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  1. Ben and Adri showing off their A+ dance moves To our friends, foes, and people that sorta maybe tolerate us, It's our 9th birthday! As our birthday comes to a close, I've been reflecting on the last year, which has been nothing short of eventful. We've been a part of 4 wars, merged with our good friends in Bourbon Street, grew up to over 200 members, and reached the benchmarks of 5,000 total cities and 1,000,000 score. Though we've had our trials as well, we've undoubtedly accomplished much this year, and I couldn't possibly be prouder of our successes. I'd like to thank our allies, both present and past, for their friendship and support. But most of all, I'd like to thank my gov and members and the incredible community we've built together. Throughout the years, our alliance has proven itself to be one of camaraderie, persistence, and fortitude. I'm grateful to have seen my alliance grow and flourish, throughout all the highs and lows we've seen, and to be a part of this amazingly strong, friendly, and tight-knit community. I'm looking forward to seeing what our 10th year brings us. Always the next step, Radiants! o7, Adri
    43 points
  2. < 01001000 recei–... 01101001 00100000 01101100 01111001 01110011 01100001 01101110 01100100 01100101 …transmiss- 01110010 00100000 01101100 01101111 01101100 01101111 01101100 …translation success… > We’re rolling House Sta- < 01110111 01100101 error... 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01100110 01110101 01100011 …transmission fail- 01101011 00100000 01100001 01110101 01110010 01101111 01110010 01100001 retrying… > < success > A year ago, Paradise and Cataclysm merged together to form Singularity. Coming off the back of almost deteriorated relationships, a herculean task was performed by all government members, past and present, to glue this alliance together into what it is now. Orbis was skeptical, but our people, the members of all walks, are beyond exemplary with their persistence, loyalty, and reliability. < 01010011 01101000 01101111 apply… 01100011 01101011 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01101000 01101111 01110010 01110010 01101111 01110010 00100000 01101111 01101110 00100000 01110111 01100001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01110011 01110100 01110010 01100101 01100101 …member… 01110100 00100001 00100000 01001101 01101111 01110010 01100101 00100000 01101110 01100101 01110111 01110011 00100000 01100001 01100110 01110100 01100101 01110010 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01100010 01110010 01100101 commendati- 01100001 01101011 > SIN commends all its members for the successive difficult wars fought. Born into fire, forged into a blade. 134 days spent at war since formation, as early as two weeks from formation date. Here’s to 365 more.
    36 points
  3. Setting SAIL Incoming Transmission: Beneath the cosmic waves where voids compel, Event Horizon’s cultists steer their fate. From SAIL’s embrace, a storied bond to tell, Through darkened seas, their paths delineate. With sails of shadow, through the night they glide, Obsidian hearts that pulse with ancient might. To stars unknown, where whispered omens guide, Their voyage cast in everlasting night. From T$, Legion, CoA they part, Yet in the depths, their legacy shall swell. Through tempest’s roar and twilight’s deepest art, Their legends woven in the astral knell. Though parting now, their ties shall not define, For new horizons mark a clear divide. TLDR: Event Horizon officially declares its separation from SAIL with 72h having expired. We would like to thank our allies in The Syndicate, The Legion, and Church of Atom for this nearly year long partnership, but it is time for us to part.
    29 points
  4. We still won't change our color - Bellanostra
    24 points
  5. I: Non Aggression All parties agree to abstain from engaging in or endorsing any form of political, military, or espionage activities against their partners. II: Mutual Defence All parties commit to coordinating efforts and providing defence to each other against foreign attacks. III: Optional Offence All parties maintain the right to participate in offensive actions against other alliances at their discretion. IV: Intelligence All parties agree to share relevant intelligence concerning their economic, political, and military interests to each other. V: Cancellation All parties agree to give 72 hour notice before cancelling the treaty. All prior clauses are still in effect during this period. Signed for Singularity Prime Intelligence: Sketchy, Anri Neural Network: Abaddon, Keegoz Assimilation Directive: Tartarus Signed for Eclipse Commander: Vein MA Specialist: Pascal Tech Specialist: Putmir Signed for Weebunism General Secretary: Empiur Deputy General Secretary: Baam Signed for Dark Brotherhood Listener: Arima, Chezstick Keeper: ToxicPepper Speaker of Deception: Big Mac
    21 points
  6. Back in his study after a long time spent fighting, Solomon begins clearing his whiteboard. Another war done; time to begin anew. He was in a chipper mood. While things may not have fully gone his way, the group of misfits he could now call friends fought hard and fought well, using their varied skills to their advantage. The future was certainly promising. Suddenly, a knock on his door. It’s Roberts. “Uh, you might want to see this,” Roberts says. “Curious why they’re back so soon.” Solomon follows Roberts outside. Waiting is an army of penguins, seemingly the same ones they had just spent the last month fighting. Solomon recalled they had a good time fighting each other; after all, both were there to have a whole lotta fun. From the horde, one emerges. Solomon quickly recognizes it as a friend made long ago. It had been a while, but they always had good fun together. Clown speaks. “Well, it was a helluva time fighting with you all, but how about we work together instead?” Solomon smiles. “Couldn’t’ve said it better myself.” Article I. Non-aggression. No friendly fire! Article II. Mutual Defense. If one party comes under attack by an external aggressor, the other is obligated to help. Article III. Optional Offense. If one party chooses to embark in an aggressive endeavor, the other may join in. Article IV. Intelligence. Both parties will share relevant intelligence. Article V. Non-Chaining. If one party enters a war due to the obligations of their other treaties, the other is not obligated to join in. Article VI. Cancellation. If either side decides to terminate the treaty, a 72-hour notice is required. Signatories: The Sword Coast Fortune Teller: Solomon Ben-David Innkeepers: Pubstomper, Roberts War Chieftain: Hunter Vault Master: Yirmiyahu Weaponized Assault Penguins Emperor Penguins: Clown and Supercheese Great Penguin of Foreign Affairs: BigGtheSlayer TL;DR: TSC and WAP sign a non-chaining MDoAP
    20 points
  7. @Eumirbagobout to clap some cheeks
    19 points
  8. Singularity/Cataclysm try not to put "Clock" in every single announcement challenge (difficulty: IMPOSSIBLE)
    19 points
  9. Greetings Orbis, Today we celebrate our 2nd anniversary in this game, having migrated two years ago when the developer of >BLOC left this ripe, horny toad with nothin' to do, and forced into migration of Politics and War. MILF gives appreciation to its current, past allies, and to friends who have shared our identity and development in this spreadsheet simulator. And primarily to daddy Carthage, (now EVH) who let us do things our way, because we are the best (#RealMicroOfTheYear2022). To share our birthday, (and to get you off this game), MILF is excited to announce a frog-themed art contest. Details: This is an open ended contest. You're free to choose any art form. Photographs/Videos of frogs will get more points as we want y'all to embrace the beautiful creature. But please remember, a high quality drawing is better than a single casual frog picture. Just impress us! AI art is strictly not allowed. Multiple submissions are allowed. MILF members are not allowed to participate as contestants. Deadline is 21st July default DC. Voting process: Each MILF member gets one vote, our M partners (LoD, EvH) get 2 votes each, and are asked to mark their 3 favourite submissions. The submission with the highest number of favourites, wins. In case of a tie, Brahmos, MILF's indigenous bot, randomly chooses the winner. How to Enter: Join our discord server, create a ticket and post your submission. There's no entry fees. Prizes: Winner 500m; Runner up 50m; 3rd place 5m PS: The Big PnW delayed us by taking down the forums yesterday. TLDR: MILF is 2 years old, celebrating with a frog-themed art contest
    18 points
  10. Surely I will be having a very peaceful December this year
    16 points
  11. Extortion, blackmail, and assorted skullduggery are staples of politics. Being this is a game about politics, IC antics of this type are not only permitted but to a certain degree encouraged. Unless you can show the people attacking you have or are engaging in this for OOC reasons game staff can not assist you and advise you seek to join a strong alliance that can politically resolve this. For everyone else in this thread, a reminder this is a non discussion forum.
    14 points
  12. Singularity officially declares it's indifference to this particular development. After much consideration we have no public comments on these particular events. We have investigated the specific circumstances involved in the above post, and have decided further investigation is not required. Roberts am I doing this right?
    13 points
  13. Hey Buck, Asking for payments to end raiding isn't against the rules. Its used by many raiders, as well as alliances when ending counters, etc.
    13 points
  14. Legion of Dawn issues 72 hour notice to the remainder of Welp. It's been fun Gents, thanks for allowing us to hang out while we got our path forward sorted out. And thanks for all the fish! Jeric- Captian General Legion of Dawn
    12 points
  15. For more info on how to run an alliance, please contact hamer from Wall Street.
    10 points
  16. Location: Continental Hotel, New York, New York ————— “We convene this meeting of the Council to decide on the appointment of the Marquis de Anice to the High Table.” The words of the Adjudicator are spoken standing before the gathering of leaders and representatives sitting at the High Table. He stands to the right of an older, more distinguished figure sitting at the very head of the table flipping a silver coin between his fingers. The Elder nods to the Adjudicator, signaling him to continue. “Will all those in favor of the appointment of the gentleman to Marquis raise their right hand at this time?” instructs the Adjudicator. He scans the large table and several figures seated begin to react to his inquiry. Hands raise one by one. “And will all those opposed to the appointment now raise their right hand at this time?” Those hands which were previously raised are lowered. Heads turn from side to side as each member of the table seems curious who will oppose the appointment. Not a single hand is raised. “Thank you,” speaks the Adjudicator as he then turns to the Elder and addresses him. “Do you wish to make your decision at this time?” The Elder pushes back his chair from the table and places the coin he was holding onto the table. He stands up and looks at the Adjudicator. All members of the Council also rise from their seats, in a sign of respect for their leader. Then, the Elder shifts his eyes back to the coin. He puts his right index finger on the coin and slides it along the table top. The coin stops directly in front of the Adjudicator. “Give this to the Marquis and notify the nobles of their new assignment.” With those words, the Elder turns to the ten other figures sitting on both sides of the large meeting table. They stand in respect for the Elder as he says nothing more and walks towards a set of double doors. The doors open out and the Elder disappears from view as he proceeds through. “Rules,” says the Adjudicator as he picks up the coin. Into the room from the same doors the Elder exited comes another well-dressed man. The Adjudicator and Council watch as he approaches the table. The Adjudicator outstretches his hand and hands the coin to the man and finishes speaking to the group. “Without them, we live with the animals.” Valorian Order has officially merged and joined The High Table.
    10 points
  17. Don't worry bro we are changing it for you. Beige is prime real estate.
    10 points
  18. Orbis Crowned News wishes you a calm Summer, despite the weather we still find ourselves enjoying the game and reading news about the happenings of Orbis... OCN is inviting everybody to its upcoming scheduled events that include Hunger Games, giveaways and interviews! We have a lot on the list for you this month so enjoy your painkillers! - 11th of July - * Alex text interview on #orbis-interviews. -4 PM EST- (Today) * 10m Reader+ giveaway. - 12th of July - * Hunger Games Registry. -1 PM EST- - 15th of July - * 50m For All Giveaway. - 18th of July - * tomalink-tracks - Blink. - 19th of July - * tiering-orbis - Tier Em Yourself! - 20th of July - * Hunger Games Start&End. -3 PM EST- * - 21th of July - * 50m Readers+ giveaway. * 50m For All giveaway More interviews will be scheduled in OCN throughout the month so make sure to join us now! >Click here to join Orbis Crowned News<
    9 points
  19. Bring back lost ally Love Spell Text +15555555555 to Get Your Ex-Ally Back Permanently business spell magic wallet Marriage Spells: Who it’s for: Have you been allied for months, even years, but they just dropped you? The Powerful Orbis Ally Spells is for any Alliance dying for her ex-Ally to return. It can also be used even if you aren’t formerly allied but are feeling the pressure to get allied. What will happen: You’d better start looking for that perfect treaty! This spell may act so fast on them; they might just fly you to a Bloc next weekend to ally! So take them shopping for treaties, and call around for FA, you’ve got a treaty to plan! However, if you truly love this alliance, and can envision a long and happy treaty together, then don’t miss your chance to order this spell today Phone: +15555555555 Text or Call: +15555555555 Why are my spells so effective? Why choose me to invoke spirits, and cast spells on your behalf? I perform a variety of voodoo rituals that have been proven to work time and again, and that consistently channel powerful forces to change alliance's lives for the better…or in the case of curses, to cause extremely negative things to happen to the targeted alliance . I perform all the rituals myself, but unfortunately can only fulfil 3 spell requests each night, due to the intensity of the ritual, and the time spent personalizing it for each person. Chief Minesome Phone: +15555555555 Text or Call: +15555555555 or Contact me on Discord @MinesomeMC mods im just making fun of the scam spam
    9 points
  20. Join SFR Yugoslavia as we celebrate Republic Day! Today, 9 July 2024 marks one year since the creation of SFR Yugoslavia. On this day, Crimson Dawn and The Firefly Militia came together and founded an alliance far greater than the sum of its parts. We have come far in one year, participating in conflicts ranging from small skirmishes to a global war. In every triumph and through every failure, we continually strive to learn from our experiences and implement changes to better ourselves. We have had the honor to work with many allies and friends in war and peace and we thank all who have helped us on our journey. SFR Yugoslavia looks forward to the coming year as we continue to grow our community, friends, and allies! Sincerely, The People of Yugoslavia
    9 points
  21. Good Day Ladies and Gentlemen of Orbis! J Kell has returned with vengeance! After running with Roz for nearly half a decade, working courageously at the Soup Kitchen, and then escaping from Orbis in a rocketship loaned to him by Spaceology, J Kell has been casted down from heaven! Back into the throws of Orbis. Having been forced to re-roll due to @Kastor, J Kell made a horrible nation that will never get past 1 city! He quickly set off to create a major album to commemorate the 10 year anniversary of Orbis! INTRODUCING The PnW Cycle Coming August 5th on all major streaming platforms Featuring @Kevanovia @Charlie Traveler @Kastor @Alex Below is the track-list Follow below to be ready to stream J Kell's PnW Album on Spotify, Apple Music, or YouTube https://music.apple.com/us/artist/j-kell/581552626 https://www.youtube.com/@JKellMusic/featured
    8 points
  22. 8 points
  23. The fact you didn't make it in meme form makes me sad, so here you go.
    8 points
  24. Insert anniversary song for singularity, and to another year of its existence ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. And got promoted to anthem song, and I thank Tartarus for that.
    8 points
  25. 8 points
  26. Here's to another year of We Are !@#$ Aurora, Christmas "Parties" and Fun times!
    8 points
  27. your members reading that
    8 points
  28. The following nation attacked me with 2 of his buddies, and sent me a message that seems to indicate that they want 10 million+ for peace. I think extortion of other players is against the rules. https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=45427 See the message below, and their declaration of war that came several hours earlier (their friends declared war not long before). This follows weeks of spy attacks by he same people, for reasons I do not understand. I have done my best to fend them off, but this attempt at extortion is unacceptable.
    8 points
  29. June Monthly Political Power Rankings (MPPR) (Month 7) 1. Eclipse (☾) (-) 2. Singularity (SIN) (+2) 3. Rose (🌹)(-1) 4. The Syndicate (t$) (-1) 5. Event Horizon (-) 6. The Knights Radiant (TKR) (-) 7. Knights Templar (KT) (-) 8. Guardian (-) 9. The Fighting Pacifists (TFP) (-) 10. The Golden Horde (TGH) (-) 11. Grumpy Old Bastards (Grumpy) (-) 12. The Sword Coast (TSC) (+1) 13. Dark Brotherhood (DB) (+3) 14. Weaponized Assault Penguins (WAP) (+2) 15. Legion of Dawn (LoD) (+2) 16. Camelot (🐲) (-2) 17. The Immortals (TI) (-5) 18. House Stark (HS) (+4) 19. Weebunism (💮) (+2) 20. World Task Force (WTF) (-) 21. Church of Atom (-3) 22. The Legion (SPQR) (+1) 23. Arrgh (Hatebi) (+2) 24. The Lost Mines (TLM) (-) 25. Mayhem (MYM) (N/A) This month we witness the shuffle of alliances due to Casino Royale war ending and political shifts pending and some already in motion. WELP is pending disbandment and CiS has ended. After the victory and securing a non-aggression pact, we see Eclipse upgrade their treaty with Singularity to solidify their number one ranking even further. This allows Singularity to jump Rose, deposit Rose taking on the treaties of Penta Force and The Golden Horde. The Syndicate falls only one spot, despite the pending leave of Event Horizon from SAIL and them being next in line for war, come expiration of the blanket NAP ending in mid-August. Dark Brotherhood continues to move up due to signing MDoAPs with Eclipse, Singularity and Weebunism. The Immortals have dropped a whopping five spots after already falling another two in May’s rankings due to a terrible war performance and removal from The House bloc. Despite TI being ranked 7 in-game, their lack of political pull, only major treaty being an O-level with The Fighting Pacifists, and brutal war performance continues to see them plunge. As we see the treaty web look more like CN-days, it will be interesting to see the approach many alliances take moving forward.
    7 points
  30. Noots and Meows? I can get behind that! o/ Violent Penguins o/ Sword Cats
    7 points
  31. Let's be honest, we all want to forget that war
    7 points
  32. SEVERE ACCUSATIONS have been levelled against my nation here and I am forced to respond. 1. How on earth does 'I'm worth more than 10 mil lol bro' equal an attempt to EXTORT???? 2. Price just went up buddy send $100,000,000.00 or ELSE 3. LOL cry about it
    7 points
  33. Agora has been on beige so long that you cannot be considered apart of yellow any more.
    6 points
  34. Bro is a professional hater and honestly I support it
    6 points
  35. I was worried the forums were getting spammed again but luckily it was just Minesome forgetting his pills again.
    5 points
  36. I knew about this weeks ago
    5 points
  37. 5 points
  38. most complex sin comeback
    5 points
  39. Congrats my favorite froggies ❤️ here's to another year of being allies
    5 points
  40. Everyone wants some of this Big Black Clock
    5 points
  41. Instead of an easy W SAIL signed a 3 month NAP extension just to watch their opps outplay them
    5 points
  42. Seaweed Bloc strikes fear in the hearts of men.
    5 points
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