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Recognition of Hostilities


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They do call me filthy.

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"In an honest service there is thin commons, low wages, and hard labor; in this, plenty and satiety, pleasure and ease, liberty and power; and who would not balance creditor on this side, when all the hazard that is run for it, at worst, is only a sour look or two at choking. No, a merry life and a short one, shall be my motto." - Bartholomew "Black Bart" Roberts


Green Enforcement Agency will rise again!

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This is our recognition of hostilities with the alliances of Guardian, Seven Kingdoms, Terminus Est and Rose.
They claim this is war to end tyrany. 
Of what tyrany do I ask?
We have kept to ourselves and not interfered in how other alliances conduct business. 
They claim we are guilty of plotting to neutralize any alliance who oppose us. 
Yet neither UPN or DEIC has done any such thing.
Their presidence is an alleged plot by the Empire of Spades who they claim started the war against TAC in order to 
claim and secure the position of largest alliance on Orbis.
Any such plot was unknown to UPN, if it was indeed EoS' motive for that war, something I have no reason to believe.
Then Guardian & co are punishing UPN for the alleged crimes of others.
And they are calling us the Tyrants?
Guardian has also been strong advocates of Orbis not repeating the mistakes of other worlds. Of wanting to promote
politically active alliances, the abhorrence of curb-stomps and death sentence that ensues when a single powerful group 
emerges who keep everyone else down.
And yet, they have now proven that these attitudes are something they can easily discard for the sake of convenience,
whether the basis of this war is because they don't like us or if it is to establish their own hegemoney on Orbis I do not know.
But this war has nothing to do with addressing alleged crimes of the Covenant, only to serve the self interest and ambitions of the aggressive parties.



You must think we all have the memory capacity of a goldfish.

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Shellhound, you're a hypocrite. I could go indepth on why you are but I feel you'll be a little !@#$ about it and make up more bullshit about it. Also you or anyone in this little group of hypocrites can't call anyone a coward. You attacked, unprovoked. You waited for every Alliance's leadership to go to sleep then attacked. You are the cowards. Silting a man's throat while he sleeps, that's cowardly. I've already lost, call me names, call me a sore loser. Do it, I'll never take anything anyone says on here with a grain a salt. That includes allies, because I've seen this game is ran by children. I'm done, knock me to beige TEst, I know that people hate BoC. I don't understand why. But good for !@#$ing y'all. See you after this war. I've no more words for children.

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Fire is nice eh?

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To be fair, the timing had nothing to do with sleeping patterns, and more with war mechanics.


And no, you get beige AFTER we bomb you.

So attacking after midnight isn't attacking a person while they sleep? Cause it is. You know I said I was done, I apologize, I'm done now. Talk go ahead. 

Fire is nice eh?

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So attacking after midnight isn't attacking a person while they sleep? Cause it is. You know I said I was done, I apologize, I'm done now. Talk go ahead. 

It's war mechanics. The fact that you don't understand that shows how little you know about it.


Attacks were done close to update so that after the initial blitz, military could be purchased immediately and attack again.  It's kind of the way mechanics in these games works unfortunately.

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He's right, I'm such a stinker. Play my exceptional game!

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So attacking after midnight isn't attacking a person while they sleep? Cause it is. You know I said I was done, I apologize, I'm done now. Talk go ahead.


I'm sorry that you were asleep, but we attacked then because you can buy units before and after the day tick and hit harder. You'd better get used to it, or you're going to be throwing hissy-fits like this a lot.

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"They're turning kids into slaves just to make cheaper sneakers.

But what's the real cost? ‘Cause the sneakers don't seem that much cheaper.

Why are we still paying so much for sneakers when you got them made by little slave kids?

What are your overheads?"

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So attacking after midnight isn't attacking a person while they sleep? Cause it is. You know I said I was done, I apologize, I'm done now. Talk go ahead.



This has been the way wars have been fought since (That terrible game that is totally irrelevant and I shouldn't be bringing it up anyways) existed, and every other nation sim ever, do you know what happened last war? It started at midnight.


If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a roll.

There is one you will follow. One who is the shining star, and he will lead you to beautiful places in the search of his own vanity. And when there is no more vanity to be found, he will leave you in darkness, as a fading memory of his own creation.

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Shellhound, you're a hypocrite. I could go indepth on why you are but I feel you'll be a little !@#$ about it and make up more !@#$ about it. Also you or anyone in this little group of hypocrites can't call anyone a coward. You attacked, unprovoked. You waited for every Alliance's leadership to go to sleep then attacked. You are the cowards. Silting a man's throat while he sleeps, that's cowardly. I've already lost, call me names, call me a sore loser. Do it, I'll never take anything anyone says on here with a grain a salt. That includes allies, because I've seen this game is ran by children. I'm done, knock me to beige TEst, I know that people hate BoC. I don't understand why. But good for !@#$ y'all. See you after this war. I've no more words for children.



So attacking after midnight isn't attacking a person while they sleep? Cause it is. You know I said I was done, I apologize, I'm done now. Talk go ahead. 


And you're a moron.


The time of attack, in all wars not planned by idiots, is entirely dictated by what tactical advantages can be seized through the timing. Game mechanics benefit a late night attack, because troop buying and spies are tied to update. In this case, there was an additional advantage in that much of the leadership (though certainly not all) of our opponents was not likely to be online. Taking advantage of that, is once again, strategy and tactics. 


(By the way, since it's unclear if you're aware of this or not, time is relative. Our attack came before 10pm server time, and 15 minutes before midnight where I live. For other people it was noon, or 5am, or 5pm. Any time you attack is going to be when someone is asleep. It's certainly no fault of ours if the optimal time to attack, dictated by game mechanics, happens to be when you are asleep.)

Edited by Tenages

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Long live GMT+8 \o/


Asking your enemies to provide for all your wants and be of your convenience is just meh

I agree whole heartily. Long live GMT +8 o/

[11:52 PM] Prefontaine: But Keegoz is actually bad. [11:52 PM] Prefontaine: He's my favorite bad leader though.

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Long live GMT+8 \o/


Asking your enemies to provide for all your wants and be of your convenience is just meh

Yup. Nothing is completely public, even wars.

Attempting to contact Kerbin since 1983 (in-game)...

Hey, have anyone seen those fireworks? What do you mean, Jeb had them strapped to SRBs?

Discord: Ray3501#0305. I frequent the SK Network discord (duh).

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Shellhound, you're a hypocrite. I could go indepth on why you are but I feel you'll be a little !@#$ about it and make up more !@#$ about it. Also you or anyone in this little group of hypocrites can't call anyone a coward. You attacked, unprovoked. You waited for every Alliance's leadership to go to sleep then attacked. You are the cowards. Silting a man's throat while he sleeps, that's cowardly. I've already lost, call me names, call me a sore loser. Do it, I'll never take anything anyone says on here with a grain a salt. That includes allies, because I've seen this game is ran by children. I'm done, knock me to beige TEst, I know that people hate BoC. I don't understand why. But good for !@#$ y'all. See you after this war. I've no more words for children.

Unprovoked? You do realize TC attacked Rose just a month ago right? Do you smoke weed because  your memory is !@#$ awful. As for attacking while you're asleep you're a !@#$ idiot. For me at least we attacked at 10:45 and this was due to game mechanics alone. If you're not awake at 10:45 it's not my problem. If you can't recognize that war times are based on game mechanics and not "trying to catch them while you're asleep" then I'm not even sure what to tell you. You do realize that your allies attacked at roughly the same time as well when they attacked TAC unprovoked, are they a bunch of cowards for that as well? I'm not sure they'd appreciate you calling them cowards. Use your brain before you open your mouth. Someone from BoC, please shut your dog up; his yapping is annoying.



Edited by Shellhound
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Wow, are you saying that dogs are the same as black people? How dare you!  Do you know how much joy and happiness Shibe Doge brings to the world?

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Orbis Wars   |   CSI: UPN   |   B I G O O F   |   PW Expert Has Nerve To Tell You How To Run Your Own Goddamn Alliance | Occupy Wall Street | Sheepy Sings

TheNG - My favorite part is when Steve suggests DEIC might have done something remotely successful, then gets massively shit on for proposing such a stupid idea.

On 1/4/2016 at 6:37 PM, Sheepy said:
Sheepy said:

I'm retarded, you win

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They were, as far as we were aware, only a week old at most. And besides, why would I have wasted my time asking if the logs were real?


"me :Hey pubs, check out these logs that shows you are forming a coalition to attack us. this legit?"

"pubs: nah"

"me; lol k then, why would you lie"


And with II I figured they would DoW only one of us forcing the rest to counter declare, thus giving SK a way in.

Isn't this what Saru wanted us to do and is now !@#$ing about us lying to him because of it? You do one thing and then !@#$ when it's done to you.


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I will say it's nice to see you once again UPN. I mean, you don't know me, but I know about you and TC. I was the 'MoFA' of EoS for pretty much all of it's existence in the post Speed round world. I was also the worst MoFA ever because I never did shit :P


Nonetheless, I did watch the events of last war unfold. To be honest, it just seems that you're a little sour, UPN, about how the EoS government kinda screwed you over. I mean, you 'win' the last war, but at what cost? And your biggest 'meat shield' EoS, died in that fight. When you really think about it, it begs the question, who REALLY controlled The Covenant, was it UPN? or was it EoS? Tbh, EoS seemed to be the ones calling all the shots, and UPN just went along with them. Anyway, the EoS government screwed you over bad, I mean, look at the situation they have got you in now. UPN is a weak alliance diplomatically, they don't have a very good FA department, and activity isn't the best outside of the top tier. The only reason you're important UPN is because you had friends, and when I say HAD friends, I mean that you did have some quality alliances on your side at one point, EoS was a nice 'meat shield' and VoC was a good upper tier, but those allies have failed you, VoC is not too active anymore, and EoS is gone, it's only natural that you would be the next one to fall UPN.

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I've already lost, call me names, call me a sore loser. Do it, I'll never take anything anyone says on here with a grain a salt. That includes allies, because I've seen this game is ran by children. I'm done, knock me to beige TEst, I know that people hate BoC. I don't understand why. But good for !@#$ y'all. 


I'm glad to see that you're enjoying our open house,please stick around for the drawing of the door prize!

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