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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/16/18 in all areas

  1. In case you haven't heard, The Knights Radiant has been on a quest. A quest to help bring a more interesting state of affairs to Orbis. The "politics" in Politics and War have become a stale rerun of bipolar arguments. The "war" in Politics and War has become completely absent for most. This isn't healthy for TKR, nor is it healthy for Orbis at large. As the #1 alliance in the game, we hold a certain responsibility to lead by example and work to bring about something new. As a result, we've been speaking with alliances all around this wonderful place to drum up support. Not for friends to become enemies. Not for enemies to become friends. But support for a cause bigger than individual alliances. Support for an Orbis with less paper, more political intrigue, and more small scale conflict. We have found that many alliances agree with this ideal. Some have taken it upon themselves to begin the process of evolving Orbis. We applaud the actions by R&R, Dark Brotherhood, Rise of the Undead Mob, Nuclear Knights, Seven Kingdoms, Knights Templar, and Rose in helping to facilitate this effort. We hold nothing but respect for those friends who have stood with us, fought in the trenches with us, and joined our causes. Friendships are not easily forged, nor are they easily forgotten, but in order to bring about the ideal Orbis we envision, tough decisions must be made. To that end, TKR has given notice of cancellation of our MDoAP to Guardian. This is TKR's oldest treaty, dating back more than 2 years and we sincerely thank them for standing by us. We've been through a lot together, more than could ever be stated here, but we look forward to what the future holds for us both. We find it necessary to address a growing narrative that has been floating around the OWF regarding whether or not our withdrawal and subsequent dissolution of the sphere is legitimate or whether it is simply a trap to lure unsuspecting alliances into an unfavorable situation. To that, we say this: the largest contributing factor to our decision is hope for a more interesting and politically fluid Orbis, both for our alliance and the community at large. We understand the role our alliance has played up in contributing to this situation but we also recognize that we are not alone in the actions that led us to this current political climate. Henceforth, we will not stand for any form of hegemonic gameplay nor will we stand by and allow anyone to take advantage of our commitment to change. We do not subscribe to the idea of "proving" our commitment to change by weakening ourselves with pointless wars with our former associates. Circumstances change and conflict may come naturally but we reject it being a prerequisite for anyone to consider these sequences of events legitimate. That being said, we encourage you to follow in our footsteps and join our movement. Seek out new relations, make your own sphere with like-minded alliances. If your ideas for change needs a bit of cred in order to get off the ground, shoot us a message and we'll see what we can do to help. Cultivating a more dynamic Orbis is our ultimate goal. It is our expectation that with these changes, TKR can be a part of pursuing an Orbis environment where war can more freely happen, where it isn't necessary to consolidate power, and where alliances are less constrained by the tangled web we've woven for ourselves. TKR is ready to welcome this new Orbis. We are willing to defend this ideal as far as is needed and hope to forge relationships with others who share this ideal. We know we cannot do this alone but are hopeful the collective actions taken thus far are the beginnings of better times. Signed, King of the Heralds: TheCreepyLurker Herald of FA: Kayser Herald of War: Adrienne Herald of IA: SaintlyBloody Herald of Growth: Schirminator
    22 points
  2. Although no longer bonded, AIM feels the need to join in this clearly one sided fight in the aid of our friends in zodiac and the inquisition bloc in general. Thus we too declare war on the Nordic Sea Raiders. Let us all pray that we manage to help even the odds during this time of hardship. Signed: Bezzers, because I told absolutely none of my government.
    18 points
  3. We're not bonded nor required to join, nonetheless, we do recognize immense struggles and hardships of the Inquisition Bloc in their efforts to tame a rowdy, wild beast called the Northern Sea Raiders. We throw our hat in for the obvious underdogs, Lordran, Zodiac, and the others. With respect to old Knights Templar traditions of rolling low-low tier micros, we hereby declare war on NSR. We're aware that this struggle will be tough and prolonged, however, I am certain we shall prevail. May the odds ever be in the Coalition's favour. Signed, Theodosius, Grand Master of Knights Templar
    13 points
  4. In other words, we hereby protect Nordic Sea Raiders.
    12 points
  5. 11 points
  6. Hate Machine recognizes the immense undertaking that alliances such as Zodiac, SK, AIM, Lordran, and KT are about to attempt. Those 5 alliances are no match for the great, unstoppable power that the Northern Pirates wield. We offer our all consuming Hateā„¢ to this conflict. We are shaking in our hateful boots at just the idea of 19, BIG, HAIRY, DRUNKEN men that will strap us down and give us the ole Black Pine straight up the chocolate starfish. However we all must be brave and do what must be done. God help us all. Signed Jodo (Stinky kitty) Arkiri Arch
    8 points
  7. I should start implementing this style of leadership for SK
    7 points
  8. Surprisingly this was probably your most pointless post. I don't know how you managed to make it worse than the removal of two letters from your name, but you did.
    7 points
  9. i hadn't realized it took 2 alliances to deal with an alliance who's highest member has a score of 881
    7 points
  10. This is talk about the current war on christmas.
    6 points
  11. After our brave ally, Zodiac, decided to declare war on the monstrous and despicable alliance, Nordic Sea Raiders. Cornerstone has decided, after a very slim vote of 5 - 0, to declare war on the Nordic Sea Raiders. Down with the savagery, down with it. Let us tame these beasts, no longer shall we have to live with such animals. No longer shall we fear for our lives and loved ones every time we step out of our homes. No longer shall we have to feel horror every second of every day and of every year. By God's grace, we shall tame these beasts that call themselves the Nordic Sea Raiders. Signed by the Royal Court The Roi, Aristide The Grand Duc of State, Soter The Grand Duc of Commerce and Archbishop, Rache The Grand Duc of Swords, Rok Semloh The Grand Duc of Interior, ForgotPants *I had no consent from gov, may be booted from office.
    6 points
  12. 6 points
  13. Where's Fark when you need them?
    6 points
  14. Hello is this the meme police? Yes I'd like to report the use of a stolen meme in my area.
    6 points
  15. Curufinwe? Thank god you've arrived, we're being overrun
    6 points
  16. A toast to what we hope to be a better and more fun platform for all of us, canā€™t wait to see how other alliances react to this. Glances at IQ
    5 points
  17. On behalf of God King Brooklyn666, SK has decided to aid both of our allies in this conflict. As said by the wise Theodosius NSR are an absolute menace and must be stopped at all cost, we thank god for the bravery of alliances like Zodiac and Lordran for starting this courageous crusade! Signed: God King Brooklyn666 Master of Whispers Squeegee
    5 points
  18. Pray for KT, NSR cannot be defeated
    5 points
  19. It works wonderfully. So far, I've had no complaints. I haven't told them I've changed to this style yet.
    5 points
  20. this was as necessary as Lord joining IQ
    5 points
  21. This is to talk about the current war on CF and how they didn't do nothing
    4 points
  22. Well, when one treaty is canceled, another must be written, so it is decreed by our Lord and Savior Roquentin in the Book of Dynamismā„¢ā„¢. Guess I can do that and declare war on NSR at the same time! Anyway, best of luck to TKR and Guardian going forward.
    4 points
  23. As someone close to being banned off the site due to these, frankly corrupt actions taken against me, I think I can hit quite clearly where the failings are here, well "failing", just as it is wanted may well be the case.On the bigger sites out there such as Youtube, Facebook, you get the picture, there has been this type of policy in place. In the past they thought if they simply hit the obviously bad people then it'd be dandy, however they soon saw that people can get views out there while staying within the rules. As such even when people don't violate rules they have been hitting people over their videos, comments, so on. Now in their cases due to the nature of their sites this does not neccessarily mean bans or warns/strikes, they have after all other tools available to them. This here is ultimately a smaller scale version of that. Lets look at the rule to start: I received a total of 4 warns for this rule, most under sexism though they have hit me for racism too (other was a "mod callout" by you know, posting here in moderation questioning the choice in warning me). Nowhere can the Admin, any mod, or any user that supports the warns point to this. At best all they had was during 4 wives the line in 4 wives that parodied Islamic law (will mods hand out warns to any Muslim who posts here in support of Islamic law? Doubtful). Something which I may add during the vote counting (which I also got a warn for) I did not apply. I posted a comment or two right before my latest warn and I see another case with TKR's thread of "What is the most important step a man can take?". What the mods have set down is a clear corrupt precedent where the mods are able to warn anybody for the slightest "sexist" thing. Even something as tame as the above can be warned and locked if the mods don't like the person or think they can get away with it. Corruption is what that is called. The fixes are simple. First off the 4 warns for sexism should be stricken from my account, you can keep the "mod callout" if you like, but that is stupid too and this right here is what it was calling out and ultimately it resulted in this thread so... yeah, you can take that too. Second and what will appeal to you most is to expand the rules greatly if this type of environment, sterile and dull, is what you want. Take one of Admin's many excuses, the claim that I broke the sexism rule by treating women as if they were "pieces of meat". Now leaving aside his own behaviour as been promoted by some people on twitter where he did far worse than anything I ever did and has yet to publicly disavow if it is so great a sin... where in the rules does such moralising nonsense apply? Nowhere. Now if he wants it to then that is up to him, put it in there, I'm sure it can be worded better but say... something that "devalues another gender's worth" or something. Of course that will likely also be applied to race so when white self cutting soy boys like @Big Brother get triggered that I pointed at stats that show white men are the most desired by all women, he'll report me, and I'll get warned simply for pointing at factual stats. That will be stupid too sure, but at least you'll have these pathetic rules on the books as being enforced. In my years I've hit into this wall before and trust me when I say it is always you lefty types. The far-right types at worse will throw some names, which I will return in kind as they do not act as men do (oh crap, another warn right there), however they can't deplatform me or get me smeared as a racist. The left, the racist left types, however can. My threads always start as a bit of fun, an extension of the stuff I've done on my server and the KT one. It is the Admin and his mods who have made a big deal about them and shown ultimately how they are opposed to interracial relations, well, if they involve a white man anyway as it is quite clear. Now some will look at this and think, this must be crazy, Roz you must be jumping to a wild claim surely? No. I stand by what is above. The mods have shown a clear campaign against threads involving non-white women. The recent Muslim women thing is the most tragic as in my post I noted that your religion, race, or sex was irrelevant when posting in... something that Muslim women do not have the luxury of in RL. Even the "nicest" Muslim will often allow it in the case of a non-Muslim men but, keyword there, but, if they convert. Muslim males are very dominating and racist against non-Muslims for certain and that has the effect of limiting Muslim women's options. Ask the men and women who either been killed, acid attacked, or simply beaten over such things. Ah but of course, Admin and his moderation cares not for such issues, heck raising such issues would likely get the thread warned and locked. They'd rather protect Muslim men who abuse women then do that... so much for being on the side of women. So lets save some time here. I will not kowtow to this pressure from moderation to stop talking about women, or more specifically non-white women. In the above I have leveled the charge of corruption and racism against you all, which are clearly big no-nos as you all are to not be questioned or attacked for your behaviour. I said the far-right do not act as men on the matter of sexual relations and that is another hit, toxic masculinity or something. I also did point out how Big Brother hates his own sex and race and that is apparently offensive as I know, you know, and everybody knows that moderation is very likely the same as him. As I told the Admin who has decided to simply ignore me now. If I am angry it is not only because of the corrupt acts taken against me, but also on what exactly is being targeted. It seems any promotion of non-white women will hit instant problems on here. Admin once was so direct in this statement I had to give him the chance to walk it back and rephrase it as it came off as extremely racist (I said I'd continue to promote love between men and women whatever the background, and he told me I won't be doing it in P&W), and were I dishonest person I could have easily used that against him to paint him as a huge racist. However I need no such dishonest tactics, it is clear to see that if he and his mods realise it or not, they are promoting racism. So for the saving of time, feel free to enforce your corruption and racist agenda on me now. Make clear that such talk will not be tolerated. Only far left and far right racism will be tolerated.
    4 points
  24. So the response to TKR is by signing an MDP? o7 Oculus.
    4 points
  25. I like the vision and the concrete action to follow through. Would be nice to see others in the game share this approach. Best wishes to y'all moving forward!
    4 points
  26. Pls don't upvote me
    4 points
  27. What did Bastion do this time?
    4 points
  28. Bastion is a martyr. We will make a marching anthem for his achievements and make it the official patrol anthem.
    4 points
  29. Cerberus hereby extends its hands to help the drastically overwhelmed fighters over at Zodiac, AiM, SK, Lordran, KT, and Hate Machine. We are outnumbered and outgunned but nevertheless, we will make every effort to succeed, or get 13 more of our members mass banned. Who knows, its rocky road we cerbs follow. ps I didn't ask boki about this, so if this blows up in my face, i'm gonna go offer my body to Lordran
    4 points
  30. Pantheon has a NAP with NSR, which means Pantheon is friendly with NSR. NSR was SIR, and SIR was IG, which were Nazis. Therefore, Pantheon supports Nazis. @Yui Why do you support genocide?
    4 points
  31. Ya know, usually when an alliance declares war they have their nations actually declare in game too.
    4 points
  32. Mod anonymity is a huge issue I for one support our secret, ideologically motivated forum police.
    3 points
  33. Good luck to both. How much time were you thinking?
    3 points
  34. It takes two to tango, if no one was willing to partner with SK, the move would not have led to anything. KT is helping to establish a sphere unto their selves. Where one did not exist before. That is something to promote. Edit. I would also like to add shaming IQ will not lead them to believe this move is being made in good faith. It takes time to consider moves and build trust. While I disagree with some of the skepticism that some of these moves have been viewed through, they are not entirely unreasonable. Give em some time to digest things.
    3 points
  35. !@#$ outta here with STW o/ TKR, good to see.
    3 points
  36. This is the path we must take. Thank you Guardian for being as understanding and patient as you have been. It means a lot. Let it be known the intent with which we journey onwards, towards the horizon.
    3 points
  37. This is to talk about the current war on memes
    3 points
  38. This is my nomination for "Best Meme of 2k18"
    3 points
  39. I'm not even sure why we're attacking them. I don't know who's legitimately attacking. What have we started? What meme is this?
    3 points
  40. Because we're all evil bullies.
    3 points
  41. Good, good. Let the hate flow through you.
    3 points
  42. It's Nordic Sea Raiders, not Northern Sea Raiders. Atleast give them the respect of correct spelling.
    3 points
  43. These neutrality post basically explain the state of the game at this point..... Its like we are all GPA now.... Anyways. To all neutrality post and future neutrality posts:
    3 points
  44. This wasn't fun. 1/10.
    3 points
  45. Good enough for a good boy point?
    3 points
  46. The Nation API now includes the nation's local radiation index and what season the nation is currently in. @Lyrositor Radiation is listed as "radiation_index" and should return a float Season is listed as "season" and should return "spring" "summer" "autumn" or "winter" @Shakyr "beige_turns_left" has been added as a field in the Nation API.
    3 points
  47. One of the key issues is the rules themselves. They are far too open for interpretation and are rarely ever applied evenly because of this, but rather at the discretion of the moderator/s. This means a community member can read a rule, think hes not breaking said rule, break it based on the subjective standard of the moderator or moderation team, and be warned for doing so. If you define the rules more clearly, than even if people don't agree with said rules, they know they are breaking them and have no defense against punishment for doing so. According to the Flaming, Trolling and Name Calling rules, 70% of the posts on this forum would be considered against the rules. Unless its actual harassment (which you still have to define) it should not be against the rules. Then you have the Racism and Sexism rules, which are completely open to interpretation, especially if you pay attention to politics and see the wild degree by which people define those terms. It also doesn't even mention homophobia, so I could technically go around disparaging gay people without any justifiable punishment if the moderators were actually true to enforcing the forums rules. You should clearly define what you mean by sexism and racism (and homophobia) rather than leaving the definition as vague as it is. The rules should be a clear instruction manual for the moderators to read and enforce, Another rule that is too open. Obviously some kid coming along and posting about the weather in a thread about X alliance declaring war on Y alliance is derailing the thread, but there are plenty of times when a thread naturally moves in a direction separate from the OP. Especially in the alliance affairs and general debate sections. Also the correct way to respond to this should really be to warn the person and delete the derailing posts rather than lock the entire thread. I'm not even sure how you can feasibly enforce this one. This is probably the worst rule of all. For starters, what is considered a hate group is in many cases heavily subjective\, various sources will rule differently based on their own political ideology and in some cases pure political narrative pushing. Secondly, if you aren't going to list specific hate groups you can't really expect people to know which ones you consider to be hate groups etc. At which point it becomes at the moderators discretion and that isn't a good thing. Good taste is subjective. Realistically this should just include the stuff reference under "inappropriate imagery". As for the sexual rule, this one has been historically enforced unevenly. I had a picture of a chicks butt as a my avatar for like 6 months back in 2016-2017 and it wasn't an issue, then recently Durmstrang made a DOE with some ladies without about the same lever of clothing (swimsuit area covered) and it became an issue. I think the mods messed up on that one and didn't read their own rules on the subject. This should be removed or at the very least only apply to @Alex The entire crux of the issue is you give the moderators way too much discretion over ruling on things, and this is a blank check to rule anyway they want. The rest of the rules are mostly fine, since they are clear and you can obviously know when you are breaking them. I tend to agree with @Gabranth that the no call out rule is a bad one. I understand that the proper course of action is supposed to be to contact @Alex but as hes admitted already his oversight isn't 100% on point and he can't always be reached. Moderators should have accountability.
    3 points
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