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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/28/21 in all areas

  1. As we all know, India is currently overrun by coronavirus, with an official count of more than 350k new cases a day and 3.3k deaths a day, although there's strong suspicions that there's massive undercounts and hiding of death by various Indian governments. I'd personally go with a 20k deaths per day figure, from various crematorium undercounts. What we're getting right now are stories like this: https://www.businessinsider.com/covid-19-india-journalist-live-tweeted-oxygen-levels-before-died-2021-4 You can also check Reddit to see what the situation looks like on the ground. https://www.reddit.com/r/India There's currently a major hospital bed and oxygen shortage in India right now, and while it's being addressed through some levels of aid, as well as trade, it's not enough given India's massive population and the rising caseload (376k / day, or over a 21% positivity rate). Some estimates expect India to peak around 500k, and that's only detected, announced cases. https://www.aljazeera.com/gallery/2021/4/26/oxygen-demand-outstrips-supply-in-indias-covid-hotspots To address this problem. I'm plugging a few Indian charities that are aiming to alleviate the oxygen shortage, mostly by buying oxygen concentrators, which can treat moderately afflicted patients at home, reducing deaths and also reducing the load on hospitals. My preference, to begin with, is Zomato's Feeding India "Help Save My India" campaign. If you're familiar with charitable overheads, Zomato is promising to subsidize fully the administrative expense, so every dollar / Euro / Yen you chip in goes to buying oxygen concentrators and shipping them. Moreover, Zomato is invested in by the Singaporean sovereign wealth fund Temasek as Zomato's the Indian equivalent of Grubhub / Doordash, so Zomato should be relatively uncorrupt. Unfortunately, the primary drawback of Zomato's Feeding India is that they're not registered overseas so contributions are not tax deductible. https://www.feedingindia.org/donate/help-save-my-india?review_id=oxygen GiveIndia, on the other hand, is a charity platform that IS tax deductible, but I've done way less vetting of particular charities they're advertised. https://covid.giveindia.org/ Act Grants is sponsored by more or less the entire Indian start-up community, but they have a diffused focus. Like Zomato, to the best of my knowledge, they don't seem to be tax deductible. https://actgrants.in/healthcare-covid-19-and-beyond/ ==== I've personally chipped in $100, and I've gotten others, including people who should by all rights hate India, to chip in $300. If you go with Zomato, based on their sourcing, $300 should buy one oxygen concentrator, which should be able to save at least one life through its use span. But every little bit helps. Besides that, as a sidenote, PMFunds, the official Indian government charity, is scandal-ridden and is commonly believed to be the Indian PM's slush fund. Note that one of the reasons COVID-19 rates are apocalyptic in India is as a result of the present PM conducting political rallies without masks. === In any case, I'm putting this up. You can do what you want with it, I've tried to help in other ways, but I don't expect much success. If you can spare the money, please help India breathe. Edit: someone said clickbaiting with gore porn in the title (even though the tragic stories are basically gore porn) achieves the opposite effect, so I took that out of the title. But the story is basically gore porn, isn't it? Thousands, likely tens of thousands are dying each day, and many of the deaths are preventable.
    5 points
  2. Hi my real name is Alex and I have a request for Trade/economic alliances. A few nations and I have created a discord server that we will use for trade and economy, but we are unable to do things like transfer money or trade between each-other and the intentions were to input at-least a bank system that would support all the money and resources that we were to transfer but this is not available in the game only official alliances which we cannot do for Certain in-game reasons.This is why one of my allies suggested that I either DM Alex (the owner) or make a suggestion in which I am doing now... Thanks I hope you take my and my friends' opinions into consideration
    3 points
  3. For those who dont know me Im commonly know as crunch, an irrelevant city 15, and ive come to bring a important annoucement to orbis First off, you may be wondering why im posting in Alliance affairs. Secondly it doesn't matter why. This post will pertain to a lot of people. Due to gw17 not starting yet, and all of orbis on pixle hug mode, im nuking or hitting every person i dislike in orbis. Good luck to those who will encounter my costly endeavor!
    3 points
  4. Also agreed. Would be nice to have the Orbis equivalent of an automatic interac payment between friends :-p. The biggest downside of the trade thing is that you have to wait for your friend to log in to accept it.
    3 points
  5. I agree that a direct wire transfer should be implemented, it probably should've been one of the first things implemented in the game but the only options you have now are trading 1 food for the desired amount of money or creating a business alliance in game like swing.
    2 points
  6. One of the things that the advertisement for the game or one of the promises the game offers is "decisions" to run your country. Unfortunately though, this is not depth and the game doesn't really feel like a nation simulator, it feels more like a shallow game that you click buttons and wait to collect money. I remember when there was a time in which I found it very fun to complete the objectives and get money doing so. It was fun because there was an actual roleplay and goal aspect behind that that made you feel like you were actually running a country, but after that the game is mostly about chatting in an alliance on discord and playing the waiting game. Some decisions that can be added include political decisions that will allow you interact more with your citizenry and make it feel like a nation simulator again. The "approval rating" mechanic that is currently used as a flavortext should be added into the game, giving you various buffs (if above 50 percent), and debuffs (if below 50 percent), depending on the political actions you take. The approval rating could be converted into something called "stability", which measures how content your people are with you. Doing temporary decisions like "improved worker conditions(leads to -5 percent money but say +0.1 percent stability per turn for 120 turns) ", or "increased worker pay" (+5 percent expenses but +0.1 percent stability per turn for 120 turns), and "promises of peace (+5 percent military upkeep +0.05 percent stability per turn for 120 turns) Alternatively, decisions like decreasing worker pay will do the opposite and having worse worker conditions will increase money and decrease stability. Another cool thing that could be added is economic or even more political decisions. Economic decisions could include the type of economy, such as war economy, or civilian economy. War economy could give you an additional -30 percent military upkeep on top of imperialism and +10 percent manufacturing production, but also give you a -10 percent income debuff on money and a +10 percent infrastructure/land cost. Civilian economy could give you a -10 percent infrastructure/land cost, and +10 percent income, but a +30 percent military upkeep and +30 percent military cost to build. Like the current domestic policies, there should be a timer, of maybe 10 days or so in order to get switch the economies. Additional political decisions could include "party popularity", in which you can boost the amount of support for your party through election campaigns (if democratic), or by purging political opponents (if authoritarian). Conscription and manpower can also be added if possible, and it could be based on percentage of population (by default 1 percent), and increasing conscription laws increases amount of manpower but also decreases production by 10 percent each conscription law you one up. Every time a troop/tank/plane dies your manpower goes down from the manpower pool. Anyways, I do not expect the last part to get added because there will require a bit of work for the additional "political decisions". However, adding the "stability" and war economy/civilian economy would make the game greatly more enjoyable so there are actual aspects to running your country, instead of just clicking the "buy" and "sell" button on trade or buying resource. So what did you think about my idea? Please share what you think in the comments and thanks for reading!
    1 point
  7. If you want, here's CNN's list of charities. Most of these should be US-based, so should have standard US-type NGO corruption, but that's better than standard Indian NGO corruption. Likewise, more importantly, most of the contributions should be tax-deductible. https://www.cnn.com/2021/04/27/world/iyw-combat-india-coronavirus-crisis/index.html
    1 point
  8. 12 I can't I will when i can again
    1 point
  9. This will make stock trading and helping aa members and friends a lot easier. I agree with this.
    1 point
  10. Not sure if I should keep leading The Abyss or join whoever this alliance is with like no cities
    1 point
  11. This 100% No idea why it hasn't been added yet
    1 point
  12. kind of late introduction, let me introduce myself. well. sup. i am LunaHD, also known as the United Provinces of Luna.
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Then go to Nation States šŸ˜‚, that is 100% community. This doesnt affect community based gameplay as it has no effect on the politics (Doesn't force to people to go to war), infact we've already updates to affect politics and war (roll credits) such as treasures, which were largely unsuccesful. It has also shown to be a success in CN. What Wreckpro suggests doesnt devalue the community-orientation of the game in any way, it doesnt even affect it, it just makes policies and such matter which should matter in a nation sim. Government Positions in CN (Our Policies) and Events/Decisions have affects, and is a realistic mechanic. The goal of the game, ofcourse, is not to be completely realistic (as that would suck!) but to simulate a country. A fundamental part of being a country is government positions, policy changes, and governmental decisions to unforseen events, like the Coronavirus Pandemic IRL.
    1 point
  15. I personally prefer PnW more as a community based game.
    1 point
  16. Look at what these forums are called.
    1 point
  17. Ah yes letā€™s turn P&W into a text based HOI4.
    1 point
  18. Well hello there, you look familiar. šŸ‘€
    1 point
  19. Hi thanks for being added to my list šŸ˜„
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. The first project I got was the missile launch pad
    1 point
  22. Yeah, through the exploitation of the weak minded! Can't fool me, lottery director!
    1 point
  23. Further evidence that this is the same guy: Chief Phillip White Knife of Indian Pirate Confederation ordered a ground attack upon your nation of Agletia. The attack was an utter failure. Chief Phillip White Knife's forces lost 1,585 soldiers and 0 tanks, while your defenders lost 286 soldiers and 14 tanks. You used 1.98 tons of munitions and 0.00 tons of gasoline defending the attack. The attack destroyed 0.00 infrastructure in the city of Aglet City. Chief Phillip White Knife stole $0.00 in the attack and destroyed 0 improvements. Leader of Pirates James Johnson of Communist Pirates ordered a ground attack upon your nation of Agletia. The attack was an utter failure. Leader of Pirates James Johnson's forces lost 1,630 soldiers and 0 tanks, while your defenders lost 273 soldiers and 13 tanks. You used 2.44 tons of munitions and 0.00 tons of gasoline defending the attack. The attack destroyed 0.00 infrastructure in the city of Aglet City. Leader of Pirates James Johnson stole $0.00 in the attack and destroyed 0 improvements
    1 point
  24. This'll be fun Who needs them pixels anyways
    1 point
  25. Public list being posted friday!
    1 point
  26. Post a list here so we know you completed your objective.
    1 point
  27. You now know da one true Wei with us!
    1 point
  28. The Lunar Society will soon be joining the project of the ICSA (Initiative for the Collection of Smaller Alliance)!
    1 point
  29. --- 8:17 PM The day had been pleasant, for a change. Work wasn't good, but it was better than usual. There were no particularly troublesome customers, and Jonathan had been unusually friendly. Maybe he was getting over whatever problem he had with you, and perhaps now you two could start to become friends for a change? After work, you met up with your friends at that new pizza place. You had been looking forward to this for weeks. It wasn't often that the four of you could meet up, thanks to everyone's school, work, and family obligations. The food was good, and you though the girl at the counter was eyeballing you some. So... the day was decent. It was a 6 out of 10, maybe 7 out of 10. The best way to top it off would be to enjoy some time on the internet. You change into more comfortable clothes, crack open a cold one (beer, soda, or water- your choice) and sit down at your computer. You enter your password and your computer fully whirs to life. You go to watch your favorite Twitch streamer, but stop before you can finish typing out the words into Google. Instead, you hold down backspace, and instead search for Politics and War. It's been a few days since you last logged in, and even longer since you were on Discord. Logging into the game, an interesting sight greets you. --- 8:29 PM The words 'utter failure' borrow into your head. As the adrenaline kicked in, you did all you could to fight back against your attackers; of which there are three of the bastards. However, the numbers were against you, and all you succeeded in doing was putting yourself into an even worse position. By the time you ran out of MAPs, the heaviness in your chest had fully set in. Your cities were being pummeled, two of your attackers had 'Air Superiority', and the third one had 'Ground Control'. You weren't fully sure what these terms meant, but you knew it was bad that they had those things and you didn't. Finally, some mechanism in your brain triggered, and the initial shock and panic had subsided. Rather than thrash around like a trapped animal, you bend over slightly, put your hand on your chin, and start thinking. You asked yourself a simple question. "How am I going to get out of this mess?" As you carefully scrolled your nation page for some hope - praying that all the numbers and statistics would hold some golden nugget of information - you find the answer. The answer, in fact, was so obvious that you were surprised you didn't think of it immediately beforehand. Your would ask your alliance for help. --- 8:42 PM Logging into Discord, you find 12 pings awaiting you. Most of them are @everyone or @here spam from trolls, two of them are @everyone pings from government, and 1 was a member of government thanking you for your taxes. Joining this alliance as a City 32 nation was a bit odd, but you've known the leader for a while as you've been Steam buddies with him for years (going back to your Counter-Strike days), and he promised you a voice in government if you agreed to 40/20 taxes (higher than the 20/10 the alliance runs for the rest). You felt good about helping the new, smaller players who joined the alliance, so you agreed. Of course, It didn't hurt to have some power too. You navigate past the Discord channels to find the member chat... passing up some archives, the public chats (including a NSFW chat you've been meaning to check out), and a room for the bots. Upon finally finding the member chat, you type out your plea. "hey im getting attacked. can i get some help??" Unfortunately, your message is lost in the sea of the member chat. The member chat is full of similar such requests, but also of some despair. A member of the alliance that you don't recognize, ForkofApple, voices his displeasure. "Guys I can't take this damage I think I'm gona quit." Your mind races. The entire member chat is full of similar such messages; of the collective of the alliance requesting help or voicing great displeasure. The heaviness in your chest returns. As the largest tax payer, you were promised by you leader some power in the community. You realize you have a duty to... try and do something to help. Clearly you should ask the 'Military Department' head for assistance. You send him a message on Discord, but he is offline. A quick look through Discord reveals that he hasn't said anything on Discord in over a week, and hasn't even logged into the game for over 3 days. That's a dead end. The chest heaviness is gone, but a general sense of dread fills the crevasses of your mind. You get another notification. You open it. Dope Dealer of Dope Land ordered a ground attack upon your nation of New New Canada. The attack was an immense triumph. Dope Dealer forces lost 7,672 soldiers and 127 tanks, while your defenders lost 28,102 soldiers and 1,284 tanks. You used 260 tons of munitions and 232.40 tons of gasoline defending the attack. The attack destroyed 229.01 infrastructure in the city of Newer Quebeccz. Dope Dealer stole $2,496,880.98 in the attack and destroyed 0 improvements. You swallow. Your drink from earlier is at room temperature, and is mostly untouched. --- 9:02 After pacing around your home some, you get on your computer and are pleasantly surprised to see a Discord message from your leader. Your leader, who you know simply as Disciple, sends you two short messages. "Hey man hows its going" "How much gas and ammo do you have?" You respond, but then stop. You check on your resources, and then respond. "im good except im getting screwed in my butt lol" "4000 gas and 2100 ammnition" Disciple doesn't respond to you for some time. You seen him try to coordinate a military response in the member chat, but his own messages are interrupted by people being uncooperative; claiming to either not want to fight, not having the cash/resource to fight, or simply in despair at how their military is mostly destroyed and the enemies are at max military. You check the alliance page, and a few minutes of discovery later, you find out that almost all 32 members have had their defense slots filled. Wait, 32? That's odd. You could've sworn it was 37 a few days ago. You search where you can for several minutes, and find out that within the past hour, 2 members have went into vacation mode, and 3 others have left. A page refresh reveals now 31 members- a 6th member has been kicked by Disciple himself. You exit out of the game and Discord. You need a break. This day was a 7 out of 10, now it's like a 3 out of 10. --- 10:49 You log back into the game, only to discover 3 more notifications. The last of your tanks were airstriked, and the last of your planes were spies away. Well.. almost anyways. Only a few hundred tanks remain, and only about a hundred planes. Tens of thousands of soldiers remain, but even you know that isn't worth much. You tried to watch some of your favorite shows to get your mind off of the game, but are unable to lay back and enjoy the media. An idea crosses your mind; why not ask our allies for help? You log back into Discord, and message Disciple. Asking about your idea. Disciple responds: "No silver knights and yorktown can't help. they've been hit too. we're just gonna have to fight as hard as we can and see where things are after round 1." Round 1? What does that mean? Actually, forget it. 1 round of whatever hell this is is already to much. Maybe if your allies could do unto your attackers what they've done to you, maybe it would be okay. However, with your alliance by itself, what does it matter? You check the alliance page. Now, 29 members. You don't care what happened to them. Another notification. This time, a ground battle. There goes all your tanks and most of your soldiers. You check on the members of your allies. Just like your alliance, most of their members have had most of their defense slots filled. Several times during the past two and a half hours, you've had your hopes crushed. Your attacks failed. Your alliance can't help. The head of military affairs is practically inactive. Your allies can't help. Your military is gone, and your alliance has lost a lot of its members already. Another notification. A spy op. An unknown nation has killed 22 of your spies in one go. You swear. You decide that enough is enough. The situation is intolerable. You leave a short rant in the member chat full of profanity. You navigate to the 'Edit Nation' page, then to the Vacation Mode page. You enter '14' into the box. You enter your password (the same you use for all other accounts in your personal life). You check both boxes, and then you click the big blue bottom. It's over. --- ??? Like a limb severed to save the body in times gone by, you emotionally detach from your nation the best you can. Over the next few days, your nation is ravaged. All your resources and cash are looted. Your military is 0'ed, and your average infrastructure level in each city reaches levels that they haven't been in years. You gain close to a week in beige time, but end up on grey. Perhaps you would've interacted with your nation had you not been in VM, but that is not the case. You inability to interact with your nation drains your interest, and you stop logging in. Your Discord usage also ceases. You log in once more after quite some time, only to see dozens and dozens of notifications. Your inactivity was rewarded by raiders pillaging what they could from the corpse of your nation- not unlike how scavenger birds eat up a dead deer once the coyotes have had their fill. Disciple unfriends you on Steam. Perhaps it was the not-so-nice things you said in your rant before you VM'ed. Whatever the case, your ties to your alliance mainly cease. Besides, who needs to be a part of such a shitty alliance that gets itself into such a shitty war anyways? You deserved better. How dare Disciple get you into that kind of situation anyways? He did you a favor by unfriending you. How could he reward your years of internet friendship like that? Your nation is beyond repair. To many holes in the ship. You think about starting over, but it would take years to get back to where you are now. And, just for what, for this to happen again? You don't delete your nation, but you cease logging in completely. You block emails from Politics and War, and soon you forget about the game. Eventually, the game itself puts you in VM, and then deletes you itself after a long time passes. Sometimes you think about the game, but you remember your feelings on that night- when the dumb bastards of some other alliance ganged up on you for no reason. When you were abandoned by your alliance, your leader, and your allies. You decide not to ever return- and you never do. What a stupid game. --- šŸ¦ ---
    1 point
  30. no you have to let them live and grow into a fully developed human so you can harvest their spines
    1 point
  31. There are ways around this. But for you, I would probably just hit you if you were in range without paying.
    1 point
  32. Sweet summer child! You're about to piss off 90% of the game with this one. I suggest changing your name and nation now to avoid a painful experience as long as your username exists.
    1 point
  33. I mean, I admitted this happened the day of the war. So did SRD publicly on the forums. They didn't go anywhere and we didn't even intiate the discussions. If a failed plot that barely gets off the ground is enough to validate a cb then this world has an endless amount and quite a few hitting Quack were perfectly justified in doing so. Quack's position given to me was that they were almost 100% sure we were coming for them when no plan existed to do so.
    1 point
  34. So you said real communism hasn't been tried? Well what if I were to tell you that Pol Pot was the purest of communists, responsible for the ideology of Pol Pot Thought shortened endearingly to Pot Thought. This idea states that people with glasses are intellectuals and deserve to be shot, and everyone should live in barracks and plough the fields until they collapse from exhaustion. What if I were to tell you that communist ideologies are just a front put up by predatory people that want to hurt you in order to lure your dumb ass into their cult so you can become another drone in the borg collective. You should know that nothing in this world is ever free (as in free beer). If someone is promising you free shit, it is almost always a scam. Conservatives may seem like dicks when they don't offer you free shit, but at least they don't make promises they can't deliver.
    1 point
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