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Everything posted by Buorhann

  1. Dude, you were airstriking instead of quick beiging. Thanks for allowing me to pull off 3 nukes on you in one go.
  2. And considering that TKR just ruined their attempt to repair relations with Rose... this will be a interesting year for them.
  3. The war occurred over a major holiday/school season starting and Rose (As well as TGH) have been involved in back to back conflicts (Guardian, AA, and Oblivion missed the Camelot turret/conflict). So it was just very opportunistic timing on Eclipse/House to hit, especially after ANOTHER rebuild. Honestly I wouldn't be too concerned over inactivity. Deletions or leaving alliances, however, are another thing. It's just your typical burnout situation. As for the TI criticism, they had an opportunity to keep the pressure up with their war alongside House against Eclipse and failed. They also completely flopped against EVH. The latter (War with EVH) I'd use as a similar situation to what you see with Rose now. (I think that's the stats you're using, so we both agree there)
  4. Thank god a spammer necro’d this thread. Looks like I followed through on this.
  5. Use to, then they got hit for putting them out till they revealed their leakers lol.
  6. I'll be honest, this is actually a really hilarious conversation between Rose and Eclipse.
  7. I'm confused. Is Rose doing FA talks or not? Because I was led to believe that Rose was too quiet hence the hit. Maybe I missed something.
  9. So did Rose and TGH. I’m well aware of how this goes. I still have 17 cities with 3k Infra, for example. If you’re turreting, 3 AAs attacking is a barrel of fish and you got a shotgun. 700mil is nothing in differential. Just shows lazy turrreting. And even then, it’s just turreting. They didn’t double buy or blitz out of beige, just sat there sub 500 infra inactive and occasionally throwing a nuke or missile. Not sure why people keep glorifying it.
  10. Only 700mil while stuck turreting??
  11. Sounds like you want to half ass your goals here. >Feared but diplomatic >wars/raids but chill Honestly with the current meta, just make a pirate/turret alliance. You’ll be like the 1500th one out there, but you’ll hit all your goals at least.
  12. Because Epi is bullshitting everyone on his reasonings here, lol.
  13. Make this a Class Action. Their initials are TGH, which is already ours too.
  14. I agree on the 5 MAPs reasoning, tbh. Test it first on the test server.
  15. I can't disagree with these ideas and second @Sketchy's points about them. I do have some thoughts, but I'm going to wait a moment to flesh them out before posting them. As for the current points, I got nothing to complain about (Sketchy's idea on changing the increase cost of Uranium to Aluminum is a good one though).
  16. Who thought Camelot master minded that war? Lol
  17. TGH and it's peripherals/allies outside of the major spheres signed 4mos.
  18. !@#$ cancer. And if there actually is a cure out there and Big Pharma is holding it away, !@#$ them too. (Lost two of my good friends to cancer) My condolences to your friend. I know exactly what it’s like to watch your friend live with it. Had to help take care of my best friend in his final months with it. Hopefully your friend has everything in order (Get a Will done by a lawyer, for example) because it gets messy afterwards. You won’t think it does, but it does. People scramble for their belongings like rats.
  19. Should’ve listened to us instead of paying for a NAP.
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