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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/20/18 in Posts

  1. Welp, 55 to 16 is a supermajority, so there's no denying it anymore. GOB it is, and no mistake.
    3 points
  2. With the conclusion of the Rose September elections, I am excited to announce our government for the next term: Sovereign: Dynamic Regent: Belisarius Ephor of State: Mhearl Ephor of Homeland: Fares Ephor of Defense: J.A. Goldington I would like to give a special thanks to Bopolo who is retiring from the Defense Department. He stepped up during the Ayyslamic Crusade and has dedicated countless hours to protecting Rose and keeping us safe. I would also like to thank J.A. Goldington who is now taking the lead in our Defense Department. I am grateful for his contributions to our State Department this last term. Rose would not be where it is today without his dedication. Lastly, I am excited to welcome Belisarius into the regent/second in command position. He’s been with Rose during the highs and lows, and it is such an honor to have him back in government. I look forward to working with our new team and continuing the mission of Rose: being a people and a purpose. Here’s to Rose, past, present, and future! Dynamic Sovereign of Rose
    2 points
  3. "And thus spoke Zarathustra, so spake the son of GOD, and alas, Shifty yeeted and dabbed" You may remember us from such threads as the "Playing Favorites" and the CKD warsheet leaks. Shifty truly has had some amazing successes here, but so has our anonymous team of Russian hackers and leaker. So hats off to them. Now the nitty gritty: SNN LLC has a few changes, namely: -A point system for alliances and players: If Shifty deems you worthy or you buy this protection plan, you are entitled to a get out of jail free card. Essentially Shifty will not leak you. Only redeemable at selection locations. Limit 1 coupon per customer. Not valid where prohibited. See website or in-store for details. Please remember to brown nose responsibly -A few new documents for leaks: Shifty will now have a how to guide and a drop box for leaks run by his staff. Where is this dropbox? Idk. Gotta ask for it. -A bounty system: Check out our server bulletin for info on leaks, you might actually make real in-game money for. (Subject to change) TL;DR: Go frick yourself there is no TL;DR Also we've rebranded to an LLC now. Discord: https://discord.gg/mduERpv Terms of Use: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-IVysAY7ydB6DMKdIqa_yHRhPdWYrdMcDli3LpT3mZw/edit?usp=sharing Current President:
    2 points
  4. Once upon a time, a brave unknown artist by the name of Mystic Mac (now known as Kiloist II cause no one liked that gimmick), drew a really bad picture out of love for those once known as Ordo Paradoxia... They became known as La Mafia... While we were a match made in heaven, we have fallen out of love and they declared to us they wanted to move on, we wish them the best moving forward, it's okay, we've both learned and we'll move forward with a broken heart and provide to our next lover where we lacked with each other. However, the reminder was there, and it hurt. So we did what any rational ex would do... We had to dispose of the reminder.. Disclaimer: Someone totally jacked our idea for this, we did it the night before they posted their video we were just to drunk too post it.. P.S. For those who can't figure it out La Mafia and Bad Company are no more.
    1 point
  5. Egyptian Empire DoE As Orbis twists and turns, sometimes the best way to plan for the future is to look to the lessons of the past. We prefer to take our lessons from the Pharaoh's of Ancient Egypt, ruling over a vast kingdom stretching across the harshest environment on Earth, from the Mediterranean to the head of the Sahara desert. The society was the most advanced of its time, with a world-class irrigation system, healthcare system, well-tooled army and lots of gardens for the nobles to relax with their harem. All were looked after, obviously aside from the slaves. The government of this Egyptian Empire will strive to govern with dignity, and to provide a home for nations looking to grow, in an individualised way, under a government that genuinely cares. Side note: we've been informed another alliance was Egyptian-themed: Duat. We're not Duat. To prove it, here's our CHARTER. Protected by Vanguard Bloc and Acadia Join our Discord Check us out in-game
    1 point
  6. Because if someone does happen to declare on GoB, its saviors can take an easy win and launch their stats skyward.
    1 point
  7. This is where you see alliance leaders not really having a clue as to what they're doing exactly other than taking the major alliances protecting them for granted.
    1 point
  8. >When money can get you 30+ average cities in your AA, but not the community to refer to you as "grumpy" instead of GOB.
    1 point
  9. Hey @Alex it looks like it has something to do with a policy change that Google made. Hopefully these links will help: https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2017/09/autoplay-policy-changes https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40685142/youtube-autoplay-not-working
    1 point
  10. Upper Management has decided for the security of Company assets, that the U.S.S. branch will be increased, with soldier counts being at 40,000 to 150,000, which if combined with the UBCS division, will have a total of 1,875,000 manpower to the Company's security division. Want to know more about the U.S.S.? The Umbrella Security Service branch is an elite special ops division, a comparison to this would be a Nation's Special Ops teams. The U.S.S. branch also handles the Intelligence of the Company, a Central Intelligence Agency of some sort. All intelligence concerning the company is found by the U.S.S. and relays it to Upper Management, which then will act accordingly to company needs. You know an operation is critical to Company needs when U.S.S. teams are deployed, as they are the most efficient branch of the Umbrella Armed Forces. What does the UBCS division do then? The Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Services handles the majority of police and Military operations with a manpower of 1,725,000. Governments of the world can also hire the UBCS to handle any bioterrorism or natural outbreaks as well. If it's for bioterrorism, the company will give a reduced price to send UBCS teams to assist, while natural occurring outbreaks must be paid full price, which is determined by risk, travel costs and the governments relations to the company.
    1 point
  11. And after the first round your enemy is out of range
    1 point
  12. Bluths Original Frozen Banana Stand now averages 509 nukes per member.
    1 point
  13. Well, that depends really. On Taco Tuesdays it's good fun, the cafeteria food is great, everyone has a laugh, y'all know how it is. Then the rest of the week when you're forced to forge more steel for NPO's stockpiles or hunted by BK in the arena to determine the best candidates for mergers, it isn't as much fun. Really does build character though, or so I'm told. But hey, I've gotten distracted. Congrats on becoming even more bloated and functionally irrelevant GoB. All this time they told us GPA was dead, but really it's been here all along...
    1 point
  14. I'm pretty sure their goal is precisely to get as far away as possible from the rest of the game in terms of city count, so they can save pixels in risky situations like world wars. Good thing they're buddies with TKR and Guardian, otherwise they'd be labeled as "an upper tier threat".
    1 point
  15. The God Emperor Dio Brando has not blessed this.
    1 point
  16. BK has never been shy about going to war when they needed to or were bored, which was probably the case here. They were bored and someone gave then an excuse. If you don't like it, do something about it, otherwise bugger off.
    1 point
  17. The fun thing about this is that there's two ways to read it and both are correct.
    1 point
  18. Date: 06/17/2018 Category: The Umbrella Newsletter. Access to this document: Everyone. Document has been set to Public Internal Affairs The Umbrella Corporation stocks went up after the Corporation's absorbing a smaller Cosmetic company inside our borders. the Cosmetic company was gaining momentum with its eco-friendly style and the ingredients used were 87.6 percent biodegradable and natural. leaving 12.4% of the ingredients to be artificially created. In other news, the Umbrella Corporation has enacted a new environmental program, known as The Eden Initiative with the primary goal to create a more eco-friendly and sustainable community. The Umbrella Corporation will be spending 5.6% of its GDP towards the Initiative while inviting foreign governments to either donate to the cause or purchase a stock in the subsidiary. If any foreign governments are interested in the Initiative, please contact the Umbrella Corporation's Public Relations department today! Foreign Affairs The Umbrella Corporation has increased border security at the Umbrella-Prussian borders due to heated diplomatic relations, while a travel ban has not been enacted, the company will be increasing security and procedures to any citizens coming to the Umbrella Corporation. With that, we have received a message from the Prussian government, and Management will be setting up a meeting between the Board of Directors/Umbrella High Command and the Prussian Government in the near future. The Lumian Republic has sent a representative to the Corporations to discuss a potential agreement concerning military, trade and a Cooperation Agreement concerning research and development, however the Corporation has not agreed to a specific terms while diplomatic talks continue between the Board of Directors and the Lumian Government.
    1 point
  19. Camelot, Sunray 1-1, and Typhon proudly present: Avalon I Mutual Defense A direct attack on one signatory is considered an attack on all signatories. In the event that one signatory comes under attack through providing military support to another ally engaged in an aggressive war, said signatory is not considered to be in a defensive war, and the response of the other signatories are not dictated by this section. II Optional Aggression All member alliances shall reserve the right to support each other in an offensive campaign. III Supremacy We agree this agreement shall take precedence over all others. We stand together in the shared security be any means. Information, aid, and diplomatic resources are all encouraged of each of member alliances. Our support for each other shall not be limited to a list. IV Sovereignty While unified, we remain sovereign. V Admission A prospective alliance may petition any signatory for membership. If sponsored, admittance will be a unanimous decision of the conclave. VI Withdrawal Any signatory that wishes to leave Avalon after diplomatic measures have been exhausted will have 72 hours before nullification of the member agreement. Should a member violate the spirit of this accord, a unanimous vote may expel the offender. /s/ Signed for Camelot King: Arthur Wizard: TheShadow & Catman Wizard Emeritus: Epi Signed for Sunray 1-1 Admiral: Caboose, Michael K Ultra, & The Man Of The Shadows Signed for Typhon Commander: Zephyr, Tymoteusz, & Telly
    0 points
  20. Shifty News is like CNN, random dribble based on zero facts and nothing more than lies
    -1 points
  21. What the damn hell is this? Ladies and Gentlemen, its Grumpy. anything else is just wrong. The community has no say in the matter.
    -8 points
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