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  1. For more info on how to run an alliance, please contact hamer from Wall Street.
    10 points
  2. Good Day Ladies and Gentlemen of Orbis! J Kell has returned with vengeance! After running with Roz for nearly half a decade, working courageously at the Soup Kitchen, and then escaping from Orbis in a rocketship loaned to him by Spaceology, J Kell has been casted down from heaven! Back into the throws of Orbis. Having been forced to re-roll due to @Kastor, J Kell made a horrible nation that will never get past 1 city! He quickly set off to create a major album to commemorate the 10 year anniversary of Orbis! INTRODUCING The PnW Cycle Coming August 5th on all major streaming platforms Featuring @Kevanovia @Charlie Traveler @Kastor @Alex Below is the track-list Follow below to be ready to stream J Kell's PnW Album on Spotify, Apple Music, or YouTube https://music.apple.com/us/artist/j-kell/581552626 https://www.youtube.com/@JKellMusic/featured
    8 points
  3. June Monthly Political Power Rankings (MPPR) (Month 7) 1. Eclipse (☾) (-) 2. Singularity (SIN) (+2) 3. Rose (🌹)(-1) 4. The Syndicate (t$) (-1) 5. Event Horizon (-) 6. The Knights Radiant (TKR) (-) 7. Knights Templar (KT) (-) 8. Guardian (-) 9. The Fighting Pacifists (TFP) (-) 10. The Golden Horde (TGH) (-) 11. Grumpy Old Bastards (Grumpy) (-) 12. The Sword Coast (TSC) (+1) 13. Dark Brotherhood (DB) (+3) 14. Weaponized Assault Penguins (WAP) (+2) 15. Legion of Dawn (LoD) (+2) 16. Camelot (🐲) (-2) 17. The Immortals (TI) (-5) 18. House Stark (HS) (+4) 19. Weebunism (💮) (+2) 20. World Task Force (WTF) (-) 21. Church of Atom (-3) 22. The Legion (SPQR) (+1) 23. Arrgh (Hatebi) (+2) 24. The Lost Mines (TLM) (-) 25. Mayhem (MYM) (N/A) This month we witness the shuffle of alliances due to Casino Royale war ending and political shifts pending and some already in motion. WELP is pending disbandment and CiS has ended. After the victory and securing a non-aggression pact, we see Eclipse upgrade their treaty with Singularity to solidify their number one ranking even further. This allows Singularity to jump Rose, deposit Rose taking on the treaties of Penta Force and The Golden Horde. The Syndicate falls only one spot, despite the pending leave of Event Horizon from SAIL and them being next in line for war, come expiration of the blanket NAP ending in mid-August. Dark Brotherhood continues to move up due to signing MDoAPs with Eclipse, Singularity and Weebunism. The Immortals have dropped a whopping five spots after already falling another two in May’s rankings due to a terrible war performance and removal from The House bloc. Despite TI being ranked 7 in-game, their lack of political pull, only major treaty being an O-level with The Fighting Pacifists, and brutal war performance continues to see them plunge. As we see the treaty web look more like CN-days, it will be interesting to see the approach many alliances take moving forward.
    7 points
  4. It's more like a frat. A hierarchy lead by a bunch of dudes acting under the guise of self aggrandizing professionalism while actually just trying to give each other hand jobs in the back room.
    3 points
  5. Sounds like someone hasn't funded an alliance wide rebuild or bought multiple cities for its members
    3 points
  6. What about UPN? ….actually wait, your point is still valid
    3 points
  7. A relatively meta topic on my mind lately is how to compare an alliance to a real life organization, and leap-frogging from there perhaps giving people a better understanding of how an alliance functions and how one succeeds or fails. Is an alliance comparable to a business? In certain ways, I think a corporate bureaucracy is the simplest way for the modern player to setup and effectively run an alliance. A simple chain of command leading up to some number of executive heads in charge of various pieces of the whole. Typically business models will at least claim to be meritocratic in promotion, and typically try to seek out talent as opposed to seniority: "Who's going to do the best job?" When applied to members however, I think an easy trap to fall into with the business-driven meritocratic mindset is neglecting your community and the soft skills needed to nurture members into successful players. Much like in real life, numbers aren't the only thing that matter and there needs to be a balance. If you only focus on how well you're doing numerically, you lose your identity to a... pretty lame game, if we're being honest. Is an alliance comparable to a government agency/entity? Typically, seniority supersedes all in many government agencies. Talent is recognized but not to the same extent as it might be in the private sector. Meritocracy comes second to experience. I think a lot of alliances operate on iterations of this concept, whether it is due to balancing community needs of an egotistical member who has been waiting awhile for their time in the sun or simply a belief that experience can make up for lack of raw talent. I think this system is easier to grasp for the totality of membership unless you've built a meritocratic culture and often trying to change it up can lead to drastic effects like splinters or coups. However I think the drawback here is that the command structure suffers when you fail to let active and talented members rise quickly enough to have maximum impact. It's more conservative and perhaps safer, but also doesn't pay dividends over time like talent does. This system can often lead to stagnation in my opinion. Is an alliance comparable to a volunteer/non-profit entity? If you've been around the community long enough you've probably heard someone joke or seriously state they've used alliance government positions on their resume, and often under this classification or something similar. "Direct organizer for over 100 subordinates in a volunteer organization." I think there's some merit to this, as with actual volunteer and non-profit orgs -- no one in this game gets paid for the work they do. We rely solely on people's passion and motivation to play the game in order to fuel groups of, sometimes, hundreds of players. These are often structured similarly to a business, but operate on a very similar "activity is the most important factor" concept that many alliances are forced into: We've probably all encountered people who would've been amazing in a gov position, but due to their time constraints simply couldn't handle it or had to resign. Many volunteer organizations face the same. Promotion through attrition, basically. The drawbacks here being a little more obvious: What if you run out of competent people? Though I will say sometimes dedication can account for a lot even when talent or experience aren't there. I'm interested to hear thoughts, I tried to keep this very non-inflammatory as opposed to my usual posts. How do you think alliances operate comparatively to real life organizations? What's the ideal, what's the reality, who's the exception, who's the example? #reviveForums2025
    2 points
  8. < 01001000 recei–... 01101001 00100000 01101100 01111001 01110011 01100001 01101110 01100100 01100101 …transmiss- 01110010 00100000 01101100 01101111 01101100 01101111 01101100 …translation success… > We’re rolling House Sta- < 01110111 01100101 error... 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01100110 01110101 01100011 …transmission fail- 01101011 00100000 01100001 01110101 01110010 01101111 01110010 01100001 retrying… > < success > A year ago, Paradise and Cataclysm merged together to form Singularity. Coming off the back of almost deteriorated relationships, a herculean task was performed by all government members, past and present, to glue this alliance together into what it is now. Orbis was skeptical, but our people, the members of all walks, are beyond exemplary with their persistence, loyalty, and reliability. < 01010011 01101000 01101111 apply… 01100011 01101011 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01101000 01101111 01110010 01110010 01101111 01110010 00100000 01101111 01101110 00100000 01110111 01100001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01110011 01110100 01110010 01100101 01100101 …member… 01110100 00100001 00100000 01001101 01101111 01110010 01100101 00100000 01101110 01100101 01110111 01110011 00100000 01100001 01100110 01110100 01100101 01110010 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01100010 01110010 01100101 commendati- 01100001 01101011 > SIN commends all its members for the successive difficult wars fought. Born into fire, forged into a blade. 134 days spent at war since formation, as early as two weeks from formation date. Here’s to 365 more.
    2 points
  9. I was worried the forums were getting spammed again but luckily it was just Minesome forgetting his pills again.
    2 points
  10. I am John Normal, President of Weland(in game)
    1 point
  11. "Greetings, comrades! I, Comrade Chairman Konstantin Kuznetsov, Leader of the Autonomous Soviet Republic of Alaska, Chairman of the Soviet Government, and Supreme Commander of the Alaskan Armed Forces, proudly represent our great nation on the international stage. Located in the far-northern reaches of the continent, in the historically significant territory of Alaska - annexed by the Soviet Union in 1945 and granted autonomy in 2077 - our sovereign nation stands strong. Our people, resilient and determined, value community, equality, and freedom above all else. Our nation, built on the principles of socialism, solidarity, and self-determination, has flourished in the vast wilderness of North America. We have forged a unique identity, shaped by our rich history and our unwavering commitment to the ideals of Marxism-Leninism. We proudly join the Politics And War community, seeking to forge strong bonds with like-minded nations, share knowledge, and collaborate on the global stage. Together, we can build a brighter future for all. Long live the Autonomous Soviet Republic of Alaska! Long live international socialism! Long live the unity of the working class!"
    1 point
  12. I think the skills necessary to be an effective alliance leader even if I'm not considered a decent has had significant impact on my life. I learned sheets from pnw (I work in business now) I learned coding from messing with the API and bots for the game (I'm about to complete my bachelor in computer science and game design) I learned how to deal with difficult people better and broaden my social skills to include I learned important debate skills that have proved useful in dealing with people of various beliefs. I also learned how quickly some people spiral into their online identities and egos over a game. Overall I think running an alliance Is a great way to learn stuff and grow as a person if that is what people want to do.
    1 point
  13. Radical. Ripped a double blinker on my stiiizy and my plugplay to this.
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Update: he deleted his second account and created another one. Here is the link to that https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=633616
    1 point
  17. How is CoA on the list and not Oblivion?
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. Lame. Gay. Go on the offense. Nobody will be compelled or swayed by a "complete rejection" of ideas with no "attack" involved. You need passion to get people on board! "We condemn high taxation. We understand nations have a right to their income. Those who seek to take most of your income are evil and we stand against them. Join us in the fight for freedom!" See? Much more sexy. I never want to see mealy-mouthed bullshit from you ever again.
    1 point
  20. Ah crap, Minesome got hacked! sees image Nope, that's Minesome alright.
    1 point
  21. P&W history says, no alliance with "United Nations" in its name has made it past nano stage.
    1 point
  22. Fun fact: Raiding is not taxed Just saying
    1 point
  23. Setting SAIL Incoming Transmission: Beneath the cosmic waves where voids compel, Event Horizon’s cultists steer their fate. From SAIL’s embrace, a storied bond to tell, Through darkened seas, their paths delineate. With sails of shadow, through the night they glide, Obsidian hearts that pulse with ancient might. To stars unknown, where whispered omens guide, Their voyage cast in everlasting night. From T$, Legion, CoA they part, Yet in the depths, their legacy shall swell. Through tempest’s roar and twilight’s deepest art, Their legends woven in the astral knell. Though parting now, their ties shall not define, For new horizons mark a clear divide. TLDR: Event Horizon officially declares its separation from SAIL with 72h having expired. We would like to thank our allies in The Syndicate, The Legion, and Church of Atom for this nearly year long partnership, but it is time for us to part.
    1 point
  24. Legion of Dawn issues 72 hour notice to the remainder of Welp. It's been fun Gents, thanks for allowing us to hang out while we got our path forward sorted out. And thanks for all the fish! Jeric- Captian General Legion of Dawn
    1 point
  25. Without formally speaking on behalf of my alliance, Event Horizon, or acting as a representative thereof, I would like to congratulate both signatories on their newfound relationship and look forward to seeing what this blossoming relationship brings to Orbis. Best wishes to Weaponized Assault Penguins and The Sword Coast.
    1 point
  26. Singularity officially declares it's indifference to this particular development. After much consideration we have no public comments on these particular events. We have investigated the specific circumstances involved in the above post, and have decided further investigation is not required. Roberts am I doing this right?
    1 point
  27. Let's be honest, we all want to forget that war
    1 point
  28. Here's to another year of We Are !@#$ Aurora, Christmas "Parties" and Fun times!
    1 point
  29. Greetings Orbis, Today we celebrate our 2nd anniversary in this game, having migrated two years ago when the developer of >BLOC left this ripe, horny toad with nothin' to do, and forced into migration of Politics and War. MILF gives appreciation to its current, past allies, and to friends who have shared our identity and development in this spreadsheet simulator. And primarily to daddy Carthage, (now EVH) who let us do things our way, because we are the best (#RealMicroOfTheYear2022). To share our birthday, (and to get you off this game), MILF is excited to announce a frog-themed art contest. Details: This is an open ended contest. You're free to choose any art form. Photographs/Videos of frogs will get more points as we want y'all to embrace the beautiful creature. But please remember, a high quality drawing is better than a single casual frog picture. Just impress us! AI art is strictly not allowed. Multiple submissions are allowed. MILF members are not allowed to participate as contestants. Deadline is 21st July default DC. Voting process: Each MILF member gets one vote, our M partners (LoD, EvH) get 2 votes each, and are asked to mark their 3 favourite submissions. The submission with the highest number of favourites, wins. In case of a tie, Brahmos, MILF's indigenous bot, randomly chooses the winner. How to Enter: Join our discord server, create a ticket and post your submission. There's no entry fees. Prizes: Winner 500m; Runner up 50m; 3rd place 5m PS: The Big PnW delayed us by taking down the forums yesterday. TLDR: MILF is 2 years old, celebrating with a frog-themed art contest
    1 point
  30. yeah likely story friend. what does that make me like an Otto reroll? gtfo i see through your ruse.
    1 point
  31. I believe they had some typical nano/micro set backs and a group fractured off. And then they also rebranded to Yorkshire as it is now. If I recall correctly. But yeah, good luck on your continued journey!
    1 point
  32. On August 29th, 2020, I enrolled in college at Florida Southern College in Lakeland, Florida (USA). One month later, on September 29th, 2020 (1,313 days ago), I saw a Facebook ad for Politics & War while sitting in my dorm room—alone because of COVID-19 regulations—and decided to give the game a chance. Well... today, on May 4th, 2024, I have successfully graduated &#33;@#&#036; laude with my Bachelor's of Science in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science with a minor in Data Analytics. I wanted to share this momentous day with everyone in the community who I have come to know and consider to be good friends. As I embark on this next chapter of life, I hope to share many ups and downs with you all. I hope to meet and get to know even more members of the community whether they be newer or older members. Special Recognitions To all the leaders, past and present, of the alliances I have called home for fostering communities I have so enjoyed being a part of: @Kan0601 @ToxicPepper @AlexW @Xi Jinping @JaxTeller @evilpiggyfoofoo To all the mentors who taught me the ways of Politics & War for being a guiding beacon: @CholanK @Yzard To the various members of government I have had the pleasure of serving under and with: @Nidavelir @SlyWolf21 @Yassin_Hakim @Masked Titan @Robert2424 @Mega and so many more across my time in Internal Affairs (propaganda), Military Affairs, and Foreign Affairs To those whom I trained and mentored during my time as Chairman of MA for Aurora for being amazing individuals and continuing to impress me to this day: Bria1814, Kuro, Engr, Alexander To the many many friends I have made along the way for being there for me both in-game and out of it: @Rainbowgeist @Nokia Rokia @MinesomeMC @Tiberius Aurion @Franz Steiger @Go0se @Lysander and many I'm sure I have neglected as I rush to type this out before midnight To the developers whom I have had the pleasure of working alongside/for: @Alex @Village @Putmir Vladin Limi (the Forum's won't let me tag you smh)
    1 point
  33. calm down chatgpt
    1 point
  34. It was a night we’ll never forget. During the exuberant celebrations of Mardi Gras in Urithiru, members of TKR found themselves lost in the maze of music, masks, and merriment on Bourbon Street. Amidst the colourful chaos, a bond was formed - one that was fueled by the shared love of a good party, mutual respect, and dodgeball. As dawn broke, TKR awoke to find that the good people of Bourbon Street had not only shared their beads and baubles but also their bed. After the initial surprise, and a hearty breakfast of beignets and chicory coffee to clear the heads, a realization dawned: this unexpected night had to be the start of something greater. The camaraderie, strategies discussed, and bonds formed in the moonlight were too good to let go. So, in true Mardi Gras fashion, we've decided to keep the party going! Bourbon Street members will be joining the ranks of The Knights Radiant, bringing with them their unique flavour, flair, and party spirit. This merger isn't about the numbers; it’s a merger of the minds among two of the best and most compatible communities in Orbis. We're not just an alliance; we're a celebration of unity, strength, and, of course, a good party. We extend our heartiest welcome to our new members from Bourbon Street, and invite all of Orbis to raise your glasses (or plastic cups, if you're still on Bourbon Street) to celebrate this new chapter for TKR and BST. Here's to battles fought together, victories celebrated, and a future as bright and dazzling as a Mardi Gras parade! Laissez les bon temps rouler! (Let the good times roll!) With excitement and anticipation, The Knights Radiant P.S. Bourbon Street’s treaty obligations with GATO and Space Engineers have been assumed by TKR, so no touchy. Signatures from TKR's updated gov lineup:
    1 point
  35. Yeah this whole pay for a name change is a bit of a scam. I understand you gotta make a profit to keep the game going and getting better, but who is going to pay 10 dollars for a name change in the game? If they lowered the price to 5 dollars or even $2.50 you would see a lot more people go for it.
    1 point
  36. This'll probably be a controversial suggestion but the game is advertised as a geopolitical simulator, yet geography plays zero role in the game. Geography plays an important role in real life history and politics, obviously. A nationsim without geography can only ever have sandbox-based politics, but balancing or even envisioning a fair scarcity system has proven challenging. When treasures were introduced to fight over, the playerbase responded by creating treasure island forcing Alex to cap their benefit. So my thought is: Adding a beneficial resource will never been balance-able. The players will find a way to game the system. So in order to introduce geographical importance, you have to use the existing resources. Without further ado, the actual suggestion: Alliance impact Alliances have to choose a continent, all member nations will function as if on that continent. This has very obvious production repercussions but the logic is that alliances, not nations, are the true political unit of this game. In order to have meaningful politics from resource scarcity you have to tie geography to the political unit (alliances). This could also be swapped out for production maluses instead of outright forcing people onto the alliance continent. So anyone not on the alliance continent will suffer production loss across the board. This change forces a new dimension of politics so that each alliance must coordinate with others in order to have access to needed resources. This may not actually be as significant as people think, with the plethora of available resources in the game the market and large bank-holders will still be able to buy and sell resources as usual for quite awhile until the impact of this change will start to be felt. This could potentially push larger groups into creating "colony" extension AA's. While this may not make a huge difference, there have been many instances in Nationsims where extensions have turned into their own political units and added to the political scene of the game. Distance Impact In order to keep it simple, a table of "distances" will be made between continents. Distance will play a factor in both trade and warfare. Example: Europe, Africa and Asia have a distance of 2 from each other. Asia has a distance of 3 from Australia, Africa -> Australia is 4, etc. The further the distance, the larger the impact. What this could mean for trade: Distance becomes a percentage of food lost when traded. This includes Alliance to Alliance transfers since alliances will have locations now as well. This could also be extended to all resources or the infamous tariffs suggestion could finally make an appearance and make sense. What this could mean for warfare: Distance becomes a multiplier for different types of attacks. My initial thought is the further the distance, the larger the malus for offensives and a bonus for defensives. Alternatively, further distance could boost navals/air attacks and nerf ground attacks. tl;dr - continents now have a set distance between them. It impacts trade, war, and production. In order to maximize this into a prominent political feature, alliances are forced onto continents.
    0 points
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