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The immortals are an Embarrassment.


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12 minutes ago, Sweeeeet Ronny D said:

You can always get better at war, you cant teach integrity.  Does Rose/Guardian know they just signed an alliance whose word means nothing?

Is this why you jettisoned your old block? Because you figured Rose could protect you more than your old allies from big bad tS?

tS signed a NAP with us directly after the events occurred. Guess who they didn’t sign one with?

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29 minutes ago, Sweeeeet Ronny D said:

Does Rose/Guardian know they just signed an alliance whose word means nothing?

Is this why you jettisoned your old block? Because you figured Rose could protect you more than your old allies from big bad tS?

Sounds like someone's coping.

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I am a slave to the Great Khan.

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9 minutes ago, Sweeeeet Ronny D said:

 If that is disappearing, call me John Cena.

You and your cronies want to come on here talking shit, You are the ones that got caught with your hand in the cookie jar, so dont go throwing stones in glass houses.

Bro started writing a poem at the end 

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19 minutes ago, MasterChief said:

Going record number net negative. 

Eh, don't worry. You'd have to have a lot more members for that to happen 😜


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40 minutes ago, Adrienne said:

Eh, don't worry. You'd have to have a lot more members for that to happen 😜

Well, could always do a ratio to member stats to technically set a record for %. But idk about overall net lol

Edited by MasterChief
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16 minutes ago, MasterChief said:

Well, could always do a ratio to member stats to technically set a record for %. But idk about overall net lol

I would be exceedingly impressed if you broke overall negative net with your membership size. (But yeah, you'd have to measure per capita really and break it that way, but no one much analyzes things that way publicly, except perhaps hidude. Shame. I enjoy those sorts of comparison stats.)


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15 minutes ago, Adrienne said:

I would be exceedingly impressed if you broke overall negative net with your membership size. (But yeah, you'd have to measure per capita really and break it that way, but no one much analyzes things that way publicly, except perhaps hidude. Shame. I enjoy those sorts of comparison stats.)

I think the natural reaction would be to harass @Krampusuntil he adds a per capita setting to ctowned, has been requested time and again! 

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10 hours ago, Sweeeeet Ronny D said:

You can always get better at war, you cant teach integrity.  Does Rose/Guardian know they just signed an alliance whose word means nothing?

Is this why you jettisoned your old block? Because you figured Rose could protect you more than your old allies from big bad tS?

We're rolling the ever loving !@#$ out of both spheres anyways so same difference.

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33 minutes ago, Wingawoo said:

I rather want alliances to violate NAPs if they are ACTUALLY GOOD at war unlike you, because you sit on your fat-ass all fricking day while you sip from your members blood, sweat and tears. 

your counters are also stupid, no cohesion or coordination just "oooo i mash buttons"

you are a pathetic excuse for an alliance leader, big shocker that the previous leader left. now go make me a sandwich since you hopefully wont !@#$ that up

That’s a bit much.

Don’t compliment us, you’ll end on the wrong side here.  We’ll be fine.

Tyrion is actually a nice guy, even though TI is sucking right now.

7 minutes ago, Eumirbago said:

We're rolling the ever loving !@#$ out of both spheres anyways so same difference.

So why did we need the extended NAP?  Could’ve been rolling us right now.

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10 minutes ago, Buorhann said:

That’s a bit much.

Don’t compliment us, you’ll end on the wrong side here.  We’ll be fine.

Tyrion is actually a nice guy, even though TI is sucking right now.

So why did we need the extended NAP?  Could’ve been rolling us right now.

To get more cities

Pardon me, due to the gag order, I meant to play with our food

Edited by Eumirbago
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14 minutes ago, Eumirbago said:

To get more cities

Pardon me, due to the gag order, I meant to play with our food

Damn.  We’re failing at that.  As long as you stay within 250% range, I’ll come say Hi.

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19 hours ago, Dream said:

Disclaimer: These are my personal opinions about this war and do not reflect the views of my alliance or bloc. But congratulations to TI for setting so many records this war!

As someone fighting from ODOO, I've observed TI since the war began. It's become clear that they never intended to fight back. The low number of war declarations and the failure to deposit excess resources have made this obvious.

Here are the stats from Locutus and CTOWNED to back my claims. 

1. Out of 202 members in TI and TM, 149 have less than 3 wars. Only 13 members in TI have double-digit war declarations in this 24-day global conflict. Here's averages of other alliances: 

1. Dark Brotherhood: 14.19
2. The Sword Coast: 12.91
3. Man I Love Frogs: 12
4. Grumpy Old Bastards: 10.98
5. Knights Templar: 10.48
6. Weaponized Assault Penguins: 10.17
7. Order Of Dawn: 7.94 (Training AA for LoD)
8. House Stark: 7.92
9. The Republic of Libertas: 7.13
10. Empire of the Romans: 7.02
11. The Fremen: 6.71
12. Legion Of Dawn: 6.51
13. The Knights Radiant: 6.25
14. Eclipse: 5.33

15. Weebunism: 4.08
16. The Immortals: 3.79
17. Heung Shing Corporation: 3.38
18. The Lost Mines: 3.15
19. Cult of Cthulhu: 2.82
20. SFR Yugoslavia: 2.48
21. Magister Mortalis: 2.33
22. Antarctic Pirates: 2.25
23. The Mortals: .96 (Training AA for TI)
25. The Commonwealth: .89

2. TI has a total of 632 wars, including Mortals. Here are the war totals for other alliances. Note that only Eclipse has more members than TI here:
   - Eclipse: 1,273
   - The Knights Radiant (TKR): 1,186
   - Dark Brotherhood: 750
   - Knights Templar: 680
   - Weaponized Assault Penguins: 649
   - The Sword Coast (TSC): 607
   - The Immortals (TI): 587
   - Grumpy Old Bastards (GoB): 450
   - Legion Of Dawn: 410
   - House Stark: 388

3. 18 Immortals nations have lost more than half a billion in loot each. Eight of the ten most looted nations in the war are from TI. TI and TM combined have lost 44,085,871,578 in loot, with their training alliance alone losing an average of 68,850,806.06 per member.

4. Total damage dealt is a better performance metric than net damage. Comparing TI and TKR:
   - TKR: 163,253,203,208.72
   - TI: 101,717,547,887.33
   - GoB: 93,092,727,741.40
   - TSC: 64,648,509,902.07
   - The Lost Mines: 31,113,796,761.25

   TI is 60 billion behind TKR in total damage. GoB may soon surpass TI based on recent trends.
Note: TI and TKR have lost the same amount of infra, but TKR still has much better net damage stats than TI. 

5. In the last week:
   - TKR: 20,595,649,830.28
   - TSC: 7,107,994,628.33
   - GoB: 6,972,906,732.87
   - TI: 1,860,232,545.32
   - Banana Stand: 1,647,933,169.29
   - The Lost Mines: 546,430,014.93
   - SFR Yugoslavia: 424,054,641.41
   - Purple Flower Garden: 201,422,425.07
   - The Mortals: -389,864,680.28

   TKR deals over 10 times the damage of TI, with even TSC and GoB dealing over 3.5 times more. TKR's offshores alone deal more damage than all of TI, and Mortals get robbed more than they deal in damage.

6. In the last 48 hours, TI and TM have been robbed more than the damage they've dealt. Here are the total damage values:
   - TKR: 5,789,972,887.00
   - TSC: 1,799,311,402.23
   - GoB: 1,392,559,777.22
   - Banana Stand: 295,829,497.77
   - Purple Flower Garden: 172,579,657.68
   - Cult of Cthulhu: 88,849,682.65
   - The Lost Mines: 81,207,357.40
   - R&R: 43,369,575.85
   - Heung Shing Corporation: 32,896,680.94
   - NeoVenus Construction: 26,297,701.22
   - New Polar Order: 14,151,201.16
   - Nerdys Dungeon: 10,146,392.30
   - The Foundation: 4,482,959.41
   - SFR Yugoslavia: -14,510,643.52
   - TI: -135,499,399.33
   - The Mortals: -163,769,736.21

7. Average damage per member shows how little damage TI members are dealing:
   - GoB: 2,270,554,335.16
   - TSC: 1,375,500,210.68
   - TKR: 877,215,161.5
   - HSC: 596,916,891.05
   - TI: 510,754,526.78
   - SFR: 454,434,743.77
   - TLM: 438,222,489.42

   Even an 8-member micro alliance averages more damage than TI.

8. During the conventional war period, WEL ignored TI members for spying because they knew TI wouldn't spy back. WEL won the spy war.

The stats show that TI never intended to win this war. They gave up from the start and have continued to let their allies down with empty promises. Despite claims of improvement, I've never seen a top 5 alliance perform this poorly. Since they don't care about the war effort, there's no need to reserve the criticism till peace arrives. Its not like they are trying to be good. 

So here's a lesson for ODOO and perhaps everyone in the future; don't ally TI thinking they've gotten any better. 
PS: If any TI gov member would like to present a different metric showing that you tried to fight, I'm all ears.  And again, my views donot reflect the views of TSC, these are all my personal opinions.

I hope this isn't misleading 😛

Bro cooked

Edited by Rebelle
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