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Asgard: The Reincarnation DoE

Sol Farmer

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Asgard is back once again!
Risen from ashes we come forth united with a message of peace and prosperity for Orbis.
Our Leaders:
Sol Farmer
Blue Marvel
Emperor Ifee II
Solo Mon
May Odin guide us to prosperity with his wisdom and give us strength. Valhalla awaits!
Invocation to Odhinn
Hail Odhinn, Lord of Asgard, 
Warrior and wanderer, valiant and wise, 
You to whom all the gods of Asgard look, 
Sky Father on the eight-legged steed, 
You who traded an eye for wisdom 
And ruled a turbulent realm, 
Give us the wisdom to accept 
The twists and turns of Fate 
Even as you surrendered yourself 
To the mercies of the Norns. 
Protect us, All-Father, 
From what harm may come to us. 
Lead us through the wilderness
And bring us safely to that great hall 
That you reserve only for the brave of spirit. 
[Charter of Asgard]

The Charter of Asgard
Asgard is an alliance that believes in having fun. We do not hold grudges and we do not believe in hate.
Just because we may disagree with people from time to time does not mean we hate them. We form this
most merry union to promote good will and brotherhood amongst our members and the members of other
alliances. This is our charter which outlines the framework of our government.
Article I
Any person can join Asgard, but they must meet the following criteria.
a. The person must not have any ongoing wars.
b. Must not be on an alliance blacklist.
c. Must not have any outstanding debts.
d. Sign up on our forum.
e. Introduce yourself to the community.
Article II
The Supreme Leader
SECTION 1. THE ODIN. The Supreme Leader of Asgard is known as the Odin.
SECTION 2. INTENT OF THE OFFICE OF THE ODIN. The Odin is a public figure for nations within this
Alliance and for other Alliances. He or she is expected to be able to make tough decisions when needed.
This person must be leader who can unify all members within this Alliance and influence policy toward
improving Asgard and achieving its goals.
SECTION 3. RESPONSIBILITIES AND POWERS OF THE ODIN. The Odin is in charge of making decisions
that fall outside of the jurisdiction of all other offices within this Alliance. He or she can also make decisions
for offices that are vacant or appoint a member to fill the vacancy. The only exception is for the office of the
Thor of Justice, in which an appointment must be made in order to fill the vacancy. When necessary, the
Odin may exercise the power to declare an Executive Order to influence or make changes to the Policy of
Asgard. The Odin has the power to pardon and declare a member to be in good standing, thus restoring
them into the Assembly of Deity.
SECTION 4. PERPETUITY OF OFFICE. The Odin can hold this office indefinitely, unless the Assembly of
Deity decides to remove this person for crimes and/or misdemeanors against the alliance or for deeming
the person unworthy of the title.
SECTION 5. LIMITATIONS. The Odin cannot hold any other office while he or she holds the office of
Supreme Leader. If the Odin wins any elections, he or she must resign from this office or else reject that
office which he or she had won during the election.
Article III
The Judicial Branch
SECTION 1. THE THOR OF JUSTICE. The judicial system of Asgard is headed by the Thor of Justice.
SECTION 2. INTENT OF THE OFFICE OF THE THOR OF JUSTICE. This office shall be used for monitoring
the entire government and body of Asgard with respect to the Statutes of this Charter, the Seven Oaths, and
all Laws passed by the Assembly of Deity. Powers granted to the Thor of Justice should be used to settle
disputes by interpreting the Charter and the Law. If no Statute or Law is deemed applicable to a case OR if
the Thor of Justice himself is a plaintiff or defendant of any case, he or she shall present the case to the Odin
to make the final decision. If such a case involves any wrongdoing of the Odin, then the Thor of Justice
shall instead present the case to the Assembly of Deity to make the final decision.
and penal processes, and arbitrating dispute. Whenever any member violates the Charter, compromises the
security of the Alliance, or whenever there is an internal dispute between members of the Alliance, it is the
Thor of Justice who alone has the power to settle the dispute. Through his or her interpretation of the Laws
and Policies of Asgard, he or she will determine the proper course of action, punishment, and restitution to
be administered. In cases that the Thor of Justice finds a member guilty, he or she can declare that member
not to be in good standing for a specified length of time, thus removing that member from the Assembly
of Deity within that period of time. The Thor of Justice will also oversee his respective sub-forum on the
alliance’s main forum.
SECTION 4. APPOINTMENTS The Thor of Justice can optionally appoint members to fill a role known as
Auditors. The Thor of Justice will train all Auditors to perform any task needed of them, which can include
documenting any judicial or penal proceedings, filing suits or cases to be brought to the Thor of Justice,
ensuring that all verdicts are carried out, and any other task requested by the Thor of Justice. Auditors
cannot hand down any verdict.
SECTION 5. TERM OF OFFICE. The office of the Thor of Justice is an elected position for a term lasting four
months. The election shall take place according to statutes of Article IV Section 10.
SECTION 6. LIMITATIONS. The Thor of Justice cannot hold any other office while he or she holds this
office. If the Thor of Justice wins any other elections, he or she must reject this office or else reject that other
office which he or she had won during the election.
Article IV
The Legislative Branch
SECTION 1. THE ASSEMBLY OF DEITY. The power to pass bills into Law is held by the Assembly of Deity,
which is composed of all members of Asgard who are in good standing.
SECTION 2. THE INTENT OF THE ASSEMBLY OF DEITY. The Assembly of Deity is the embodiment of the
right of each member to make a difference in their government and to have their say concerning the Laws
of Asgard. All members in good standing can exercise the full powers vested in the Assembly of Deity.
They will pass laws which govern the code of conduct by which all members should abide by, and they
will enact additional statutes that the government officials must follow, and they will elect those officials
who can do the job right. Democratically, they must work together to do what is best for Asgard.
full power to pass a bill that is presented to it by the Thor of State. This must be done democratically by
taking a vote among all the members of the Assembly of Deity. Before voting, it is their responsibility to
have a diligent discussion about each bill and modify the wording to meet the needs of the Alliance and its
members. The Laws created by this assembly spans many aspects within the Alliance’s government and its
members, including but not limited to: code of conduct, budget, taxes, and legislative process. The Assembly
of Deity is responsible for electing their government officials. The Assembly of Deity has the power to
ratify amendments to the Charter. All motions for the expulsion of any member or the impeachment of any
government official must be approved by the Assembly of Deity.
SECTION 4. THE THOR OF STATE. The Legislative Branch is headed by the Thor of State.
SECTION 5. THE INTENT OF THE OFFICE OF THE THOR OF STATE. The Thor of State is a representative
of the Assembly of Deity. He will encourage discussion and debates over current issues, and provide
the Assembly of Deity everything it needs to perform its duties, and document and enforce all approved
proposed bills and other legislation to the Assembly of Deity for discussion and voting. At the assembly’s
request, the Thor of State must present an updated draft of each bill for further discussion or for voting.
When a bill is passed, it is up to the Thor of State to carry out the necessary steps to alert relevant members
and officials and must maintain an up-to-date record of the Laws of Asgard. The Thor of State is in charge
of carrying out all elections properly, and transferring power to the new incumbents after each election. He
or she is also responsible for updating the Charter whenever an amendment is ratified. The Thor of State
will work closely with the Valkyries to ensure that they adhere to the Laws and Policies of Asgard.
SECTION 7. APPOINTMENTS The Thor of State can optionally appoint members to fill a role known as
Archivists. The Thor of State will train all Archivists to perform any task needed of them, which can include
documenting any assembly discussions, updating the Laws of Asgard, providing drafts of proposed bills
to the Thor of State, keeping an open line of discussion with the Assembly of Deity and the Valkyries, and
any other task requested by the Thor of State.
SECTION 8. TERM OF OFFICE. The office of the Thor of State is an elected position for a term lasting four
months. The election shall take place according to statutes of Article IV Section 10.
SECTION 9. LEGISLATIVE PROCESS. Anyone may propose a bill. When the Thor of State is made aware
of a new proposal, he or she must present the idea or draft of the bill to the Assembly of Deity. At the
assembly’s request, the Thor of State must provide revised drafts of the proposal. When the Assembly of
Deity feels that the bill is ready to vote on, the Thor of State will make a motion that the bill move onto the
voting process, and when any member of the Assembly of Deity seconds the motion, the Thor of State will
then initiate the vote, asking for each member of the Assembly of Deity to choose “Approve†or “Rejectâ€, or
something to that effect. If the proposal is a bill to become a Law, whether is applies to the members of the
Alliance or to the workings of the government, it must receive at least 55 percent votes for “Approveâ€. If the
proposal is to declare war on any nation or alliance, it must receive at least 80 percent votes for “Approveâ€.
If the proposal is to expel a member of Asgard from te Alliance, it must receive at least 75 percent votes
for “Approveâ€. If the proposal is to ratify an amendment to the Charter, it must receive at least 75 percent
votes for “Approveâ€.
SECTION 10. ELECTORAL PROCESS. All elections for the elected officials described in this Charter shall
take place as outlined in this Section. These positions are the Thor of Justice, the Thor of State, the Valkyrie
of Command, the Valkyrie of War, the Valkyrie of Peace, the Valkyrie of the Treasury, the Valkyrie of Conduct,
the Valkyrie of Records, the Valkrie of Heralds, the Valkyrie of Diplomacy, and the Valkyrie of Recruits.
An election will take place three times in a year for each of these positions: the 9th day of February,
the 10th day of June, and the 10th day of October. At the discretion of the Thor of State, the election can
be spread out through multiple days up to and including the date of the corresponding election term. Any
person from the Assembly of Deity can run as a Candidate for any office they choose. At the discretion of
the Thor of State, he or she may allow a Candidate to run for multiple offices. To become a Candidate, a
member must notify the Thor of State of his or her intent to run for an office(s). Once the first day of elections
start, no more Candidates will be considered for that term. When elections begin, the Thor of State
must present to the Electorate the ballot for each elected office. The Electorate is composed of the entire
body of the Assembly of Deity. Each member of the Assembly of Deity will cast a single vote for a single
Candidate in each election per office. No person’s vote shall be considered of more weight than another’s.
All votes cast are counted equally. The Candidate that receives the most votes is declared the winner of that
office. The winning Candidate has the opportunity to reject taking that office, in which case the runner-up
shall be declared the winner. In the case of a tie, a run-off election must take place between all Candidates
with the most votes. In some cases, the Thor of State is allowed to enforce a run-off election when the tallied
votes are very close and the number of Candidates for that office was large. If there is a tie after the run-off
election, then the Odin shall appoint the winner of the election from among the Candidates who tied, using
any method or criteria he or she chooses. If there remains any vacancy of any office after the election, then
the Odin must either take on the responsibilities of that office or appoint a member to fill the position.
SECTION 11. SPECIAL ELECTIONS. A special election can be declared by the Thor of State in the case that
the Office of Supreme Leader of Asgard is vacant. A special election can also be declared by the Odin if he
chooses not to appoint a position in which there are willing Candidates. At the approval of the Assembly
of Deity, the Thor of State may declare a special election to fill a temporary office created for a special need.
This office expires at the end of a specified term not to exceed four months. Only within the last month of
the term of the temporary office can the Assembly of Deity renew the existence of this temporary office, but
an election to fill this office must take place at the end of its original expiration date.
Article V
The Executive Branch
SECTION 1. THE GRAND COUNCIL. The powers to define the Policies of Asgard belongs to the Grand
Council of Asgard. They will determine policies within the guidelines of the Laws of Asgard. They will
also execute these Policies as a good service to the Alliance and to the members of Asgard. They will seek
the advice from the Odin as a source of influence and as a unifying force toward developing the Policies
of Asgard. They must respect any Executive Order issued by the Odin except by a veto with at least 6
Valkyries’ signatures. The Grand Council will have their powers properly divided among three smaller
councils, the Valkyrjur of the Armed Forces, the Valkyrjur of Internal Affairs, and the Valkyrjur of External
SECTION 2. THE VALKYRJUR OF THE ARMED FORCES. The Valkyrjur of the Armed Forces will have the
powers to determine Policy regarding the Armed Forces of Asgard, military power, warfare, peacekeeping,
and other related issues. This council will be composed of three members, the Valkyrie of Command, the
Valkyrie of War, and the Valkyrie of Peace. All policies created in this Valkyrjur must be approved by all
three of its officers.
SECTION 3. THE VALKYRIE OF COMMAND. The power to command the Armed Forces of Asgard belongs
to the Valkyrie of Command.
SECTION 4. THE VALKYRIE OF WAR. The power to determine policies that govern the command of the
Armed Forces of Asgard during Times ofWar belongs to the Valkyrie ofWar. During times of war, he or she
will be second-in-command of the Armed Forces of Asgard in the capacity that the Valkyrie of Command
deems necessary.
SECTION 5. THE VALKYRIE OF PEACE. The power to determine policies that govern the command of the
Armed Forces of Asgard during Times of Peace belongs to the Valkyrie of Peace. During times of peace,
he or she will be second-in-command of the Armed Forces of Asgard in the capacity that the Valkyrie of
Command deems necessary.
SECTION 6. THE ARMED FORCES OF ASGARD. All members of Asgard comprise the entire body of the
Armed Forces of Asgard. They are to be militarily responsive to their orders from the Valkyrjur of the
Armed Forces.
SECTION 7. THE VALKYRJUR OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS. The Valkyrjur of Internal Affairs will have the powers
to determine Policy regarding the internal affairs of Asgard, codes of conduct, proper documentation
of the workings of government, economy, taxes, the treasury, and other related issues. This council will
be composed of three members, the Valkyrie of the Treasury, the Valkyrie of Conduct, and the Valkyrie of
Records. All policies created in this Valkyrjur must be approved by all three of its officers.
SECTION 8. THE VALKYRIE OF THE TREASURY. The power to determine and to execute policies regarding
the economic welfare of Asgard and the transactions of the alliance bank belongs to the Valkyrie of the
SECTION 9. THE VALKYRIE OF CONDUCT. The power to determine and execute policies regarding the
conduct of the members of the Alliance belongs to the Valkyrie of Conduct. He or she will also have the
duty of listening to the complaints of the members of Asgard and working with relevant authorities in
order to arrive at the proper course of action.
SECTION 10. THE VALKYRIE OF RECORDS. The duties of documenting and updating all alliance policies
belongs to the Valkyrie of Records. He or she shall work closely with the other Valkyries of all three
Valkyrjurs in order to maintain an accurate record of all Policy of Asgard.
SECTION 11. THE VALKYRJUR OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS. The Valkyrjur of External Affairs will have the
powers to determine Policy regarding the external affairs of Asgard, appointing Heralds and creating
Chanceries, diplomacy, recruiting new members, and other related issues. This council will be composed of
three members, the Valkrie of Heralds, the Valkyrie of Diplomacy, and the Valkyrie of Recruits. All policies
created in this Valkyrjur must be approved by all three of its officers.
SECTION 12. THE VALKRIE OF HERALDS. The power to appoint Heralds and to create Chanceries belongs
to the Valkrie of Heralds. He or she will be the Head Ambassador and be the central point of contact with
ambassadors of other alliances.
SECTION 13. THE VALKYRIE OF DIPLOMACY. The power to determine policies of diplomacy belongs to
the Valkyrie of Diplomacy.
SECTION 14. THE VALKYRIE OF RECRUITS. The duties of recruiting new members into the Alliance belongs
to the Valkyrie of Recruits.
Article VI
The Seven Oaths
NO TREASON is defined as revealing information about the inner workings of our alliance to any nations
outside our alliance, without permission from the Valkyrjur of External Affairs.
NO STEALING is defined as taking any money or supplies from the Alliance, or a member nation without
permission from the victim, or in violation of an agreement. Any withdrawing from the alliance bank
needs the permission of the Valkyrjur of Internal Affairs.
NO LYING is defined as breaking one’s oath to the Alliance or others outside the Alliance, or telling halftruths
or white lies. This will be considered as unbecoming of divinity and the member will be expelled.
NO CURSING is defined as using profanity and obscene language or wishing bad things to happen to
NO BULLYING is defined as using one’s position or superiority to put someone down. The person who
does this will be expelled.
NO COWERING is defined as standing by in fear and not helping alliance in a war, because of fear of
nation being destroyed. A person that does this will be banned from the alliance as long as it existed.
NO RAIDING is defined as attacking someone for their resources or money.
Article VII
Expulsion from Asgard
Any member of the Assembly of Deity can submit a motion to expel a fellow member from Asgard to the
Thor of Justice, or to one of its Auditors in the Thor of Justice’s sub-forum. In order for the motion to carry,
a case must be issued explaining the reasons for the motion. There will be a time limit of 48 hours for the
Thor of Justice to determine whether the dispute is valid. An extension to this time limit can be granted at
the discretion of the Thor of State. The Odin, the Thor of Justice, the Thor of State and the Valkyries cannot
be expelled except in the case of breaking a vow or one of the Seven Oaths.

Edited by Sol Farmer
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Yay! I was just wondering when this was gonna be posted, glad to have you here.

[17:17:58] <&Ashland> I will give you hops if you say this phrase:

[17:18:13] <&Ashland> "Man, I really wish Rose had allied BoC a couple months ago when we had the chance instead of picking Vanguard."

[17:20:16] Man, I really wish Rose had allied BoC a couple months ago when we had the chance instead of picking Vanguard.



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Congratulations Asgard! Good luck in the big world.

"They say the secret to success is being at the right place at the right time. But since you never know when the right time is going to be, I figure the trick is to find the right place and just hang around!"

<Kastor> He left and my !@#$ nation is !@#$ed up. And the Finance guy refuses to help. He just writes his !@#$ plays.

<Kastor> And laughs and shit.

<Kastor> And gives out !@#$ huge loans to Arthur James, that !@#$ bastard.

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Good luck


You're no longer protecting the II? We have still teamed with II and TAC (and others) to rival The Covenants. This is getting complex.


Big problems for TSG. Really, not kidding.

If Casey and Cyradis are King and Queen does that mean they're married?

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Welcome guys!  If you ever have any game mechanics questions feel free to hit me up on IRC or ingame.

Edited by Placentica
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Dear god, that charter length makes TAC's look like child's play.



Orbis Wars   |   CSI: UPN   |   B I G O O F   |   PW Expert Has Nerve To Tell You How To Run Your Own Goddamn Alliance | Occupy Wall Street | Sheepy Sings

TheNG - My favorite part is when Steve suggests DEIC might have done something remotely successful, then gets massively shit on for proposing such a stupid idea.

On 1/4/2016 at 6:37 PM, Sheepy said:
Sheepy said:

I'm retarded, you win

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