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    Knights Templar

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  • Discord Name: Penpiko#9418

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  1. What's the resistance hit on the new attacks? If successful, do they remove superiorities in all wars, or only one?
  2. The paste as plain text button in question:
  3. Has UPN finally been inducted into Florida??
  4. I think the natural reaction would be to harass @Krampusuntil he adds a per capita setting to ctowned, has been requested time and again!
  5. Intriguing, well I'm sure the $10,207.48 per city it would cost to get up to 35 infra in all cities would hurt the war effort.
  6. Who's out here nuking at less than 1k total infra? Feel like that's a strange requirement. At c40 I'd need a surprisingly high 25 infra per city to allow me to nuke. Not that I'd think locking nukes behind infra would be a good thing, but that seems useless.
  7. based cata player 100% planes always ready for war
  8. Please vote KT most honourable 2024! Dethrone the NAP breakers of TKR, no one, even Veins, deserves this!
  9. You forgot the massive Eclipse blitz, tonight at DC...
  10. Welcome to the Holy Land :duccrusade:
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