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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/23/17 in all areas

  1. Within Knights Templar, it is viewed as a badge of honor for a member to eat a missile or nuke. So much so, in fact, that when we introduce ribbons/badges for certain accomplishments, there will be one for eating so many missiles/nukes. To this end, I would like to publicly congratulate a member of Esquire Templar, Dakai of the country of fanla, for being the youngest nation in P&W to be nuked at just 3 days old. Dakai, an aspiring Templar, joined ET so that he may eventually become a member of KT. On the 20th, he attacked Zephyrus, the leader of a micro named Typhon, for raiding another member of ET. Arsony Carrera, along with 2 other members of Typhon, countered Dakai. Arsony Carrera had nukes, and launched one: Not only did Dakai eat a nuke at just 3 days old, but he did so with his head up high. He hasn't whined about it (whereas a lot of new players would quit if something like this happened to them). He is prime KT material, and we're happy to have him on board with us. Deus Vult.
    4 points
  2. Update: He just ate his 2nd nuke.
    2 points
  3. You're very proud of taking that nuke. aren't you?
    2 points
  4. Congrats hope you are full
    2 points
  5. https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=77613
    2 points
  6. @Thalmor I got 38 for you. Bring it.
    1 point
  7. 1. About debt: You can argue one thing or another but Obama did nothing to solve the situation of this debt-cycle, he just continued it, making it bigger. 2. Toyota announced the 10b investment in 9 January 2017, after Trump won the election and all knew that he was going to rule. He said that so all the companies thought that was going to be real so they announced investment in USA. Toyota is one of the examples but if you continue to make protective trade policies more companies will return because you are the main saling market of this companies. 3. About Middle Eastern. I don't get your point. If I have to choose between ISIS and Assad my choice is clear. You can argue that Assad is bad an sure it is but also Syria was the country more similar to west. No islamization of the state, public structures like healthcare, education... etc. Before Islamic states same was with Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan. Libya was the country with the highest HDI of Africa; check about Saur's revolution in Afghanistan that tried to deislamize the society giving women's rights, improved education and healthcare... and same happens with Iraq. After coming in the talibans or other islamic groups now people just run away from that countries. So, why should be good for Syria to give support to islamic rebels? The group of non-islamic rebels is small because the main fighters of the FSA is mainly fighters that come from Pakistan and other countries to give support to islamic groups. Non-islamic rebels are mainly syrian because they were educated in a laic state and a view of society more close to west but they are a minority in FSA and other groups. 4. Obama did really bad. As I said he made free trade agreements with underdeveloped countries making companies go there to produce. I don't get how this is doing good. Instead he should try to make a free trade agreement with EU that would be beneficial for USA because in EU cost production is higher and we are a good market to sell (we've got more purchasing power than underdeveloped countries). And he tried this with TTIP but it failed. So, the only thing that had to do for benefit it failed and he did other bad things as I said about DR-CAFTA 5. Foreign relations. It wasn't all controlled from Moscow. In fact USSR was quite decentralized, they even had like a "Senate" were the different SSR were representated. Russia gave this territory to Ukraine because they wanted a better sea contact so if they claim to recover it is legitimated. They didn't change the presidents, they made a coup, they quit the last president (chosen by election) and banned other opposition parties (as the Communist Party, for example). Then they made an election which was caracterized by non participation of the east (they became independent) and with irregularities so the president it's not legitimated. EU said that if Russia attacked Ukraine or participated in the war they would attack because they say the conflict needs to be resolved only by Ukraine. That's why I say Russia isn't attacking directly, he is giving guns to Novorissya. Hey, I don't know were are you from but I'm sure not from EU. The problem with agriculture and primary sector in Ukraine is huge because of the EU cuotes. I don't think you know that because in Spain we suffered A LOT because that. When you try to enter to EU you have to enter to the free-trade market so every country has their own objectives. The main countries that already are in the EU try to apply the lowest cuotes of production to the new ones in order that they can't produce a lot and they just import from the EU making the old EU countries increase exports. In primary sector (mostly agriculture) the ones who rule there are mainly France, Germany and UK. When Spain entered to the EU we had to close most of the farms because they gave us really low cuotes of production (France is huge in that sector) and the same happened with Ukraine. The difference of Ukraine is that has no industry, construction or turism like we had here. Ukraine is mostly agricultural, that why it was called to be the barn of eastern europe. When they put the cuotes of production the economy collapsed. There is a good documentary about that, I remember that an owner of a chicken farm said that he had to close his business after that. The cuote of production for chicken for the WHOLE Ukraine that EU gave them it was just the 5% of his production before enter the EU. Also they lost their main trade partner, Russia. So it's not about war, that also, it's more about cuotes of production and losing exportations to Russia. And bro, you say that Putin is fascist, that I agree, but Ukraine government is even more fascist. I just remind you that some of the members of the Government are from a Nazi Party. Literally, a NAZI Party. Svodoba. This party is literally Nazi. They have pictures of Stephan Bandera, who just made genocide to jews and polish people and gave support to Hitler during II WW. Their symbol is the symbol of a collaboracionist group during Hitler's ocuppation. I just say that after the coup and that president left the country jews associations said that agressions to jew (mainly stabbing) increased a lot. Ministers and members from the Government that are from Svodoba: Andrei Parubiy (National Security and Defense, he founded the Nationalsocialist Party of Ukraine before being in Svodoba, in fact Svodoba absorbed the SNPU), Dimitri Yarosh (also Security and Defense, member of Pravi Sektor, another nazi party that, affter the Maidan success closed a Union office with all the sindicalists inside and burn it all, killing more than 50 people burned alive), Alexander Sych (First Attached Minister, Svodoba), Igor Tenyuk (Minister of Defense, Svodoba), Serguei Kvit (Minister of Education, Svodoba), Andrei Mojnyk (Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources, Svodoba), Igor Chvaika (Minister of Agriculture and Alimentation, Svodoba), Dimitri Bulatov (Minister of Youth and Sports, member of UNA-UNSO, political group that is more like a paramillitary group), Oleg Maknistky (Attorney General, Svodoba), Tatiana Chornovol (President of the National Comission of Anti-corruption, UNA-UNSO). Lot of people close to me and my family has suffered a lot because of that, they were left-wing sindicalists. Socialists, etc. and they were punched and beaten by members of the political party that has a great influence in the government (because they pacted with the Poroshenko group). Now Ukraine is turning nazi every time. There are pictures of Stepan Bandera in the streets, a mass murderer that allied with Hitler so yeah, I obviously have fear of a Nazi country in EU. And Jews associations said that stabbings and murder of jews are increasing a lot. If you check the parlamentary groups of the Rada in Ukraine (https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rada_Suprema) you will see that. All left parties (izquierda in spanish) are banned, you will see that there are only right (derecha) and center (centro) parties because all the rest were literally BANNED, like Hitler did during the "elections" that he won. So both countries, Ukraine and Russia are ruled by fascists, with the difference that Svodoba, Pravi Sektor and UNA-UNSO are publically NAZIS. And yeah, as I said more things like criticize him because of trade agreements (at the moment he has done it good), or making protective laws to try to bring more industry to the country is good. You can criticize other stuff like all his reactionary stuff. That isn't refutable because is a subjective opinion. What I did is refute all your other argumentation that can be refuted easily. I understand that you don't like Trump but next time choose a good candidate to fight him, not somebody like Hillary. I think that maybe Bernie could have done it better.
    1 point
  8. Actually a good thing to see , rose was the first alliance the syndicate had any sort of treaty with. Always good to see the resumption of old ties. Edit: fell for the troll attempt
    1 point
  9. 800 infra is insanely cheap which means there is really no reason to nuke. Sure, you might argue about that two improvement damage, but if that's the case missiles are way cheaper and destroys one improvement. Either way Dakai personally has my medal of honor and if it was up to me he will go straight into KT. DEUS VULT
    1 point
  10. 1. About debt: Even during Bush legislature the debt wasn't to pay wars. It mostly was to pay interest of past debts. Now happens the same, you need to get more debt to pay the interest of past debts making it every time bigger. And Obama is big fault about that. http://www.datosmacro.com/deuda/usa Check in "Evolución deuda sobre el PIB". The graph shows that Obama started with 73% and left with more than 105%. 2. Sorry if you don't understand me because of bad english. I meant: Trump said that if they don't come back some of the investment (Toyota announced more investment in Mexico) he would increase the taxes on the importation of their products, making them reduce the competitiveness compared to same products of other companies. That was why Toyota came back and other companies with more investment. The news about that is: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/01/09/toyota-announced-10-billion-u-s-investment-days-after-trump-warns-company.html. They started with an investment of 1.3b http://www.cnbc.com/2017/04/10/toyota-announces-record-investment-in-kentucky-plant.html in Kentucky and they said will increase it to 10b in 5 years. If you don't like Fox News also look here: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-autoshow-toyota-idUSKBN14T1NN or BBC http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-38550492. It's real and it's something of common sense, Toyota would lose a lot of profit in US if this happened. 3. About Middle Eastern. Assad hold an election and there were international witnesses so it was completely legal. Ok, even so you can say he is a dictator and that he committed war crimes. But the oposition isn't democratic oposition. As happened before in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan... the oposition are radical islamic groups because Assad can be really bad but leads a laic state and has pursued all yihaddist terrorists and is currently fighting ISIS. There is some small group that can be pro-west but they are a minority as happened in Iraq, Libya... Most of the groups are actual radical islamic like Al-Nusra (the Al-Qaeda group of Syria), etc. That's why the border between territory of the rebels and ISIS didn't move. There are no fights, no soldiers... If you make a research you will find out that all the christian communities in Syria give their support to Assad just because in the oposition side they murder them. They cut their head. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/michael-hughes/us-support-for-al-qaeda-l_b_10089410.html. And please, you just didn't mention all the stuff that made Hillary. He even recognized they created ISIS. And don't minimize Obama's actions in Middle Eastern that caused a lot of damage. 4. About agreements. Obama did really bad with agreements. As I said previously he accepted free trade agreements with underdeveloped countries. Imagine that US makes a free trade agreement, not a single border tax, with China. What would happen? China has really competitive products, the cost of production is ridiculous compared to developed countries with higher wages. Most industry will close, the productive sector of the country would disappear and, at the end, people will have no money to spend because nothing would be produced in the country. Free trade agreements with countries with less cost production than yours will lead to deindustrialization, it's something that students learn in 1st of Economy. Obama, as I said, made free trade agreements with underdeveloped countries like the DR-CAFTA agreement that he expanded to more underdeveloped countries. Until now Trump hasn't made any trade agreement so you can't say it's bad on that. 5. About foreign relations. I think you don't understand the Ukraine-Russia conflict. The Russian Soviet Federation, during USSR, gave Crimea to the Ukraine Federation because they didn't have a big port so they have better sea contact. All the east of Ukraine is mainly russian because like 80% are russian ethnic citizens, so when Ukraine entered in conflict with Russia obviously they supported Russia. And Russia isn't attacking Ukraine, if it did so EU and US would respond this attacks as they said. Russia is backing the rebels in the east countries (Novorossiya) with guns and money, as EU and US is doing in Ukraine. Also all the countries of Novorossiya made a referendum to decide if they wanted to become independent and they won. In fact Ukraine economy (west ukraine) has come to collapse because of the EU dues of production. I know about that because in Spain we also suffered that. In Ukraine has been devastating because the main production was of the primary sector and EU limited all this production. "Our economy's fine"? Are you kidding? You have the biggest debt of the world, you can't pay it, you have to increase the debt every time to pay the interests in a non-stop cycle. You have lot of poverty and social inequality. Really? PS: I'm not Trump supporter but neither supporter of Obama/Hillary. I've never understood why you criticize him with fake facts, I mean, he has done really bad things and you don't criticize that, you just make up things or criticize him for stuff that past president or the other candidate did even worse.
    1 point
  11. Have some Stable Tables. Now get back to farming wheat like the rest of UPN.
    1 point
  12. Pangui has stepped down as leader of UPN. As a result of this, I have been elevated to Consul. UPN wishes Pangui a long and prosperous retirement. UPN Gov: Underlordgc - Magister Equitum Ender Wiggin – Senate Sealteam6 - Senate GuardOfTheDragon – Senate Hansarius - Senate This announcement was brought to you jointly by Southern Rail & Nexus “On Time” and is absolutely under no circumstances late.
    1 point
  13. don't mess up matt may your rule be strong and stable
    1 point
  14. Initially I was against this change as it looks like it would disproportionately help larger nations, but with just a slight change it could very well do everything it needs to. The change to this that I'm proposing would be that rebuilding infrastructure is at a discount, but the discount asymptotically approaches zero as the rebuilt infrastructure gets higher. That way, newer nations can invest in their infrastructure and actually move upwards towards relevance, while older and bloated infrastructure nations still have something to lose. Basically, if you build up to 2000 infrastructure and get brought down to 0 then you get a discount going back up. If you have 9001 infrastructure and get brought down to 0 then you get the same discount building back up to 2000, but the discount is less when rebuilding infrastructure 2001-3000, and you get an extremely small discount at 8001-9001. The upshot of this would be that the game tends more towards a more generally balanced, dynamic, and interesting experience, with heavies being whittled down and newbies building up.
    1 point
  15. You could be missing the opportunity of your life.
    1 point
  16. If Kastor said it, it must be true!
    1 point
  17. Episode 24: Game Economy Changes Investigation The 24th episode appeared in June 18 2017 as an announcement at the "Orbis Central" section of the forum. It depicts the effects of some new changes in the game mechanics focused on the economy of nations. P.S. Credits @Mutsuo Toi for the design of Purplemoon.
    1 point
  18. At first I giggled, then I realized how true it was and immediately went quiet in awkwardness.
    1 point
  19. Ah I see the distinction now. The poll is kinda misleading. Doesn't change the fact that it is a bandaid fix, but I if it were lowered to something like 10-25% it might be reasonable. 50% is an extremely large cost reduction. It'll undo the entire point of this update which was to specialize and its not helping new players get over the infra hurdle at the start. (The raise in starting cash helps but it should have been way more than that imo).
    1 point
  20. 3 day old who's gotten millions in grants gets nuked by a micro alliance that specializes in few cities and lots of infrastructure. What does he have to complain about? He's probably laughing at the overreaction and realizing he has nothing to lose.
    0 points
  21. Lordaeron announces its condolences to both Rose and the Syndicate, and congratulate them on their treaty signing.
    -2 points
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