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  1. As The Son of Heaven ascended to a higher plain of existence, accompanied by his ten thousand beautiful virgin women - the spoils of his final victory, his mighty kingdom was immortalised, living on as a shining golden light in the ever growing darkness. Before The Roz's ascension, he bequeathed to his most loyal supporter, the Heavenly King AkAk many rich and fertile lands, and a final request: to continue the spirit of The Roz. AkAk was determined to do just this, and he rode out in search of old friends. Though many had passed on, some still remained, as well as new friends made during the many exploits of the Heavenly Kingdom. He first came across James XVI in the vast steppes of the Hippo Khan's empire. Time had not been kind to James, and he had quickly started up heavy drinking during his tenure as one of Grand Admiral Kastor's henchmen, but after he heard of Rozalia's recent victories and the attempts by the Corrupt Castrati to foil them, he joined with AkAk in search of other Roz Wei loyalists. During their search, grand banners were erected in the name of Roz Wei, bearing on them a face that shared some similarity with that of The Roz Himself, however as soon as they were raised, agents of the neutered sheep sabotaged these banners, with claims that the image, open sourced from an artist in the Kingdom, was in fact The Roz, something AkAk and his followers knew not to be true. However, watching the saboteurs following the group ever closer, AkAk realised the need to strengthen their forces and sought out his friends and allies with great haste. Soon the group reached the lands of Sassania - an empire formed of many great warriors, many of which had been friends or past members of the Heavenly Kingdom. They greeted AkAk and welcomed his followers into the golden halls of The Royalist: Filip The Forever Angry. Both groups spent the night in celebration, recounting past endeavours and realised that they still had much in common. Thus it was decided to join forces, united under a new banner of chaos, and so Empyrea was formed, with pride in tradition and strength in refound comradery. ***** Distantly, the leaders of the Cobra Kai Dojo, an ancient kingdom with many experienced soldiers in their ranks, some having come from the great ship of Terminus Est many years previous, and House Stark, a kingdom who preferred peace over war, shown as such by their civilian armies, met in ‘secret’ on the borders of the New Radiant Order to discuss matters that had happened many months ago, before the departure of the Legendary Rozalia. They decided that the most secret places were where random civilians are all around, such as the crowded market place they now found themselves in. Grand Master Betulius of CKD was keen to taste retaliation. "We will not stand by and let our lands be freely raided by the Heavenly Kingdom of Roz Wei. We must retaliate immediately! Would you not agree Master Zeebrus?" "Bzzzzzz" "We should strike their forces whilst the iron is hot. There is not a second to waste!" "Bzzzzzz" was again the agreement. King Zygon of House Stark nodded sagely and pretended to concentrate. All the while dreaming of fields of butterflies, wishing he could be there writing poems instead of leading. A poet must read, not lead afterall. Lord Cypher, who had his head screwed on a bit more (or whatever it is that jacked you into the Matrix) than some of the others present interjected. "But Master Betulius, this happened many months ago, and The Great Rozalia has departed this world. We can certainly attack but shouldn't this have been dealt with much earlier?" "Nonsense!" Was the reply "Bzzzzzz" said Zeebrus King Zygon nodded again and looked at the pretty clouds. As no one else had anything to say they decided to roll out their machines of war (or in HS’s case, make a machine of war first), however before they could even return from the meeting place, a messenger arrived. "The Heavenly Kingdom appears to be no more my Lords! There appears to be another army in those lands and they appear stronger than we previously thought." "How could this have happened so quickly?" Sobbed Betulius, and Zygon nodded, now sitting on the ground and drawing pictures in the dirt. "Bzzzzzz" lamented Zeebrus. However, shortly a second messenger arrived bearing news of an army currently in the process of defeating the forces of AIMers in a land not too distant. The messenger reported that AkAk had been sighted, along with many warlords from Sassania at the head of the charge, carrying a banner depicting Empyrea. "AkAk was The Roz's most trusted Heavenly King, along with equal amounts of armies from both lands. The Heavenly Kingdom must surely live!" Betulius roared, his words echoing round the market, now every eye in the square was turned towards this 'secret' meeting.’ "But this is not even Roz Wei" chipped in another Lord of House Stark. "What reason would we have to go to war with them?" "AkAk is there" was Cypher's response. "Bzzzzz" suggested Zeebrus "Can I write a poem?" Zygon asked, making dust angels on the floor. "James was a member of The Heavenly Kingdom years ago" mused one of the servants, joining the crowd of peasants also trying to get in to the conversation; "As was The Penguin, and Henrich, even though Henrich is no longer on this world." "I care not, he was the one who told the world we didn’t like having to fight. We must prove a point.” said one of the Stark lords, as a dark patch covered the crotch of his trousers. "Then that settles it" agreed Betulius. "We will attack immediately!" The armies being more ready than some (or perhaps Betulius had been in charge of timekeeping), rode out a week later to where the forces of Empyrea were camped. However, their super secret meeting in the crowded marketplace had been overheard (surprisingly) and had already reached The Royalist, warning him of the incoming invasion. The strange creature by the name of ‘Shifty’ had already heard of the news as well, and so sent out many riders to speak out the news. The Empryrean leaders had started discussions on what the next move should be. Many were ready to roll out and catch the incoming armies unaware. Burgermeister Clement; a man of significant age who had lived most of his life serving the Heavenly King, was practically walking on the ceiling, so much was his readiness to defeat the foes. Seeing the incoming armies, the Secretary-General Wulfharth, and Commander Akkara had already built up their militaries and were ready, whilst James (who had just got back from a long holiday to find Queen Vexz’s banners flying on his city gates after he had forgotten to lock them), despite having said he'd give up drinking, took out his hip flask and started banging the table singing war songs badly out of tune. This unholy noise woke Empyrea's resident Kangaroo up, as well as drawing the Chaotical Lord Penguin's attention who decided to start singing Boys to Men classics. Somehow in the chaos, it was decided to await the advancing armies in a nearby valley where they would rain fire on them from above. On arriving at the head of the valley in which the Stark and CKD forces were camped for the night, the Empyrean armies saw the size of their massive foe. However instead of frightening them, it only sought to encourage them further, such was the strong and stalwart nature of the soldiers. Many were eager to spill blood. Without waiting further, the advisor to the gods; Clement charged from the flanks, and the cry of "one in, all in" echoed throughout the valley. Victory seemed to be imminent, however Timekeeper Betulius and Dreamer Zygon seeing their meticulously planned invasion beginning to fail, had other plans. They sent messengers to beg for help from the vast realms of Guardian and The Syndicate Corporation, and Daddy provided, sending one fleet under the command of Admiral Rubi-Ka; a man consumed by the want of wealth whilst Guardian sent huge war machines to the fight. The people of Empyrea fought valiantly, slaying many and still they held their ground. Meanwhile in the Seven Kingdoms, King Brooklyn heard of the events unfolding and in his desire to do something productive he ordered a surprise attack on Empyrea in defence of AIM. So bad was their communication technology in this ancient kingdom they apparently hadn't realised peace with AIM had already been achieved. The disorderly SK armies soon retreated, realising their awful mistake, however thanks to their great numbers of soldiers, the damage had already been done. Not even the Empyreans could hold off such overwhelming forces for long, and were eventually surrounded, though the determination to continue to fight lingered on. As the fighting continued, The Royalist and James XVI met with their opposing leaders in a specially erected tent to seek an outcome. King Zygon, accompanied by Revan, Lord of Selective Memory, stood beneath the banner of House Stark, whilst Timekeeper Betulis and (bz)Zeebrus stood beneath the Cobra Kai banner. Talks began cordially, but soon it seemed clear that the opposing leaders didn’t really realise where they were and began talking amongst themselves. The Royalist tried to steer the subject back to the matter in hand, but so loud was the talking (and Zygon’s humming) that they at first didn’t hear him. The noise died down eventually, as James cleared his throat. The Royalist asked again and this time garnered a response. Zygon, stuck his head out from behind Advanced Rhetoric for Dummies “We will have peace when the war criminal Rozalia is brought to justice” was the reply. “The Heavenly Kingdom must pay for its crimes” After much rolling of eyes from the Empyrean leaders, The Royalist reminded them for the n-teenth time of Rozalia’s departure, however in their Hubris, the opposing side refused to listen and continued on, resulting in a back and forth that went on through the night. Eventually Zygon reached the final page of Advanced Rhetoric for Beginners and presented to the Empyrean’s their terms: The current war would continue to the natural outcome in a few days time, and the forces of Empyrea would present a white flag to House Stark and Cobra Kai. Seeing no other way to regather the Empyrean forces, The Royalist agreed to the terms, and a few days later sent a delivery of a white flag to the conquering forces. The Empyreans returned to the warp. Many carried fresh new scars resulting from their valliant fighting. Far from being a sad group however, a mighty party was thrown that evening celebrating those lost, and welcoming in a new era. Lessons learned, friends and foes discovered, Empyrea as ready and determined as ever before, and keen to leave their mark. tl;dr Peace between Empyrea and House Stark and Cobra Kai Dojo. All wars will continue to expiry, no new wars will be declared. Also some back story and a new chapter of legends or something. As per the peace agreements, Empyrea hereby surrenders to HS/CKD. Apologies for not including this earlier but I was hungry and needed to eat something. Filip's being whiny but yes it was a joint contribution :p
    6 points
  2. Take a step back and relax about the whole 'honor of your alliance' thing. The story was posted in the style of Roz Wei, all in good fun, to fit into the overall legend of Roz. I can't believe you guys are actually upset by an alliance admitting defeat & throwing up the white flag while portraying their own alliance in the best possible light in a fictional story. Post your own story if you don't like ours. Have some fun. The vitriol, publicly and privately, is hard to understand. I don't know, you guys might be wound too tightly for 'this world'. I honesty just assume you didn't read the whole original post? (before James edited it) because the white flag stuff was in there and if you read that I don't understand how you can accuse us of not holding up our side of the deal (unless you somehow don't understand the reference to raising the white flag?) Strange stuff.
    5 points
  3. The Vanguard and Ordo Paradoxia have agreed upon the following treaty, that it may mutually benefit both parties. Article I: Non-Aggression The undersigned parties agree that no military actions should be taken against other signatories to this treaty, furthermore all disputes between signatories will be resolved through private diplomatic channels In the instance a war or raid is declared, the aggressors alliances agrees to pay reparations to the other signatory for all damages in a timely manner. Article II: Mutual Defense and Optional Aggression The undersigned parties are obligated to assist the defense of each other in case of unjust attack upon any signatory's alliance with full commitment of military, economic, or diplomatic resources. They have the option of entering into an aggressive conflict, should either member of this treaty decide that such actions are necessary. Article III: Intelligence Should a signatory learn of impending action against another signatory, said signatory is obligated to tell the other party as soon as reasonably possible using established diplomatic channels. Article IV: Dissolution of Terms Should a signatory wish to withdraw from this treaty they must inform the other signatory 96 hours in advance of their withdrawal, at which time they are released from the above obligations. Signed for Vanguard: Sval - OWR Delacroix - OWR Therana - TUE Roose - TUE AlmightyGrub - Polaris WSxPhoenix - Polaris Signed for Ordo Paradoxia Prophet: TaunTaun First Officer: NightKnight Second Officer: Night High Priest of Foreign Affairs: Novarus High Priest of Internal Affairs: NightKnight High Priest of Economic Affairs: Night High Priest of Military Affairs: Cianuro
    4 points
  4. I get mad when they're too legible.
    4 points
  5. Am I seriously seeing House Stark members create drama in a thread that has a RP story admitting their victory?
    4 points
  6. I just wanted to clarify that neither House Stark nor CKD asked SK to join their wars, it was actually just due to us wanting to help AIM but I had forgotten you guys achieved peace due to my long work week :P. We did not stay during the duration of your wars and we even offered peace on the spot due to my miscommunication to my alliance about your peace with AIM. I find it very hard to believe our handful of declarations were deciders in the entire war for you guys. But glad to see that this has been sorted out by the other parties heh.
    4 points
  7. Sounds to me like the the Stark and Cobra are still discussing peace among themselves in the marketplace. XD Thumbs up for triggering the ones you just peaced by having fun writing a story. Finally some role-play and plot to Rozalia's legacy, Empyrea.
    4 points
  8. TBH I'm pretty sure that the OP is just lore and shitposting, and I can get behind both of those things.
    3 points
  9. They most certainly did attack. I lost 450 infra, many units and over 1 mil looted. I'm not whining, it is what it is, but I was holding my own in wars with HS. When the 23 city of STILLHARD entered the conflict it was lights out for me. That's a fact. As far as us making matters worse with this thread , I am genuinely confused. We admitted defeat , we got our asses kicked, and we have all accepted peace and are moving on.
    3 points
  10. >Not understanding how RW declared peace/war >getting mad at this thread. Its like complaining SK post unintelligible scroll announcements.
    3 points
  11. LMAO, how is 44 v 39 a gang bang.
    3 points
  12. You might have noticed AIM's sudden membership drop, yes that's intentional. Advanced Idea Mechanics has had its time, and we decided to call it quits a little while ago. We stuck around to put our affairs in order and just before we went to tap out, CoS, TEst and Empyrea threw a spanner in the works and kept us going >. > Either way it's been a blast, we all had fun. If you see an AIM member come to your alliance, please let them in to settle for at least a little while. Thanks for a good time!
    3 points
  13. Together Me and a Old friend have been brought together with a MDP. We hope that it will last long and strong. The Dixie Union will come to your aid if you need it as I hope you will for us. Hope to be doing more business with you soon. Signed for The Dixie Union Greg Dark Damon Signed for The Mighty Atlantic ~Sean Anthony ~Asierith
    2 points
  14. There does seem to be a... Stark contrast.
    2 points
  15. >unwilling to accept defeat Read the TL;DR >making excuse after excuse Only after the first criticism was thrown at them due to bad reading comprehension >if only it was a peace statement or surrender without salt There was no salt initially. Empyrea/RW have a LONG history of posting up overly grandeur RP stories
    2 points
  16. The real loss/harm done was Empryea's taxes. Jesus man, say no to taxes. ????
    2 points
  17. It would've been nice to see where it would've gone without the 5 ghosts (has zero to do with SK) you guys felt were needed. The salt coming from you guys because of the continuation of Roz's legend is more than strange. You won, you rolled us. Congrats. I'm not sure why you're seeking validation or whatever it is you're doing in this thread.
    2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. How many rounds do you guys want? 2? 4? 8? Screw it. Let’s all go into vacation mode! That’ll teach em! Ba baha bwahahahahaa!
    2 points
  20. Are you seriously going to make this about @Prefontaine. Here, I'll give you a hint. I don't care, I wasn't here. What I do care about is if there's a broken mechanic it gets fixed. I understand I've been gone quite a while and people don't remember me. But... I've always been about a balanced system and functioning mechanics. If Alex indeed doesn't care, then perhaps he should change the VM page. I have a tendency to think that the opposite is true given the wording of the VM page. But yes, please continue to make this thread about Pre and not about Spanish Armada's inability to "go the distance" and "permawar" etc. Let's not make it about their inability to wage an effective war and more about drama that happened years ago.
    2 points
  21. Basically my proposal is that whenever you click the battle simulator button directly from the ground/air/naval attack page, it should auto fill the data into the battle simulator. This would make the whole process infinitely less tedious.
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. LOL >this post would not be accepted and war would continue You literally got what you wanted and yet you want to control how they admit their defeat? Holy shit. Might as well ban James too for continuing to post up a RP story while we're at it since that was the fate of the previous one. I'm sure the mods here can figure something out.
    1 point
  24. I am not aware of SK slot filling. Every SK attack I saw (including the one that attacked me) did damage until they peaced out later. It didn't matter for me at that point since a couple of Guardian guys with many more cities ghosted to take me out. I don't get the salt, I don't get wanting to grind an alliance down to dust when there was nothing to provoke this attack on HS's side. I understand attacking an alliance for no good reason other than boredom - that's perfectly fine - but insisting on something other than white peace is strange to me and then crying about a legend announcing our surrender because you don't like how you're portrayed is beyond weird. It just makes you look petty. You won. Let it go. By the way, CKD is the one that has every right to want to grind the RW guys down to dust but they seem to be good sports about it all. (maybe because they remember that RW gave them white peace after one round? - dunno).
    1 point
  25. Not only is it confounding , there is a curious lack of nobility to complain about an overwhelming victory.
    1 point
  26. Empyrea may have surrendered, but Animal Empire lives on to carry out the fight! At least until Catsby sues us for name infringement.
    1 point
  27. Wait, but they did admit defeat. I don't get it TBH.
    1 point
  28. Good luck to the both of you.
    1 point
  29. If that’s how VM is supposed to work and they actually come out coordinated, I like the tactic.
    1 point
  30. Going into VM to avoid a war isn't abusing the mechanic. @Alex made his stance on that clear. However, I'm uncertain if Alex knows that people CAN leave vacation mode early, considering the statement on the vacation mode page in bold underline stating they can't. If he's aware and doesn't care, he should probably remove that from the VM page.
    1 point
  31. Oh. Oh. You’re not SA? What are you doing here then? Going into Vacation mode to avaid war is clearly absusing the mechanic. You're seriously not SA though?
    1 point
  32. I think it’s the whole abusing of the vacation mode that’s the problem. Why is your whole alliance on vacation mode? And what doesn’t make this abuse of it?
    1 point
  33. Wow, I got high. There were lepricons everywhere. And unicorns. And James was right. Oh wait, nwm, not that stoned.
    1 point
  34. Why are people still posting in this thread? I refuse to read it.
    1 point
  35. hurr durr it's ok to kill someone because I saw someone else kill someone why is it wrong now
    1 point
  36. Sooo... here's my thoughts, and perhaps it doesn't belong in this since it's more of a mechanics discussion. However, seeing that it is part and parcel with the way the politics have played out I'll put it here. If I went on vacation for 365 days, and then reset it to 14 days, that is the very definition of leaving vacation mode early. Sure, you still have to sit out the 14 day window, but that's still 351 days earlier than the vacation mode.
    1 point
  37. Hmmm interesting.... I'm pretty sure that's NOT how vacation mode is supposed to work. Taking advantage of a broken mechanic is akin to cheating isn't it?
    1 point
  38. This disbandment happened because of 1 reason, and 1 reason only: we didn't rebrand to Infinity. And now Annihilation could not be halted.
    1 point
  39. Leaning toward the conservative side, I'm assuming you would have been using the Urbanization Domestic Policy to buy cheaper infrastructure, and calculating the total cost of purchasing Infrastructure from 1700 to 2200.5 at $11,043,093.12, and refunded that to your nation while removing the extra Infrastructure.
    1 point
  40. It was a fun ride. I enjoyed my time there.
    1 point
  41. @Keelan Kyleso now we’re a bit past your announcement let’s go through your numbers ! -On July 6th you had 54 members -Today you have 34 members - Of thoes 5 (including you are three days inactive) - 5 are 7 days inactive - 8 are two weeks or more inactive —so your sitting 52% inactive —lost 37% of your memberbase ————————— -On July 6th you had a score of 16k -Today you have 11k —Lost 31% Of your score ———— so basically time to close your alliance and join a real one, after surrendering to et
    1 point
  42. The Reel Z Shady-Today at 8:47 PM pre can u make a forum post asking them to delete my warn so i dont have to acknowledge it i cant bring myself to do it If need be I will volunteer as tribute and take the warn for Zeebrus.
    1 point
  43. Twas the night before war, and all through Roz Wei* Not a member was stirring, or showing da way The swords were hung by the fire with care In hopes that Rozalia soon would be there The members were nestled all snug in their beds While visions of Roquentin danced in their heads With Heinrich in his VM and Akak in his cap They’d all settled down for a six-month NAP When outside their land, there arose such a sound Akak fell out of bed, too afraid to look around Slowly he crawled to the doorway and peeked The sight he saw almost made him squeak In the bright of the moon it could clearly be seen An army of wolves and men, strong and keen What happened gave Akak a fright A dragon was coming on wings of flight Akak knew in a moment it was probably Zygon And that Roz Wei* would soon be bygone Zygon came forth with his army behind And made known his presence to all confined “We come from the North and the top of the wall It is I Zygon, the gratest speler of all We have come for the reckoning at last For crimes not distant in the past” He drew his sword with a gleam in his eye Akak knew that Roz Wei* needed to go bye-bye He gave a shout to wake the dead The Rozalians* arose from their beds They prepared what little they could But the wrath of House Stark could not be withstood They were overwhelmed and struck down fast It was clear from the beginning that they couldn’t last It would be a battle talked about for ages Written about in many historic pages And all agreed that even if Zygon had just said "Sup" Akak could realize, he done diddly messed up. House Stark Declares War on Empyrea *Roz Wei meaning Empyrea
    1 point
  44. I got banned from AIM So good riddance ??
    1 point
  45. Sad Doots for Porky Will be sad tbh, Piggy had always brought the cheers into the room, remember when she made fun of me that there was nothing worth raiding when I was in Panth lmao, it was a mix of a trigger person like Nexa but in a fun way and a person that you cannot be mad and just you could laugh it off like Purple moony. Was a fun ride I could say as I've expirienced a lot of her actions firsthand on my nation with nothing worth raiding there for a longo time kek. Anyhow, GL Piglet and we hope you won't end up on someones BBQ.
    1 point
  46. Why would you need unlimited or expanded war slots? "Help raiders cash in" A raider should take the time to look at their targets war history and determine if you're going to get results. Sure, looking at the war history and timelines won't ALWAYS give you an accurate accounting of whether or not they're sitting on loot, but that alone isn't worth the change. Stop being a lazy raider. You can raid up to 5 people at once currently, the problem is you're either A.) not researching dilligently, or B.)hitting people too close to their inactivity cut off. You NEED to have some risk to raiding, otherwise you're simply saying "Hey, give us as much free money as we want."
    1 point
  47. This has been suggested, under the heading of "how to reduce server hosting expenses to zero"
    1 point
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