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darkblade last won the day on July 16

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    that T$ memer

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    Coding, Making Memes, Being Inactive, Whaling
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  • Discord Name: _darkblade

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  1. I guess you can say that ship has already Sailed.
  3. Your mom :serious:.
  4. Hello everyone. I just wanted to announce that pnwkit-2.0 now has a google app script version. The app script version has all the new queries with the addition of mutations. There are also utility functions included as well. I can't wait to see all the possibilities now that you can use google sheets with mutations. So have fun and let me know how fast it breaks. https://github.com/darkblade1078/pnwkit-2.0-gs
  5. I have received some damning evidence on @Kastor regarding his post on The Immortals. As a journalist, it's only right that I leak this to the public. The contents of this leak is a voice message from Kastor to Buorhann that took place some time ago when the post about The Immortals was posted. The Media: https://discord.gg/aq5XmMwWf5
  6. The player base: This is too long to read!!!!!! Darkblade (Via Chat GPT): SRD begins by apologizing to Kev for potentially dominating a voice chat about the Mets, Knicks, and Jets. They then address accusations from a shared post, clarifying that they criticized their own alliance's failures inclusively, not mean-spiritedly. SRD recounts the history and principles behind the creation of their alliance, Grumpy Old Bastards. Dissatisfied with the status quo, they formed a new alliance prioritizing active, self-sufficient members, no taxes, and a small, effective war group. They aimed to avoid mass recruitment and manage only experienced players. Grumpy Old Bastards initially needed protection from a larger alliance, Test, and became a protectorate of TKR, which they later left after forming strong relationships with other alliances like Guardian. SRD emphasizes their desire for alliances that could fight alongside them effectively. Addressing sustainability concerns, SRD highlights their selective recruitment and member retention strategies. They value involvement and autonomy over strict control. They also express their disdain for dealing with new players, preferring an experienced, self-sufficient member base. SRD asserts their alliance’s war readiness and commitment, disputing claims that they avoid conflict. They express pride in their alliance's competence and superiority, and reject accusations of hiding behind allies, stating their alliance is designed for success, not defeat. In conclusion, SRD provides war statistics, noting the extensive nuclear attacks their cities have endured during the ongoing conflict.
  7. Thank you Village for everything my guy. Enjoy your internship at NASA!!!!!
  8. Intro First off, I would like to give a big shoutout to @Abaddon, he was a big help in writing this proposal and I couldn’t have done it without him. But as someone who has used in-game ads on the website, many things could be improved with the current player ad system. The purpose of this post is to convince @Alex and the development team to implement an overhaul of the player ad system for it has been neglected for a good bit now. Lack of filters Outside of smaller alliances trying to recruit new players or posting memes, most alliances/players aren’t using the ad system. When you upload an ad to the website, you are essentially putting your ad into a massive void competing with a hundred other ads hoping it reaches your intended audience. This, coupled with the fact that certain players spam hundreds of the same ads so it gets played more often, is why you don’t see major alliances or banks/businesses post ads on the website because it’s a waste of time and money. Adding filters based on certain criteria would allow players to make ads that reach out to their intended audience whether it’s new player recruitment, older player recruitment or reaching out to nations who could be interested in their business. Here are 4 examples of filters that could greatly improve the ad system: New Nations (New Player Recruitment): Most alliances don’t create ads intended for new players anymore because they are unlikely to reach them. This filter ensures that C50 nations don’t get flooded by new player advertisements that aren’t meant for them, and that the entire runtime of the ad will reach new players instead. Alliance Officers & Leaders (Alliance-Directed Advertisement for Businesses): There are tons of businesses; such as those that create themes for alliance-pages, offer loans or other services to alliances, that have no reason to send ads to the hodge podge of 4500 active nations that will never purchase anything from them. They want to target alliance officers and leaders that can actually purchase the things they’re offering. City Criteria (Poaching & Loan Advertisements) Elite alliances stand to benefit the most from advertising, as active players that regularly log on see ads the most. However within the current system, an alliance like Guardian can’t make an ad that targets the c40-c45 tier (as an example); where they’d want to seek active recruitment. Banks that offer loans would want to restrict who they advertise to, as they have strict criteria determining who they loan money to. Nations In Certain Alliances (Poaching/Memes/Trolling) Beef gets created over ads all the time. The issue is, if you want to selectively troll a certain alliance, you have no way of doing so as the chance any of their nations will see your ad is practically 0. There is currently no way to play into soft power in-game and this is a new way to do it. There could be other filters to add on top of this list, but these 4 would be a great start to improving the ad system and encouraging more players to use it. This solution is simple to implement and effective in getting more players to use the ad system. Spamming The second big reason advertising in-game has become pointless is because of select players that re-upload the same ad through 10-20 instances in an attempt to make their ad be the only ad seen. While this is good for the game in the short term as these individuals spend tons of credits on these ads, it's super toxic and it hurts the system long-term as other potential advertisers give up posting ads entirely. (I’m looking at you Tiberius) The game should restrict posting more than one instance of the same ad. If you want your ads to be the only ads on the website, just make 20 different creative ads instead of spamming the same instance over and over. The advertisements pushed to the top should be the ones that are most creative, and not trash that is re-uploaded the most. Restriction of Creativity Another reason people aren’t using the ad system is because of the restrictions placed on ads. For those who don’t know, to upload an ad onto the website, the ad must be an image or gif that has a resolution of 800x100 while having a file size of 2 MB or less. This severely limits the player’s ability to create an ad that would stand out. We’ve had a million ideas we’ve wanted to put into ads, but once we open Photoshop and realize that our idea is impossible to fit into the spaghetti format, we just throw the idea into trash. Adjusting text size, making images less pixelated, and making the ad overall easy to read are just some of the common hassles when creating an ad. And good luck if you’re trying to create an ad that stands out because now you’re dealing with all that plus making sure the image is small enough to upload. This is why we should increase the resolution to 1000x200 and the file size limit to 4-6 MBs. While this might take some work to set up database and front-end wise, this would make creating ads a whole lot easier thus bringing in more players to using the ad system. Below I have 3 examples of what the current ads look like, and my proposals. Normal ad at a 800x100 resolution Proposal ad at a 1000x400 resolution Alternative proposal ad at a 800x200 resolution In Conclusion The ad system is very underrated and potentially very powerful. But that potential will never be reached unless an overhaul gets implemented. The current system is not working for its intended purpose. And to be honest, Alex is losing potential profit because of it. My proposal would not only benefit the players but to Alex as well. It’s a win-win situation!!!
  9. Yeah, I'm assuming this is the best option based on the resources the development team has (which I'm glad he is addressing). But it still sucks because it punishes the players for the dev teams inability to properly address it due to Alex's greasy code. Eventually we will reach a tipping point to where a patch won't be able to fix the problem and a major change will need to occur. Yeah, my suggestion would probably be too complex to implement it in a reasonable time if it all. But I think your suggestion of introducing a new category that turns resources into cash would be easy to implement if done correctly. All that really needs to be done is copy and paste most of the code that turns raws into manus. Only problem would be balancing it since it can easily speed up growth too much and we end up back where we started with this problem.
  10. What the game is experiencing right now is a combination of project price cuts, less wars being fought, and natural growing pains as more people play this game. I think it would be better to introduce more diversity into the market by adding new raw resources and manufactured resources like luxury resources. Until you introduce more diversity or make more resources diversified into new sectors like making your citizens happy, the game's economy will always be driven by projects and war. Most people stop buying projects after they get to a certain point (city 40) because the late game projects just suck and you have little to no project slots anyways by then. And war is obviously player driven so it makes sense that the economy is inflated since we only had 3 major wars this year (including the one day global).
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