - Cam hitting Arrgh during the voting game Biggest Controversy - Rose actually initiating some form of public talks accusing Eclipse of weaponizing NAPs etc Best Declaration of War (please link) - Best Wall of Text (please link) Best Meme (please link)
  4. Alliance of the Year: Eclipse Most Improved Alliance: Weaponized Assault Penguins Best New Merged Alliance: EVH Best Rookie Alliance: - Best Alliance for New Players: EVH Most Likely to Succeed in 2025: Singularity Most Likely to be Rolled in 2025: EVH Most Honorable Alliance: EVH Best Fighting Alliance: Retribution Worst Fighting Alliance: Weebunism Best Alliance Growth: EVH Best Foreign Affairs Team: Singularity Best Foreign Affairs Move: Cam suiciding Rose Worst Foreign Affairs Move: Rose betrayal of EVH Alliance with Best Propaganda: Eclipse Most Missed Alliance: Carthago Best Alliance Flag (please link): -- Best Holiday Flag (please link): Biggest Alliance Decline in 2024: The Immortals Best Alliance Theme: The Knights Radiant
  5. Player of the Year: Vein Most Influential Player: Krampus Most Likely to Succeed in 2025: FlareDragon Best Alliance Leader: EvilPiggyFooFoo Worst Alliance Leader: Vein Best In-Character Poster: EvilPiggyFooFoo Best Villain: Witch-King Nicest Player: Schwin Most Controversial Player: - Most Missed Player: - Best Nation Page: - Best Fighter: SleepingNinja Best High Government Member: Hwan Most Online/Likely to respond in 1 minute: Blink Best War Criminal: Denison
  6. Does it matter? You have an MDoAP with TGH and TGH got hit, your treaty obligated to defend them. Alliances have been rolled simply for not honoring their treaties so welcome to the club.πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  7. My comment aged like fine wine. Aussie man still bad.
  8. At least Eclipse knows how to play the bad guy and talks back, talking to Rose is basically the same as talking to a wall.
  9. Ha. Long and hard.πŸ˜‚
  10. Got me a chicken dinner out of this one.
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