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George Clooney

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George Clooney last won the day on February 24

George Clooney had the most liked content!


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  • Gender
  • Leader Name
    George Clooney
  • Nation Name
    New Kentucky
  • Nation ID
  • Alliance Name
    World Task Force

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  1. Thanks for all your efforts. The game is better for them.
  2. It's neither. Ups and downs in the price of things is also not just a natural part of the game, it's realistic. But don't worry. At some point in the not too distance future, we'll have a nice, big global war that will last too long owing to people needlessly dragging out negotiations.
  3. So you claim to have learned: 1. Never Help People Yet in my journeys through Orbis I have encountered incredibly generous people and people who pay things forward in a way that gives me faith in humanity. 2. Accept Your Faults, Even When You Have None I have a temper. I can be harsh to people who don't take the game seriously enough to even try. No one is perfect. That you think you may not believe you have faults is a fault. In the course of this game are there times you are forced to eat a sh*t sandwich and accept defeat? Absolutely. You dust yourself off, get up, and press on, learning the lessons you need to learn. 3. There is No Difference Between "IC" and "OOC" Perhaps try not oversharing in the first place? No one can talk behind your back about what they don't know. If you made the mistake of trusting the wrong people, then they're jerks for breaking your trust. Make sure that other people know they are gossips and not to be trusted. 4. Friends Are Just Future Enemies And enemies are future friends. This is a game. Alliances and loyalties change over time. I'm now part of the leadership team of an alliance that surrendered to a coalition three years ago that included an alliance where I was part of the leadership team. 5. You're On Your Own. Help is Future Debt. My previous advice on these forums still applies when it comes to the exchange of money, resources, or favors. Get clarity on the terms before agreeing to a deal. Also, get documentation. You can't buy 10 Coal in this game without there being a receipt. You made a business deal and didn't get precise terms on a billion dollar loan (and made sure it was a loan and not a grant)? You're not very bright. Also, don't expect others to help you as though they have an absolute obligation. They should *want* to help you, but if they have solid reasons for not doing so, accept that and move on. Seems like you learned nothing from the game except how to become bitter. Go outside. Get some fresh air and some perspective.
  4. If this is the Hot Tub Time Machine, I'm pretty sure I'm in UPN at this point trying to be a good soldier. Fun times.
  5. Sounds more like Miami...or Los Angeles. Wherever the complete tools hang out. You'd know.
  6. Yeah dude, do you even lift? 😂 Where do they get these jock rejects?
  7. Living rent free in the head of Epimetheus and all of Camelot since February, 2024.

    1. Dopes


      It's because you're just so dreamy Mr. Clooney. 🥃

  8. Some of us (including WTF's allies in the initial stage of things, and Singularity & Co. no doubt) started fighting this war in December 20th are getting a kick out of some of these replies. Well fought/played everyone. The P&W servers suffered under the strain.
  9. Exhibit 'A' was handed to me by someone in my alliance, so I volunteered to bring it here. Doesn't look kosher I guess. Nation in question is here: https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=414844 *Possible multis for: **[The Big One](<https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=414844>) verified: false networks total: 27 **Possible multis for: **[512726](<https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=512726>) shared networks: 1/6 - 972106197492719525919088181558: concurrent **Possible multis for: **[Aralius](<https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=169280>) shared networks: 1/343 - 1147967006656247660595252893605: unknown shared wars: ( (1715074,1707858) ) shared trades: ( 13823798 ) worth: $25,000,000 **Possible multis for: **[Muslim bosniak republic](<https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=515379>) shared networks: 1/45 - 272682288291238261176685723602: unknown shared wars: ( (1870885,**1871505**) ) **Possible multis for: **[Belleroph](<https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=5270>) shared networks: 1/103 - 668057574517804396832200393109: unknown 3rd party transfers: - 2021-03-23 | holdings | sender: Belleroph | receiver: Rose | banker: Belleroph | {MONEY=5,000,000} -> 2021-03-25 | Sign-on Bonus | sender: AA:8246 | receiver: Melancholia | banker: Phoenix Collective | {MONEY=5,000,000} **Possible multis for: **[Melancholia](<https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=281475>) shared networks: 1/225 - 668057574517804396832200393109: unknown shared wars: ( (1707858,1715074) ) 3rd party transfers: - 2022-03-04 | Royce Royal withdraw | sender: AA:8841 | receiver: Melancholia | banker: Federal States of Conservia | {MONEY=30,000,000} -> 2022-03-02 | Holdings | sender: The Empire of Rome | receiver: Cataclysm | banker: The Empire of Rome | {MONEY=30,000,000} - 2022-03-04 | Royce Royal withdraw | sender: AA:8841 | receiver: Melancholia | banker: Federal States of Conservia | {MONEY=10,000,000} -> 2022-03-05 | Deposit | sender: The Empire of Rome | receiver: Cataclysm | banker: The Empire of Rome | {MONEY=10,000,000} - 2022-03-04 | Royce Royal withdraw | sender: AA:8841 | receiver: Melancholia | banker: Federal States of Conservia | {MONEY=10,000,000} -> 2022-03-05 | Deposit | sender: The Empire of Rome | receiver: Cataclysm | banker: The Empire of Rome | {MONEY=10,000,000} - 2022-03-04 | Royce Royal withdraw | sender: AA:8841 | receiver: Melancholia | banker: Federal States of Conservia | {MONEY=10,000,000} -> 2022-03-05 | Deposit | sender: The Empire of Rome | receiver: Cataclysm | banker: The Empire of Rome | {MONEY=10,000,000} - 2021-03-23 | holdings | sender: Belleroph | receiver: Rose | banker: Belleroph | {MONEY=5,000,000} -> 2021-03-25 | Sign-on Bonus | sender: AA:8246 | receiver: Melancholia | banker: Phoenix Collective | {MONEY=5,000,000} **Possible multis for: **[508461](<https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=508461>) shared networks: 1/56 - 567899249221899674803572454154: unknown shared wars: ( (1563636,1557735),(1569808,1563648),(1594525,1593391),(1590066,1593391),(1777910,1780187),(1560349,1566763),(1557746,1560337),(1565723,1560337),(1769130,1771065) ) shared trades: ( 14240437 ) worth: $25,000,000 **Possible multis for: **[464893](<https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=464893>) shared networks: 1/15 - 411300015172432234679095131798: concurrent **Possible multis for: **[Republic of Silvania](<https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=538867>) shared networks: 1/54 - 750633644533456267959797418791: unknown **Possible multis for: **[The Empire of Rome](<https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=164793>) shared networks: 1/366 - 994843798519456714274823322334: 2w5d8h4m7s 3rd party transfers: - 2022-03-04 | Royce Royal withdraw | sender: AA:8841 | receiver: Melancholia | banker: Federal States of Conservia | {MONEY=30,000,000} -> 2022-03-02 | Holdings | sender: The Empire of Rome | receiver: Cataclysm | banker: The Empire of Rome | {MONEY=30,000,000} - 2022-03-04 | Royce Royal withdraw | sender: AA:8841 | receiver: Melancholia | banker: Federal States of Conservia | {MONEY=10,000,000} -> 2022-03-05 | Deposit | sender: The Empire of Rome | receiver: Cataclysm | banker: The Empire of Rome | {MONEY=10,000,000} - 2022-03-04 | Royce Royal withdraw | sender: AA:8841 | receiver: Melancholia | banker: Federal States of Conservia | {MONEY=10,000,000} -> 2022-03-05 | Deposit | sender: The Empire of Rome | receiver: Cataclysm | banker: The Empire of Rome | {MONEY=10,000,000} - 2022-03-04 | Royce Royal withdraw | sender: AA:8841 | receiver: Melancholia | banker: Federal States of Conservia | {MONEY=10,000,000} -> 2022-03-05 | Deposit | sender: The Empire of Rome | receiver: Cataclysm | banker: The Empire of Rome | {MONEY=10,000,000} **Possible multis for: **[JanaiyaWorld](<https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=489819>) shared networks: 1/69 - 567899249221899674803572454154: unknown shared wars: ( (1557735,1563636),(1563648,1569808),(1593391,1594525),(1593391,1590066),(1825455,**1827151**),(1780187,1777910),(1566763,1560349),(1560337,1557746),(1560337,1565723),(1771065,1769130) ) **Possible multis for: **[Ricklandia](<https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=505656>) shared networks: 1/96 - 411300015172432234679095131798: unknown shared trades: ( 15353845 ) worth: $25,000,000
  10. Hello , George! I would like to give you my heartfelt gratitude for nominating me as the Best New Player 2023. We don't even know each other and you have still decided to vote for me based purely on my diplomatic actions as the second in command of BroFam. I will not forget this. 🙏


  11. Player of the Year: Xi Jinping Most Influential Player: Xi Jinping Most Likely to Succeed in 2024: Dreadnought Best Alliance Leader: RandomNoobster Worst Alliance Leader: Kevanovia Best In-Character Poster: Anyone who actually posts strictly in-character. Best Villain: Epimetheus Nicest Player: Pika Most Controversial Player: Kastor Most Missed Player: TheNG Best Nation Page: Dorsaiwolf Best Fighter: Horsecock Best High Government Member: Spoeb Most Online/Likely to respond in 1 minute: Dudley Best War Criminal: John M Keynes
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