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Dichotomization : Mapping the Orbisan Political Landscape


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Very well put and pretty accurate on how people are engaging in Orbis politics. I will offer my own thoughts

10 minutes ago, zigbigadorlou said:

On the far end is those who wish to return to the more chaotic pre-bloc times where oA and chaining/non-chaining terms mattered.

This is the only way to think so anyone who doesn't have their little marker on this far side is living a fantasy. I also disagree with the "Bipolar" naming of this belief, but that would take too long to go into. Additionally, screw the meta. People who try to keep everything as the status quo and the proper way of doing things should realize that they cause problems in the evolution and progression of the game. These people are also the ones (cough @keezgo) that will claim you are going backwards whenever you say there is a problem with sphere politics and we need to be more individual alliance centric. 


13 minutes ago, zigbigadorlou said:

here are pacifists who refuse to go to war for nearly any reason

If you are part of this ideology, I hope you realize you are ignoring half of the purpose of this game and honestly help destroy the fun...  


14 minutes ago, zigbigadorlou said:


Due to sphere politics, if you trust a business that is run outside your sphere, you deserve to lose all your money.



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About The Author

 An early member of Roz Wei in 2015, J Kell went on to stay within the paperless world of Empyrea before signing with Soup Kitchen while scoring a record deal in 2019. J Kell went on to release multiple Orbis Top 40 hits. In 2020, J Kell took a break from Orbis. He's back.

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2 minutes ago, J Kell said:

This is the only way to think so anyone who doesn't have their little marker on this far side is living a fantasy. I also disagree with the "Bipolar" naming of this belief, but that would take too long to go into. Additionally, screw the meta. People who try to keep everything as the status quo and the proper way of doing things should realize that they cause problems in the evolution and progression of the game. These people are also the ones (cough @keezgo) that will claim you are going backwards whenever you say there is a problem with sphere politics and we need to be more individual alliance centric. 

Pre-bloc era is going back to a game that didn't even have NPO in it. We're talking before Paragon imo, which was a much smaller game with it revolving around the top 10.

Apparently disagreeing with this re-writing of history is an issue for you. I'm also not a fan of people who didn't even play during these time periods or weren't politically involved quite troubling as well.

The fact alliances consistently move out of spheres for their own gain should point to the fact that there are plenty who think for themselves before the sphere. TFP/TI just recently did it. tCW just did it. Eclipse has done it. Cata has done it. I can go on.

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[11:52 PM] Prefontaine: But Keegoz is actually bad. [11:52 PM] Prefontaine: He's my favorite bad leader though.

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13 minutes ago, zigbigadorlou said:


Bots out vs. bots good

A growing debate has recently erupted over the limitations that bots should have. There are many capabilities of bots, so this is a non-linear dichotomy. There is a big question of "how far is too far". Alex has moderated the most extreme cases, and for some that is enough. On the other hand, the player base is very powerful in deciding what sort of power is allowed politically. Grumpy is a good case of alliance-wide protest of automation, while space invaders until recently was one of the most automated. 

Manual  <-------------  |  ------------->  Automated

Within the tech community, there is already a clear line that Alex has given us in regards to what bots can  and cannot do. 

Automating an account to play is against the rules, what is allowed however is, if the action is human initiated it is allowed. 

An example of this would be; if a human authorizes a bot (ie a bot command) to make a bank transfer, that is acceptable. What isn't is automatically sending money to an alliance member when their city timer is up. 


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I resent this multipolarity one in particular. 

My (completely unrealistic and likely never achievable in any reality) dream has always been the death of treaties entirely. At absolute maximum would be temporary, basically word of mouth agreements. No paper at all. 

And you little heccin 2 way axis there's doesn't have a place for a treaty anarchist except off the axis 😛

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23 minutes ago, Keegoz said:


31 minutes ago, J Kell said:


Good discussion. I encourage you both to state your political platform...elsewhere? I thought of adding something about whether citing history matters, but it wouldn't have been a proper dichotomy. 

5 minutes ago, zevfer said:


As I said, Sheepy is the authority but is not the only voice. The discussion is wider than simply what the dev allows. 

1 minute ago, Zei-Sakura Alsainn said:

And you little heccin 2 way axis there's doesn't have a place for a treaty anarchist except off the axis 😛

Good point. I don't like the term I've used there so I'll switch it to "paperless" which is probably a better description. 

Hey Krampus, the signature edit is under account settings. Actually, here's the link.


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1 hour ago, zigbigadorlou said:

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)

I'm sorry sir, this is a non-discussion channel.




Edited by Krampus


Inform Zigbir I have forgotten how to edit the signature field
Please remind me how to do it post haste!

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8 hours ago, zigbigadorlou said:


Although there is often discussion about whether 100/100 or 0/0 taxes are wrong, rarely does it ever go beyond sharing opinions. However, everyone has a stance on taxes, extent of grants, etc. In my mind, the conservative econ extreme is Grumpy who runs 0/0 and has a small bank for interest free loans, so nearly uncontrolled econ. On the other hand there is the liberal stance which gives money to all and especially gives money to gov members. I don't think a war will be fought over taxes, but it certainly might over gov embezzling.

Laissez Faire  <-------------  |  ------------->  Command Economy



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The Jasmin Dragon (1).png

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just came to say im enjoying all the analysis, WoT's and reflecting that people of orbis are doing right now. 

appreciate you zig for giving people issues to build stances upon.

sadly im out of reactions otherwise i would give you a FAT thumbsup 

that is all ❤️

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<-------------  |  ------------->


Globalism  <------  |  --------------------> Tribalism

Meta  <--------------------  |  ------>  Divergent

Raiders  <------  |  -------------------->  Pacifists

Bipolar  <------------------------  |  -->  Paperless

Laissez Faire  <---------------------  |  ----->  Command Economy

Capitalist  <--------------------  |  ------>  Communalist

Manual  <-----------  |  ------------->  Automated

Edited by Majima Goro
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